Non-administrators may see a 'Do you trust this printer' dialog box, following the installation of Windows updates (KB5005652). Expand for recommendations.
10th August, 2021
Following the installation of Windows updates including KB5005652, released on the 10th August 2021. Non-administrator users may see a dialog with the message Do you trust this printer? when trying to install a printer (either through non PaperCut-related methods, or through e.g. PaperCut Print Deploy).
We recommend using the workaround listed under the "Modify the default driver installation behavior using a registry key" section of this Microsoft article (set registry key RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0) to allow non-admins to install printers as before.
However, with that advice, we also highly recommend Microsoft’s additional protections:
Configure clients to only trust specific print servers and packages, as per the "Permit users to only connect to specific print servers that you trust" and "Permit users to only connect to specific Package Point and Print servers that you trust" sections of the Microsoft KB article.
For any machines that are not sharing out printers, disable the Computer Configuration item "Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections" as detailed through controlling printing through Group Policy.
CUPS default printer settings can cause documents to be printed in the wrong color format (for example grayscale instead of color and vice-versa) with certain print drivers.
All (CUPS)
Workaround available
We have reproduced behavior where CUPS default printer settings can cause documents to be printed in the wrong color format (for example grayscale instead of color and vice-versa). We don't believe this is a 'new' issue, but something that will crop up depending on the PPD / print driver in use.
The behavior is best explained through an example, and this can be experienced without the need for any PaperCut products to be installed - this happens at the CUPS level with manufacturer drivers.
Setup: Customer sets up library-grayscale and library-color print queues. The default settings include 'print in color' disabled for the library-grayscale printer, and 'print in color' enabled for the library-color printer.
Test: Customer prints document 1 to library-grayscale. The document prints grayscale. Print to the library-color print queue, and ensure that color is enabled. The document prints (incorrectly) in grayscale. Print to the library-color print queue again, ensuring that color is enabled. The document prints (correctly) in color.
What appears to be happening is that CUPS retains the default setting used in the last print job - so in the example above the second job prints incorrectly in grayscale, because the previously printed job was grayscale. The third print job sent to the color queue prints correctly in color because the previous job was set to color.
We will update this Known Issue as and when we discover more information. In the meantime a suggested workaround is to promote black and white printing (PaperCut Pocket and Hive) or suggest that users print in grayscale through print scripting (PaperCut NG and MF). In this workaround users can print documents in color and then choose to convert selected documents to grayscale / black and white.
Apostrophe appears before negative balances in transaction report
When running a Transaction Report, negative balances in the CSV export appear with an apostrophe (e.g., '-10.0 instead of -10.0). This prevents some external systems from correctly importing the data.
Open the CSV in a text editor and remove the apostrophe manually before importing it into external systems.
If feasible, downgrade to 24.1.2 until a fix is available.
Web interface shows error HTTP ERROR 500 javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to resolve expression "mailto:' when applying a perpetual license that has a negative number of Site Servers available in the Global Entitlements Service.
Web interface shows error HTTP ERROR 500 javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to resolve expression "mailto:' when applying a perpetual license that has a negative number of Site Servers available in the Global Entitlements Service.
This does not impact licenses being applied where there is a positive number of Site Server entitlements available.
This does not impact licenses being applied where there are any other types of entitlements which have been over-claimed (into the negative) - e.g. devices.
This does not impact Application Servers where a license is already applied and has a negative number of available Site Server entitlements.
This does not impact Application Servers where a license is already applied and has a negative number of available Site Server entitlements, and the App Server is restarted.
This will only happen in the extremely rare case where a license has a finite number of Site Servers in the entitlements (e.g. 2), AND that entitlement has been over-claimed (e.g. available Site Servers is -1) AND that license is then uploaded to an Application Server AND that Application server that the license is uploaded to has one or more site servers attached to it (listed under the 'Sites' tab).
Site server produces a sync error including Failed to decrypt claim response in logs.
Customers may see Background entitlements sync failed. Reason: Failed to sync entitlements. Failed to decrypt claim response. error in the logs, for Site Servers.
This error can be ignored since Site Servers do not need to sync with the Global Entitlements Service (GES). Only Application Servers need to sync with the GES.
We are looking to resolve this in an upcoming maintenance release.
HTML error when trying to access About > Registration page
When a non-embedded device (e.g., Network Card Reader, VCC Controller) is added to the Devices list, attempting to access PaperCut Admin UI > About > Registration triggers a HTML error.
We’re actively working on having this resolved in the next maintenance release.
Admin user not able to release jobs from Admin interface
PaperCut gives an unexpected error when trying to release jobs from the "Printers > Jobs Pending Release" queue, specifically for jobs sent to a virtual queue and released by the built in "Admin" account.
Error: Unable to invoke method doRelease on web.components.ReleaseStationJobs$Enhance_49@22a83049[PrinterRelease/jobs]: Cannot find user admin
Workaround: Log into the Admin console as an account that's not the built in "Admin" account, with release privileges, and you can release jobs normally.
Note: Releasing jobs at a device is NOT impacted.
Multiple jr-fontxxxx.ttf files can take up a large amount of space within /server/tmp/.
Multiple jr-fontxxxx.ttf files can take up a large amount of space within /server/tmp/.
These files are created if someone runs a PDF format report (e.g. any report within the Reports tab, where PDF is selected as the output format).
The files are indeed temporary, so can be safely deleted to save space. Some files may not be able to be deleted while the Application Server service is running, in which case to clear them entirely, during off-hours you'll need to stop the Application Server service, delete the temporary files, then start the Application Server service.
We are looking to fix this so that the temporary files are cleaned up properly, in a future release.
Note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 24.1.3.
MFA Card Self-Association Notifications not working via Site Servers
Users can’t complete MFA card self-association on devices connected to site servers. This happens because the application server can’t decrypt information required for this feature. This issue was identified while addressing a related problem PO-2410
Our developers are aware of the issue and it’s currently being scoped for resolution.
Note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 24.1.3.
Unresponsive browser on Altalink 80xx and Versalink 71xx series devices
Our recent fix for double-tap issues on Xerox Altalink 81xx series devices (in version 24.1.2) has unexpectedly caused the browser to become unresponsive on Altalink 80xx and Versalink 71xx series devices.
We’re actively collaborating with the Xerox EIP team to find a resolution.
Workaround: If you’re using Altalink 80xx or Versalink 71xx devices, we recommend not upgrading to 24.1.2, or, if already upgraded, downgrading to PaperCut MF v24.1.1 until a fix is available.
Note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 24.1.3.
Scan Archiving and Reporting Issues for Integrated Scanning Jobs via Site Servers
For HP, Xerox, and Toshiba devices that are connected to a site server, scanning reports and archived scans may show incorrect document names and Scan Action IDs.
This issue occurs when multiple scans are performed in the same session (e.g., when selecting "scan more pages" at the device).
Papercut Universal Print Connector not working in Win 11 24H2
Papercut Universal Print Connector unable to print jobs on Win 11 24H2. Team is actively investigating the issue. However connector works as expected in Windows 10 environments.
Important Notice: Print Deploy Shared Secret Expiration with Entra ID SSO
Important Notice: Print Deploy Shared Secret Expiration with Entra ID SSO
In Print Deploy, a shared secret is used for all customers utilising Single Sign-On (SSO) to enable user authentication through Microsoft Entra ID. The shared secret expired on November 24, 2024.
To find out if you’re using Entra ID, you can go to Enable Printing > Print Deploy > Settings > Authentication methods and if Microsoft is checked then you are using Entra ID.
To ensure uninterrupted authentication, we strongly recommend switching on auto updates (Enable Printing>Setting>AutoUpdates) to ensure you will receive the latest Print Deploy version 1.9.2768. It’s only the Print Deploy server that needs to be updated, not the Print Deploy Clients.
Note:The MF application server uses a different shared secret and is not affected.
Incorrect license warnings when using MFD entitlements on SFP devices
In versions 24.0.4 or later, when an SFD device is created and no SFD entitlements are available, the device will consume an available MFD entitlement.
When this occurs, the brand usage table in the About->Registration tab will indicate that the incorrect brand license is in use. This error is visual only and will not disrupt device or server licensing.
To force SFP licenses to not use MFD entitlements, set the subscriptions.sfp-entitlement-consumption.enabled config key set to N but ensure you have the appropriate SFP licenses.
Note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 24.1.3.
Application Log in version 24.x shows Global Entitlements Service sync errors (Unable to contact PaperCut Gateway Service or Background entitlements sync failed)
Additional improvements made in version 24.1.1
[Also linked to PO-2569]. Intermittent errors may be seen in the Application Log, normally on the hour, indicating a sync failure:
Unable to contact PaperCut Gateway Service. Ensure your server is online and try again. If still failing, contact your Accredited Reseller for support. Background entitlements sync failed. Reason: Request to PaperCut MF gateway service failed. Internal Server Error.
These are not critical errors and can mostly be safely ignored. For example if the hourly syncs are intermittently failing, and if you can see that the 'last synced' time under About > Registration > License Info (or Subscriptions) is showing a recent time stamp, then the errors can be safely ignored.
For peace of mind, you can perform a manual sync under About > Registration > License Info (or Subscriptions), then press the Sync button if required.
Note that despite some of these errors being downgraded from ERROR level to WARN level in 24.0.5 (under PO-2569), some sync errors may still appear as ERROR level.
We are aware that this issue with the sync intermittently failing is causing unnecessary alarm, and are working to address this - in the meantime, functionality, printing and licensing will not be impacted.
Update in version 24.1.1: Changes include changing the synchronization frequency within PaperCut NG/MF, to randomize Application Server syncs during the hour, preventing simultaneous server requests.
Double-tap behaviour appearing on Xerox devices with firmware
23.0.8 and later
On Xerox devices with firmware, tapping the screen may result in a "double tap". Mitigation: Downgrade to firmware
Konica Minolta devices log print jobs as copy jobs
Fixed in setup documentation
Note that this is not a 'new' Known Issue. This is something that has occasionally cropped up if the step in the KM embedded manual gets accidentally skipped.
Konica Minolta devices log print jobs as copy jobs.
This happens in particular in conjunction with print release.
Please ensure that print jobs go to the copier “unauthenticated”. See the section titled Enabling unauthenticated printing in the Konica Minolta Embedded Manual.
Note: Both the Print Driver settings and the Front Panel / LCD settings need to be changed.
By default in some Unix distributions, Unix PAM users are unable to log in to PaperCut NG/MF
See workaround
By default in some Unix distributions, Unix PAM users are unable to log in to PaperCut NG/MF.
This known issue refers to the User/Group sync source Unix Standard (PAM, nsswitch etc.).
Is your PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) setup configured to deny services by default? Some Linux/Unix distributions adopt more stringent defaults for unspecified management groups i.e. account, authentication, password and session.
Note: As with any security related modifications, make sure these authentication changes are right for you.
Edit the /etc/pam.d/papercut PAM configuration file with appropriate permissions, and add the following lines:
auth required account required
Please note: The module name ( may be different for your Linux/Unix distribution.
Save the file. Changes should come into effect immediately.
Login Issues on 81xx series models with new Xerox Firmware and above
All PaperCut MF versions
Firmware or later
Issue: Users will experience login delays or failures if devices are upgraded to Xerox firmware version or above (with the last known stable version being
Update impacted devices to use firmware version available from Be aware that there may be other issues with this firmware, including another PaperCut MF known issue CDSS-4678.
Job Ticketing does not support OAuth authentication for email notifications.
v22.1.2 and later
If PaperCut MF is configured to use OAuth authentication for SMTP, email notifications in Job Ticketing will fail. Job Ticketing relies on the same SMTP settings as PaperCut MF, but it currently does not support OAuth for authentication.
Broken link in the Card Association User Notification email, IP address and/or port in link URL does not align with user accessible IP address or hostname of the Application Server.
The issue is caused by the system utilising the wrong configuration key to construct the URL sent in the notification email.
Currently, the key, intended for internal communications between system components, is being used instead of the key, which is designed to present user-friendly URLs.
As a result, the email link may display the internal network address and port number of the wrong server (such as the Site Server if the MFD is connected to them), which is not intended for user access.
The PaperCut development team are aware of the issue and are investigating a fix.
Note that this has now been resolved in the 24.1.1 release.
Licensing error You are using a license for a device your organization is not licensed for when upgrading to version 24.0.4.
After upgrading to version 24.0.4 or later, you may see an error on the About > Registration page: You are using a license for a device your organization is not licensed for. Please contact your PaperCut Accredited Reseller for assistance.
This relates to the new 'brand breakdown' table mentioned in the release notes: "Added a device brand breakdown table in the About > Registration page which will allow for better insight into which device brands are being used and licensed on the server. Note: After upgrading to 24.0.4, the license file will need to be uploaded again in order to display the license counts in the Brand breakdown table. [PO-2448]"
You will need to re-upload your license file, through About > Registration > Register. After re-uploading, the correct brand breakdown information should be shown, and the incorrect error message should disappear.
Print Deploy fails to install Mobility Print queues via "Sign in with Microsoft" if the user's UPN stored within EntraID contains any uppercase characters.
Mobility Server Version 1.0.3721
Customers utilizing Print Deploy to install Mobility Print queues may notice that these queues fail to install if they've implemented "Sign in with Microsoft" and affected end users have UPNs that contain uppercase characters within EntraID.
Symptoms of this issue are recorded in both the Print Deploy client and Mobility Print server logs.
Example from the Print Deploy Client log:
pc-print-deploy-client.exe: STDOUT|SUP "500 Internal Server Error" returned (attempts=0) {"src":"service.go:404"}
Example from the Mobility Print server log:
mobility-print.exe: STDOUT|ERROR Failed to validate credentials. [ credentialsType=Microsoft access token err=userPrincipalName from Graph API ( does not match the user ( ] auth.go:204
The workaround below is only recommended for administrators familiar with PowerShell and Azure AD / EntraID. While the steps below have been tested, this is still considered unsupported in that any unintended side effects are the responsibility of the administrator who chooses to perform them.
The following steps will automate the conversion of UPNs stored in EntraID to lowercase via PowerShell.
Install the required Module and set the execution policy for the logged in user to run remote signed code (this can be reverted later):
Install-Module -Name Azure, Azure.Storage -Repository PSGallery -AllowClobber -Force Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Import the Module and connect to AzureAD using an administrator account (make sure to enter your Tenant ID after -tenantID):
Import-Module -Name Azure Connect-AzureAD -tenantID your-tenant-id-here
Test to ensure the authenticated user account is able to retrieve users:
This should return a list of users (example output):
ObjectId DisplayName UserPrincipalName UserType -------- ----------- ----------------- -------- 102df3af-95be-48d9-b4d7-dcf648113d1c Test User Member
Feel free to test the command on a single user:
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId -UserPrincipalName
Finally, the code below will convert all user UPNs to lowercase within your Azure tenant. This only changes the UserPrincipalName attribute to lowercase - no other modifications are made:
$arr = Get-AzureADuser $output = ForEach ($user in $arr) {Set-AzureADuser -ObjectID $user.UserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $user.UserPrincipalName.ToLower()}
JPG and PNG jobs fail when submitted through Web Print and Email to Print
23.0.8 and later
24.0.5 with Print Provider 111.0.18
The application used to print images in Web Print and Email to Print can fail in Web Print sandbox configurations due to a file path parsing error.
Workaround: Obtain a 23.0.7 version of image-handler.exe.
Modify the HotFolder path so it in not the default W:\ and contains a subfolder name.
Contact PaperCut support for an updated version of image-handler.exe.
Background entitlements sync failed error message seen in PaperCut Logs / Application Log
24.0.1 and greater
The PaperCut application makes a connection to a cloud service for license activation and verification.
When there is a failure, the current message is an Error (e.g. Background entitlements sync failed. Reason: Request to PaperCut MF gateway service failed. Internal Server Error.) even after license registration has been successful.
This message is causing unnecessary alarm for PaperCut administrators and can be ignored if there have been subsequent successful syncs.
We are making a change in a future release to create this message as a Warning once the license has been registered.
In version 24.0.5, the error level for some of these errors have been reduced from ERROR to WARN. However, we are working on fixes to resolve this issue with the background sync more permanently in the future - see known issue PO-2745 for more information.
The Optional install checkbox presented when adding queues to a zone isn't functional
When attempting to set queues as optional when associating them with a Zone, the Optional checkbox at the bottom of the Print Queue list is unusable.
Print queues can still be set to Optional one by one using the three dot menu located on each print queue within a Zone.
Konica Minolta - PaperCut MF icons not displaying in Basic view after the device wakes up from sleep
We have reports of missing PaperCut MF icons in the display while the Basic interface view is selected. This is reported to be happening in Konica iSeries and Develop ineo+ devices across multiple firmware versions.
- Switching to Classic Interface view will show the missing icons.
- A device restart will temporarily resolve the issue for a limited time until the error occurs again.
- Downgrading to an older version of the firmware: G00-Q8
Customers experiencing this issue should reach out to their local Konica Minolta field engineer to help them resolve the issue as the workaround might look different for each customer.
Konica Minolta: Intermittent white screen issue in newer firmware versions
Firmware version GG2-RE
We have reports of intermittent white screen display in Konica iSeries devices across multiple firmware versions.
Upgrading to the latest firmware fixes the issue. We have had a 100% success rate. The new firmware is under special firmware on the page of the device items. For devices where firmware is not available, or customers still experiencing this issue after a firmware update should reach out to their Authorized Konica Minolta Partner as additional configuration changes may be required after a firmware upgrade.
Known Workarounds:
- A device restart will temporarily resolve the issue for a limited time until the error occurs again.
- Downgrading to an older version of the firmware: G00-Q8 seems to have fixed the issue for a customer.
Canon i-SENSYS/imageCLASS/Satera devices are not tracking USB print jobs
Canon i-SENSYS/imageCLASS/Satera devices are not tracking USB print jobs
Windows Arm64 support across all PaperCut products
PaperCut has now released Microsoft Windows Arm64 support for the majority of client components.
They are using Window's x64 emulation feature, Prism.
Please note: Arm64 is targeted at portable devices such as laptops, tablets, and we are prioritising support for these devices.
PaperCut Global PostScript Printer Driver: The Windows Arm64 printer spooler requires architecture specific printer drivers. x64 printer drivers can not be used. Version of the PaperCut Global PostScript Printer driver (included in PaperCut NG/MF 24.0.3 and Print Provider version
PaperCut NG/MF - manual installation of `providers\print\drivers\global\win`
PaperCut TCP/IP Port: The Windows Arm64 printer spooler requires architecture specific printer port drivers. We are investigating this further and will be released later but is currently a low priority. This impacts Hardware Page Count Validation.
Products & features under testing
PaperCut NG/MF - Server installations - Not supported in the near future: primary server, secondary server, site-server, direct-print-monitor installations
PaperCut NG/MF - Print Deploy clients
GhostTrap: GhostTrap is an open source product that PaperCut contributes to significantly. This product converts PDLs such as PostScript and PCL in to PDF. GhostTrap currently only installs to x64 systems. We are investigating supporting an enhancement to allow installation to Arm64 systems and allowing Prism emulation to handle running GhostTrap.
Products & features under testing
PaperCut Pocket Edge Node installer
PaperCut Hive Edge Node installer
PaperCut Mobility Print server
PaperCut NG/MF DocProc on prem service
PaperCut NG/MF WebPrint service (server & sandbox)
PaperCut NG/MF Print Deploy: This feature clones many different printer driver across multiple operating systems. Support for Arm64 printer drivers from manufacturers appears sparse at this time. We are adding support for Arm64 drivers at this time. Please note: If you clone a print queue with an Arm64 printer driver, it will likely overwrite an x64 driver on the server.
PaperCut NG/MF Print Deploy Cloner: wmic.exe has been deprecated and causes an error when cloning. Resolved in - Cloner version v701, released in Print Deploy server version 1.8.2680. [PD-2066]
Advanced scan to fax on Ricoh SmartSDK version v3.2.7 will not work with MF 24.0.3 and previous MF versions
When the Ricoh SmartSDK embedded version 3.2.7 is used with MF versions 24.0.3 and below, advanced scan to fax will not work as the new embedded version expects additional parameters.
Upgrade to PaperCut MF 24.0.4 or newer and use the Ricoh SmartSDK embedded version 3.2.7
Unable to select a pay station device to configure or delete - Error page shown once clicked
23.0.8 and greater
There is an issue accessing Pay Station devices from the Admin UI. When selecting the device or when running the Pay Station report, you are taken to an error page with the following:
"Required parameter userSourceType of component DeviceDetails/deviceAuthOptions is not bound." If the goal is to remove an unwanted pay station use the workaround below.
You can delete the device using server commands:
So for example, if you want to delete "pay station 1", you'd run the command like this (instead of using a server name, you literally use the word device):
server-command.exe delete-printer device pay station 1
Update August 12th 2024: There is now a 23.0.9 hotfix version available. Please contact support and reference PO-2548 when requesting this version.
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 24.0.4.
Inconsistent values displayed in the About > Registration page
When an SFP consumes an MFD entitlement, inconsistent values for the MFD/Full Embedded and SFP/Lite Embedded rows in the Device & Connectors table on the About > Registration page are displayed.
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 24.0.4.
Microsoft Defender may classify Print Deploy binaries as malicious
Microsoft Defender may classify Print Deploy binaries as malicious. We can confidently say that these are false positives.
The root cause has been identified and we're working closely with Microsoft to implement a fix in a future release of Print Deploy.
Follow the guidance contained within our AntiVirus False Positive knowledge base article here.
The Print Deploy admin page is blank
Print Deploy Server v1.8.2663
The Print Deploy server may crash on PaperCut servers that have been affected by the recent CrowdStrike incident due to the client.conf.toml file becoming corrupt.
The Print Deploy page, located on the Enable Printing tab within the NG/MF admin web interface will be blank.
Log snippet: 2024/07/19 02:07:51 pc-print-deploy-server.exe: STDOUT|ERROR: Print Deploy Server will now terminate. initialise config: failed to load config from file c:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\providers\print-deploy\win\data\config\client.conf.toml: toml: line 1: files cannot contain NULL bytes; probably using UTF-16; TOML files must be UTF-8 {"src":"main.go:61"}
Delete the client.conf.toml file located here: [app-path]\PaperCut MF\providers\print-deploy\win\data\config
With the Print Deploy client UI already displayed, selecting the taskbar (Windows) or menubar (macOS) Print Deploy client icon and choosing “View my printers” will open a tab in the default browser displaying the Print Deploy client UI.
The Print Deploy client tray icon is missing from the Windows system tray
The Print Deploy client icon is missing or disappears from the Windows system tray.
Restart the Print Deploy Client service or restart the affected machine(s)
This bug will be addressed in a forthcoming client update.
A firmware upgrade on Ricoh SmartSDK 5 devices results in an "Original Misfeed" dialog presented to the user during a successful scan
We have investigated reports that customers experience a non-blocking error dialog on Ricoh Smart SDK 5 devices using PaperCut Integrated Scanning when is configured with N. This problem appears to be related to a specific Ricoh firmware version. Please refer to the hardware manufacturer for updates.
Workaround: Configure Y
Roll back the Ricoh firmware to the previous version.
Ricoh is actively investigating this issue.
HP devices getting Null PointerException after upgrading to 24.0.2
Customers have reported a null pointer exception in a number of HP devices after upgrading to 24.0.2. An error message pops up on the device with a dialog saying “please wait 15 minutes, contact admin."
Delete the device and re-embed the software. It should be noted that if the Application Server, or Application Server Service is restarted, this process will need to be repeated.
"Could not connect: connection refused" is displayed after installing the Print Deploy client on Ubuntu 22.04.4
After installing the Print Deploy client on Ubuntu 22.04.4 the client windows displays a message "Could not connect: Connection refused"
Right click on the page and select “Reload”
When upgrading from PaperCut MF version 23.x and earlier to version 24.0.1 and later, an internet connection is required for the Application Server.
We have plans to deliver support for offline activation for both Perpetual License customers and Subscriptions customers by November 2024. When released, customers will be required to request an offline activation from their reseller, providing both their license file/ activation code and server identification. If you'd like to be notified about this, contact us and quote "PO-2223", or keep an eye on the latest PaperCut MF release notes.
In the short term, for customers who upgrade to 24.0.2 or later we will increase the current offline grace period from 30 days to 120 days. This means customers can upgrade now and have 120 days to either activate online, or activate offline once that functionality becomes available. Remember also that even after this period expires, users and functionality is not impacted at all, only the administrator login will be restricted to certain pages.
Fix to retain pre-v24 functionality that allows SFPs to claim MFD entitlements
18 June 2024
In PaperCut MF pre-v24, SFP (single function printers) were able to use MFD entitlements. Upon upgrading to 24.0.1, this was disallowed and printers became not licensed. As of 18 June 2024 AEST, SFP printers will automatically claim any available MFD entitlements, preserving pre v24 functionality. If incorrect data is still being displayed in the About > Registration page, click the ‘Sync’ button to refresh data.
This fix has been addressed in the cloud service. An updated MF version is not required.
Release Stations may not release their entitlement through the Application Server, when the Release Station is shut down.
A Release Station may still report as ‘In Use’ even when it is shut down, using up an entitlement which should have been released.
Restart the PaperCut Application Server service, and then click the Sync button in the PaperCut MF admin interface, under About > Registration > License Info.
When restoring a PaperCut MF version 24 backup to an App Server running version 24, licensing activation may not be automatic, and once activated may not be able to use all entitlements available.
In PaperCut MF version 24, when restoring a database backup or restoring a server after the loss of the original server, the PaperCut MF Application Server may fail to successfully activate, or may stop the use of some entitlements because it believes the entitlements are in use elsewhere.
Changes in licensing with version 24 means that Application Servers using the same CRN all share the same set of entitlements - see Global set of entitlements for more information. This means that if you build a new Application Server and restore your data from your original server, the Global Entitlements Server thinks this is a new additional Application Server, so you will only have access to the entitlements that your original server had not already claimed.
To work around this issue, you should ensure that you backup your server.uuid file from the old server where possible.
On your active server, locate the server.uuid file from [App Server install directory]\server, for example: C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server.
Copy this file somewhere safe, to a different server or network location.
When you have restored your data onto the new server, you will need to copy the server.uuid file back to the same location on the new server: [App Server install directory]\server, for example: C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server.
You should now be able to start up the server and the claimed entitlements should match up with what is in use currently.
If you are still seeing issues with activation or with claiming the entitlements (e.g. number of devices that you’re entitled to) then you will need to contact PaperCut tech support to ask them to release the original server's entitlements in the back-end.
Installing a license file through the server command install-license does not work with PaperCut MF version 24.0.1.
When using the server commandinstall-license on version 24.0.1, the license may install correctly but buttons on the ‘Registration’ tab may be missing or broken.
We recommend not using the install-license command on 24.0.1 until this is resolved.
PaperCut Partners managing PaperCut MF subscription customers with Multiverse are prevented from seeing the correct subscription details.
PaperCut Partners managing PaperCut MF subscription customers with Multiverse are prevented from seeing the correct subscription details. Partners will see the customer’s old license information through Multiverse and will not see the current subscription.
Customers are not impacted by this issue - customers viewing the subscription under About > Registration > Subscriptions will see their correct subscription information.
Note that this does not impact perpetual license customers (customers not running a Subscription).
Activation issues prevent Application Server Failover (High Availability) working correctly with version 24.
Our recommendation is to not upgrade to version 24 if you are using HA features in your environment.
Please note that if you’re using High Availability using e.g. MS Failover Cluster Manager or VMWare vCenter High Availability, or if you’re using HA with Print Deploy only, then these solutions will continue to work as expected.
This issue has now been resolved in PaperCut NG/MF version 24.0.5.
Syncing users who have a populated PIN field take 8-10 times longer than users who not have a populated PIN field
Since implementing PC-17476 (user card PINs are now one-way hashed for enhanced security) in v22.1.0, the knock-on effect is that the encoding increases the time it takes for a User/Group Synchronisation to complete for every user by 8-10 seconds if they have populated a new or changed PIN field from your User/Group Synchronisation Source.
We are investigating ways to minimise the negative performance effect of this security change. In the interim, you can utilise feature PO-540 and use the config key to control whether user PINs will be hashed encoded in the file. After you make this change, you must save the file and then restart the MF Application Server service to apply the change.
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 24.0.3.
Kyocera integrated scanning fails on black and white scan jobs when device native High Compression PDF is enabled by default
Some Kyocera devices get a "System error" on black and white scans when the device is set to use High Compression PDF by default.
To work around this limitation, per device configurations can be configured to disable high compression:
ext-device.kyocera-mita.scan.pdf.high-compression=N ext-device.kyocera-mita.scan.use-file-default-settings=N
Alternatively, the device settings can be changed to not use High Compression PDF by default.
Print Deploy Client flooding Application Server logs
In an environment where Mobility Print queues have been deployed, and the Direct Print Monitor bundled with the Print Deploy Client is present, Application Server logs will be flooded with the following warning:
Printer 'PrinterName' on server 'pd-client' will not be monitored because it a remote HTTP printer.
Please re-install as a local printer or with a standard TCP printer
This is superfluous logging that can safely be ignored. We have a fix to prevent this logging in a future release of Print Deploy.
If you aren't deploying direct print queues in your environment,
you can prevent this by uninstalling the Direct Print Monitor component from client workstations. Additionally, to prevent this with future installations, you can skip the installation of the bundled Direct Print Monitor following the instructions here.
Once the server has been upgraded, Print Deploy clients will automatically update over a few days. To avoid waiting for clients to update automatically, you can:
Download the latest Print Deploy client from the Print Deploy admin interface and deploy it with your MDM tool of choice or install it manually on clients.
For MacOS clients, if you can run terminal commands remotely, you can trigger an auto-update within 10 - 70 minutes by restarting the client. Run sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
And then sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
For Windows clients: Restart the PaperCut Print Deploy Client service from services.msc.
In environments where the Direct Print Monitor bundled with the Print Deploy Client is present, non-Print Deploy printers that reside on a client device may be registered and monitored.
These registered printer objects will be listed in the "Printers" tab of the PaperCut NG/MF Admin web interface with the following syntax:
If you aren't deploying direct print queues in your environment,
you can prevent this by uninstalling the Direct Print Monitor component from client workstations. Additionally, to prevent this with future installations, you can skip the installation of the bundled Direct Print Monitor following the instructions here.
Any left over "pd-client" printers can be deleted individually in PaperCut on the Printers page, or deleted in bulk using the server command delete-printer pd-client “[All Printers]”. For more information see Bulk deleting printers.
PaperCut Global PostScript driver is not digitally signed in PaperCut 23.0.8
The Microsoft digital signature in use for the PaperCut Global PostScript driver is not valid due to a minor edit to the driver inf.
There is no version change in the driver.
Workaround: Use the version driver from any previous version of PaperCut 23.
We are reverting the edit in the next release.
Print Deploy 'unsharing' printers shared from server
Expand this known issue for additional tips to deploy this fix.
Fix is available in Windows client v1781, which is available in Print Deploy server version 1.8.2616.
Once the server has been upgraded, Print Deploy clients will automatically update over a few days. To avoid waiting for clients to update automatically, you can:
Download the latest Print Deploy client from the Print Deploy admin interface and deploy it with your MDM tool of choice or install it manually on clients.
For Windows clients: Restart the PaperCut Print Deploy Client service from services.msc. This will trigger an auto-update within 10-70 minutes.
We have received reports that server shared printers are being unshared by Print Deploy.
We are investigating a correlation between a printer's share setting on the reference machine used to clone printers, and that this then overrides the server's share setting of the printer.
Print Deploy Client - Printers stuck as "loading..." since updating clients to 1.8.1744
Expand this known issue for additional tips to deploy this fix.
PD Server version 1.8.2588
Fix is available in macOS client v1413 and Windows client v1745, which is available in Print Deploy server version 1.8.2588.
Once the server has been upgraded, Print Deploy clients will automatically update over a few days. To avoid waiting for clients to update automatically, you can:
Download the latest Print Deploy client from the Print Deploy admin interface and deploy it with your MDM tool of choice or install it manually on clients.
For MacOS clients, if you can run terminal commands remotely, you can trigger an auto-update within 10 - 70 minutes by restarting the client. Run sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
And then sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
For Windows clients: Restart the PaperCut Print Deploy Client service from services.msc.
We have had multiple reports that after upgrading to the latest print deploy client, version 1.8.1744, the printers will show in the client simply as "loading....."
We believe the issue with only show if the Print Deploy Client is being deployed with the "skipdpm=true"flag. Printers previously installed before the client updated will continue to work, but will show as "loading..." in the client UI.
At this time, if the printers are working as they were previously installed, then no action urgent action is required, as this is just a visual confusion. However if new queues do not deploy, then the immediate workaround is to deploy the client with the DPM being installed.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PD Server version 1.8.2588.
Universal Print connection fails when installing a new Universal Print connector with recent versions of PaperCut MF. If you already had Universal Print installed before the upgrade, there is no impact.
23.0.7, 22.1.5, 21.2.14, 20.1.10
Workaround available
Universal Print connection fails when installing a new Universal Print connector with recent versions of PaperCut MF (23.0.7, 22.1.5, 21.2.14, 20.1.10).
Note: If you already had Universal Print installed before the upgrade, there is no impact - the connector will continue to work as normal.
Workaround: Use Windows’ Services panel (services.msc) select PaperCut connector for Microsoft Universal Print then right click and select Restart . This will restart the service and MF will connect successfully to the Universal Print connector.
When using Print Deploy server version 1.8.2580 or later, and running a version of PaperCut NG/MF other than 20.1.10, 21.2.14, 22.1.5 or 23.0.7 or later, you will receive an error: PaperCut requires an important security update when trying to clone new queues.
Print Deploy server 1.8.2580
23.0.7, 22.1.5, 21.2.14, 20.1.10
When using Print Deploy server version 1.8.2580 or later, and running a version of PaperCut NG/MF other than 20.1.10, 21.2.14, 22.1.5 or 23.0.7 or later, you will receive an error: PaperCut requires an important security update before you can clone. To continue, download the latest PaperCut installer from when trying to clone new queues.
To resolve this, you will need to upgrade PaperCut NG/MF to version 20.1.10, 21.2.14, 22.1.5 or 23.0.7 and later - as detailed on our PaperCut NG/MF Security Bulletin (March 2024).
(Also known as PD-1916, PD-1919)
IMPORTANT: Customers running PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.2 or earlier will first need to upgrade to PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.4 before upgrading to a more recent version. See Known Issue PD-1942 for more information.
Customers running PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.2 or earlier AND using Print Deploy version 1.3.1267 and earlier will first need to upgrade to PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.4 before upgrading to a later version.
20.0.2 and earlier
Workaround available.
Customers running PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.2 or earlier AND using Print Deploy version 1.3.1267 and earlier will first need to upgrade to PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.4 before upgrading to a later version.
If you’re running PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.2 or earlier, check your version of Print Deploy by going to the PaperCut admin interface, then Enable Printing > Print Deploy then checking the Print Deploy version number at the bottom of the screen.
If you are running PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.2 or earlier AND using Print Deploy version 1.3.1267 and earlier, you’ll need to:
Upgrade to PaperCut NG/MF version 20.0.4
Upgrade from 20.0.4 to the appropriate fix version listed on our upgrade page:
If you do accidentally upgrade straight from 20.0.2 or earlier to a later version, you’ll need to downgrade your PaperCut NG/MF install back to your original version as documented on our Downgrading PaperCut (to an older version) page. Then upgrade to version 20.0.4, then upgrade to a fixed version as detailed above.
Toshiba V3+ - Cannot start a scan as a restricted user since 23.0.5 +
23.0.5 +
We have had multiple reports that upgrading to 23.0.5 + can cause an "unknown error" when a restricted user attempts to start a scan. This has been observed on a wide range of Toshiba V3+ devices. If the user is then set to "unrestricted", then the scan will start without issue. Downgrading the MF server to 23.0.4 appears to rectify the issue. We have also had reports that toggling "Track & control scanning" may also change the behaviour. This does not appear to effect all installations.
We have now determined that if the system locale for the MF application uses a currency that does not use a "." as the decimal separator, then you will see this error for restricted users. This will be rectified in an upcoming release after 23.0.7
Changing the system locale of the MF server to a currency that uses "." as its decimal separator, such as US, will temporarily resolve this issue. We have had reports that you can then set the individual locale override per Toshiba with the config key "" back to what it should be.
Update: This has now been fixed in version 23.0.8.
Newly added print queues won't get tracked on macOS Sonoma 14.4.
All (with macOS Sonoma 14.4)
A change (Apple ticket reference 123028502) introduced in macOS Sonoma 14.4 affects the PaperCut Print Provider's ability to restart CUPS (Common Unix Printing System). As a result, the Print Provider is unable to track and monitor newly added print queues. It's important to note that existing print queues will continue to be monitored and controlled without interruption.
We have a fix planned for a future version of PaperCut NG/MF, but in the interim the script responsible for tracking/controlling printers can be replaced with a working version using the instructions found here.
Newly deployed Direct Print queues fail to install on macOS Sonoma 14.4
Expand this known issue for additional tips to deploy this fix. Also known as PD-1952
Print Deploy - All versions
Fix is available in macOS client v1412, which is available in Print Deploy server version 1.8.2587.
Once the server has been upgraded, Print Deploy clients will automatically update over a few days. To avoid waiting for clients to update automatically, you can:
Download the latest MacOS Print Deploy client from the Print Deploy admin interface and deploy it with your MDM tool of choice or install it manually on clients.
If you can run terminal commands remotely, you can trigger an auto-update within 10 - 70 minutes by restarting the client. Run sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
And then sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
Due to a change (Apple ticket reference 123028502) introduced in macOS Sonoma 14.4, the Print Deploy Client fails to restart CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), preventing Print Deploy from installing new Direct Print queues. As a result, users won't be able to install new Direct Print queues. However, existing print queues installed on their Macs remain functional for printing.
When upgrading to 23.0.0 or later, and using KM devices connected to a Site Server, customers may see an error Failed to complete job when scanning.
Workaround available.
More specifically, when upgrading from PaperCut MF version 22.x or earlier, to 23.0.0 or later, customers may see error Failed to complete job when scanning - only if using KM devices connected to a site server.
A workaround is to restart the Application Server service, and then the Site Server service on the site server, to re-establish webdav communication between the two.
PaperCut MF/NG Application Server server.log files may incorrectly show free space: 0.0 MB
23.0.1 and later
In some cases the server.log files may incorrectly report the free space on the Application Server is 0.0 MB. e.g. free space: 0.0 MB.
Some customers have seen the correct free space reported after a machine restart, however others have seen the 0MB persist, even when there is plenty of space available. This issue does not appear limited to a particular operating system.
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 24.0.4.
In some environments, the PaperCut MF Application Server may fail to restart after upgrade.
We are aware of an issue that may prevent an application server from starting.
The issue is very dependent on environment, and has so far only been seen on some Linux servers.
An affected server will fail to start after clean installation or upgrade, and the server log will show error messages that include the phrase
Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
We are working to fix the issue and expect to include the resolution in the next maintenance release.
Update: this has now been resolved in version 23.0.7.
Integrated Scanning jobs fail to be delivered to the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) cloud storage destination.
Issue Details:
Integrated scan actions making use of the CLA integration will fail to complete as the job is unable to be uploaded to the cloud destination.
Failed scan jobs will display the following error in the PaperCut Application server log:
Delivering scan images for scan job jobId@ failed with an error: CLA-Upload returned bad exit code, exitCode: 1. See more details in the server log.
Investigation Status:
Our Product Development team is aware of this issue and they're working to identify the root cause.
Since version 1.8.2568, Print Deploy fails to import Mobility Print / BYOD friendly print queues.
When entering the Mobility Print address manually, the admin interface displays a "No printers found for this server."
When scanning for Mobility Print servers, the admin interface doesn't display any Mobility Print servers.
[macOS client] In some cases, when deploying Mobility Print or IPPS print queues via Print Deploy, the Print Deploy client will cause the CUPS IPP backend to fail, resulting in any IPP/IPPS/HTTP/HTTPS print jobs to fail.
Expand this known issue for additional tips to deploy the fix.
Print Deploy version 1.8.2565
Print Deploy version 1.8.2568
Fix is available in MacOS client v1403, which is available in Print Deploy server version 1.8.2568. This fix also automatically recovers a user's CUPS IPP backend if Print Deploy previously broke it.
Once the server has been upgraded, Print Deploy clients will automatically update over a few days. To avoid waiting for clients to update automatically, you can:
Download the latest MacOS Print Deploy client from the Print Deploy admin interface an deploy it with your MDM tool of choice or install it manually on clients.
If you can run terminal commands remotely, you can trigger an auto-update within 10 - 70 minutes by restarting the client. Run sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
And then sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/pc-print-deploy-client.plist
We are working on a fix.
In the meantime, to restore the IPP backend manually, run this command on the client Mac:
sudo cp -p /System/Library/Templates/Data/usr/libexec/cups/backend/ipp /usr/libexec/cups/backend/ipp
Until we have a fix, IPP printing will continue to break when a Mobility Print or IPPS print queue is deployed.
Xerox AltaLink & VersaLink devices on 23.0.5 may experience issues displaying print jobs on the print release screen.
Models reported (to date):
Xerox Altalink 80xx series devices
Versalink B405
Versalink C405
Versalink C7025
PaperCut has tested Xerox AltaLink 81xx series devices on the latest firmware and V3 browser and have not been able to replicate this issue on that series.
Additionally, it appears that only devices running 2nd Gen EIP Web Browser may be impacted by this issue.
Customers with Xerox devices are advised not to upgrade to PaperCut MF 23.0.5.
Please reach out to us via this link PaperCut Support Team and quote CDSS-3375 should you be experiencing this issue. Please do not forget to quote the model and firmware version of the device, too.
V23.0 of PaperCut contains database changes that mean exported database files from previous versions of PaperCut cannot be imported into v23.0. This does not affect the PaperCut server upgrade process.
It is often possible to import older database export files into a more recent version of PaperCut, but sometimes changes to database structure or management mean that older imports cannot be supported.
v23.x contains changes that make it impossible to support DB imports from earlier versions of PaperCut.
In general it is best practice to only import databases that were exported from the same version of PaperCut as the target import server, but in the event that it is necessary to import an older database export into a v23.x or later PaperCut server, it can be done by setting up a clean version of PaperCut MF 22.1.4 or earlier, importing the database, and then upgrading the server to v23.0 or later.
GhostTrap version 1.4.x requires Visual Studio to be installed
GhostTrap version 1.4.x
GhostTrap version
When installing the latest (1.4.x) GhostTrap (see Where do I download the latest GhostTrap from?), you need to have the Microsoft C++ runtime environment installed. On some servers this may be installed by default.
If you do not have the Microsoft packages installed, you may see errors when GhostTrap is running, for example Can't load GhostScript DLL, LoadLibrary error code 126 and Ghost Trap: Parent unable to load GS DLL.
Note that this has now been resolved in GhostTrap version, which now optionally auto-installs the dependency or prompts for the installation. See GhostTrap release history for more information.
Unauthenticated Printer - User Client not accepting credentials
When running v23 & using the latest version of the User Client (required, see PO-1845), if the printer is set as "unauthenticated", then credentials popup box will not close.
Replication Testing:
Set a printer as unauthenticated
Run the latest user client and confirms it runs as the logged in user
Print to the unauthenticated printer
Credentials box pops up, enter credentials of a user
Observe user client update with correct balance and name in system tray
Popup box will not close and submit the job
At this time, there is no known workaround. Changing the printer to authenticated / Using Mobility Print will work.
Update 19th Dec, 2023:
This has been resolved with PaperCut MF/NG version 23.0.4:
Backward-compatibility has been restored for Application Server version 23.0.4 with previous versions of the user client. The exception to this is if you upgraded your clients to the version included with 23.0.3, you'll need to upgrade them to the version included with 23.0.4.
If you are upgrading from version 23.0.2 or earlier, you don't need to update the client version at the same time as the Application Server - the 23.0.4 Application Server remains backward compatible with previous user client versions.
Application Server version 23.0.3 is not backwards compatible with old versions of the PaperCut Client when using user client authentication
Some customers have reported seeing error Unable to successfully retrieve valid data from secure connection to server when using older versions of the PaperCut Client for authentication, after upgrading the Application server to 23.0.3.
Please note that has only been seen when using the PaperCut user client for authentication (when a user has to enter their username and password into the PaperCut user client login). If you're only using the user client for the balance window, or for shared account selection, but not authentication, this will not be an issue. This also does not impact the user web interface login.
Upgrading the PaperCut Client to the latest version should resolve the issue, however we are adding this to the known issues page as an additional disclaimer for customers planning to upgrade so that they know that the PaperCut Client will need to be updated in tandem with the server.
Update 19th Dec, 2023:
This has been resolved with PaperCut MF/NG version 23.0.4:
Backward-compatibility has been restored for Application Server version 23.0.4 with previous versions of the user client. The exception to this is if you upgraded your clients to the version included with 23.0.3, you'll need to upgrade them to the version included with 23.0.4.
If you are upgrading from version 23.0.2 or earlier, you don't need to update the client version at the same time as the Application Server - the 23.0.4 Application Server remains backward compatible with previous user client versions.
Print Deploy may fail to install printer under certain circumstances
Print deploy is failing to install the printer because pc-print-updater is failing to run with a Access is denied message.
You can confirm this is happening by reviewing the pc-print-deploy-client.log and looking for this line in the logs:
updater.exe: STDERR|ERROR: Operation failed with error: rename update2023-09-04-1440 v2023-09-04-1440: Access is denied.
Workaround is available based on your configuration.
If you are using DPM:
Make sure all the PD client installations have DPM enabled during installation (that means, don't pass SKIP_DPM=true during installations)
If you don't need or use DPM installed with PD Client:
Set DPMUpgradesEnabled to false in client.conf.toml file in the Print Deploy server (C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\providers\print-deploy\win\data\config)
Restart Print Deploy server service. This will stop sending DPM upgrade commands to client.
The Print Deploy team is aware of this issue and will release a fix soon
On Ricoh SmartSDK 3.2.4, Color Scheme does not apply to some sections of the embedded application
v3.2.4 SmartSDK Embedded
An issue has surfaced on Ricoh SmartSDK v3.2.4 where the custom color schemes fail to display correctly on specific sections of the embedded application.
Update: This has now been fixed in version 23.0.8.
Hardware page count check is not performed if Print Provider is in HTTPS mode
Incident details
The Hardware Page Count feature does not work when using the Print Provider in the new HTTPS configuration released in NG/MF version 23.0.1.
If you require Hardware Page Count to be performed you must currently disable HTTPS in the Print Provider.
Investigation Status:
The issue is now fixed for Windows and Linux in PaperCut MF version 23.0.3. Work is in progress to fix this for MacOS too.
OAuth configuration is cleared
After configuring Gmail with OAuth or Outlook with OAuth and sending a successful scan to email or notification email, the email feature stops working later and upon inspection, the settings have been cleared from the Options / Notifications page.
The settings are cleared due to an error returned by the email provider. We have discovered the authentication failure messages from the provider are not necessarily a cause for alarm. If you have successfully configured OAuth and email has worked, we have a hotfix available based on PaperCut 22.1.4 to prevent clearing the validated Options / Notification settings on these error conditions. Please create a Technical Support Request at to obtain the hot fix version.
Note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut MF and NG version 23.0.3.
User Client deployed by Intune Fails due to context set to user
The user client deployed by Intune as per: fails to install.
Once the Intune package has been created & uploaded to Intune - administrators should be able to specify what context it is added as (user/system)but this defaults to user, causing the install to fail.
Workaround Pre PaperCut Version 24.0.2:
To change this to system you need to edit the XML & follow the below steps before uploading the Intune file created in Step 1 in the installation guide:
Edit XML file
• Open the Intune package file in 7zip browse to \IntuneWinPackage\Metadata\Detection.xml
• Modify the MsiExecutionContext XML from User to System and save
You can now upload to Intune and you’ll see the install behaviour change from user to System. This process will need to be repeated if an updated client needs to be deployed.
A permanent fix is in 24.0.2, please upgrade PaperCut to resolve this issue.
Rare NPE (Null Pointer Exception) error with Integrated Scanning on Canons
Workaround available
We have seen very rare cases when Canon devices present an on-screen NPE (Null Pointer Exception) error while processing scans, which is caused by a paper size mismatch between the device and the support page sizes in PaperCut.
Workaround - you can resolve these errors by manually adding the following 2 config keys to the effected Canon Device in PaperCut and adding the necessary values to it (ie. A4, A3).:
Integrated Scanning - Searchable PDF with compression may crash latest Adobe Reader
Adobe 2023.006.20320
As of 20.9.2023, this should now be resolved by a code change made in our Cloud Compression Engine. This does not require any action to the NG/MF server.
Integrated Scan PDF's with OCR (make searchable) and compression enabled are currently crashing in Adobe. Other PDF readers and web browsers are NOT crashing when opening these PDFs.
At this time we believe this to be caused by the most recent Adobe Reader update (12th September), however investigation is ongoing. Adobe Release Notes
Set the PDF/A flag in the scan action will result in the PDF successfully opening in Adobe. Or, open the PDF in another supported program, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
At this time we are investigating the cause. If you would like updates, please keep an eye on this Known Issue, or log a ticket with PaperCut Support and quote "SC-1998", your PaperCut CRN and request to be added to updates to this JIRA.
Xerox AltaLink - Issue with UI panel responsiveness on certain new C81xx models.
With PaperCut Embedded - When using the UI panel on the device, the touchscreen is unresponsive and will often require several presses to register the input.
Models reported: C8130 C8155 C8170
Print Deploy Fails to Install Server Hosted Print queues on Windows clients
Print Deploy Client v1.7.1666
Print Deploy Server v1.7.2447 Print Deploy Client v1.71670
The Print Deploy Client may fail to install server hosted print queues due to permissions issue introduced in the latest version.
A fix is forthcoming.
When using Integrated Scanning with certain Konica Minolta (KM) production level devices, scan jobs will produce an error "Error: Scan job could not be completed. Please contact your administrator"
20.1.9 21.2.13 22.1.3
When using Integrated Scanning with certain Konica Minolta (KM) production level devices including KM AccurioPrint 2100 series and Bizhub PRO 1100 series devices, scanning will produce an error Error: Scan job could not be completed. Please contact your administrator.
Please note that this only impacts KM devices in the AccurioPrint 2100 series, and only impacts scan jobs done through the MF Integrated Scanning feature. Device initiated scan jobs are not impacted.
Resolved in 23.0.1
Xerox Embedded - Text fields in Integrated Scanning unresponsive
Incident details
Users may find that when they attempt to select the file name of an Integrated Scanning job, the text field is unresponsive. This can make it difficult to make minor changes to the text field on the devices screen.
So far confirmed effected devices are Altalink C8130, C8045 & C8145. This does not seem to be Firmware dependant. This only occurs when at the device physically, if performing the action via the remote panel, the issue
will not be present.
We believe this was introduced at some point during V22 of PaperCut MF. Confirmed effected is 22.0.9 onwards.
At this time we are tracking effected customers via CDSS-2455. If you are effected, we kindly ask that you log a support ticket with PaperCut Support quoting "CDSS-2455", as well as your CRN, model of device and MF version number. Thank you.
"Your account allows only one job at a time. Please wait for other jobs to finish" - Sharp & Integrated Scanning
When using integrated scanning on certain Sharp devices; Should a restricted user’s scan exceed the value, any subsequent scans fail to process with the error “Your account allows only one job at a time. Please wait for other jobs to finish”
To resolve this, a PaperCut Application Service restart is required.
We are actively working on a fix for this issue.
Please note that this has now been resolved in the 23.0.0 release (released publicly as 23.0.1).
Delay in printing to direct print queues when using the Print Deploy Client in conjunction with the Print Deploy "Serverless" feature and the Direct Print Monitor.
NG/MF - 22.0.11 / PD - 1.7.2307
You can find out if you are affected by this issue if you are using a) Print Deploy b) the Print Deploy "Serverless" feature c) direct print queues with the Direct Print Monitor. Find a Print Deploy Client affected by this slowness and search in the Print Deploy Client's print-provider.log file for:
ERROR: OpenPrinterA: printer_name=''\\pd-client\YOUR_DIRECT_PRINT_QUEUE_NAME - The printer name is invalid. (Error: 1801)
INFO : Redirect target print server omitted as target print server (pd-client) is as same as configuration key ServerName (pd-client)
Please log a ticket with the PaperCut Support Team if you would like to be proactively notified of the fix for this issue in an upcoming release of NG/MF & Print Deploy.
Please note that this has been fixed in PaperCut MF/NG version 22.1.4.
iPrint Client erroneously notifies users their successful print job has been cancelled
PaperCut NG and PaperCut MF are often configured to allow for print jobs to be submitted to one print queue, but then released via another. For example, Find Me Printing involves users printing to a "virtual" queue, with that job being redirected to a separate "physical" print queue when the user later triggers its release. Behind the scenes, the print job spool file is being copied from the origin queue, submitted to the destination queue as though it was a new print job, with the original job back over in the origin queue then being deleted.
For some print systems, a similar process is undertaken when applying a conversion to a print job, like converting from color to grayscale, or from 1-sided to 2-sided.
In iPrint environments, users may have the iPrint Client installed. When our solution redirects or converts a print job, iPrint will detect that the original version of the job has been cancelled, and by default the iPrint Client will notify the user of this cancellation. The job will proceed successfully, but users may be mislead by the errant notification into believing their job has been cancelled.
To avoid any such confusion, we recommend that organisations running the iPrint Client disable client notifications:
Canon devices may show a white screen if the TLS setting is set to 1.3
We believe that setting SSL to strong defaults in the "" should resolve this issue with TLS1.3. If you are experiencing this issue, please change the following settings, and restart the App service. The device should embed successfully:
We have had some reports that new Canon MFDs are coming with the minimum TLS setting set to 1.2, and the maximum setting set to 1.3.
So far confirmed devices are as follows. Canon - imageRUNNER ADVANCE DX C3935i / C3930i / C3926i / C3922i.
With these settings, embedding the Canon may fail, and simply display a blank white screen.
We are currently investigating potential solutions.
If you set the minimum TLS to 1.0, and maximum to 1.2, the device should embed successfully.
SMTP server settings may appear blank after upgrading to 22.1.2 - however email notifications and scan to email will continue to work.
SMTP server settings may appear blank after upgrading to 22.1.2 - however email notifications and scan to email will continue to work.
After upgrading to 22.1.2, you may find that Options > Notifications > SMTP Server Options > SMTP server is set to Choose..., as though you haven't set up an SMTP server.
IMPORTANT: please note that this issue does not actually impact the sending of emails - in the background the SMTP server settings will be retained.
If you do re-select the correct server type that you were using (e.g. Gmail or Custom etc) you may find that some of the fields are blank. Please ensure that you re-populate those fields before applying/saving any changes. Otherwise it will save the blank fields, and email notifications will stop working.
As an example, if you were using Custom before upgrading, then after the upgrade you will find the SMTP server set to Choose.... If you then re-select Custom from the drop down, you may find that the Host, Port and Encryption fields are blank. You'll need to re-populate those fields before saving (applying) the changes.
You can find previous settings through the config editor, in the following keys:
Please note that this has now been resolved in the PaperCut MF/NG 22.1.3 release.
The Print Deploy Cloner may not successfully clone printer ports with a Tab (\t) character in the name
1.7.2336 (Server) v612 (Cloner)
The Windows Print Deploy Cloner may fail to properly clone if a Printer Port has a tab (\t) in the port name or host.
Example: HP Universal Printing PCL 6
To work around this, please remove the tab (\t) from the name.
The Print Deploy team are aware of this issue and will look to fix this in a future release.
User management integrations could break if configured to use internal user passwords less than 8 characters.
User management integrations could break if configured to use internal user passwords less than 8 characters.
A change in 22.1.0 and later (related to the security hardening efforts) enforces a minimum 8 characters for all Internal User passwords.
Some customers (including customers using Nexudus integrations) have reported issues when using 22.1.0 or later because the integration attempts to create users with 4-character passwords. Creation of users then fails with the 8-character enforcement in place.
We recommend changing the Nexudus (or other user management integrations) configuration to use an 8-character minimum password length instead when using PaperCut MF/NG version 22.1.0 or later.
Please note that this has now been resolved in the PaperCut MF/NG 22.1.3 release: "For internal user accounts only, re-introduced honoring of config key min-password-length to allow admins to set minimum password length for users. Admin password length minimum is still 8 characters since 22.1.1."
Interactive Scan Destination does not retain user id field customisation
Interactive Scan Destination does not retain user id field customisation after upgrade from 21.0.4 to 22.0.11. Workaround solution: re-create the scan action.
Windows Print Deploy Clients may fail to autoupdate from a Print Deploy Server running on Windows
The Windows Print Deploy Client may fail to update from a Windows Print Deploy Server.
You can confirm this is happening by reviewing the pc-print-deploy-client.log and looking for this line in the logs:
The Print Deploy team is aware of this issue and will release a fix as soon as possible.
Ricoh SmartSDK devices sometimes don't work via Offline Site Servers
There have been reports of intermittent Ricoh SmartSDK problems when the Site Server the device is connected to goes into offline mode.
The onscreen error states "Could not execute batch: SQL insert...."
When the Site Server reconnects with the App server, the issue is immediately rectified.
Please note that this has now been resolved in the PaperCut MF 22.1.3 release.
Some Xerox Versalink and Primelink models have a 32 character username limit.
Due to a Xerox firmware issue on some Versalink and Primelink models, users that have more than 32 characters in their username (for example users UPNs) are unable to authenticate. When this happens the screen on the MFD may show either a "Can't communicate with authentication server" or "Could not log in. The server could not be found or is unavailable" error.
These models of Xerox devices are working as per Xerox defined specifications. Customers using Versalink and Primelink modelswith PaperCut MF will need to ensure that whatever field they plan on using as their User ID should consist of no more than 32 characters.
If you want to contact Xerox about this issue directly, please reference: FER 17493.
When using Integrated Scanning with Toshiba V3 devices, scans that produce very large files could result in app server performance issues.
We have received reports of some customers seeing increased memory usage on the Application Server, when scanning very large jobs (e.g. 20+ pages with lots of color images) using Integrated Scanning, with Toshiba V3 devices. In some circumstances this can impact overall Application Server performance. This does appear to be only impacting Toshiba V3 devices when using Integrated Scanning with very large scans.
We're actively investigating this.
We have discovered that this issue only happens when debug mode is enabled on the Application Server. As a temporary workaround while we investigate a full fix, we recommend switching off debug mode (in the PaperCut MF admin console > Options > Advanced > then ensure that "Enable debug mode" is unchecked.
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 24.0.4.
The user web interface (the new non-default version) shows a blank page after login.
The User web interface (the new non-default version) shows a blank page after login.
The new user web interface (with limited functionality) is not enabled by default. When using version 22.0.11 or later, the user is presented with a blank page after logging in.
Please note that this has now been resolved in the 22.1.1 release.
Print Deploy may not clone an IPP (CUPS / PaperCut Mobility Print) queue correctly if the IPP endpoint is offline.
The Print Deploy Clone on macOS may incorrectly clone an IPP Print Queue with missing data if the IPP endpoint (CUPS or PaperCut Mobility Print) is unavailable during cloning.
This will cause the printer to fail to install on a Print Deploy Client machine.
Workaround: Ensure the IPP endpoint is available during cloning.
You can find a similar log entry in the
pc-print-deploy-client.log of:
Failed to install printer Print-Deploy-Mobility: printer connection type is not supported. valid values: [mobilityprint, directprint, serverprint] {"src":"pdservice.go:653"}
The Print Deploy will release a fix for this shortly.
Find-Me printing and job logging could fail when deploying Direct Print printers with Print Deploy
Print Deploy 1.7.2307 / 1.7.2302
The Print Deploy Server in some cases may configure the Direct Print Monitor with an empty ApplicationServer address value, or an address that is unresolvable from the Print Deploy Clients.
This may cause Direct Printing Find-Me printing setups to stop working, or otherwise cause jobs submitted to these Direct Print queues to not be logged.
Please manually configure the correct Application Server address under Enable Printing -> Print Deploy -> Settings -> Direct Print options, which is resolvable from your client machine, remembering to Save the change towards the bottom of the page.
When a user navigates from Device functions back to PaperCut MF Home page on some Kyocera devices, the user is automatically logged out of PaperCut MF.
3.2.4 (included with PaperCut MF 22.1.2)
When the user navigates from Device functions back to PaperCut MF Home page, the user is automatically logged out of PaperCut MF. PaperCut has released a new Kyocera HyPAS embedded application (v3.2.4) that resolves this issue. Please contact our support team to obtain this version.
Please note that this has been resolved in PaperCut MF version 22.1.2
Multiple Personal Account refunds are refunded to the default account
Multiple personal account issue:
When a refund is made, the refund is credited to the personal default account instead of the personal account that was originally charged.
We're actively investigating this issue, so if you believe you've encountered it please reach out via our support portal and quote PO-1345.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut MF/NG version 22.1.3.
ZDI-CAN-18987 security vulnerability
Versions prior to 20.1.7 / 21.2.11 / 22.0.9
20.1.7 / 21.2.11 / 22.0.9
PaperCut versions prior to 20.1.7, 21.2.11 and 22.0.9 are vulnerable to a serious security exploit and should be patched immediately. All customers should update to the latest version of PaperCut as soon as possible.
Issue reported in 1.7.2307 Print Deploy Server version and Windows v1588 Print Deploy Client version.
The Print Deploy Client will display Navigation to webpage was cancelled or Can't reach this page. The PaperCut Print Deploy Client logs will show Service stopped with exit code 1 and Restarting service (crash count: n) along with ERR Failed to create env version file updater: no evn version contained
Recent versions of Print Deploy may result in client machines registering local printers mistakenly
1.7.2307 / 1.7.2302
Changes to the Direct Print Monitor (DPM) in these versions seems to have resulted in some Print Deploy Clients mistakenly registering non-PaperCut, local printers with the application server.
These printers will appear in the Printers pane, in the following form:
The client machines may then not be able to print to these local printers.
PaperCut Client software (and other executables) can crash in certain circumstances
Some locations are reporting instances of pc-client.exe crashing under certain circumstances. All locations thus far have confirmed the anti virus software in use is Java based which is involved with the crash.
We are investigating the issue and will update with details as we understand the issue in greater depth - including the exact circumstances where the client could crash.
Windows will report Application Error event 1000 in Windows Logs / Application.
A quick solution for a small number of workstations is to running the application in Windows 8 Compatibility Mode as we work to resolve this issue.
Alternatively, if account selection is the primary use of PC-Client, configuring the users to "Automatically charge to a single shared account" may also be an option.
One advanced solution if the PaperCut Client is starting from a share on the server is to run these commands to edit the registry on each workstation:
Be sure to update the path with the fully-qualified domain name of your server!
This could impact:
and others.
Please note that this has now been resolved in the 22.1.1 release.
ROC Tool version 1.4.3, 1.4.4 & 1.4.5 "Configure SmartSDK Connection" may fail
1.4.3, 1.4.4 & 1.4.5
1.4.6 (included with PaperCut MF 22.1.2)
We have found that when performing the "Configure SmartSDK Connection" on the ROC Tool with the effected versions, the task may fail with the following error:
PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
We have had reports toggling HTTPS to OFF for the device works without issue.
Please use the 1.4.2 ROC Tool.
We are currently working on a new version of the Tool to be released with an upcoming MF release.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut MF version 22.1.2
Print Deploy Chromebook Printer Discovery Fails
1.7.2302 (April 03 2023)
1.7.2307 (April 05 2023)
Chromebooks may fail to discover Print Deploy printers on the latest Print Deploy release. The main indicator of this is the following Chrome console message: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')
Print Deploy Client Crashes
1.7.2302 (April 03 2023)
1.7.2307 (April 05 2023)
With the v1.7.2302 release, the Print Deploy Client crashes when it has been installed without the Direct Print Monitor (SKIP_DPM).
Canon Type 4 Drivers - Print Job Redirection - Windows
When using some Canon Type 4 drivers on printers, you will be unable to redirect print job between queues if they both use these Canon Type 4 drivers. E.g. from a hold/release queue to an output queue.
On-prem Document Processing scan file size increase in v1.1.30
On-prem Document Processing v1.1.30
On-prem Document Processing v1.1.31
After receiving the auto-update to Version 1.1.30 (2 Mar, 2023) on their Doc Proc server customers are reporting a noticeable increase in their scan file sizes.
Toshiba MDS V3+ devices (L7.1 firmware and above): Large copy or scan jobs will fail with a “4011” error when configured as Toshiba V3+
Workaround available
Description:When the control panel times out during an active copy/job scan job, a “4011” error shows on the screen. This occurs while performing large copy or scan jobs on Toshiba MDS V3+ devices.
Workaround:Toshiba has introduced two new settings Background Copy and Background Scan which is disabled by default. These settings need to be enabled in order to resolve the issue.
Log in to the MFP web interface (TopAccess) with your web browser as the “Admin” user.
Select the Administration tab > select Setup tab
Under Functions, set the Background Copy option to Enable
Set Background Scan option to Enable
Save the settings
KM i-Option - '' config key does not work.
When using the i-Option KM Embedded on MF, changes to the ‘’ config key has no effect on the App display.
Shared Account selection & pending print jobs are not shown on the Print Release page for Xerox model series C60, C70, D95 & Versant 280
The account selection option and pending print jobs are not displayed after logging in on outlined models.
We are looking into this issue and are currently looking to resolve this issue in v22.0.11.
Some customers encountering the issue have reported a temporary workaround by configuring these devices with the Automatically release jobs upon login setting under Devices > [select device] > Print Release (please see configuring secure print release in the manual for more info).
The other option you have is to downgrade your PaperCut MF Application server and devices back down to v22.0.7 in the interim but please be aware you will be vulnerable to the following security issues by not being on v22.0.9.
Please note: this has now been resolved in version 22.0.11.
Missing device names in batch-devices.csv
The readme.txt file for batch-devices.csv is not up to date with the latest device name changes.
Please edit as follows when building a batch-devices.csv file for deploying Fuji devices:
The following lines need to be removed (lines 93-94):
FujiFilm Business
The following lines need to be added:
Fujifilm BI AIP 7+
Fujifilm BI AIP 7+ (Printer only)
Please note that this has been resolved in PaperCut MF version 22.0.10.
Universal Print secondary connector auth token cannot start with an "B","e","a" or "r"
Also known as PIE-709
When connecting a Secondary Universal Print connector to the Primary App Server, the auth token for Universal Printer will not work if it begins with an "a". Capitalisation will make no difference.
For example - The auth token set to "PaperCut" will work, but "aPaperCut" will fail.
You will see the following in the Secondary Log - Failed to subscribe to primary connector: 401 Unauthorized
The Primary UP logs will show - ERR authorizationMiddleware.go:30 Unauthorized request
Workaround - Change the auth token to have anything other than an "a" as the first character.
Print Deploy Optional Printers not being re-installed
Optional Printers in Print Deploy are some times not reinstalled when a user moves between zones.
The Print Deploy development team are aware of this issue and are working on a fix.
MFD's using an SD card (no HDD) may give incorrect scan success messages
If a scan fails during the process of being written to the device storage medium (e.g. SD card is full or otherwise unwritable), the scan will fail but the message 'ScanPrompt.sending' will be displayed to the user instead of the correct message 'ScanProgress.failSave'.
This can be prevented from occurring again by unplugging and initializing the SD card storage, or by using an SD card with a larger storage capacity.
Copying scheduled reports with an empty Recipients field does not work correctly
If the Recipients field of a Scheduled Report is empty and the Copy button is pressed, the report copy will not have all of the attributes visible.
When copying a Scheduled report, ensure that the Recipients field is not empty.
New confidentiality settings on Toshiba MDS V3+ devices can result in all job types not being tracked correctly.
Workaround available
Toshiba have added a Confidentiality setting to their devices which masks usernames in the Toshiba job logs. In some regions, this setting, Log Data Privacy Setting is set to Not to store by default. When this is set to Not to store, PaperCut MF is unable track user-level usage for all device job types (print, scan, fax, copy) since the username cannot be determined.
Workaround: Set Log Data Privacy Setting to Store
Log in to the MFP web interface (TopAccess) with your web browser as the “Admin” user.
Select the Administration tab > select Setup tab
Under Confidentiality Setting, set the Log Data Privacy Setting option to Store
Save the settings.
Change in behavior for auto-generated PINs when using self-registration for internal users.
To fix a problem with no one knowing the randomly generated ID PIN for self-registering internal users, we have made some changes. ID PINs not picked by the users themselves, if/when sent through emails, will be in clear text instead of being masked by ****. A new constraint also becomes effective on the Options > User/Group Sync page with regard to internal users.
This fix has brought about some minor changes on the Options > User/Group Sync page. The problem we will address in the 22.0.9 release, is when end users are allowed to self-register as internal users, IF the admin had set up the system to auto generate ID PINs, there was no way for the end user or admin to know what the PIN was, because the PIN is masked by `****` in their email as well as on the post-registration screen.
We've therefore implemented a fix to reveal the ID PINs that was auto-generated as clear text in the emails that are delivered to users. This brought about the necessity for email notifications. We've therefore added one constraint on the Options > User/Group Sync page that if all three are true:
1. Internal users are enabled.
2. User can self-register.
3. ID PINs are randomly generated by system as opposed to self-chosen.
... then both of these boxes must be ticked:
1. User must enter an email address.
2. Also send email confirmation to the user.
Should the first 3 conditions be met and either of the 2 boxes mentioned is not ticked, the page will not save, and will show an error. This is to ensure that when the 3 conditions are met, we can always notify the user of their ID PIN.
Please note that the method admins use to add internal users is not affected. Admins can continue to add internal users without providing an email address, because the admins have to input a PIN value while creating internal users. If they choose to, they can inform end users of their ID PINs in different ways, e.g. separate email or in-person verification process.
Due to this new constraint, we also changed the default value of "Also email confirmation to the user" box to be ticked, as "User must enter an email address" is already by default on. This does not affect the settings of old installs. The constraint will NOT apply to pre-existing configurations. It only applies when you try to change any settings on the Options > User/Group Sync page because that is when the validation processes run again.
Print Deploy IP-SUBNET filters may not work as expected
IP-SUBNET filters are being detected as IP-RANGEs and including too many IP addresses.
Workaround: Print Deploy administrators can reliably use CIDR notation when using IP based filters.
More detail: Print Deploy supports multiple filters on Zones, restricting what printers are applied to a client. This includes IP based filters.
Print Deploy administrators may use IP-CIDR, IP-RANGE and IP-SUBNET filters.
Due to an issue in detecting the use of a SUBNET vs RANGE, a client may receive more printers than expected due to the SUBNET being detected as a RANGE.
Example: includes all IPs from to and thus would incorrectly match
'Mobile & BYOD' Settings Interface - unable to save changes to the 'When a job arrives from an unknown email address' setting
In the 'Enable Printing > Mobile & BYOD > Common Mobile Printing Options' section of the NG/MF admin interface, changes made to the 'When a job arrives from an unknown email address' setting are not saved successfully (even though it indicates it is) - after saving, and then refreshing/revisiting the page, the setting is reverted.
(This issue is also known as PO-1134)
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
Sharp CR5 devices - Unregistered card readers fail to login after waking up from “Power Off” secondary switch on the panel.
Firmware 0285Q100_23030600
Problem: Sharp introduced the secondary switch button on the operation panel in Sharp CR5s. After doing a power cycle using that switch (power off and then wake up), user is unable to login to PaperCut MF by swiping their card. This is only happening with unregistered card readers and while powering off/on using the secondary switch on the panel. Other authentication methods work in this scenario. This is not an issue when a power-cycle of the machine is done using the main power switch.
Sharp is currently working on getting a firmware released to fix this issue.
Workaround: It is recommended to register the card reader as this issue only occurs with unregistered card readers.
Cannot control (disable) PDF/A output on scans sent through Document Processing
There is a regression in 22.0.8 which is causing all PDF scan jobs to be delivered in PDF/A format.
This effects both On-Prem and Cloud Document Processing services.
'Sign in with Microsoft' button on web interfaces no longer works when the 'Import disabled users' option is unchecked.
After upgrading to 22.0.8 the ‘Sign in with Microsoft’ button no longer works for logging in to the User or Admin web interfaces when the ‘Import disabled users’ option is disabled on the Azure sync settings.
You can still login with username/password on these pages though, it’s only SSO that won’t work.
Don’t use SSO - login with username/password.
Enable the ‘Import disabled users’ option on the Azure sync settings - although this will potentially import a large number of unwanted user accounts into the database.
PO-846 payment gateway does not support some Unicode characters, including accent characters used in the French language
Open does not provide full support for Unicode characters in user names.
This can result in payments made via failing if the user's name includes unsupported Unicode characters. Unsupported characters include the 'é' character used in the French language.
Impact of new config key in 22.0.8 - "ext-device.block-release-on-error.paper-out-using-trays"
UPDATE: The default for "ext-device.block-release-on-error.paper-out-using-trays" key will be changed to "no" in 22.0.9.
This configuration key was added in 22.0.8, and we have seen some confusion around how this key works & what it is for. Hopefully this Known Issue will clear things up.
Before this key, the global “noPaper” value was not honoured by a large number of OEMs. The addition of the new key enables the “noPaper” value to work on the vast majority of devices, regardless of OEM. The ongoing exceptions are Brother and Epson devices. During our testing these devices do not return the “noPaper” command we use with either key.
So with this key added, we now provide the same outcome to the “noPaper” value for most devices, creating a common outcome across all devices.
In fact, with this key, we now offer a wider range of variables for all OEMs, from only blocking release when all trays with a particular tray size are out (all_size), to blocking release when all trays are out of paper (all).
Default setting:
The decision was made to set the default key to “any”, so that it would match the original “noPaper” default setting. This setting blocks release when any of the trays is out of paper.
We understand that due to the increase in devices now supporting this configuration, that this level of tray detection may be leading to understandable confusion.
We currently have a tracking number for changing the default configuration to “no”, which would effectively disable this configuration key and require manually setting one of the other options explained in the manual. Please log a ticket with PaperCut Support and quote “PIE-219” if you wish to see us change this. Please let us know if you would prefer the default to be set to “all”, so that we only block release when all trays are out of paper. Update: Please see top of Known Issue.
Further notes:
This new configuration key is not retroactively added after upgrading to 22.0.8. However if no key is present in 22.0.8, we will assume the default value of “any”. Remember that “noPaper” still needs to be enabled for this to be honoured.
In the past, Xerox devices required an extra flag for the default key of “inputTrayEmpty”. If the new key is being used, this is no longer required as the “noPaper” command will be honoured. The manual will be updated to reflect this change (PIE-220)
“noPaper” MUST be set in “ext-device.block-release-on-error.snmp-error-list” for the new configuration key to be used in any capacity. This is the top level trigger for tray detection. Consider the new key an extension of the “noPaper” command.
Note that this key is now defaulted to "no" in 22.0.9
New NG/MF 22.0.8 installations show a Coffee Cup when loading the Print Deploy Admin console
When installing PaperCut NG/MF 22.0.8 for the first time there is a possibility that the Print Deploy Server service does not start properly.
You can confirm you are experincing this specific issue by confirming these two entries in the PaperCut Print Deploy Server logs: pc-print-deploy.log
During startup: 2023/01/25 09:30:10 pc-print-deploy-server.exe: STDOUT|ERROR: failed to read C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server\data\internal-api-key.dat: open C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server\data\internal-api-key.dat: The system cannot find the file specified. {"src":"authmf.go:32"}
When viewing the Print Deploy Server admin interface: 2023/01/25 09:31:46 pc-print-deploy-server.exe: STDOUT|ERROR: AdminAPIAuth: error: authorization key provided for this request is invalid {"src":"verification.go:20"}
The Print Deploy team are aware of this and will update this KB article when there is a fix available.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
PaperCut High Availability - MFDs can show "An unexpected network error occurred" when failing between HA nodes
We are finding with some customers who have MF Application servers using NG/MF's High Availability feature, that MFDs can show this error message on their touch screens when a failover to a new Application Server node happens:
Unexpected error communicating with the server An unexpected network error occurred
This doesn't appear to be specific to any MFD manufacturer and we have so far seen this on HP, Ricoh and Lexmark devices.
Initial investigations appear to point at the .mapdb files used on shared storage between the MF HA clustered nodes as the probable cause.
Errors shown on HP legacy FutureSmart devices after upgrading to 22.0.8
We have reports of errors with HP legacy FututreSmart copiers after upgrading to 22.0.8.
The copiers will fail to start, and show errors on the Device Details page of the PaperCut Admin UI.
We are investigating, but in the meantime advise customers with legacy FutureSmart copiers to remain on 22.0.7 or earlier.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
Error integrating with some Xerox copiers after upgrading to 22.0.8
We have reports of an issue after upgrading to 22.0.8.
Devices fail to complete integration, and show a StackOverflowError message in the logs.
This has been observed on C8170 and C8135 copiers.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
Modifying user details when child/sub accounts are in use, modifying child/sub accounts with batch import, server command, or API, and attempting to charge to a child/sub account through Web Cashier fails with error expecting EOF, found ')'.
(Since renamed to PO-1205)
Since version 22.0.8, modifying child/sub accounts with batch import, server command, or API fails with error expecting EOF, found ')'.
This only happens if you are importing/updating sub-accounts. If you're only importing/updating Parent accounts, this works successfully.
Another way the problem can manifest is if child/sub accounts are in use, and you attempt to set one of these accounts as a default shared account for a user, or configure a user to automatically charge to one of these accounts. If a user was already configured to automatically charge to a child/sub account, or had a child/sub account as their default account, prior to upgrading to 22.0.8, attempting to modify any attribute for that user will also result in this error.
If a user attempts to use Web Cashier to charge items to a child/sub account, the problem will also occur.
Workaround: for now, adding the child/sub-accounts manually through the user interface (Accounts > Actions > Create new account) is the only workaround for the import issue.
For the user details issue, there is no workaround besides not configuring the use of child/sub accounts.
For the Web Cashier issue, there is also no workaround.
Update 17th Jan 2023: there is now a hotfix available for this issue if needed. Please quote PO-1205 when contacting us to ask for it - thank you!
We'll also be looking to resolve this issue officially in an upcoming release.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
Konica Swipe Card Login - "Pre-authorization required" error on MFD
After upgrading to 22.0.8 you may experience a regular (but intermittent) ‘Pre-authorization required’ error message appear on Konica MFDs, when using swipe card login.
This does not seem to effect any other form of login method - only swipe cards.
Workaround: In lieu of migrating to an alternative login method (E.g ID or username/password), the only known workaround is to downgrade the PaperCut MF server to the previous version.
Update 17th Jan 2023: A further workaround is to set the key ext-device.konica-minolta.browser.enable-fast-login-flow to N which disables the faster login flow. As a result, the login time may be slightly increased, however the issue with the pre-authorization error message will disappear. Please see the 'PaperCut MF - Konica Minolta i-Option Embedded Manual' for more information about setting that key.
In the meantime we are working on a fix for the fast-login-flow option.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
When running older versions of the Application Server with newer versions of the Print Provider (22.0.8 or later) you may see a 'red herring' error in the App Server debug logs: Print provider was denied access to the application server as it is running a newer, incompatible, version which can safely be ignored.
When running older versions of the Application Server with newer versions of the Print Provider (22.0.8 or later) you may see an error in the App Server debug logs: Print provider was denied access to the application server as it is running a newer, incompatible, version
In the 22.0.8 release we introduced a feature which allows newer versions of the Print Provider to communicate with older versions of the Application Server (ref PC-18655).
This means that you can for example be running a 20.x.x version of the Application Server, and run the Print Provider from 22.0.8 or later on your secondary servers. This will work fine as per the enhancement in the release note, however you may see this red-herring alert in your Application Server debug logs. This can be safely ignored (as long as the Print Provider is reporting jobs to the Application Server correctly and appears to be working ok).
Print Provider - CUPS held job persistence feature
Workaround available (see details)
(Also known as PIE-295)
In NG/MF version 22.0.8 we released a feature (PIE-40) which enables the Print Provider on CUPS servers to keep track of all currently held print jobs during a server reboot. This feature is not switched on by default.
Previously, the jobs being held during a server reboot would be 'lost' (they wouldn't be printed or tracked). Note that this impacted CUPS servers only (not Windows).
With version 22.0.8, this feature can be enabled by adding the job persistence config key JobHoldPersistence=on into the print-provider.conf file. From version 22.0.10 (under change PIE-294) this config key will be added to the print-provider.conf file, but will be set to OFF by default.
We will be looking to switch this on by default in a future version - this change is tracked by PO-1199/PIE-295.
Enabling the feature
Manually add the following line to the print-provider.conf file and restart the Print Provider: JobHoldPersistence=on
Important note: Version 22.0.8 contains an issue that in some cases could cause unreleased print jobs to be released when the server is restarted. This issue (tracked as PIE-226) has been fixed in the 22.0.9 release.
macOS Ventura displays a "Background Items Added" popup when installing the PaperCut NG/MF Print Deploy Client
End users running macOS Ventura (beta at the time of writing) will be presented with a "Background Items Added" popup when the PaperCut NG/MF Print Deploy Client is installed to their machine.
This is an inbuilt feature of the new version of the macOS operating system. macOS Administrators can hide all messages of this type by using existing 3rd party MDM tools to manage settings.
PaperCut Mobility Print queues cloned by Print Deploy may cause macOS users to be prompted for additional authentication
1.7.2214 (Nov 08 2022)
1.7.2234 (Dec 20 2022)
PaperCut Mobility Print queues cloned, not imported, by Print Deploy are being deployed with the CUPS configuration of authinforequired username,password in error.
PaperCut Mobility Print queues do not require the use of authinforequired.
macOS users will be presented with an operating system level prompt to enter a username and password, preventing normal printing operations.
This has been resolved in 1.7.2234 (Dec 20 2022).
Web Print Sandbox Server may not process PDF jobs with newer versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader
Newer versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader may fail to process PDF jobs on a Web Print Sandbox server. We're still investigating, but for now the admin can elect to use Xpdf to process PDF jobs instead, to sidestep the issue. In an elevated Notepad session, open the following file on the Sandbox server:
Save the file and close/open the application, then confirm PDF job submissions work without issue.
If you believe you've encountered this issue, please reach out through our support portal and quote reference PIE-208.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
PaperCut may stop tracking held print jobs on a PaperCut Print Provider restart or a machine restart.
Held print jobs which are not in PCL6 or PostScript format may no longer be tracked when the PaperCut Print Provider service is restarted. Text, PCL5c, XPS, and ZPL are known spool file formats which are not tracked in this scenario.
Please note that this will only impact print jobs which are being held (e.g. in a hold/release queue) at the time that the Print Provider Service (or the server) is restarted.
Workaround: When a PCL6 or PostScript driver for your printer is available, use that driver instead.
Please note: this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.8
Print Deploy Client displays "this is awkward" for some usernames ending with "mime type" attributes, e.g. ".ma".
1.7.2214 (Nov 08 2022)
1.7.2232 (Dec 15 2022)
Print Deploy Users with a username that end in a "mime type" (e.g. "") and use either a Domain/Directory joined machine or "Sign in with Google" may experience issues with the Print Deploy Client intermittently showing a "This is awkward." error message.
This is caused by an API call to the PaperCut NG/MF Application Server not returning expected data.
The Print Deploy team are aware of this issue and will release a fix, independent of a PaperCut NG/MF change, shortly
When configuring a device as a Release Station (Print Release at an MFD), print queues may appear under the wrong heading.
When configuring a device as a Release Station (Print Release at an MFD), print queues may appear under the wrong heading. This does not impact the functionality of hold/release queues, and does not happen if you have not recently changed the type of print queue in use.
For example, if you configure a print queue with 'Enable hold/release queue' and then head into Devices > [select device] > Summary > Print Release > Enable print release. You will see the printer appear successfully under the 'Physical with Hold/Release' or 'Virtual with Hold/Release' sections of the list.
If you then go back and update the print queue to uncheck 'Enable hold/release queue' and then head into the same device setting, the printer should appear under the 'No Hold/Release' section. Instead it mistakenly appears under the original 'Physical with Hold/Release' or 'Virtual with Hold/Release' section.
This can be fixed by restarting the Application Server - however we believe this will only be seen if customers are making regular changes to the hold/release properties of a queue. This will not impact any of the hold/release functionality or find-me functionality.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
The Print Deploy team are monitoring this issue and believe an update of macOS may fix this issue. We are also investigating changes to the macOS Print Deploy Cloner to support this change in macOS Ventura
Email to Print with Gmail OAuth2 has layout issues and fails to authenticate on Safari and Firefox
When selecting Gmail OAuth2 for Email to Print and filling out the client ID and client secret fields, the Authorize Via Google button is misaligned. When the button is pressed, the application does not navigate to the Google authentication page.
Fujifilm devices do not display on screen numeric keypad at login when configured
When configuring Fujifilm devices with set to Y, the regular device keyboard is displayed on screen instead of the expected numeric keypad
Please note: this has now been resolved in version 22.0.11.
When using firmware version 17.0.0 or later on Toshiba MDS V3+ devices, the device may fail to connect to PaperCut with error: This is not a Toshiba device or it was not registered successfully.
Firmware v 17.0.0 or later
Workaround available
When setting up a Toshiba MDS V3+ device with PaperCut MF, when running firmware version 17.0.0 or later, the device may fail to connect to PaperCut with error: This is not a Toshiba device or it was not registered successfully. This is due to a new REST endpoint service that has been added in the latest firmware, and causes the device registration to fail.
Disable the REST endpoint on the device. This will not have any side-effects on the functionality of the device.
Log in to the MFP web interface (TopAccess) with your web browser as the “Admin” user.
We have also updated the Toshiba MDS V3 Embedded manual with this information (see section 2.4.16).
Print Release section under Device does not show newly created print queues
22.0.4, 22.0.5
When you are attempting to configure your Devices to utilize new queues for Print Release. You are unable to see the newly created queues until you restart the PaperCut Application Server.
IMAP/POP3 clients with newly found issues with Microsoft Office365 servers
It has recently come to our attention that some customers cannot use Email to Print function with Microsoft Office 365 / Exchange mail servers due to traffic throttling. The manifestation of the problem can be:
The service works for a while and then stops
Logs showing email fetching failures, sometimes the logs will explicitly say this is due to throttling, and usually after that, we will get a different type of exception FolderClosedException, causing the input stream reading process to fail;
Sometimes the failure point is at attempts to delete emails after fetching. Deletion is also part of the IMAP/POP3 functionality.
Upgrading your existing server from 22.0.4 or earlier, to 22.0.5 or later will generate the following message on the screens of all existing Fujifilm Business devices:
This is not a Fuji Xerox device or was not registered correctly.
This is due to the changes made for Fujifilm Business devices, documented in the 22.0.5 release notes.
Please note that further changes have been made in 22.0.7 which make this process easier. Please see details in the FujiFilm upgrade article above for more information.
When using Sharp CR5 devices and card authentication, users may be taken back to the login screen after using their card to log in.
When using Sharp CR5 devices and card authentication, users may be taken back to the login screen after logging in. This can look as though the device briefly logs in the user, then immediately logs the user back out.
This only happens with card authentication (username/password or ID number authentication are not impacted), and does not happen with all CR5 devices - some are not impacted at all, and others display this login issue.
We are actively working with Sharp Australia and Sharp Japan to resolve this issue with the highest priority.
Please note: This has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.8.
When starting native jobs on Fujifilm devices and no account has been selected before accessing device functions, the user will be logged out
When a native copy, scan or fax job is performed on a Fujifilm device and no account selection has been made, the logged in user will be returned to the PaperCut login screen.
WORKAROUND - Select an account on the PaperCut account selection screen before pressing the device home button
On Fujifilm devices, Integrated Scanning fails when an account balance reaches zero and the account balance is topped up while the user remains logged into the device
While using Integrated Scanning on a Fujifilm device, if a user's balance reaches zero and is subsequently topped up with additional funds while remaining logged into the device, the user will not be able to perform additional Integrated scans. Users must log out of the device, then log in to the device again to see their balance updated
Moneris Checkout payment gateway does not work with versions 19 and 20 of PaperCut MF/NG
Introduced in version 22.0.229 of the payment gateway module
A payment gateway integration for Moneris Checkout was introduced in version 22.0.229 of the payment gateway module.
This new integration currently works with versions 21 and higher of PaperCut MF/NG, but attempting to use it with versions 19 and 20 will result in an error similar to the following:
Unable to invoke method formSubmit on ext.paymentgateway.pages.ExtnMonerisCheckout$Enhance_22@1f76794b[ExtnMonerisCheckout]: null
We have a hot-fix build available on request, please contact support and quote PO-1047.
Moneris Payment gateway config typo
The environment value in configuration file should be “prod” not “pro”
"Unknown license status" warning appears when you have less than 20 days of M&S remaining.
"Unknown license status" warning appears on the "About" tab when you have less than 20 days of M&S Support remaining.
We are working on a fix - in the meantime printing / tracking / copying / faxing / scanning should all continue to work without issues.
If you see this error and you are experiencing issues making configuration changes (e.g. adding Print Deploy zones) please reach out to the Customer Care team through Otherwise all other functionality should continue to work without issues.
Please note: This has now been resolved in the 22.0.6 release.
Executive Summary and Printer Statistics produce an error when using some external database types: "No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.MethodNode"
Users receive an error No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.MethodNode when trying to run the Executive Summary report (Reports > User > Executive Summary) or looking at Printer Statistics (Printers -> [select printer] -> Statistics). This looks to only be an issue if an external database (specifically SQL Server or Postgres confirmed so far) is in use.
Other reports run successfully.
Update: This looks to impact customers using SQL Server and Postgres. MySQL and Derby (internal) databases do not appear to be impacted.
Please note: This has now been resolved in the 22.0.6 release.
Google OAuth2 authentication error when the MF server runs on port 443 or 80
There is currently a problem affecting Email to Print authentication using Google OAuth2 client IF the MF server runs on port 80 (http) or 443 (https), instead of 9191 or 9192. This bug does not happen when any other ports are used, so long as they are not 80 or 443. Hot fix will be provided to affected customers and the simple fix will be added to future releases.
Please note: This has now been resolved in the 22.0.6 release.
macOS Print Deploy Clients connected to a Windows Print Deploy Server may fail to install print queues
Print Deploy Server v1.7.2184
Print Deploy Server v1.7.2188
If you are running Print Deploy Server v1.7.2184 and if the Print Deploy server is on a Windows server, and if you have macOS Clients, printer installations on those macOS clients will fail.
The Print Deploy team will be releasing a fix for this issue as soon as possible.
Print Deploy: Old driver and capability files are deleted when cloning new printers
Print Deploy Server v1.7.2177
From version v1.7.2177, if you clone new printers, then driver and capability files from previously cloned printers are deleted from the repository for that operating system.
The previously cloned printers will fail to install on end user devices. Printers that are already installed will keep working.
Recovery steps:
If you have a recent backup after upgrading to v1.7.2177 or later and before you recloned, you can copy back the contents of the following directories.
If your backups are from older versions of Print Deploy prior to v1.7.2177, then reach out to our support team at and we’ll help you recover by reverting back to an older version.
Print Deploy macOS Clients may fail to install print queues
Print Deploy Server v1.7.2177
False positive
From version v1.7.2177, if a SysAdmin has cloned print queues from reference machines running different macOS versions, print queues that have been cloned from reference machines running older macOS versions will fail to get installed in the client.
Browse to ~\providers\print-deploy\win\data\repository\drivers\mac\ and if you see multiple subdirectories in there, copy the contents of each subdirectory to the latest one.
For example, if you have two subdirectories,
10.14-amd64, 12.5-amd6, then copy the files from 10.14-amd64 to 12.5-amd64.
Print Deploy server fails to start after upgrading to version 1.7.2177
Server 1.7.2177
In some cases, the Print Deploy server fails to start after upgrading to version 1.7.2177. This occurs when there are old print queues in the Print Deploy Server with missing driver files or driver capabilities (.cap) files.
Please contact Support if you believe you've been affected by this issue.
Users with Admin Rights are unable to access the new help tab after upgrading
22.0.3, 22.0.4
After upgrade Admin users are not able to access the Help menu item; this page includes the customer support id, customer reference number, technical support contact information, and sales and solutions contact information.
This is due to an erroneous permission added to the menu item which does not show in the access options list. Consequently these users will also show as having 'limited access' when all access options are granted.
Note that this has now been resolved in our 22.0.5 release.
Print Archiving not working on MacOS when changing the default archive location.
20, 21, 22
After MacOS Mojave, when changing the default ArchiveDir setting in the PaperCut Print Provider, Print Archiving feature no longer works. The Print Provider application is unable to create new folders in a location other than under the initial application path.
Ricoh SmartSDK not auto logging out user after inactivity with v3.1.0
v3.1.0 SmartSDK Embedded
We are finding that some Ricoh device's with the Smart Operations Panel are ignoring the 'System Auto Reset Timer' of the device, and the user will remain logged in indefinitely.
WORKAROUND - Currently downgrading the embedded to 3.0.2 will rectify the issue.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
Sharp CR5 Atlas and Titan model doesn’t work
In PaperCut MF 22.0.3 support for Sharp CR5 Atlas and Titan models are missing. We are working on it to include it in the next release.
Google Cloud Directory certificate import fails while setting up user sync
In PaperCut NG and MF 22.0.3, setting up a Google Cloud Directory user sync source will fail because the Google certificate import step fails with the following error:
The certificate failed to import. No changes were made.
Any Google Cloud Directory sync sources that were already set up using a PaperCut version prior to 22.0.3 will continue to work.
In order to resolve this issue, please follow the instructions below specific for your operating system.
Windows or Linux
Add the following line to the \custom\service.conf file:
After saving the file, restart the application server and confirm that you can now import the certificate.
Add the following line to the \custom\launch-app-server.conf file:
After saving the file, restart the application server and confirm that you can now import the certificate.
PC-client.exe displays "New Notification" instead of message when run from network share
Customers have reported that since upgrading to Windows 10, when the PaperCut client (pc-client.exe) is started from a network share, users will not see the expected Toast notification "Print system message. Your attention is required." and instead see a vague message "new notification".
Running the locally-installed version of the PaperCut Client works fine however.
Some Ricoh IMC devices running the SmartSDK application version 3.1 or greater display "java.util.Arraylist cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean"
22.0 SmartSDK
Some Ricoh IMC devices embedded with SmartSDK app version 3.1 or greater display "java.uitl.Arraylist cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean".
The current workaround is to utilize an older version of the SmartSDK application until this issue is resolved in an upcoming Maintenance Release.
Note that this has now been resolved in our 22.0.5 release.
Warning message missing from the 'Scripting' tab if scripting has been disabled ( for example when performing a new installation).
Since version 21.2.10, when performing a new installation of PaperCut NG/MF, the print-and-device.script.enabled key is set to N by default. This means that scripting is disabled by default. This is expected behavior.
However, there should be a warning message that appears on the scripting page (e.g. under Devices > [select a device] > Scripting, or Printers > [select a printer] > Scripting), which tells the admin that scripting has been disabled, and links to instructions on how to enable scripting.
In version 22.0.0 and later this warning message is missing, so the scripting page just shows a blank page.
Please note that this has now been resolved with our 22.0.3 release.
New Lexmark Firmware MXTGW.081.205 causes PaperCut embedded application to no longer function
New Lexmark Firmware MXTGW.081.205 causes PaperCut embedded application to no longer function and causing a web front end Device Configuration page error. Affected models reported on so far is CX825 and MX722.
Resolution is to downgrade the firmware on the device. Issue currently open with Lexmark and they are investigating.
Issues with login screens and card swipe readers on new Sharp CR5 Atlas and Titan models
With the release of new Sharp CR5 Atlas and Titan Models there is a change of the built-in browser type to the chromium browser. Due to this change, full embedded support for Sharp CR5 Atlas and Titan models won’t be available until an upcoming Maintenance Release (MR) for PaperCut MF.
Please note that this has now been resolved with our 22.0.2 release.
Print Deploy client is not correctly setting default printers.
Server: 1.6.2083 Clients: Windows v1477 macOS v1181 Linux v492
Server: 1.6.2105
The Print Deploy client is not correctly setting default printers based on the Zone configuration. Users may need to manually set their own default if required.
PDF/A files are produced when scanning includes document processing - even when the 'Convert to PDF/A' option is not selected.
If a scan action is using Document Processing (e.g. OCR, batch splitting, blank page removal, despeckle, deskew) the output is always PDF/A - even if the Convert to PDF/A checkbox is unchecked.
The checkbox can be found in Devices > Scan Actions > [select a scan action] > Details > Output settings > File type > PDF > Convert to PDF/A. If the scan action is using a document processing feature as detailed above, the checkbox will not impact the output file type.
We are hoping to fix this in a future maintenance release.
Workarounds: the only ways around this currently are:
Use the device's native scanning function.
Do not enable any of the document processing features for that scan action.
Side note: If you happen to be using the preview-release version 22.0.0, you'll find that the checkbox does actually work succesfully - and if you uncheck the Convert to PDF/A box you will receive a 'regular' PDF instead. This is not the case with 22.0.1 and 22.0.2, where the output will continue to be PDF/A in the circumstances above.
Update: This issue has been resolved in version 22.0.3 of PaperCut MF. After updating to version 22.0.3, existing scan actions from previous PaperCut MF versions that have any of document processing features enabled will now have the PDF/A box ticked. If the checkbox is subsequently unticked, the checkbox will now function as expected, and deliver the job as PDF instead of PDF/A.
Print Deploy Client may show "Can't reach this page" error on Windows
Server: 1.6.2083
Windows Client: v1477
Server: 1.6.2096
Windows Client: v1484
Windows Print Deploy Clients that are left logged out (e.g. after a restart) will display an error page to end users saying "Can't reach this page".
This is caused by the computer being left at the login screen for too long and the Print Deploy Client stopping.
Please upgrade to Print Deploy server version 1.6.2096 and Print Deploy Client version v1484 to rectify this issue.
The Print Deploy Client may not automatically create a popup for authentication in some situations
Users who have not authenticated to the PaperCut Print Deploy Client previously may not be shown a popup prompting for authentication.
Workaround: Users may still right click the Print Deploy Client in the taskbar / system tray and access their printers via "View My Printers" and follow the authentication prompts there.
Mixed size scanning does not work on some Kyocera models with imperial region setting
Some Kyocera devices do not support mixed size scanning when they are set to an "inch" region (such as US). The current known work around is for your technician to set the device region to a metric region.
The following TASKalfa devices are affected:
8002i, 7002i, 6002i, 5002i, 4002i, 3511i, 3011i, 8052i, 7052i, 6052ci, 5052ci, 4052ci, 3552ci, 3252ci, 2552ci, Ecosys MA5500
Note that this has been resolved in version 23.0.0, under CDSS-1865.
iPrint OES2018 SP3 - Printing issues
iPrint OES2018 SP3
iPrint OES2018 SP3 servers running PaperCut will experience issues with print job redirection due to an iPrint update - the known issues prevents Printer Redirection and Hardware checks.
We have a hotfix Print Provider available to fix this issue, and this updated Print Provider will be included in a future public release.
Please note that this has now been resolved with our 22.0.3 release.
The Print Deploy Client may incorrectly show a printer has failed to install even though the operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux) completes the installation correctly.
Server 1.6.2030 Windows v1429 macOS v1132 Linux v444
If the installation of a printer takes longer than expected, the Print Deploy Client may show to the user that the printer failed to install correctly even though the user can see the printer in their printer list when printing and printing works as expected.
The Print Deploy team will be releasing a fix for this issue as soon as possible.
Print Deploy Client may show incorrect page numbers in the printer list
If there are optional printers in the Print Deploy Client printer list, after installing optional printers the printer disappears from the printers list as expected but the total number of printers doesn't get updated and remains the same.
When using PaperCut NG/MF versions 21.2.0 or later on Linux and macOS only with certain drivers, print jobs with copies may print more copies than expected
Note: This was partially resolved in version 21.2.6 and later under PO-710, but there have been additional cases found (when using certain drivers or when "raw printing" such as can be used with Samba printing when clients are doing the rendering) where this bug will happen even in these fixed versions.
Recent changes to Print Provider may cause print jobs with a number of copies (n) greater than 1 to be printed with n2 copies (number of copies multiplied by number of copies).
This behaviour was introduced in version 21.2.0 and only impacts the Print Provider when using Linux and macOS.
The number of copies reported in PaperCut NG/MF will show the original number requested, but the actual number of copies printed will be n2.
Update: This has now been resolved in version 22.0.0 (available in the public release of 22.0.1).
When using Azure standard sync, the Card ID / Office / Department may not sync if you have selected 'import users from selected groups'
(also known as PO-971)
When using Azure standard sync, the Card ID / Office / Department may not sync if you have selected 'import users from selected groups'.
We have identified an issue where the Card ID, Office and Department will not sync correctly (those fields will not be populated correctly in PaperCut MF/NG) if 'Import users from selected groups' is selected.
Use the 'Import all users' option instead, which will then correctly populate the additional fields when the next sync happens (ensure that the config key user-source.update-user-details-card-id is set to Y).
Please note: this was incorrectly advertised that it was resolved in 22.0.8. This is not the case, but we are hoping to have this fixed in a future release.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut version 22.0.9.
Release 21.2.6 contains log4j 2.17.0 instead of 2.17.1
Due to an unfortunate incident with our build system, the latest release of PaperCut NG and MF (21.2.6) contains log4j 2.17.0 binaries instead of 2.17.1.
We are working on a build to be released asap which will include log4j 2.17.1 and the fixes from 21.2.6.
In the meantime rolling back to 21.2.5 will restore the binaries for log4j 2.17.1, but without the fixes included in 21.2.6.
This has now been resolved in the 21.2.7 release, which contains the fixes from 21.2.6 and also log4j 2.17.1.
Integrated Scanning: Convert to PDF/A conversion failing.
Workaround available
Convert to PDF/A conversion failing in certain circumstances.
Enable deskew, despeckle or any of the blank page Document Processing operations and PDF/A will apply to the scanned document.
Upcoming Fix
A change within an upcoming version of Doc Proc will properly listen to the PDF/A flag and apply it correctly.
When using Azure AD sync for user Authentication, users may see Error AADSTS50126 if Federated Authentication is in use
When using the Azure AD Sync with PaperCut, users may receive error AADSTS50126 when logging in.
This may happen if Federated Authentication is in use for that account - since PaperCut does not currently support Federated accounts for login with username/password where a browser is not in use. For example this may work when the user is logging into the User web interface through a browser, but may not work when the user is logging in with user/password authentication at a copier/device.
We have also seen some customers working around this in their environment using steps similar to these (external site):
When using PaperCut NG/MF versions 21.2.0 - 21.2.4 on Linux and Mac only, print jobs with copies may print more copies than expected
21.2 and later
Recent changes to Print Provider may cause print jobs with a number of copies (n) greater than 1 to be printed with n2 copies (number of copies multiplied by number of copies). This behaviour was introduced in version 21.2.0, 21.2.1, 21.2.3 and 21.2.4 and only impacts Print Provider when using Linux and Mac. The number of copies reported in PaperCut NG/MF will show the original number requested, but the actual number of copies printed will be n2.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut NG and MF version 21.2.6.
Note: if you have applied the latest fix in 21.2.6 or later, and you're still experiencing this issue, you may be experiencing the specific case identified in PC-18730. We hope to have that additional issue resolved shortly.
A vulnerability was discovered (originally in 2019) in the SocketServer functionality of Log4j. This has been documented officially on the NIST site here: CVE-2019-17571
This vulnerability requires the Apache Log4j component to be configured to listen for logging events on a socket. PaperCut Products do not use this feature of Log4j and as such the vulnerability CVE-2019-17571does not affect PaperCut Products.
Please also note that this is unrelated to the much-publicised RCE vulnerability in log engine dependency Log4j (CVE-2021-44228) - which is documented in our other Known Issue for CVE-2021-44228.
PaperCut NG and MF have a dependency on the open source logging module log4j2.
A vulnerability has recently been discovered in log4j2 that may allow arbitrary code in logged strings to be executed. See here for details: This vulnerability is sometimes called Log4Shell or LogJam, and defined in CVE-2021-44228.
Please note that only versions 21.0 and later are impacted. Versions 20 and earlier are NOT impacted by this.
Update 13th December
We have published a KB with more information about this Log4j vulnerability.
We are also hoping to have a maintenance release out shortly with a more permanent fix - however we highly recommend the configuration change above in the interim.
A maintenance release version 21.2.3 is now publicly available which includes Apache log4j 2.16, and addresses CVE-2021–44228 and CVE-2021–45046
Update 21st December
A maintenance release version 21.2.4 is now publicly available which includes Apache log4j 2.17, and addresses CVE-2021–44228, CVE-2021–45046 and CVE-2021–45105
Enabling "Sign in with Google" in Print Deploy fails to apply until the Print Deploy server service is restarted
Workaround available
When enabling the "Sign in with Google" authentication option for Print Deploy an error can be seen in the Print Deploy server logs (pc-print-deploy.log) and authentication via Google will not work.
2021/11/12 17:52:44 pc-print-deploy-server.exe: STDOUT|ERROR: ServerErrorLog: http2: panic serving runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
Workaround: Restarting the PaperCut Print Deploy server service resolves this issue.
Error AADSTS50076 / AADSTS50079 when using Azure AD (standard) sync with 2FA/MFA enabled, and logging in with username and password.
Workaround available, with additional support in 23.0.1 and later
When using the Azure AD (standard) sync with version 21.2 or later, users can log in with username and password. However, 2FA/MFA is not currently supported for user logins.
Ensure that your security policy within the MS tenancy does not enforce 2FA on the PaperCut app (note that this doesn’t mean that you have to disable 2FA globally). If you are applying policies or conditional access at the machine level, it’s the PaperCut App Server that you’ll need to exclude from 2FA enforcement - not the devices that the users are logging into.
If you do have 2FA/MFA enabled in a policy which includes your PaperCut Application server, then users may see Error AADSTS50076 or AADSTS50079 when trying to log in through the web interface, at the device or through the user client.
We currently recommend disabling 2FA/MFA (only) for the PaperCut Application Server app (or the PaperCut app server device if you're applying conditional policies at the machine level). This means that for 'other' login scenarios, users will still need to enter their MFA codes.
There is additional support for MFA in version 23.0.1 and later - see Overview of synchronizing user and group details with Entra ID (Azure AD) for more information. While this Known Issue is now 'resolved' since this release, the errors listed may still occur if using unsupported functionality (e.g. logging into an MFD interface using username/password when MFA is enabled). See Deciding which sync option is right for you for more info on which options are supported with MFA.
Error when using the Print Deploy Cloner tool on macOS 12 (Monterey): Unexpected Apple Disk Image filename
When using Print Deploy, the cloner tool will not run on macOS Monterey (12.0) or later. The app will fail with the error Unexpected Apple Disk Image filename.
Note that this was resolved in Print Deploy version 1.5.1947
Confusing behavior of the 'Auto generate random primary card ID number' checkbox when using Azure AD (standard) sync
If you:
Are using the standard Azure AD sync.
Have the config key user-source.update-user-details-card-id set to Y because you're synching the EmployeeID field from Azure into the Primary Card ID field in PaperCut.
Check the 'Auto generate random primary card ID number when blank' box under the Azure AD user/group sync options.
You'll notice that the checkbox gets unchecked when the page reloads. This is because in the background that checkbox is conflicting with the config key option to sync the field from Azure AD. You'll need to choose between either synching that primary field with Azure (keep the config key set to Y, but do not check the 'Auto generate random primary card ID number' checkbox), or not synching with Azure and instead using the auto-generated number (use the opposite settings).
One side effect of this is an edge case where you are synching your users for the first time. In this case if you perform the steps above and a brand new user is created in PaperCut, the user will initially have an auto-generated primary card ID number, even if they also have a valid EmployeeID in Azure. However at the next scheduled sync, because the checkbox to auto-generate the number will have been unchecked by the system, it will then correctly pull in the EmployeeID from Azure.
We're looking to get this resolved in a future release - but in the meantime as long as you don't set the conflicting values, it should behave as expected. It's also worth noting that the Secondary card number options are not impacted by this, since there is no curent option to sync the secondary card number with Azure AD.
Lexmark eSF app version 3.1.1, if you scan 30 pages or more the embedded app will crash with Profile "PaperCut Scan-to-Email" failed to stop before timeout.
eSF app version 3.1.1
When scanning using the Lexmark eSF app version 3.1.1, if you scan 30 pages or more the app will crash with Firmware Error [500.00] Profile "PaperCut Scan-to-Email" failed to stop before timeout.
Workaround Increase the Lexmark device 'Screen Timeout' Settings => Device => Screen Timeout Our path is Settings => Device => Screen Timeout Increase the Screen Timeout.300 seconds is the maximum possible.
Please note that this has been fixed in PaperCut MF/NG version 22.1.4.
Scan Actions which save as .DOCX are producing incorrect results
On-prem version 1.1.16 (live in Cloud version)
Scan Actions which are saving as .DOCX files are currently creating files which are documents of images of the scan and that appear as password protected, rather than the expected text document.
When using PaperCut NG/MF version 21.1.2 and the hidden document names feature in the print provider is enabled, print jobs sent for release may get stuck (status paused) in the target print queue, or jobs may get double charged.
When on version 21.1.2 and using the Print Provider's method to hide document names, customers may see that jobs sent for release are incorrectly pausing in the release / target queue, or jobs may be double-charged.
Case 1: If all of the following are true:
Using PaperCut version 21.1.2
Account selection is enabled for the user(s)
Document names are being hidden, specifically using the HideDocumentNames=on flag in the print-provider.conf file as documented on the Hide Document Names KB.
Then users may see jobs get 'stuck' in the target queue (the release queue) when trying to release their print job from a find-me / virtual queue. In the target print queue the job will show as 'paused'.
Case 2: If all of the following are true:
Using PaperCut version 21.1.2
Account selection is NOT enabled for the user(s)
Document names are being hidden, specifically using the HideDocumentNames=on flag in the print-provider.conf file as documented on the Hide Document Names KB.
Then users will not see any impact to releasing their jobs, however jobs redirected from a find-me queue / virtual queue to the target queue will be incorrectly double-charged and incorrectly show two entries in the job log.
Downgrade PaperCut to version 21.1.1
Where possible (if your requirements and environment allow), switch over to using the Windows Server method to hide document names as detailed on the Hide Document Names KB.
We have withdrawn version 21.1.2 while this issue is worked on, and we hope to have a 21.1.3 release in early November which will resolve this issue.
Oct 2021 Microsoft Windows Security Updates (KB5006670) can break network printing with error 0x00000709
MS KB update KB5007253
We have discovered that in the latest round of security updates from Microsoft - specifically KB5006670 or KB5006672 - network printing can break for customers printing from workstations to server print queues. This can include new connection failures with error code '0x00000709'.
There are lots of sources of information on the internet surrounding Microsoft's latest changes, including Windows 10 KB5006670 update breaks network printing. Microsoft have also issued a Known Issue, however in our testing the impact appears to be a lot wider than only IPP printing.
We have not been able to find any documentation or tips from other customers on an 'easy workaround' for this latest security update. Uninstalling the patch is obviously one non-recommended temporary solution here - but others include:
Use an alternative method of network printing, e.g. using an LPD service and printing over LPR instead of using SMB. Find out more about that on our Using LPD with PaperCut article.
Use PaperCut's Mobility Print solution to print from any device types, to shared Windows queues.
Uninstall the October Windows Security updates.
Apologies that we don't have more information on this latest MS security update at this point, but we will post any more information as soon as we have it.
Update (22nd October):
We are working with Microsoft through a case on their Partner Portal on this issue and hoping for more news shortly.
(Please note that the workarounds above still apply in the meantime while we wait to hear any updates from Microsoft - at the moment we are relying on MS to resolve the issues with OS-level client > server printing. Our current recommendations for workarounds include using Mobility Print to bypass the issues introduced with these latest Microsoft security fixes).
Update (27th October):
Guidance from Microsoft to (specifically) help any customers seeing the 0x709 printer connection error, includes the requirement to open TCP/IP Ports needed by RPC, Remote Procedure Call. See Microsoft's article here.
Update (11 November):
We have reports that the specific TCP/IP Port for RPC which needs to be open is 135. Blocking port 135 results in error 0x6e4 when adding a connection to a shared printer.
Final update (22 November):
Microsoft has released optional update KB5007253 to resolve this issue.
Addresses a known issue that causes error codes 0x000006e4, 0x0000007c, or 0x00000709 when connecting to a remote printer that is shared on a Windows print server.
Further details can be found at
Print Deploy Client on Debian 11 requires libappindicator3-1
There is no longer an indication that libappindicator support will be removed from Debian based Linux distributions.
Original issue:
The Debian 11 Linux distribution has deprecated libappindicator packages which includes libappindicator3-1, a package required for the Print Deploy Client to interact with users.
PaperCut will migrate to another library as soon as possible.
Customers have reported success in installing the .deb packages manually. Please consult with your IT support whether this is an appropriate action for your environment.
Integrated Scanning - Batch Splitting - fails to retain original document order
When using Batch Splitting feature (separating large documents into separate scan files), the original document order is not retained.
This issue is present in both Cloud on On-Prem Document Processing.
Please note that this has been resolved with version 21.2.5.
Toshiba V2 MFDs - User authentication with Card & PIN or ID + PIN will not work with PaperCut v20.1 onwards
20.1 and later
21.2.6 (config key also required - see details)
User PIN authentication will not work with Toshiba V2 MFDs from PaperCut MF v20.1.0 onwards. This is because PaperCut MF now stores all PINs in a one-way hash format in the MF database. (PC-17476)
On the Toshiba V2 platform, the device performs a PIN comparison and it cannot do a comparison on an already encrypted string. Toshiba V3+ devices are unaffected.
Please contact the PaperCut Support Team prior to any upgrade to v20.1.0 to receive a hotfix build and upgrade instructions to help circumvent this issue if you use PIN authentication or still have Toshiba V2 devices actively in your environment. We would recommend to take a back-up of your MF database and PIN codes prior to your upgrade.
Please note that this has now been resolved in PaperCut NG and MF version 21.2.6.
Note that you will need to set the config key "" to "N" if you are using the PaperCut Toshiba V2 and use PINs for login, to prevent user PINs from being hash encoded.
The username search function (type ahead) is no longer working in Web Cashier after upgrading to 21.1.1 (Build 57908).
21.1.1 (Build 57908)
When trying to search on usernames within Web Cashier, the type ahead search functionality has stopped working since upgrading to 21.1.1 (or 20.1.4 or 19.2.5).
Within the same browser session, login to both the administrator portal and the web cashier portal and the username search functionality will work. (Workaround is only applicable if the web cashier user has PaperCut administrator privileges).
Please note that this has been resolved with version 21.2.5.
Sept 2021 Microsoft Windows Security Update KB5005568 can break cross-server redirection with error 283 or error 317
Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2019 Windows server 2016 (TBC)
We have discovered the September 14th 2021 Microsoft Windows Security Update KB5005568 can break cross-server redirection in Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2012. This issue can affect the redirection of print jobs from one server to another.
This issue can be identified by searching for entries within the Print Provider log(s) referencing Error: 283 & Error: 317
The Print Provider logs are found within: [app-path]\providers\print\[platform]\print-provider.log*
2021-09-17 12:00:00,633 ERROR: PrinterRedirect.cpp:515 - Failed to redirect job to printer \\ExampleServer-01\Printer01 - The system cannot find message text for message number 0x (Error: 317) [*****]
PaperCut is working with Microsoft to try and find a workaround for this ongoing issue.
We have had reports of customers resolving this issue by:
Uninstalling the KB5005568 patch from the server (not recommended).
Further workaround:
An additional temporary workaround is listed below, which allows customers to install the security fix. As detailed on the Microsoft KB, one temporary alternative to get printing working again is (on the Windows Print Server) to:
Add a new registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled (type DWORD)
Set the new key value to 0.
Restart the Print Spooler service.
This should allow cross-server redirection to work as before.
Aug/Sept 2021 Microsoft Windows Security Updates can break network printing with error 0x0000011b
All (Windows network)
See workarounds
We have heard reports of some customers experiencing error 0x0000011b when printing from Windows clients to Windows servers after applying the recent security updates from Microsoft.
We believe this is due to a protocol change which has been in Windows 10 since January but the recent updates now require that both client and server be able to use this new communication protocol method and error 0x0000011b is the result when there is a mismatch.
We have had reports of customers resolving this (and have tested ourselves with success) by:
Uninstalling the patch from the server (not recommended).
Ensuring that the patches are applied to the Server and the clients.
Other alternatives include using PaperCut's Mobility Print solution.
Further workaround:
An additional temporary workaround is listed below, which allows customers to install the security fix. As detailed on the Microsoft KB, one temporary alternative to get printing working again is (on the Windows Print Server) to:
Add a new registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled (type DWORD)
Set the new key value to 0.
Restart the Print Spooler service.
This should allow printing from Windows clients to the Windows server as before.
Note: these updates have also all been rolled up into the 'December' updates from Microsoft - so if you had previously not installed updates, and have now installed the December updates, you may see issues as a result of this.
Our most recent recommendations are:
Use an alternative method of network printing, e.g. using an LPD service and printing over LPR instead of using SMB. Find out more about that on our Using LPD with PaperCut article.
Use PaperCut's Mobility Print solution to print to shared Windows queues from any device types.
Sept 2021 Microsoft Windows Security Updates can break macOS to Windows printing over SMB
All (Windows network)
See workarounds
We have discovered that the September Microsoft updates (including KB5005568 for Windows Server 2019) will break macOS to Windows printing when using SMB.
It's useful to note for troubleshooting purposes that this will be an issue whether environments are using PaperCut or not.
In our testing (and as found by a handful of customers so far) we have found that if a Windows print queue is shared over the network, and macOS devices are printing via SMB connections, printing will break after installing the September security patches on the server.
The only workarounds that we are aware of currently are:
Use an alternative method of network printing, e.g. using an LPD service and printing over LPR instead of using SMB. Find out more about that on our Using LPD with PaperCut article.
Use PaperCut's Mobility Print solution to print to shared Windows queues from any device types.
The updates associated with this include: KB5005568 (Windows Server 2019), KB5005613 (Windows Server 2012 R2), KB5005627 (Windows Server 2012 R2), KB5005623 (Windows Server 2012), KB5005607 (Windows Server 2012), KB5005606 (Windows Server 2008), KB5005618 (Windows Server 2008), KB5005565 (Windows 10 2004, 20H2, and 21H1), KB5005566 (Windows 10 1909), KB5005615 (Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2)
Update Feb 2022
We have seen rumors that Apple have fixed this with the latest Monterey versions (detailed here - specifically "Resolves an issue that prevented authenticating to a Windows print server with increased RPC authentication level"). However our testing internally has shown that this doesn't have any impact, and as far as we can tell, printing between macOS and Windows over SMB is still broken. We have also tested using a suggestion being floated on discussion boards on the internet, which suggest adding ?encryption=no to the connection string e.g. smb://printserver/print_queue?encryption=no will work. We have found that this does not resolve the issue either in our own testing.
We have also seen customers who have been successfully printing from macOS to Windows over SMB (despite having installed the security patches from last year) who are now suddently experiencing issues with the latest macOS Monterey releases.
Our recommendations remain at this point, to:
Use an alternative method of network printing, e.g. using an LPD service and printing over LPR instead of using SMB. Find out more about that on our Using LPD with PaperCut article.
Use PaperCut's Mobility Print solution to print to shared Windows queues from any device types.
Update October 2023
With macOS Sonoma now released (macOS 14), we are seeing further issues when printing macOS > Windows over SMB which can result in printers going into a Waiting state indefinitely. You might initially see them go into a Hold for Authentication state - if you click refresh and supply valid credentials, you will end up in the Waiting state. This is again something that happens with or without PaperCut involvement in the mix. There is a reddit thread where others have noticed this same behavior too.
Our recommendations remain at this point, to:
Use an alternative method of network printing, e.g. using an LPD service and printing over LPR instead of using SMB. Find out more about that on our Using LPD with PaperCut article.
Use PaperCut's Mobility Print solution to print to shared Windows queues from any device types.
Update March 2024
Early reports suggest Apple has fixed this behaviour in macOS Sonoma 14.4, and that printing via SMB from a macOS device to a Windows hosted print queue should now work.
Turning off SNI Checks will not work unless HSTS is enabled
Current code requires HSTS to be enabled for SNI checking to be disabled.
This can possibly manifest in various ways, including loss of ability for PaperCut embedded devices to communicate when configured with FQDN instead of IP address.
This has now been resolved in the 21.2.1 release.
Admin users get error when uploading files to Web Print
When a admin user logs in to PaperCut and attempts to upload a PDF or other file to Web Print they may see an error message that says "server responded with 401 code" or ”server responded with 0 code".
As far as we know this only affects admin users, and the simple solution confirmed by several customers is to open Options, click on the Admin Rights tab, and then remove and re-add the user or Group that has been assigned admin rights. It may also be necessary to clear the browsers cache before testing again.
When using Print Deploy to deploy Mobility Print queues, users may be prompted to re-authenticate or log-in again on previously authenticated queues
PaperCut NG & PaperCut MF customers deploying multiple PaperCut Mobility Print queues via Print Deploy may experience an issue where end users are prompted to re-authenticate or log-in again on queues previously authenticated. We are investigating this issue as a priority.
Toshiba V2 and V3 not showing the Job Status button on the Print Release page.
On Toshiba V2 and V3 embedded devices, the Job Status button which is displayed on the Print Release page is no longer visible. This button is used to allow the user to see, for example, if there is an error on the printer such as a Paper Jam or No Paper using Toshiba's own graphical page.
The button is missing due to a bug in the processing of the EWB (Embedded Web Browser) version which has changed from a 3 component version number to a 4 component version number. This check was done in order to hide the button on older versions of the EWB which doesn't support this feature.
A workaround for this issue is to set an Advanced Device Configuration variable of to the value of "ALWAYS" which will cause it to bypass the EWB version number check.
Intermittent Error 'cannot connect to server' when trying to access device functions, or starting a scan when using Toshiba devices with the PaperCut V3 app.
We have found cases where users see an error 'cannot connect to server' when trying to access the device functions, or starting a scan when using Toshiba devices with the PaperCut V3 app. Some users see this only intermittently and others may see this consistently.
In troubleshooting these issues with Toshiba, we've discovered that this is related to DNS lookups done when unlocking the device.
The workaround is to head into Top Access > SMTP Authentication, and either switch the authentication to 'Plain' instead of 'Auto' - or switch it off entirely if not required.
PaperCut Print Deploy: Defaults and Capabilities are not correctly captured on PaperCut Mobility Print queues when cloning.
Server: 1.5.1805 Cloner: 493
The PaperCut Print Deploy Cloner does not correctly copy defaults and capabilities of PaperCut Mobility Print queues when cloning.
Capabilities and Defaults are settings like monochrome vs colour/color, duplex vs simple and device configurations such as stapling, multiple input trays.
Non-administrators may see a 'Do you trust this printer' dialog box, following the installation of Windows updates (KB5005652). Expand for recommendations.
10th August, 2021
Following the installation of Windows updates including KB5005652, released on the 10th August 2021. Non-administrator users may see a dialog with the message Do you trust this printer? when trying to install a printer (either through non PaperCut-related methods, or through e.g. PaperCut Print Deploy).
We recommend using the workaround listed under the "Modify the default driver installation behavior using a registry key" section of this Microsoft article (set registry key RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0) to allow non-admins to install printers as before.
However, with that advice, we also highly recommend Microsoft’s additional protections:
Configure clients to only trust specific print servers and packages, as per the "Permit users to only connect to specific print servers that you trust" and "Permit users to only connect to specific Package Point and Print servers that you trust" sections of the Microsoft KB article.
For any machines that are not sharing out printers, disable the Computer Configuration item "Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections" as detailed through controlling printing through Group Policy.
(Now known as PO-434) When using a subset (unknown at this point) of Xerox Versalink devices with 21.0.3 or later, copying and scanning may fail to complete, showing "error communicating to the job limits server" or "Can't communicate with authentication server".
We have heard initial reports from a few customers using Xerox Versalink devices, that copying and scanning fails with "error communicating to the job limits server" or "Can't communicate with authentication server".
This is impacting 21.0.3 or later.
Altalink devices do not appear to be affected. Print release and other functions work successfully, however scanning and copying may fail.
Disabling scan and copy tracking has also reported to resolve the issue, however this comes with obvious consequences.
Partners have also confirmed that setting the advanced key to N will also resolve the issue - however again that will have consequences on zero-stop and potentially allow users to run into negative balance.
Rolling back to 21.0.2 or earlier will also resolve the issue.
We now have a hot fix available for this - please contact us with your CRN and quote PO-448 as well as any additional details that you would normally include.
Important note:
This has now been released publicly in version 21.2.1 (and is also included in 21.2.3 and 21.2.4).
However, we have spotted one case where this may not be resolved - we are looking to make additional fixes (for e.g. the VersaLink B405) under PO-707.
New Scan to Fax actions cannot be created in 21.0.4. Scan to Fax actions created previously are unaffected
Hot fix available
New Scan to Fax actions are not able to be created in 21.0.4 due to the 'Fax Server Settings' section missing from the interface.
Any previously created Scan to Fax actions will continue to work without any issues, and the Fax Server Settings will be retained. It is only new Scan to Fax actions that cannot be created.
We are aiming to resolve this in the next public release, and we do have a hot fix / manual workaround in the meantime if required. Please contact us and quote PC-18553. Thanks!
A small (unqualified) subset of HP devices can get stuck on device integration when using PaperCut version 21.0.1 or later.
We have found that a small subset of HP devices (which we have yet to fully qualify/confirm) can get stuck on device integration when using PaperCut version 21.0.1 or later. The symptoms are that within the PaperCut admin interface, the device status shows that the integration never completes (.e.g. 'integration in progress'), and there may also be an error message on the MFD screen with Sign-in failed: The device is not available to use. Please try again in a few minutes.
We have been unable to recreate this with any of the devices in our lab, however there may be a pattern that the impacted devices are of a lower spec.
Please note that this has now been resolved in 21.1.2
Google's 'Security Checkup' feature may flag the 'Scans for PaperCut' app if a user has used a Scan to Google Drive action prior to 9th July.
Since 9th July 2021
We have renamed our app from 'Scans for PaperCut MF' to 'Scans for PaperCut'. No other changes have been made to the app, however any users who have performed a scan to Google Drive scan action prior to 9th July, 2021 may now see a message in the Google 'Security Checkup' page (within your Google account settings) flagging the app. The message may ask the user to 'Remove risky access to your data', and may display 'Scans for PaperCut' as an app which is from an unverified developer.
Please note that our verification status as a developer with Google has not changed, however following the app rename, the old app will now show as unverified. We are working with Google to see if they can re-verify the 'old' app, which would remove the security checkup flag.
Importantly, please note that scans to Google Drive for those users who verified the app prior to 9th July will not be impacted - scans will continue to be delivered without any issues.
Users who have verified the Scans for PaperCut app since the 9th July will also not be impacted by this, and additionally will not see any Security Checkup flags.
Workaround: Users who wish to resolve the security checkup flag can safely use the 'revoke access' button next to the app in the Security Checkup section to remove the app from the list. The next time the user performs a Scan to Google Drive action, they will receive the 'Authorization' email which they will need to perform once to give the new app access to their Google Drive (as they did when they performed their first scan to Google Drive). By authorizing the 'new' version of the app, this will then appear in the list as a verified app, and will not be flagged for action. This is not a requirement however - any users still using the old version of the app will not be impacted at all.
Staged device is still counted when checking number of Advanced Experience Fax Devices
On the About page, the number of currently used devices in Licensed devices is unchanged, but the number of currently used devices in Advanced Experience Fax Devices is increased 1.
Scan to Fax - SMTP tests successful regardless of incorrect SMTP settings
XM Cloud - Test Fax returns Success with wrong token
XM Cloud connection for Scan to Fax will return a Success message, even when testing with an incorrect token.
"Test Settings" button on User/Group Sync page results in error
As of PaperCut NG/MF 21.0.3, when clicking the "Test Settings" button on the User/Group Sync page, you may see the following error message:
An ERROR occurred testing settings:Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (FlushMode.MANUAL): Turn your Session into FlushMode.COMMIT/AUTO or remove 'readOnly' marker from transaction definition.
This only happens when clicking the "Test Settings" button, and not during an actual sync.
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you restart the PaperCut Application Server service after receiving this error and do not then perform a test sync. In our testing we have found that the test sync is still attempting to complete in the background, taking up more resources, and could eventually bring down the Application Server due to lack of resources.
Please note that the 'real' sync (and scheduled syncs) will still work as intended.
Update: This has now been resolved in the 21.0.4 release.
The "Single Sign on with Microsoft" login option persistently asks for consent during the login workflow, despite consent having been granted.
In version 21, we introduced the ability to login to the user and admin web interfaces pages using a "Sign in with Microsoft" button. The login workflow may ask the user to provide consent on behalf of their organization (if they are an admin in Azure AD), or request consent from an admin before being able to login (if they are a regular user in Azure AD). If permissions for the APIs in use have been granted by an admin in the Azure Portal for the application registration created during the setup process, these prompts should not appear. Presently, there is an issue where these prompts continue to appear.
Please note: This has now been resolved in version 21.1.1
In a Find-Me print environment with the PaperCut Global Driver being used on the virtual printer, when selecting the B&W print option in Adobe DC jobs are still printed in Color.
18.1.3 onwards
Workaround available.
When printing an Adobe document in B&W via a virtual printer using the PaperCut Global Driver, the print job is printed in Color and logged in Color through the output print queue which has a model specific manufacturer driver.
This does not affect direct printing, or printing via a virtual printer with a model specific (or Universal OEM) driver. It can be a challenge to use a model specific (or Universal OEM) driver in mixed fleets though, due to driver compatibility between manufacturers.
The recognized workarounds for this are:
Tick "Print in grayscale" option within Adobe DC
Use a model specific (or Universal OEM) driver on the virtual printer - if there is a mixed fleet of printer manufacturers, it might also be necessary to use a PDL Transform to ensure that this solution works successfully.
Print Deploy Client (Windows) goes into an endless failing installation loop.
v1.5.1754 / v1235
We are actively investigating this issue with a number of live customers.
Update Wednesday June 16th (AEST): Some customers have reported that restarting the Windows Print Spooler (and PaperCut Direct Print Monitor) on affected client machines has resolved this issue.
A root cause has yet to be found but if you're of the belief that you're having a similar issue you can try running through the following steps and submit a ticket to the Support Team. If you can record these troubleshooting steps with a screen recorder, it would be highly advantageous to us.
We need to know if the following troubleshooting steps work whilst the Print Deploy Client (Windows) is failing at the same time and from the same client.
Click Start -> Run
Type in in the server name, e.g. \\\ in the exact format of the printer you're trying to install (save a screenshot of what is input in before clicking OK.)
If the previous step succeeds, double click the desired printer. (Save a screenshot of the printer having opened.)
If the previous step succeeds, we need a copy of the usercontextservice.log and pc-print-deploy-client.log files showing from that machine and a screenshot showing that the above three steps worked.
Ensure that you're running Print Deploy version 1.5.1805 (or above) and then:
Add the line Features=["powershell"] to the client.conf.toml file on the Print Deploy server.
For locations on PaperCut 23 and greater, this setting must be above the [PollingConfig] section of client.conf.toml.
Restart the Print Deploy Server service.
Please note that this has now been resolved in Print Deploy version 1.5.1876.
Mobility Print queues deployed with Print Deploy may not install
Print Deploy v1.5.1724
When using Print Deploy to deploy Mobility Print queues, the users may see a 'sign in to print' button and be prompted for credentials. Entering credentials does not add the printer(s).
In the app server debug logs, you will see a message similar to:
Application Server doesn't start successfully when using MySQL 8.0.23 - error class java.time.LocalDateTime cannot be cast to class java.lang.String
MySQL v 8.0.23 and above
Application Server does not start successfully when using an external database running MySQL 8.0.23 or above.
Error displayed in the PaperCut Admin console is:
class java.time.LocalDateTime cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (java.time.LocalDateTime and java.lang.String are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
This is believed to be the issue called out on the MySQL bug listing here:
We are currently investigating, and working on getting a patch available to resolve this issue.
Workaround: for now, please roll back to MySQL versions 8.0.22 or below.
Update: This has now been resolved in the 21.0.4 release.
PaperCut NG/MF has a 50 character limit on usernames across all sync sources - fails with error: 'Error creating user'
PaperCut NG/MF has a 50 character limit on usernames, usernames over this limit will not be imported. This limit applies regardless of sync source and will especially impact customers using e.g. G-suite or Azure AD with UPNs, where usernames are more likely to be longer than 50 characters.
Some PaperCut Print Deploy Clients are failing to install/operate PaperCut Mobility Print queues when authentication is set to AUTO/TRUST
Print Deploy Server 1.5.1724 Print Deploy Client 1187
If a PaperCut Print Deploy server's Client Authentication method is set to AUTO or TRUST then PaperCut Mobility Print queues will fail to operate properly.
Depending on your client operating system, the behaviour exhibits differently:
Microsoft Windows: the print queue fails to install
macOS: queues install but any attempt to print results in the queue being deleted and re-installed
As a work around, Print Deploy Administrators can change the authentication method to PROMPT
A fix is being made ready.
Print Deploy Client may fail to install on some .deb (Ubuntu) based operating systems
Due to the presence of a "v" in the version field for the Print Deploy Client .deb package, the installation of the client may fail.
A new Print Deploy Client will be released shortly.
In very rare circumstances when using HP FutureSmart4 devices and Site Servers with unreliable networks, devices can go unresponsive.
In very rare circumstances when using HP FutureSmart4 devices and Site Servers with unreliable networks, devices can go unresponsive.
We have found an issue that caused frequent re-integrations of devices on Site Servers, when network connection to the main server is poor.
This has now been resolved in our 21.0.3 release.
Print Deploy users logging in via an alias will not receive printers based on a Zone with a Group filter
If a Print Deploy user logs in via an alias (e.g. "bob" and their real username is "bobcitizen") and a Print Deploy administrator has configured a Zone to have a Group Based filter, user Bob will not meet that filter's requirements.
As a work around, Print Deploy user Bob will need to log in with their non aliased username.
We will update this Known Issue when this is resolved.
New "Sign-in with Google" button in Print Deploy does not work when Zones are assigned to Groups
Customers report that when users of the Chrome app enter their username and password to authenticate they see the correct list of printers, but if they click the "Sign-in with Google" button zero printers are returned. It has been determined that this only happens if the Zones in Print Deploy are assigned to Groups, rather than IP address range.
Print Deploy "Optional" Mobility Print queues fail to install
Users may notice that PaperCut Mobility Print queues that they elect to install via the Self Service functionality in PaperCut Print Deploy will fail to install.
This is confirmed by noting the following entry in the "pc-print-deploy-client.log"
Below is an example Windows PaperCut Print Deploy client logfile extract.
2021/03/15 18:06:05 pc-print-deploy-client.exe: STDOUT|ERR InstallPrinter: failed to install printer FOLLOW-ME with error: failed to install printer: unknown error: exit status 1. output: pc-printer-updater version
2021/03/15 18:06:05 pc-print-deploy-client.exe: STDOUT|please specify connection name for mobility queue
2021/03/15 18:06:05 pc-print-deploy-client.exe: STDOUT|Command installprn failed. Error: Input argument validation failed.
2021/03/15 18:06:05 pc-print-deploy-client.exe: STDOUT| {"src":"pdservice.go:406"}
As a work around, PaperCut Print Deploy administrators may change the printer to be no longer Optional and the printer will then be installed correctly.
The PaperCut Print Deploy team is working on a fix for this.
PaperCut icons on HP FutureSmart devices may appear as blank purple squares
Sometimes during installation of an HP OXP copier with PaperCut MF, the PaperCut icon configuration may fail, resulting in blank purple squares appearing instead of the expected icons.
The issue only occurs in some cases and is not consistent.
We are investigating and will provide a fix in a future release.
The workaround should this occur with a current release is to unregister the device from PaperCut and re-register it.
Newly introduced SQL server connection parameter may cause issues with usernames in some languages
PaperCut 20.1.3 added a parameter - sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false - to the default connection string provided in the template file for SQL Server databases.
This parameter increases query performance, but in cases where a username contains Unicode characters that are not available in the configured locale on the database server, it may cause failures to set or find those usernames.
The change will not affect upgrades to existing installs, as the file is not overwritten during an upgrade.
It is recommended that installs to new sites using SQL Server databases remove the parameter from the connection string, unless they are certain that they will not be affected.
The parameter will be removed from the template in a future release.
Note that this has now been resolved in 20.1.3
PaperCut Mobility Print queues deployed via PaperCut Print Deploy with "Sign in with Google" enabled fail to install
Mobility Print Server: 1.0.3103
Mobility Print Server: 1.0.3107
Installations that make use of the "Sign in with Google" authentication method for PaperCut Print Deploy and deploy PaperCut Mobility Print queues may fail to install.
This impacts installations using PaperCut Mobility Print server version 1.0.3103.
An updated PaperCut Mobility Print server has been released to address this issue.
Since PaperCut 20.0.2, the PaperCut server is not always able to reliably identify the originating address of an incoming request from a desktop Client.
This may cause issues, especially in environments with load balancers or other network components that may mask the originating IP.
Symptoms may include:
Users apparently unable to log in
More client session threads needed than with previous versions.
In extreme cases the server could exhaust the reservoir of threads reserved for client sessions and all client operations will stop functioning.
This log line should be seen throughout the server.log file when the problem occurs: "ERROR BaseXMLRPCServlet:259 - Error occurred processing XMLRPC request for: client-xmlrpc. System overload: Maximum number of concurrent requests (15960) exceeded"
It is recommended that sites using desktop clients with PaperCut 20.0.2 or later always set client.use-ip-reported-by-client = Y in order to avoid potential problems.
Product images and thumbnails may not display correctly when using Job Ticketing in certain browsers.
We've had reports of some customers seeing blank images instead of the proper custom product images / thumbnails when using Job Ticketing. This happens both in the admin interface and the customer interface.
Reports are mainly coming from Chrome users who have reported other browsers (e.g. Firefox and Edge) working fine, but other browsers may be impacted too.
We're actively investigating.
Page analysis discrepancies can happen for duplex print jobs with an odd number of pages where the last page is color.
Page analysis discrepancies can happen for duplex print jobs with an odd number of pages where the last page is color.
If you have configured different costs for duplex grayscale pages vs duplex color pages there will be a cost discrepancy for those specific jobs (duplex print jobs with an odd number of pages where the last page is color).
If however you are charging the same for duplex grayscale pages and duplex color pages, costings will be correct.
NOTE: Page counting and cost analysis will not be impacted for any other jobs apart from the specific scenario above.
We have identified that the issue happens because the last page of an odd-numbered duplex job defaults to grayscale.We are currently investigating.
Some users have reported a problem that Epson devices print blank pages when printing in grayscale
When printing in grayscale (by selecting grayscale when creating a print job or changing the print job setting at MFD), all released pages are blank.
Print Deploy "Optional Printers" are not visible in the Print Deploy client to subsequent users.
If UserA installs an Optional Printer via the Print Deploy client, UserB (and subsequent users) who also have the same Optional Printer will not see the Printer Listed in the Print Deploy Client.
However, the Optional Printer is installed to the operating system and UserB (and subsequent users) can print to the device.
When using PaperCut with HP OXP devices running the new 4.11 firmware, the default login / sign in method reverts to 'Local Device' instead of 'PaperCut'.
OXP with firmware 4.11
We have found that HP OXP devices running 4.11 firmware will change the default sign in method to 'Local Device' after a change is made on the app server, after the device is rebooted, or sometimes just after a certain amount of time. This is only when using the PaperCut server-side setting of ext-device.hp_oxpd.permission.server-managed=N. Setting the default sign in method back to 'PaperCut' will work temporarily, but the default sign in method for the device returns to 'Local Device' later.
Devices which are managed by the server, using ext-device.hp_oxpd.permission.server-managed=Y do not appear to be impacted by this issue.
We are working with HP on determining changes in the 4.11 firmware which may be causing this - in the meantime we recommend downgrading devices to 4.10 firmware or earlier.
This has now been resolved in the 20.1.3 release.
The PaperCut functions (Scan, Device Functions and Print Release) available from the PaperCut home screen of the embedded application become unresponsive upon selection and cause TASKalpha 408ci devices to freeze
Firmware v.01.02.0012 or later
The relatively new TASKalpha 408ci models are affected by an issue whereby the PaperCut functions from the PaperCut Home screen become unresponsive when selected. When the different functions are selected, they remain selected without responding to the desired action. All buttons available through the PaperCut embedded application become unresponsive.
408ci series devices are the only models affected by this issue. The PaperCut application nor the Kyocera
embedded application versions relevant as the issue can be reproduced on multiple versions.
The workaround is to update the Eval firmware of your Kyocera 408ci series devices to v.01.02.0012 (2020-12-15)
Synchronizing users in PaperCut NG/MF from an LDAP sync source, including Google Cloud Directory and Azure AD Secure LDAP, returns less users in version 20.0.1 and above in some configurations.
If you have configured a Primary/Secondary sync source using either LDAP, Google Cloud Directory, or Azure AD Secure LDAP, less users may be returned during synchronization attempts in version 20.0.1 and above.
Specifically, this can occur when the Base DN, or your Google Cloud Identity domain name, does not match the User DN.
For example, for a Base DN of, if a user has a User DN of the form, PaperCut will no longer sync this user.
Similarly, for a Google Cloud Identity domain name of, if a user is of the form, PaperCut will no longer sync this user.
If you believe you're encountering this issue, please contact PaperCut support and quote PC-17753, as a hot-fix build is available.
PaperCut NG/MF will not install correctly on macOS 11 (Big Sur)
In summary:
Application Server - will not run on macOS 11 (fixed in 20.1.1)
Site Server - will not run on macOS 11 (fixed in 20.1.1)
Print provider/secondary server - will pause all queues on macOS 11 (workaround available, and fixed in 20.1.1)
User client software - works ok (when the app is copied from e.g. a Windows, macOS 10.x or Linux server to a laptop or PC running macOS 11).
There are two further issues found on macOS 11 while running the 20.1.1 build that we hope to resolve with a 20.1.2 release:
Web print (when using the Application Server as the Web Print Server) will not work with macOS 11.
User authentication to the admin or user web pages will not work for a local system user (using PAM). The local 'admin' account and any other directory sources will work ok.
Note: These issues have been resolved with the 20.1.1 release.
PaperCut embedded app on Kyocera devices may display an error: 'An internal error has occurred'.
We have had some reports of some customers experiencing 'An internal error has occurred' error on Kyocera devices. This is also accompanied by an error in the logs:
ERROR LocalPageServlet - java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$
There is currently a hot fix available for this issue, and we are hoping to have this resolved in the public 20.1.3 release.
Please note that this was successfully resolved in 20.1.3.
Mac OS print queues fail to deploy using Print Deploy because of specific driver dependencies
Some printer queues may fail to deploy on macOS client machines with the following error: Stopped - 'Filter' failed.
This is caused by printer drivers having files and data in non-standard locations, or by using hard-coded locations for files.
Work is underway to support these environments.
When using Print Deploy, Print queues on Windows may fail to install correctly if imported via the Mobility Print import wizard on Linux and macOS servers
Mobility Print queues imported via the Mobility Print import wizard in the Print Deploy admin console may fail to install on Windows client if the server is running on macOS or Linux.
A Print Deploy client log will show an error similar to: 2020/10/27 16:13:24 pc-print-deploy-client.exe: STDOUT|CreateFile C:\Windows\TEMP\pd-driver-extracted[number]\pcglobal.inf: The system cannot find the file specified.
Please contact support and reference PD-882 for a work around.
Lexmark eSF: Scan to USB crashes the MFD
v3.0.0, v3.0.1, v3.1.0
v3.1.1 / PaperCut v 20.1.1
From PaperCut embedded versions 3.0.0 to 3.1.0, scanning to a USB drive locks up the MFD and eventually crashes the device with a firmware error.
A solution is forthcoming in the next embedded release.
The issue was introduced with the Integrated Scanning enhancement. If Integrated Scanning is not required, recommend downgrading to embedded version 2.10.0.
Some new Fuji Xerox devices may not enforce zero-stop correctly when copying (impacts limited devices)
Firmware 1.60.14 and later
Copy jobs don’t stop after balance reaches $0. Balance goes into negative.
It has also been reported that Shared Accounts may not be charged correctly on some models (C7070 / C6570 / C5570 / C4570 / C3570 / C3070), but this has not yet been confirmed.
Update 13th October: We are working with Fuji Xerox to resolve these compatibility issues with the new devices.
Update 17th August 2023: this has been resolved in firmware versions 1.60.14 and later.
Lexmark LeSF - When duplex scanning via Integrated Scanning with Lexmark LeSF models. The device is flipping the 2nd page upside-down when scanning from the feeder (ADF). When scanning from the glass, the incorrect rotation does not happen.
72.035 PE Release 72.204 / 72.216
v3.1.0 / PaperCut 20.1.0
Lexmark LeSF - When duplex scanning via Integrated Scanning with Lexmark LeSF models. The device is flipping the 2nd page upside-down when scanning from the feeder (ADF).
When scanning from the glass, the incorrect rotation does not happen.
Fix is available - Please contact us if you need the updated Lexmark Embedded application. Please request papercut-les21-3.1.0.fls and reference this known issue PC-17509 in your email.
Note that this will be resolved in the upcoming public release of 20.1.0, and LeSF App papercut-les21-3.1.0.fls
When users attempt to self-associate cards and their password contains a £$*&^% special character, the error Cannot use this Character is displayed within the password input text field on the Canon Gen3+ device screen.
Gen3+ Embedded App v1.1.0 20.0.3
Firmware Platform Version must include 3.13 or later
Canon Gen3+ self-association card registration error. When users attempt to self-associate cards and their password contains a £$*&^% special character, the error Cannot use this Character is displayed within the password input text field on the Canon Gen3+ device screen. This error stops the user from self-associating their card.
Note: This has now been resolved in a firmware update. Firmware Platform Version must include 3.13 or later.
Reports of issues embedding PaperCut, or using Integrated Scanning with Xerox Altalink 81* series devices.
Workaround available
Reports have included the inability to embed the device with PaperCut (installation appears to happen successfully, but the apps aren't installed), or the inability to scan with PaperCut.
Note that at this time this only appears to be impacting the new Altalink 81* series devices (e.g. B81* or C81* devices).
If you've come across other symptoms or if you've tried the below workarounds and it has / hasn't worked, either way, we'd love to hear from you - please send us a request, and mention PC-17688. Thank you!
Update 28-Sept: We are actively investigating these and working with Xerox for more information.
Update 2-Oct: So far we have had reports of B8145, B8170, C8155 all with issues embedding (the icons do not show up on the device) and C8155 (different customer reporting that embedding worked ok but integrated scanning did not work).
Update 6-Oct: Further investigations are ongoing with Xerox. They have suggested one additional workaround (for the icons-not-displaying issue) which we are exploring with them tomorrow (7th October):
Enable all EIP Web Services options on the device web UI (Properties tab > General Setup > Extensible Service Setup > Extensible Service Registration > [Edit] > [Enable All] > [Save]).
Update 7-Oct:
Successfully tested a B8145 and C8155 at the Xerox Lab.
Update 15-Oct:
We are continuing investigations into reported issues with the 81* series devices, working with Xerox directly as well as with resellers. We have found that a large number of resellers are embedding these devices successfully (stepping through the Xerox manual exactly as written), without doing anything special - so our investigation is also looking at environmental and other variables involved in the installation process that could be causing issues for a small subset of environments.
Update 11-Nov: Checklist:
Most cases investigated so far have been resolved by:
Making sure you're using PaperCut MF v 20.0.4 or later (which fixes an issue with scanning detailed in PC-17617).
Make sure that the device time, and device timezone is set to the same time as the App Server time and timezone.
Check that you're using the latest firmware (we've had reports of or later resolving issues).
Additional items to double check are:
Check the Device Status in the PaperCut Device Settings page - If it there is an error message referencing “IP Lockout”, or a message referencing authentication failure, then:
Make sure that the time and the timezone on the device matches the time and the timezone on the app server (and site server)
Make sure that the device admin credentials have been entered into PaperCut correctly.
If the message referenced “IP Lockout” then the device is currently blocking requests from PaperCut due to a prior authentication failure. You can try to clear the lockout - On the device, go to Apps -> Printing -> Printing Web Services -> Web Services IP lockout -> "Clear Lockout Button" - and try again, however there are reports that this does not always work, in which case you will need to wait for the lockout to expire, which it should do within 60 minutes.
Check the Device Status in the PaperCut Device Settings page - If there’s an error message referring to ‘verify that Xerox Network Accounting is installed and enabled’ then manually enable this through the device admin.
Reboot the device - it is possible that some configuration changes made during the registration process require a reboot before the change is actually complete. PaperCut should attempt to continue the registration following the reboot.
For customers specifically seeing ‘scanning failed’ issues with Integrated scanning. There are three things to check that we’ve seen so far:
Enable all EIP Web Services options on the device web UI (Properties tab > General Setup > Extensible Service Setup > Extensible Service Registration > [Edit] > [Enable All] > [Save])
There’s a ‘known scanning issue’ under PC-17617 - if you see a ‘scan failed’ message when using integrated scanning with PaperCut 20.0.3, this could be due to the Known Issue (fixed in 20.0.4 or workaround by enabling debug).
Update 26 May: Final update.
Successfully completed the Xerox self-validation process with PaperCut MF on 81* series devices. If you're experiencing issues similar to this, please confirm that you've checked all the items in the 'Checklist' section above.
When using the Print Deploy feature, Direct Print queues on Windows with very long names may fail to deploy correctly
Due to a limitation in some printer drivers on Windows, print jobs may fail due to the length of the auto-generated TCP/IP Printer Port name.
This is resolved in version 1.4.1435.
HP devices may be unable to contact the PaperCut server when configured to only use DHE (Diffie Hellman) ciphers
We are investigating some scenarios where HP devices may be unable to contact the PaperCut server when the device is configured only to use DHE (Diffie Hellman) ciphers.
The message seen in this case will be related to SSLException: Could not generate DH keypair and subsequently DH key size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 8192 (inclusive)
Note that when the device is configured to use alternative ciphers this issue does not exist, and SSL comms with the PaperCut server work without issues.
Update 30th October: There is now a hot fix available which can workaround this issue (by using a different crypto provider within PaperCut if necessary). Please contact us to get hold of the hot fix!
Update 23rd December: The 20.1.2 release now includes a fix for this (by using a different crypto provider within PaperCut if necessary). Please contact us and refer to PC-17674 for more instructions about enabling the new crypto provider.
When adding a 'nul' port on a Windows machine that includes the Windows Aug 2020 Updates, you'll see an error 'The parameter is incorrect', and you can no longer create a local nul port.
Windows Updates Aug 2020
Windows updates Aug 2020 and 20.0.4
Windows August 2020 updates contain a problem whereby after installing them you can no longer create a local nul port.
You receive an error 'The parameter is incorrect'.
Note that this does not effect an existing local nul port configured prior to the Windows Update.
We are working with Microsoft to investigate. This looks to be related to KB4571703 (2012 R2), KB 4578013 (Win 8.1), KB4570334 (Win 10).
Workaround: Use the add-printerport PowerShell command to add the port to an updated system:
add-printerport -Name nul
Update 7th October 2020: In 20.0.4, PaperCut now auto-creates the nul port as part of the installation - saving customers from having to use the PowerShell workaround above.
Note that Microsoft also resolved this in a subsequent Windows patch in August.
Integrated Scanning on Xerox fails in PaperCut version 20.0.3 and shows 'Scan Failed'
When scanning from an embedded Xerox device in v20.0.3, the scan fails with 'Scan Failed' and the server.log file shows ' Stream already closed'.
We hope to have this fixed in our upcoming 20.0.4 release.
Update: This has now been fixed in our publicly available 20.0.4 release.
When using Integrated Scanning, the DOCX format tickbox in scan actions is causing non-searchable PDF to be OCR processed
If a scan action has output types of PDF (non-searchable) and DOCX, and a user does a PDF scan. It will get put through OCR.
If a scan action does not have DOCX as an option, the PDF will not get put through OCR.
When the Print Deploy client installs Mobility Print queues imported using the wizard on Windows machines, an error occurs during installation on some computers: "Failed to install. Possibilities are invalid driver certificate or wrong architecture."
A fix has been identified and will be included in an upcoming release.
When a user clicks "Change user" in the Print Deploy client and logs in with a different username, print jobs sent to Mobility Print queues thereafter are not tracked against the new user until the computer is restarted.
1.3 and prior
Current workarounds:
1. Log out of the current OS session and log back in.
2. Restart the computer.
Serves queues that take longer than 1 minute to install show as "failed" in the Print Deploy client window
1.3 and prior
When a server print queue is being installed on the client and it takes longer than 1 minute, the process times out and causes the client to fail the installation.
Users may see a ClosedChannelException error appear when using Integrated Scanning with Konica Minolta devices in certain circumstances.
18.x (but could be more visible in recent versions).
When performing scans using Integrated Scanning on a Konica Minolta device, we have had reports of a small number of customers seeing a ClosedChannelException error appear.
We're actively investigating this and hope to have a hot fix available shortly.
Update: 7th August - we now have a hot fix available for anyone coming across this issue.
Update: 7th October - this has now been resolved in our 20.0.4 release.
Deployment of re-cloned Direct Print print queues managed by Print Deploy on Windows may fail if new port has different configuration
1.3.1318 and prior
Changing the port (on the reference machine) for an already cloned/deployed print queue and then redeploying this print queue may result in the original print queue on the client machine not being deleted.
This can happen because the attempt to remove the old printer and old port may fail and no error is reported by the operating system. The subsequent addition of the new port will fail because the old port still exists in some form.
In extremely rare circumstances, when using on-premise Document Processing (e.g. when using your own self-hosted OCR servers for OCR / despeckle / desk etc) users may receive the wrong document.
Since 19.0
Document Processing server V 1.1.9
We have found an issue in on-premise Document Processing that could, in some rare circumstances, lead to two users both being sent the scanned document belonging to one of them. It is very unlikely to happen, but it is possible.
This issue will be fixed in an update to on-premise Document Processing that will be released early the week beginning August 3rd 2020.
The problem cannot occur with our cloud-hosted Document Processing engine.
In the meantime, there are two different workarounds available for customers concerned about this issue:
Switch the document processing to the PaperCut cloud hosted servers, or
Reconfigure the on-premise Document Processing servers to only allow a single job to be processed at a time (the default setting for maximum concurrent jobs is 2).
Please note: This issue has now been resolved in Document Processing server V 1.1.9
"Intl is not available" error is displayed in the Print Deploy client on Windows 8.1 with KB4489881
1.3 and prior
Users on Windows 8.1 devices with KB4489881 using the Print Deploy client installed may see an error similar to "Intl is not available."
There was an error in the script on this page
Error: Intl is not available.
Do you want scripts to continue running on this page?
KB4489881 can be removed if appropriate for your environment. Note: An update to Print Deploy will be published soon that fixes this issue.
SDK/J - B&W (Mono) Integrated scanning limitation
All - Ricoh SDK/J
Not possible to fix. Known limitation.
Due to a limitation with the SDK/J integrated scanning workflow, the selection of B&W is not available. Only color or greyscale can be selected.
For compatible devices, using the SmartSDK embedded application will enable the B&W integrated scanning option.
Some Mobility Print queues imported via wizard in Print Deploy fail to install on macOS clients
Mobility Print queues imported via wizard (not cloned) in Print Deploy may fail to install on macOS clients if they contain special characters in the name.
Konica Minolta Device Registration and Un-registration
The PaperCut embedded solution fails to un-register, or uninstall in some cases showing an Error 37 message on the status screen. For example, single-function printers like the KM C3300i do not support Integrated Scanning. The printers can get stuck with Error 37, and the condition prevents the removal of the PaperCut MF embedded solution.
If a PC MF upgrade is not feasible, this can be worked around by the following steps:
Put the KM device on the older GG7-45 firmware.
Enable the PC MF embedded app integration.
Re-configure the SSL certificate.
Enable the PC MF embedded app integration again.
Set the following config key: ext-device.konica-minolta.skipsetup=Y
Error messages seen in the server.log in a small number of customers after upgrading to 20.0.
The error looks like: Failed to process print job: Could not obtain the lock for modifying account 'username' within 45 secs.
click for more information...
We've had a small number of customers upgrade to 20.0.x who have then experienced problems such as print jobs not going through, or popups not appearing for users. The customers identified have also found Failed to process print job: Could not obtain the lock for modifying account 'username' within 45 secs messages in the logs.
Detail of the Investigation: We have found that if an environment is using the PaperCut User Client, and an admin then leaves the Admin Console open on the 'Dashboard' tab for 3 mins or more, and the client connections happen in a certain order, then a database lock can occur.
Workaround: If you have installed 20.0 and are experiencing this issue, you will have to restart the Application Server to clear the lock. Once you have done this, make sure that the admins know not to let the Dashboard page timeout (3 mins by default) - or temporarily revoke access under Options -> Admin Rights -> then revoke the 'Access Dashboard' right.
This should stop the lock from happening.
Update 29 June 09:00 AEST: Current investigations are centered around a potential lock which can be triggered by admins staying on the 'Dashboard' page of the Admin Interface and letting it time out (along with other requirements too). If a customer is running the PaperCut user client (for popups like shared account selection or print notifications) and sits on the Dashboard in the admin interface, and the client connections happen in a certain order, this can trigger this issue.
Once this issue is triggered, the remedy is to restart the Application Server.
Update 29 June 14:00 AEST: We now have a hot fix available which should resolve this issue. We are also hoping to get this fix into a publicly available 20.0.2 release shortly. Please contact us if you need this hot fix - please also include 'request for hot fix PC-17485' in your email, along with your CRN and other details/debug logs/messages showing the symptoms your seeing.
Update 1 July 14:00 AEST: We are now working on getting this fix included in a publicly available 20.0.2 release - hopefully available next week.
Update 7 July 14:00 AEST: This issue has now been resolved in the publicly available release of 20.0.2.
When using the Enhanced MFD Deployment feature with Kyocera devices, you can't create a deployed device when there is a staged one already existing.
You should be able to create a deployed device and a staged device with the same Hostname/IP. However, this is not possible for Kyocera at the moment.
You can create a staged Kyocera device if there is already a deployed device with the same hostname/IP in the PaperCut MF server.
You can not create them in reverse order though. So if there is a staged Kyocera, you can not create a deployed device for the same hostname/IP using the create multiple devices feature.
The workaround is to deploy the embedded software software using the manual installation method. (Contact your authorized partner for assistance). The same way they were created before this feature existed.
When using the Enhanced MFD Deployment feature with Sharp devices, you can't create a deployed device when there is a staged one already existing.
You should be able to create a deployed device and a staged device with the same Hostname/IP. However, this is not possible for Sharp at the moment.
You can create a staged Sharp device if there is already a deployed device with the same hostname/IP in the PaperCut MF server.
You can not create them in reverse order though. So if there is a staged Sharp, you can not create a deployed device for the same hostname/IP using the create multiple devices feature.
The work around is to create the deployed device the old fashioned way. The same way they were created before this feature existed.
HTML error shown when PaperCut is used to sync to multiple sync sources which contain groups with the same case-insensitive names
All versions
An error caused by two groups with the same name synced. PaperCut expects group names to be unique but in the derby database the unique key can have sensitive values. This can happen when there are multiple sync sources with the same group names in both. For Example: one sync source is on prem active directory and the secondary source is Gsuite each contain the same group name, this will cause a conflict.
HTML Error Shown: Unable to invoke method formSubmit on
web.pages.GroupAddRemove$Enhance_59@7316309[GroupAddRemove]: Expected
only one result, but got 2 List: Workaround:
Only add the one group from the one source needed or rename the group until the bug is resolved.
Internal testing on Epson devices has indicated that the embedded will not function correctly on 19.2.1
OPS for PaperCut v 2.1.11
You will see a message on the device screen saying “Access denied to this device.”
This has been resolved in OPS for PaperCut v 2.1.11.
On-screen keyboard not showing up when trying to input a PIN number when logging in to Fuji-Xerox devices
Due to changes in the Device Web Common (DWC) where PIN passwords were changed to number password fields only when the feature is supported by the device, some Fuji-Xerox devices have now been found to not know how to treat the field, and as a result, when you press the PIN field the on-screen keyboard does not display.
Note that this has now been resolved with the 20.0.3 release.
On-screen keyboard input being ignored for non-numeric characters on Fuji Xerox V+
Due to a change in the on-screen keyboard’s functionality, an issue where a user is attempting to use non-numeric characters when entering their ID to login on the device’s screen may not be possible. Authorisation via other methods (for example proximity or swipe cards) should not be affected.
Please note that this has been fixed as of version 19.2.0 of PaperCut MF.
Kyocera Integrated Scanning failing when using device firmware dated 2019.11.27
Kyocera has identified some security protocols being turned off after a firmware upgrade to device firmware 2019.11.27*. We advise customers to check the protocol set up before and after the upgrade but to be safe install firmware versions prior to 2019.09.24 for now.
To work around this issue, either downgrade the firmware to versions prior to 2019.09.24 or please make sure WSD and Enhanced WSD scanning are both turned on, also that TLS1.2 is enabled.
Incorrect second page rotation with landscape duplex scanning on Kyocera devices
When selecting the landscape duplex option in Integrated Scanning, the 2nd page (duplex side) gets flipped upside-down along the long edge on the resulting file. This can result in an incorrect orientation of the second page of the scan job.
Currently no workaround is available however a has been released with embedded version 3.0.3 (19.2.3)
OKI Open Platform reports Error: Role already exists error and will not do any job tracking.
After an installation of the OKI Open Platform, the status will show an "Error: Role already exists" message. Most things will still function, however, jobs will no longer be tracked (as we will no longer download the job log from the device).
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 19.2.4.
Upgrading to v2.4.3 of the Ricoh SmartSDK has resulted in some devices losing Integrated Scanning.
19.2.1 SmartSDK
Upgrading to v2.4.3 has led to intermittent losses of the Integrated Scanning function on some devices.
Upgrading to MF v19.2.3 and upgrading the Ricoh SmartSDK to V2.4.4 resolves the issue. If you are not in a position to upgrade, we do have a workaround; please log a ticket over here referencing the known issues to receive a hotfix embedded build.
The Print Deploy client attempts to install printers that have already been installed.
v1.3 Print Deploy and later
The printer installation popup window appears continuously, indicating that the Print Deploy client is attempting to reinstall the printer - even if no printer properties have changed.
When running the PaperCut NG/MF server installer, it resets the security permissions on the newly created web-print-hot-folder, to ensure functionality.
At this point the permissions can be set to whatever you require.
We have noticed though that the permissions on this folder are reset again every time the installer is run (E.g. during an upgrade), and this can potentially leave the web-print-hot-folder exposed on the network - so we are investigating not resetting these permissions during an upgrade.
You can workaround this issue in the meantime by manually adjusting the security permissions on this folder after an upgrade is performed.
When using Email to Print, users may receive an error email with: “An application error was reported. Further action may be required: Email to Print - Error while fetching mail - null”, and the job will not print.
The user will send the email with the attachment to print, but instead of the job printing, they will receive an email reply saying ”An application error was reported. Further action may be required: Email to Print - Error while fetching mail - null.”
This looks to be related to the method used to report the time-stamp of the email by the email server. So far this has been reported on Exchange and Office 365.
Note that this has now been resolved in 19.2.3
When using Print Deploy, Print queues are not deployed to user groups where usernames within the group consist of a ‘.’ - e.g. john.smith
If deploying print queues to a user group where users within that group belong to a domain and have a ‘.’ in their username pattern (e.g. john.smith), print queues are not deployed for the user.
Updating Print Deploy on macOS resets config values back to default values.
Updating Print Deploy on macOS resets the UserIdentityMethod config key. By default this value is set as auto, however you may have changed this to trust or prompt.
Updating the config key followed by restarting the Print Deploy service will fix this issue. More info can be found here.
Updating Print Deploy on macOS also resets values within the pc-print-deploy.conf file back to default values. You may have changed this content to configure Print Deploy auto updates.
This issue affects all current Print Deploy users.
In busy environments where certain changes to the print queues are being made during working hours, or jobs are being printed around the ~4am maintenance window, jobs could appear not to be released properly, or could land up being double-charged.
Under certain circumstances in extremely busy environments this could happen when:
User sends a print job to a hold/release queue.
Print Administrator makes a change to the print queues on that print server, e.g. removing a print queue, adding a print queue or renaming a print queue - or the ~4am Print Provider daily maintenance refresh happens. (Note that making property changes like driver defaults is not included in this list - only major changes like add printer / remove printer / rename printer).
User then releases the job.
Note: if there are no changes being made by the print server administrator, and if jobs aren’t happening around the 4am maintenance window, then this issue will not be seen. If the scenario above was experienced, the behavior seen would be: *The user walks up to a release station and releases the job. It would look as though the job didn’t successfully release to the printer, and the job would not actually print. *If the user then went back to the release station and released the job again (it could be displayed again), the job would successfully release, but the user would then be charged twice for the job. *The likelihood of this happening is even less if a find-me queue is in use, and the job is redirected to a different target queue on release.
This has now been resolved in 19.2.1.
Gatekeeper (with macOS 10.15 - Catalina) blocks the PaperCut Client from running.
Print Deploy Server Admin interface shows HTTP ERROR 500
19.2 GA or later Print Deploy v1.1.904 or later
Several customers have reported that the Admin Console for Print Deploy displays a HTTP ERROR 500 along with a timeout error.
This error is difficult to reproduce and only happens in unreliable network environments where connections are terminated improperly.
This issues has been resolved in PaperCut NG/MF 19.2 GA and Print Deploy version 1.1.904, otherwise Restarting the PaperCut Application Server will resolve this issue temporarily.
Example partial error message: HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /print-deploy/admin/. Reason: Server Error Caused by: timeout
Print Provider can crash when when documents are printed though Windows 10 Store apps like Edge when Print Archiving is enabled. More info…
Some customers may report that users will not be able to see their print jobs are available for release due to a Print Provider crash with this issue. PaperCut Sys Admins may see a similar message to this in the logs: Print Provider “printsrv01|”: Print job “Document-1.pdf” printed by “user1” is offline and has been temporarily hidden from the Print Release screen.
Through our analysis we have determined that the Print Provider may stop when documents are printed using Windows 10 store apps to a shared print queue on a Windows Print Server with Print Archiving enabled on the same print queue. Workarounds to this include disabling Print Archiving on the relevant print queues, correcting the use of XPS2GDI print jobs to the PaperCut Print Server or have Windows 10 devices print through Mobility Print.
This issue seems to only affect PaperCut 19.1.5.
Please note that this has now been fixed in 19.2.1.
License warning message on server’s Admin Interface - ”You have 2147483647 day(s) to update your license before unlicensed devices are denied access”
This random warning message has been appearing on some customer’s servers when they’re logged in to the Admin Interface - which is very misleading, an even more confusing.
One workaround is to clear it by either:
Reapply your license file to your server (on the About page in the Admin Interface), or
Restart the PaperCut Application Server service on your server
Please note that this has now been resolved in 19.2.4.
Print Provider can fail when redirecting print jobs with Print Archiving enabled
The PaperCut Print Provider service can redirect print jobs from one print queue to another, facilitating workflows such as Find Me Printing. It was found that a change introduced in version 19.1.4 could cause the Print Provider service to fail if Print Archiving was enabled on a print queue and a print job was redirected to it. A fix for this issue has been included in version 19.1.5.
When printing a document that contains color images as B&W, using the PaperCut Global PS Driver, the color images still print as color and the document is recorded as a color job (even though B&W output was chosen).
(Also known as PO-16) When printing a document from Microsoft Applications (E.g. MS Word) which contains color images, and B&W output is chosen for the print setting, the color images still print as color on the page and the document is recorded as a color job (even though B&W output was chosen)
The issue does not appear to effect other applications - for example, printing from Adobe Reader does not present this problem.
Please note that this has now been resolved in version 21.1.2.
Xerox 50778119
Xerox Altalink devices no longer show the “Add Me” button for scanning even though PaperCut is providing the logged in user’s email address.
Altalink 8055 spar: 101.002.009. 00300
Software Patch 1333899v2 (April 5, 2019)
PaperCut is providing the logged in user’s email address.
This issue has been seen on firmware but apparently worked fine on previous 100 firmware. Xerox Support have reproduced the issue and have released a new patch for Altalink, Software Patch 1333899v2, on April 5, 2019.
Canon Remote software does not display screen updates
Gen3+ Embedded App
Gen3+ Embedded App v1.0.1
Using remote software such as VNC (Virtual Network Computing) with the PaperCut Gen3+ embedded application does not display screen transitions occurring on the device. PaperCut is working with Canon to resolve the issue.
Client installations using pc-client-admin-deploy.msi fail
Several customers have reported that after deploying the pc-client-admin-deploy.msi package the client crashes soon after launching. The speed of the crash prevents logs from being obtained.
This is more likely to affect customers running PaperCut MF 19.0.5 and newer.
It’s possible to prevent this from happening by deploying a different PaperCut client by following the links below. Install the User Client on Windows
Alternately you may be able to resolve the issue by manually replacing the following files inside the Client installation directory.
Download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
On the affected client computer, browse to the PaperCut MF Client folder
Replace msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll with those downloaded from the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
Run the Client
Please note that this has now been resolved in the 19.2.1 release.
Scan to Cloud Storage can fail in rare circumstances, in certain environments - when the scan job file size is greater then 4MB.
When scan files from PaperCut Integrated Scanning are greater than 4MB, the file transfer consists of multiple packet uploads. In some rare circumstances with certain environments using the PaperCut Scan to Cloud Storage feature, the uploads to the cloud can intermittently fail.
Due to libraries updated with the 19.1 release, customers at those locations are reporting that the uploads to the cloud are now more reliable.
This has now been resolved in 19.1.1 (but 19.1.2 is highly recommended).
An issue was discovered when using the Lexmark XC CXTMH.053.023 firmware, you can no longer unlock the Scan Center Application
v2.8.1 of the Lexmark Embedded App
Lexmark investigating
Until Lexmark release new firmware to fix this, you can workaround the issue by downgrading the firmware. The other option (if this it is not possible to downgrade the firmware) is to downgrade the PaperCut Lexmark Embedded Application to version 2.8.0 (or earlier)
For customers that have enabled the LPD service on Windows Servers and are actively printing via it (e.g. Printing from UNIX systems). The username associated with the print job would incorrectly include the IP address of the client, and this may stop users from being able to print, or incorrectly log these jobs. Workarounds are available in
This can cause issues if you’re expecting to track jobs based on the username e.g. ‘tim’ - rather than the username and the IP address as it appears in the print queue e.g. ‘tim (’.
Make sure that you’re using the latest LPD Service version, by running the installer in [app-path]\providers\lpd\win\pc-lpd-installer.exe
Edit the LPD Service config file: [app-path]\PaperCut LPD Service\pc-lpd.config
Add the line RemoveHostAddress = true (and save the config file)
Restart the LPD Service
This will remove the IP address from the username - both in the Print Queue view and also from the PaperCut logs - so that tracking against the usual username e.g. ‘tim’ will continue. This method strips out the IP address at the LPD Service level.
If you’re using the Microsoft LPD Service - or if you still want the IP address to show in the username at the OS level for other reasons (other integrations or workflows), there is also an alternative workaround:
Log into the PaperCut admin interface
Go to the Options tab
Go to the Config Editor (Advanced) action
Search for the system.normalize-network-username-regex config key
Enter a value of ^([^\s]+) and then click ‘update’
This second workaround is taken from Example 5 on the Normalizing Usernames KB article.
This will mean that the username in the print queue is untouched - however when PaperCut receives the job for tracking, it strips out the IP address at the App Server level.
Update: Please note that this has now been resolved in the 19.1.2 release.
Font color on the input fields on a Release Station gets customized to the font color of the non-input text
When customising the Release Station software (e.g. using the second Step 1 from the Installing the Release Station article), if you’re using the font-color customization to change the font color of text, you’ll find that prior to 19.x, this did not impact the input fields (they would remain black text on the white input box background).
However since 19.0, that customization now impacts the input field text - for example if you’re running 19.0.1 and you have customized the release station to use grey text, you’ll find that the input box (e.g. username and password) text will also be grey.
Update: This has now been fixed in the 19.1.3 release. Init.
TouchNet Onecard VIP payment gateway users are experiencing problems because the vend-money-url and balance-inquiry-url values are incorrect
Documentation update 19.1.1
We have seen several users who have not configured the above URL settings in the TouchNet OneCard properties file correctly.
Make sure your vend-money-url setting ends with /transactions/onecard/vendmoney/process and balance-inquiry-url setting ends with /transactions/onecard/inquiry/process.
Update: this has now been clarified within the config files included with the latest version of the payment gateway.
Konica-Minolta Self-association of Card/Identity Numbers not applied on non-i-Option devices with three authentication methods enabled
A change introduced in PaperCut MF 19.0.4 around the Card/Identity Number self-association workflow was found to break self-association for Konica Minolta devices which have:
No i-Option compatible web browser enabled
Three user authentication methods enabled (i.e. Username and password, Identity number, and Swipe card)
For these devices, self-association would appear to work as expected, but the next login attempt with the same Card/Identity Number would result in a failure to authenticate.
A fix is planned for inclusion in a shortly forthcoming release of PaperCut MF, but the problem can also be worked around by heading to the Advanced Config subtab of the Device Details page for an afflicted device and updating the value of the following configuration key to Y:
ext-device.konica-minolta.login.prioritise-card = Y
Update: this has now been resolved in the 19.1.3 update.
TouchNet Onecard VIP payment gateway users who are using track 2 card lookup are experiencing problems
If your TouchNet OneCard VIP gateway is configured for account types of track2Data then you will experience balance and transaction failures on those accounts.
Note that this has now been resolved in 19.1.1
Server Performance issues and database timeouts may occur with SQL server, when using the default database connection example.
We have seen several users with external databases housed on SQL servers where connection timeouts and rollback issues are causing server stability and performance issues.
This behaviour stems from a difference between the previous SQL database driver (used in V18 and earlier) and the current driver (used in V19 onwards)
We’ve corrected this in an upcoming version of PaperCut, however there is a simple workaround that can be implemented in conjunction with a PaperCut server restart.
To implement the workaround please add the following to the end of your existing SQL connection statement
This has now also been resolved in 19.1.1.
Device scripting - deviceLoginHook not supported with Guest login on some devices (known limitation)
Known limitation
Introduced in PaperCut MF 19.1, Device Scripting allows for programmatic control of many aspects of a user’s experience at an MFD, much akin to what Print Scripting facilitates for control of your printing workflow. With Device Scripts, PaperCut MF administrators are equipped to guide and direct user behaviour around copying and print release, as well as make adjustments to the charging of copy, scan, and fax jobs, all based on fully custom criteria, right down to individual users, or even time of day.
Whilst the initial implementation of Device Scripting enables a broad array of possible inputs and actions with which to solve problems and meet unique requirements, the sheer multitude of supported devices and methods through which PaperCut MF integrates with them incurs a small number of limitations. This article provides information around these limitations, and will be updated to reflect any changes concerning them down the line.
The hook deviceLoginHook does not support guest/anonymous access on some devices
When included in a Device Script, deviceLoginHook will be called at the point a user attempts to login to the applicable device, giving the opportunity to take actions such as denying their login, denying them access to colour copying based on criteria such as custom quotas, or filtering the Shared Accounts they can employ in the current login session. Whilst calling this hook is supported on all devices, testing has shown that the guest access authentication method may not trigger it on certain models. This appears to be due to slight variations in the specific authentication workflow for guest access on these devices, and which families of devices are likely to be impacted is accordingly unpredictable.
A warning concerning this will be displayed when using deviceLoginHook in a Device Script applied to a device that has guest access enabled. To test if this hook is compatible with guest access on your devices, the following snippet could be inserted into a Device Script:
function deviceLoginHook(inputs, actions) {"Phew, looks like guest access is supported =)");
Once this Device Script is applied, walk up to the device and hit the Guest button to login, taking note of the time. Return to the PaperCut MF Admin web interface and check the Application Log subtab of the Logs tab. If you see an entry at the noted time of login which contains the text “Phew, looks like guest access is supported =)”, the device supports the hook in conjunction with guest access. If no matching entry can be found, please reach out to us via the Device Scripting Percolator page with the following details:
Make and model of the device
Version of firmware installed
… so that we can keep track of any unsupported models, and potentially determine ways to address this in future. Be sure to remove the Device Script snippet when you’re finished testing, too!
Note that anonymous access, an authentication method closely related to guest access, will similarly not be able to trigger this hook for any unsupported devices.
Device scripting - deviceJobLogHook not supported on all platforms (known limitation)
Known limitation
Introduced in PaperCut MF 19.1, Device Scripting allows for programmatic control of many aspects of a user’s experience at an MFD, much akin to what Print Scripting facilitates for control of your printing workflow. With Device Scripts, PaperCut MF administrators are equipped to guide and direct user behaviour around copying and print release, as well as make adjustments to the charging of copy, scan, and fax jobs, all based on fully custom criteria, right down to individual users, or even time of day.
Whilst the initial implementation of Device Scripting enables a broad array of possible inputs and actions with which to solve problems and meet unique requirements, the sheer multitude of supported devices and methods through which PaperCut MF integrates with them incurs a small number of limitations. This article provides information around these limitations, and will be updated to reflect any changes concerning them down the line.
The hook deviceJobLogHook is not supported on some device types
Commonly, devices integrated with PaperCut MF will keep track of the copies, scans, and faxes a user performs whilst logged in, and then return this data to the PaperCut MF Application Server once the user logs out. The Application Server then uses the charging configuration applied to a device to calculate how much to deduct from the relevant Shared Account or Personal Account balance, as well as enter job records into the Job Log.
The deviceJobLogHook portion of a Device Script is called during that post-processing of job data by the Application Server, allowing for granular charging adjustments, updates to custom quotas, or the insertion of comments into the Job Log. However, various device types deliver job data to the Application Server in differing ways, with these differentiations dependent on how each platform behaves in tandem with our software integration. The resulting workflow of some device types is incompatible with the present implementation of this hook.
In these cases, an applied Device Script will not trigger the deviceJobLogHook, rendering that section of the script inapplicable for the device types listed below:
Fuji Xerox (Legacy AIP only - ApeosPortV+ devices are supported)
OKI Open Platform
If you apply a Device Script containing deviceJobLogHook to a device of one of these types, a warning message will be displayed as above.
Unexpected logout of a Toshiba Device session if a network print job completes or a previous user’s copy/scan/fax job completes
19.0.6, 19.0.7 Toshiba V3
After logging in on Toshiba V3 device, if a network print job is sent to the device, when the job has finished it will log the user out. In a similar vein, if a longer running job is still going from the last user and then it finishes, whilst the next user has logged in, they will be logged out.
Evidence of this happening can also be seen in the Application Server Debug logs with the line of: “Forcing logout after scanning for deviceId:”.
A hot fix is available for this (based on 19.0.7) - and we have also now resolved this in 19.1.1
Xerox Versalink devices failing on PaperCut version 19.0.6/19.0.7 with displayed error message, “Held: Validating Limits”.
On Xerox Versalink models, when they are upgraded to PaperCut MF version 19.0.6 or 19.0.7, as a job is proceeding it will show the message, “Held: Validating Limits” but the job will not complete.
We suspect the new call to the Session API that was added in version 19.0.5 may have triggered an issue with the Xerox firmware just on Versalink. Reports back from the customer seem to confirm this theory.
Xerox has advised us of the relevant issue: CQGbl01318341.
The SPAR release xx.45.61 PL5-Rw for the entire Versalink family was released on June 29, 2019 to address this issue but we have yet to confirm the fix.
For Versalink models without the SPAR fix release, the Session API can be turned off in version 19.1 by setting to N.
Turning off the Session API will mean that for scenarios where a user changes multiple accounts in a session and/or uses Job Limits with a job where the user will log out before the job on the MFP has finished being analysed, the job may not be tracked correctly or may not enforce that an account was selected (if that selection option was enabled).
Please note that this has been resolved in 19.1.0
When using Web Print and you’re printing a PDF and you don’t have Adobe Reader installed (or you’re using xpdf in the Web Print options), the Web Print job will fail with a message ‘Failed: Timed out’.
Update: this has now been resolved with the public 19.0.5 release.
Some HP Single Function Printers can show 49.DE.05 and 49.DE.15 errors in certain circumstances.
HP Single Function Printers OXP Printer Only
19.1.1 workaround with Firmware update pending from HP.
Not to be confused with MAC-5278, which has similar appearances, however has been resolved by HP in the 4.7.1 (and above) firmware release. If you’re experiencing this error on devices, the first step will be to make sure that you’re running 4.7.1 firmware or above.
For other cases unresolved by the 4.7.1 firmware, we are continuing our investigations with HP Engineering.
Update: 19.1.1 is now live, and this version has further workarounds to reduce the likelihood of these errors from occurring. HP are also hoping to release a firmware update in the future to resolve the underlying issues around these errors.
As per the release notes: ‘Added an improved workaround to reduce the chances of 49.DE.xx error codes displaying on HP OXP devices’
Kyocera: Integrated scanning upload stopped working after upgrading to v2.4.0.
As of PaperCut MF Version 19.0.0, the Kyocera Integrated Scanning functionality is over HTTPS, which may cause a failure related to a SNI Mismatch, specifically, a ‘Host does not match SNI’ error.
Typically, the FQDN specified by the certificate does not match the server name used when establishing the connection between the device and the server.
This is correctable by recreating the SSL certificate with one that includes the correct name.
As a workaround, you can disable SNI host checking by setting the following configuration key in the file on the Application Server, and then restarting the PaperCut Application Server service:
This is only recommended as a stopgap measure until you’re able to recreate your certificate as noted above.
Toner information for some HP devices doesn’t update in the PaperCut dashboard.
19.0.0 All
When viewing the Printer Toner information under Printers → [select printer] → Summary → Configuration → Toner Status, details may not display or may be out of date.
This does not impact Hardware Validation / Hardware Page checking.
Update: There is a hot fix available for this if needed. Please contact us if needed!
Update: This has now been resolved in MF version 19.0.6.
The App Server can experience higher than usual CPU usage in scenarios where there are a large number of users running the PaperCut User Client software, and the balance window is hidden in some way.
This could be through setting the config key to ‘N’ (on the server side) or using the config properties hide-balance=Y config option, or using the —hide-balance command line option when starting the client.
This has been fixed in 19.0.3.
When using the ‘pc-client-local-cache.exe’ method of running the user client, the client files may be copied to the client workstation again, even if the client is actually up to date with the latest version - sometimes resulting in a slower user client launch time.
We have seen instances where the client files are re-copied from the server, to the local workstation C:\Cache directory, even if the cached location is up to date. On slow networks this can result in a slower startup time for the user client.
In some cases with shared workstations (multi-user switching), users may see the error ‘Unable to create the local cache in ‘C:\Cache’.
We’re hoping to resolve this in the next release.
Update: there is now a hot fix available for this - please contact us if you need this!
Update: this has now been resolved in the public 19.0.4 release.
When re-configuring Active Directory syncing, the UI won’t allow you to preserve “Do Not Sync” for the primary number field unless the secondary number field is also set to “Do Not Sync”.
On saving, the ‘primary number’ source is updated to match the ‘secondary number’ source.
Note that this will not impact the sync behavior on upgrade unless someone uses the UI to update either the ‘primary number’ or ‘secondary number’ source configuration.
This has been resolved in 19.0.3.
If you’re using the client-local-install.exe (only), and you’re upgrading the client from 18.x or before, to version 19, the client doesn’t run. Fresh installs of the client, and old versions of the client currently installed will not experience any issues.
The other versions of the client (including MSI, pc-client.exe and pc-client-local-cache.exe) are not impacted by this.
For users experiencing this, the behavior of client-local-install.exe will be that installation will work fine, however then when running the User Client, it won’t run at all - no error.
The workaround currently is to either not upgrade using the client-local-install.exe (old versions of the client work perfectly ok with later versions of the App Server), or uninstall the client from the local workstation, prior to using the client-local-install.exe to install the updated client.
This has now been resolved in 19.2.2
Activating Scan to Cloud shows a warning ‘No internet connection or other connection issues’, only if you installed 18.x and did not activate Scan to Cloud while on 18.x.
If you activated Scan to Cloud while on 18.x, then Scan to Cloud will work as expected. Likewise if you installed version 19.0 or later and you are activating Scan to Cloud for the first time, everything will work ok.
This has been fixed in 19.0.3.
A workaround is to head into the config editor, and set to
Selecting jobs for release on newer model Kyocera devices does not visibly indicate the selection until a refresh of the page is performed.
19.0.6 HyPAS embedded v2.4.2
We are currently in discussion with Kyocera regarding this issue. It has been reported on Taskalfa 3553ci, 4053ci, and 5033ci models.
Workaround this display issue by selecting the refresh icon in the upper right of the screen to refresh the page.
Update: This has now been resolved in MF 19.0.6 / embedded v2.4.2.
Due to changes in HP firmware 4.6.4, when using the HP Universal Print Driver or HP device-specific drivers, the device may now record some grayscale pages as color.
HP Firmware 4.6.4 All
19.0.4 Full resolved in 19.0.7
If you print a job in Grayscale (‘High Quality CMYK Grayscale’ in the driver):
In firmware 4.6.3 and below - pages were counted as grayscale pages by the device counters.
In firmware 4.6.4 and above - pages are counted as color pages by the device counters.
This has two components impacted:
Color detection in PaperCut - with 4.6.3 and below, PaperCut would correctly count the pages as grayscale pages - and the device counter would match. Now with the 4.6.4 firmware, the device will register color pages, but PaperCut will still log and charge for grayscale pages.
When using grayscale conversion in scripts or filters & conversions, the job will be logged as grayscale in PaperCut logs, but will be logged as color in the device counters.
Within the HP driver there are two different options to print in grayscale:
Black only (uses only black toner)
CMYK Grayscale (uses mixed color toner to produce fine grayscale)
We are working with HP to confirm the intended behaviour and we hope to have a fix for this in an upcoming release.
Update: this has now been partially resolved in the public 19.0.4 release.
As per the release notes: HP Universal print driver (PCL, PostScript) or HP model-specific driver: Documents printed with a color selection of “High Quality CMYK Grayscale” are now counted as color jobs instead of grayscale. This change aligns with HP’s change in firmware version 4.6.4 and above where these jobs are now counted as color in device meter counts. This behaviour can be reversed by setting CompositeIsGrayscale in the print-provider.conf file to “True”.
A number of customers have confirmed that this has fixed the discrepancies that they were seeing.
Further Update: we have found some circumstances where the PJL headers GRAYSCALE=COMPOSITEandPLANESINUSE=1 are present in the spool file - in this case we may incorrectly detect the job as grayscale, whereas the device will report the job as color. If you are running 19.0.4 or above, and you’re finding that some color jobs are incorrectly logged as grayscale in PaperCut, this is probably the issue that you’re seeing.
Final Update: the additional circumstances mentioned above have now been resolved in the 19.0.7 release.
When using Integrated Scanning and using OCR and using the ‘Prompt for more pages’ feature, you’ll receive a scanned file (e.g. PDF) for each page of the document rather than one file containing all pages.
The ‘prompt for more pages’ option allows you to scan multiple pages in, and have them all bundled as one PDF. For example if you don’t have a document feeder, or if you have a particularly large document, you can scan a number of pages through separately, and using ‘prompt for more pages’ you’ll receive 1 PDF with the entire document.
This has been fixed in 19.0.3.
Please note that if you’re not using OCR, then you’ll not see this issue happening.
HP Language translation issue, with the legacy ‘Jedi’ app for Futuresmart (Legacy) devices may mean that button labels on a subset of screens are not displayed correctly.
19.0.0 Jedi (Futuresmart ’Legacy’)
There is a hot-fix available to resolve this issue, and we also now have this fixed in the 19.0.3 release.
Please note that this does not impact the more recent Futuresmart platforms.
Important: When upgrading to version 19 from previous versions, held jobs printed prior to the upgrade will not be available to release once the upgrade is complete.
Instead, users will see the message “account needed”, displayed in the “Jobs Pending Release” page, or on the device or release station, when trying to release their print jobs. All jobs printed to hold/release queues subsequently (i.e. after the upgrade to version 19) will behave as normal, and will be available for release by the users.
This will only impact those jobs that were printed prior to the upgrade.
If you find yourself in this situation, the workarounds available are:
Clear your hold/release queues
We strongly advise to do the version 19 upgrade out of hours, and to ensure that Hold/Release Queues are cleared down pre-upgrade where possible.
If possible, clear out your hold/release queues - so that the pre-upgrade jobs are removed, and don’t cause confusion for users. Unfortunately this does have the obvious side-effect that users will have to re-print their jobs if they still need them.
Remove the job-status data from the Application Server
This issue has come about due to changes and improvements in the ability to select accounts to charge jobs to, at release time. See Assigning accounts at the MFD if you’re interested in this feature. To handle this, the status information about jobs being held has been changed.
One way to get around this is to:
Shut down the App Server
Remove the following files from [app-path]/server/data/internal/state/systemstate/
Start the PaperCut Application Server service
This will have the positive effect that the old status information will be removed, and the App Server will regenerate status information for any held jobs in the system. However there are also side effects:
Jobs that were printed by users who have their account selection set to ‘Automatically Charge to Personal Account’ or ‘Automatically Charge to a Single Shared Account’, will then be available for release for those users. This is the good news.
The bad news is that jobs that were printed by users who have their account selection set to e.g. ‘Show Standard Account Selection’ (i.e. the user has to select which account to use) will need to re-select the account required. If your users have the ability to assign accounts at the MFD, then they can do this - otherwise they will have to return to their computer, make sure that the PaperCut User Client is running, and re-select the required account.
Xerox EIP1.5 (and below) devices may allow restricted users to go into negative balance in specific circumstances.
In the following setup, the user will always be able to log into an EIP 1.5 (or below) device, and be able to make 1 copy, before being logged out due to not having enough credit:
User is restricted
User has a balance of 0 or less
Account selection set to be able to select a Shared Account
When a shared account is selected, option to ‘Charge personal account (and allocate to shared account for reporting)’ is selected
In that instance, every time the user logs in, they’ll be able to perform 1 copy job before getting kicked out.
Please note that this only happens with the exact configuration above. For any other combinations, Zero Stop will work as expected, and deny the user from performing any copy jobs. Additionally this only happens with devices that are EIP 1.5 or below. EIP 2.0 or above are unaffected.
Update: this has now been resolved in 19.0.3.
Message: ‘cups-api-helper is not optimised for your Mac and needs to be updated’ appears on macOS if you’ve installed the Print Monitor (Secondary Server, Direct Print Monitor, Site Server).
macOS 10.13.4
Ricoh App does not stay in foreground on IM models (G2.5) when System Auto Reset Timer elapses
19.0 SmartSDK
To be able to fix this issue, we are waiting for Ricoh Japan to add some metadata to the firmware. Ricoh Japan is planning on having the firmware ready very soon, at which point we will need to make the changes to our embedded application for the device function priority to work as expected.
As a workaround please do not use the auto reset timer, instead use the panel sleep timer (user will be logged out on panel sleep). This timer is set in minutes, with the minimum being 1 minute.
Please note that this has now been resolved in 19.2.1.
PaperCut Print Provider crashes when certain PCL5 drivers are used.
Starting with PaperCut 18.3.6 the Print Provider may crash during page analysis when certain PCL5 drivers are used. When this occurs, job will not be tracked or held and the Print Provider will need to be restarted.
Update: This has now been resolved in the 18.3.8 release.
Xerox Versalink C400 & c405DN devices which are in sleep mode require two card swipes on a Card Reader to wake up the device and login the user.
During the device’s wake up process, the device won’t accept login requests. If a user swipes a card 10 seconds after being putting into sleep mode, the 1st swipe will wake up the device. But due to the device not accepting login requests, the user will not be logged in.
Update: This has now been resolved in 19.0.0
Konica-Minolta Zero-stop fails for copy/scan when the Grayscale ‘Default (other sizes)’ charge on the Device is left at $0.00
With the Grayscale Default (other sizes) cost set to $0.00 (which is the default value for this cost), and when a user has a positive credit balance in PaperCut, they can perform a copy or scan job of any size. This can leave them with a negative balance.
Please note that this has now been resolved in our 19.2.0 release.
Change Print Job Settings (ChPS): Limitations as of PaperCut MF 18.2.6
Known limitations
Original user’s job settings can be modified by another user releasing the job In any of the following environments where a user is able to release held print jobs originally printed by another user, this user is also able to change the settings of such jobs:
In the 'External Device Settings' section of the Device Details page, the only enabled Access methods setting is 'Allow guest/anonymous access'.
In the 'Print Release' section of the Device Details page, the 'Users have permission to:' dropdown menu is set to release any print jobs (charged to their account).
Print setting changes made prior to an Application Server outage are not applied if these print jobs are released during the outage Print setting changes made prior to an Application Server outage are applied only if the jobs are also released prior to the outage or after the outage. However, these changes are not applied if they are released during the outage.
Initial attributes of print jobs While users can change held print jobs from color to grayscale and from 1-sided to 2-sided, they cannot do the reverse (from grayscale to color and from 2-sided to 1-sided).
Unidentifiable account displayed at the device If a job has been printed from a terminal using an unauthenticated user account, then the device displays the account of the terminal from which the user has printed the job, instead of the actual account of the printing user. However, upon release, this job is successfully charged to the user’s own account.
Maximum number of copies is 9999 When changing the number of copies of a print job, the maximum number that the UI allows is 9999.
Changing charging model while modifying a print job is not supported If the 'Charging' cost model is changed via a print queue’s 'Printer Details' page in the Admin web interface whilst a print job held in that queue is simultaneously being modified on a device, unpredictable charging of that print job may occur. We recommend only changing the job cost model at a time when print jobs are unlikely to be modified.
Print setting changes made on multiple jobs are applied only on release 'Force grayscale' and/or 'Force 2-sided' on multiple held print jobs are applied only if the jobs are released after making the change.
Selection of Force grayscale and Force 2-sided checkboxes may be ignored Selecting the Force grayscale or Force 2-sided checkboxes is ignored in the following situations:
If multiple jobs are modified at once, and the jobs aren’t released after making the change and before logging out of the device, these changes will be forgotten.
If there are multiple print jobs with a mix of PDLs that both support and don’t support changing settings, the checkboxes are still available for all print jobs. However, selecting either checkbox for a print job with an unsupported PDL will have no effect.
Selecting a Shared Account at the device - submitting a print job with no account selected From PaperCut V19, you are able to submit a print job without selecting an account and this will allow you to select one on the copier’s screen. This new feature reduces the need of running the PaperCut user client on workstations.
With PaperCut V18, you are only able to CHANGE the account associated to a print job, after you have selected an account previously (you cannot submit a print job without an account being selected).
When using the 'Change Print Job Settings' (ChPS) feature, Print Archiving creates two files after changing print job settings
When Print Archiving is enabled, and a user changes their print job settings at the device, two spool files might be created in separate directories under [app-path]\server\data\archive; one for the original print job, and one for the modified print job, which leads to drive space wastage.
Only one print job is recorded in the Job Log, showing the print settings at the time the document was released.
PaperCut does not uninstall correctly on ApeosPort VII (Fuji Xerox devices)
18.3 and earlier
Follow the steps here before uninstalling the embedded:
In CWIS, go to “Properties → Security → Authentication Configuration” and set “Login Type” to “No Login Required”. Click “Apply” then “Reboot”. When the MFD has restarted, you can delete the device from PaperCut.
These steps are documented in the Fuji Xerox embedded manual, see section 7. Reach out to your Fuji Xerox reseller for more information.Update: This has now been resolved, and ApeosPort VII is now official supported with version 19.0.1 - please see the manual as above for the additional steps.
Some newer model Kyocera devices require hard drive to be manually formatted before deploying PaperCut MF.
19.0.0 (documentation change only)
Field reports suggest that certain Kyocera models (e.g. the Taskalfa 2553ci, 3253ci, 3553ci, 4053ci, 5053ci, and 6053ci) do not currently automatically format optional hard disk drives upon installation, as earlier models did. The PaperCut MF Kyocera embedded solution cannot be successfully deployed to an unformatted hard disk, as users will subsequently not be able to access device functions due to a lack of the requisite permissions. The HDDs on these devices need to be formatted manually prior to installing the PaperCut MF Kyocera embedded solution.
This information has been added to the PaperCut MF Kyocera Embedded Manual, as an additional step during installation. It is possible this behaviour may also be changed in future releases of firmware for the affected models, but our current recommendation is to format all optional hard disks before deploying the Kyocera embedded solution.
Small number of HP users have seen an additional status message appearing on 4.7 firmware when the device is configured to show the native device icons rather than the PaperCut login.
Firmware 4.7 Futuresmart
Fix in Firmware from HP (4.7.1)
Small number of users have seen an additional status message appearing when pressing a sequence of the home button and locked device icons:
This item is restricted. Try to use another account, or contact the system administrator or the person who set up this product
This happens when the device is configured to show the ‘locked’ native device icons (e.g. Print Release, Scan, Copy).
Press one of the locked icons
The login screen appears
Don’t log in, but instead press the ‘home’ icon top left
The above status message appears
Logging in through the ‘normal’ workflow still works without issues.
Update: This issue has now been resolved with the Firmware update 4.7.1 from HP.
Publishing a printer through Google Cloud Print (GCP) results in an error: An error has occurred while processing your request, please check the logs
From Jan 23 2019
Jan 26 2019
Please note that this does not impact any GCP printers that have already been published. Printing should continue without issues.
Early indications are that something has changed on the Google Cloud side of things, which means that when the PaperCut App Server is asking to publish a printer it gets a reply from Google with a malformed URL. This results in the printer failing to publish.
Update: Google reached out to us on the 26th Jan to confirm that they’ve fixed the malformed URL response. There are no updates needed on the PaperCut side. Testing has confirmed that publishing printers now works as expected.
New Toshiba MFD with 10.1 inch screen have text scaling issues
All versions MDS
Newer Toshiba MFDs with 10.1 inch screens will exhibit text being cut off on the embedded application.
This has now been fixed in the 19.0.3 release.
5 second delay on Server-Command.exe/Payment Gateway interfaces
If a environment uses Server-Command.exe (often used by our Payment Gateways via our Web Services API), the executable will not shut down until after the command has gotten its result. It will instead hang for roughly 5 seconds before finally shutting down.
While this can be annoying for System Administrator that are using the command line, since they cannot enter another command within those 5 seconds, the main problem comes from external devices that use the server-command to function, as it can slow them down a lot (e.g. getting a users balance suddenly takes 5 more seconds).
PaperCut end-users can see this as a perceived network delay when authenticating at a Payment Gateway Cash Loader for instance.
Update: This has now been resolved with version 18.3.7
PaperCut HP ‘Jedi’ app for Futuresmart (Legacy) devices will not install on firmware 4.7.1 or above. Currently installed HP devices are unaffected.
Firmware 4.7.1 Jedi (Futuresmart ’Legacy’)
HP has implemented stricter app signing in their 4.7.1 firmware, which requires PaperCut to re-release our Futuresmart (Legacy) / Jedi app. This will only impact new installs, if you’re trying to install the app onto a device with the 4.7.1 firmware.
If you already have the Jedi app installed on a device, and you upgrade the device to the 4.7.1 firmware, you’ll not be impacted.
PaperCut is working with HP to re-sign the app and will be available in an up-coming release of PaperCut.
To tell if you’d be impacted by this:
Take a look in your PaperCut Admin console, under the ‘Devices’ tab, and check the ‘Type’ column:
If you’re running HP (FutureSmart) or HP FutureSmart (legacy) you will be impacted if you try to install the app on a device, or re-install the app on a current device running the 4.7.1 firmware - since you’re running the older legacy Jedi app.
If you see HP FutureSmart 4+, HP FutureSmart 4+ (Printer Only), HP OXP or HP OXP (Printer Only), you’re using the newer OXP platform, and will not be impacted.
Update: This has now been resolved in PaperCut 18.3.7
Authorize.Net is phasing out MD5 based transHash support
From Jan 31 2019
18.3.7 Action required
Authorize.Net has announced they are phasing out the MD5 based transHash support - which PaperCut uses when communicating with the Authorize.Net Payment Gateway.
You may receive an email from them containing the below information:
Authorize.Net is phasing out the MD5 based transHash element in favor of the SHA-512 based transHashSHA2. The setting in the Merchant Interface which controls the MD5 Hash option will be removed by the end of January 2019, and the transHash element will stop returning values from March 14,2019 according to their support site above.
PaperCut will support the new SHA-512 signature with the updated Payment Gateway module. This build is for new SHA2 key hashing changes for Authorize.Net Payment gateway. Though this build will support both SHA2 and existing MD5 keys, we highly recommend that you obtain the new ‘Signature Key’ from the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface, as Authorize.Net will stop processing MD5 hash key by March 14,2019 according to their support site above.
Please ensure that you switch to the new SHA-512 signature prior to this date
I currently use the gateway. What do I need to do?
Upgrade the PaperCut Payment Gateway Module:
Head over to the Payment Gateway Install page, and download the latest Payment Gateway installer for your OS.
Install the new Payment Gateway module on your PaperCut App Server (as documented in the link above).
Your new Signature Key is displayed. This Signature key will be string of random 128 character.
*To disable the old Signature Key, click the check box labeled Disable Old Signature Key Immediately. If the Disable Old Signature Key check box is not selected, the old Signature Key will automatically expire in 24 hours. This will also impact any use of the Signature Key for transaction response validation for the SHA2 field. If the old Signature Key is not expired the previous key will continue to be used for the hash/response validation.
Finally, configure your Signature key in PaperCut:
Stop the PaperCut Application Server Service. Follow the steps here on how to do this.
Open the payment gateway config file ‘’ (located in [install-path]/server/lib-ext/).
Add the line ‘authorize-net.sha2-hash-value=‘ and include the signature key from after the = sign.
Important: Make sure that you delete the line with ‘authorize-net.md5-hash-value’ - you can’t have both hash value lines in the config file at the same time.
When adding funds, in the PaperCut interface I get an error: Unable to resolve expression ‘fingerprintHash’ for ext.paymentgateway.pages.AuthorizeNetRedirect$Enhance.
This indicates that both the ‘authorize-net.md5-hash-value’ and ‘authorize-net.sha2-hash-value’ lines are present in the config file. If you’re using the new SHA2 hash, make sure that you remove the MD5 line from the config file.
When adding funds, after entering payment information, in the interface I get an error: An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An email has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error. The following is the result of the attempt to charge your credit card: This transaction has been approved. It is advisable for you to contact the merchant to verify that you will receive the product or service.
This indicates that Authorize.Net has not been able to contact the PaperCut server in order to confirm the transaction to the App Server. Check Stage 1, step 8 in the Authorize.Net - Quick Start Guide to confirm that the ‘Default Relay Response URL’ has been set up correctly in the Authorize.Net merchant interface.
Toshiba native Job Status page not showing up on printer error.
All versions MDS
19.0.0 Firmware fixed 11/Oct/2018
On certain versions of Toshiba firmware, if the user uses card swipe authentication then the Job Status page will not show up if a blocking error happens on the printer. This has been fixed with Toshiba firmware that was released on October 11 2018:
[Release version] L6.13.F
Weiss2H: T373HD0W1121F
Weiss2L: T370HD0W1121F
Reuss: T410HD0W1121F
Shasta: T380HD0W1121F
Shastina: T385HD0W1121F
[Base version] L6.13
Weiss2H: T373HD0W1121
Weiss2L: T370HD0W1121
Reuss: T410HD0W1121
Shasta: T380HD0W1121
Shastina: T385HD0W1121
Also, in order for the Toshiba to allow the Job Status screen to show up over the PaperCut (EWB) page, the Top Access admin interface option should be enabled in Administration→Setup→EWB→”Enforcement automatic screen change”. PaperCut is current disabling this option (if PaperCut is yet to be configured on the device) and a fix to enable this option automatically (instead of requiring manual enabling) has been enabled in 19.0.0
Some USB print queues will be duplicated on macOS clients running the Direct Print Monitor
Several customers have reported that after installing the Direct Print Monitor on macOS computers, USB print queues will be recreated in Printers & Scanners every time the printer is restarted or reconnected.
This is more likely to affect customers running PaperCut MF 18.1.4 and newer, because in that version we changed the default behavior for Mac and Linux clients so that printers will automatically be imported.
It’s possible to prevent this from happening by disabling the printer auto-import feature.
On the affected macOS computer, browse to the PaperCut application folder and run the executable Control Printer Monitoring.command.
Enter the Mac’s admin password in the Terminal window when prompted.
Type “yes” and press the enter key to disable the auto-import feature. This will prevent the print queues from being duplicated accidentally.
Run the Control Printer Monitoring.command file again.
Follow the prompts to disable the print queues you don’t want monitored, and enable monitoring for the printers you do want tracked.
Lastly, open System Preferences and choose Printer & Scanners. Select any duplicated printers and click the minus sign to remove them.
If the Job Ticketing version is older than November 2018 and auto updates have been turned off, upgrading to the latest version of Job Ticketing will fail once auto-update is enabled.
Nov 2018
Upgrading to the latest version via auto updates will fail if the version being upgraded from is earlier than November 2018. A step upgrade to version #2700 (see below links to download) is required before enabling auto updates.
Some print scripts do not work after upgrading to 18.3
Some Print scripts stop working after upgrading to 18.3, you could be seeing an issue that could be related to the JS engine upgrade we included in this version.
Update: This has now been resolved in 19.0.0.
HP Error: ‘49.DE.11 Error’ appears on device and needs restarting. This can happen intermittently - HP are narrowing down the cause and scope of this in firmware.
Fix from HP in firmware 4.7
The device may need restarting after encountering this error.
HP has informed us that they have fixed this error in the 4.7 firmware.
We have had the following information from HP on this:
If the issue persists, please answer the below questions for further investigating.
Do you observe this behavior on other device models? Or is it observed only on certain devices?
Please provide us the complete steps to reproduce this issue if possible
Please provide the JDP logs. You can open EWS page and navigate through Troubleshooting → Diagnostic Data → Click “Start” button → Choose “Create zipped debug information file” → Check “Clean up debug information” → Click “Export” button
HP Devices - ‘Account confirmation’ appears once, even when Account Confirmation is disabled.
18.3.3 Futuresmart
Account confirmation is shown (only once) for users on a device, even when Account confirmation is disabled.
This is linked to MAC-5381 above, so the workaround is to disable the new login flow:
Note: You’ll need to do this for each HP device:
In the PaperCut MF Admin web interface, select Devices → [select device] → Advanced Config.
Search for
Change the value from Y to N.
Click ‘Update’ to save the change.
The impact of disabling this is that the swipe card login will likely be slower (back to pre-18.3.3 performance/behaviour).
Note that his has now been resolved in 18.3.4.
When logging in with a swipe card on an HP device and you then press the ‘Access Device’ button on the Print Release screen, an IllegalStateException error message is displayed.
18.3.3 Futuresmart
This has now been resolved in 18.3.4.
If you’re on 18.3.3, you can workaround the issue by doing the following:
Note: You’ll need to do this for each HP device:
In the PaperCut MF Admin web interface, select Devices → [select device] → Advanced Config.
Search for
Change the value from Y to N.
Click ‘Update’ to save the change.
The impact of disabling this is that the swipe card login will likely be slower (back to pre-18.3.3 performance/behaviour).
Please note that in 18.3.4, the default behavior is that the new fast-swipe-login is not enabled. In order to enable the new faster swipe-to-login flow, set the advanced config key to ‘Y’ for each device.
Printer errors not showing up on Toshiba Print Release Page .
18.3.x MDS
With “ Block the release of jobs when this device is in error” setting enabled for print release, and if the device is in a blocking error state (such as No Paper or Paper Jam - determined by SNMP), then print jobs will be prevented from release and an appropriate message displayed. However, before one even attempts to release a job, the page should show a warning message about the error. This does not happen due to a bug and instead a warning Icon is displayed at the start of the line but it has no accompanying text.
This has now been resolved in 18.3.6.
Unable to log into Toshiba eConnect devices .
18.3.0 eConnect
Users are prevented from logging into Toshiba eConnect devices (between PaperCut versions 18.3.0 to 18.3.3) and instead will be displayed with a popup warning message stating “Could not access the account server. Contact your administrator”.
This has now been resolved in 18.3.6.
Users may see the ‘Not able to connect with accounting server’ message on Sharp devices in high-usage sites.
Some Sharp customers in very busy sites, have seen the above error message appearing on devices sporadically. In certain circumstances, the database can become a bottleneck causing delays in device communication.
This has been fixed in 18.3.5
HP Device status in PaperCut shows “Started with Errors - Certificate Error. Error - Could not import certificate into the device certificate store”, when installing a new CA-signed certificate under certain circumstances.
All versions Futuresmart
This appears to happen in certain scenarios where the CA-signed certificate chain length is short.
There is a hot-fix available for testing - and this has now also been resolved in the 19.1.1 release.
After HP MFD reboot, card reader fails to establish connection to server - card swipes fail. Impacts HP PRO devices.
18.2.4 Futuresmart
After restarting the MFD, the card reader may not process card swipes correctly after failing to open a connection to the PaperCut server.
This can previously be resolved by unplugging and replugging the card reader. Obviously this isn’t great, so this will be resolved in the next release.
Note that we have seen that in normal operation the device (and firmware boot up sequence etc) can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to recognize the card reader. We’ve also seen behavior where the card reader beeps as though it’s ready to read swipes, but the firmware is still initializing in the background.
HP Pro card readers may only perform a partial card-read.
18.2 PRO
Resolved in HP firmware x.1921E.00
User card-swipes may result in only a partial number being read to the device. The user may not be able to log into the machine if the device only reads the partial number.
Logging in with username/password, or typing in the card ID are not impacted.
Update: HP have confirmed that they have resolved this issue in HP firmware version x.1921E.00 or later (the ‘x’ will changed depending on the device model).
HP X3D303A card readers are not working on HP Bugatti series devices with 4.6.x firmware versions. Also observed on 4.5.x3 firmware in testing. Also known as ‘Ghost Authentication Issues’.
Firmware 4.6.x Futuresmart
Resolved in firmware
Device appears to be logging in a spurious user repeatedly. This can also effect genuine logins and if the user does get successfully logged in, can result in unintended logout. This can appear as the device trying to log in constantly with no one there, or logging out actual users.
In certain circumstances this could also result in a user self-associating with the spurious card ID, which will then result in that user appearing to login/logout repeatedly.
Initial investigations point to a status code being received by the device, and the device interpreting that as a card swipe.
Update May 2019:
HP has confirmed that the ‘Ghost Authentication Issues’ have now been fixed in Radio 2.04 firmware on X3D03A. Additionally, the device firmware has to be or later.
HP has asked customers experiencing this to contact their HP reseller to apply the new Radio firmware and any new device firmware updates needed.
HP Error: ‘49.DE.05 - WebKit encountered a fatal error, unable to recover’ error appears on the device, and needs restarting. This can happen intermittently - HP are narrowing down the cause and scope of this in firmware.
Fixed in firmware from HP (
The device may need restarting after encountering this error.
We have also found during our testing that factory reseting the device and re-loading the latest firmware can help stop this issue from happening.
Update: HP has advised that they have fixed this in 4.7.1 firmware, however this is not yet publicly available. HP has advised that anyone seeing this error should chat with their local HP contacts and ask for early access to the 4.7.1 firmware.
Further Update: HP has advised that they have fixed this in firmware, which is now publicly available (Feb 6, 2019).
This firmware will resolve the 49.DE.05 errors for all devices except for those below:
HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 780/785
HP PageWide Color 774/779
HP PageWide Managed Color MFP E77650/60
HP PageWide Managed Color MFP P77940/50/60
HP PageWide Managed Color MFP P77440
HP LaserJet Managed MFP E82540/50/60
HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E87640/50/60
Further Update: HP has confirmed that the further firmware release (4.7.1) - released on Feb 12, 2019 has resolved the issue for all devices, including the ones listed above.
If you’re on v18.2.6 with a Server running MacOS/Linux, jobs won’t print with Google Cloud Print and Email to Print
When a job is being processed by the print provider, we don’t end up printing the job. This issue only happens if you’re on PaperCut NG/MF 18.2.6 with the PaperCut Application Server on MacOS/Linux and with Google Cloud Print/Email to Print .
Fixed in 18.3.2.
Jobs are refunded when Hardware Page Checks are enabled and conversions or watermarks are also enabled.
A workaround is covered below:
Please leave the hardware checks feature enabled but edit the print-provider.conf file following the steps below.
On the PaperCut server, browse to [Application-Directory]\Providers\print\win\.
Open the file print-provider.conf with a text editing program.
Add the line IsPrintingBasedOnPortMonitor=off to the file and save.
Open Services.msc, find the service “PaperCut Print Provider” and choose Restart for the new configuration to take effect.
Other alternatives would be to disable “Convert to Grayscale” and “Convert to Duplex” settings on each printer’s Filters & Restrictions and disable “Apply watermarks / digital signature to all pages” on each printer’s Summary page.
Update: This has now been resolved in 18.3.7
Email to Print doesn’t respect the default driver settings configured on the queue (e.g. duplex etc)
If you’ve set up Email to Print to print to a queue with default print settings (e.g. you want the jobs to always print in duplex, or grayscale), those settings will no longer be respected in version 18.2.3. Web Print is not impacted by this and will continue to respect the defaults set up on the queue.
Fixed in 18.3.3
The PaperCut embedded disappears from the device’s screen only if you’re using Konica Minolta series 8 and series 9 devices with firmware version G**-U8 and G**-V1.
Firmware GG7-Wx
We’ve seen cases where certain Konica Minolta devices fall into an internal error state and because PaperCut can no longer contact the device then the following symptoms may occur:
PaperCut embedded application will disappear from the device’s screen
Authentication via card swipe fails to work
Integrated Scanning may fail to launch.
Errors may also be seen in the PaperCut admin console such as “The server sent HTTP status code 500: Internal Server Error” or “ Invalid Http response”.
Thanks to collaboration between PaperCut and Konica Minolta, this issue should be resolved with firmware Firmware GG7-Wx released in August 2019.
Changes were also introduced in PaperCut MF version 18.3.5 to improve the user experience when the issue occurred. The following is only applicable to organizations that cannot upgrade to Firmware GG7-Wx and above. A new behavior can now be enabled so that the PaperCut embedded application will instead display the following error message when this state occurs:
“The device is currently experiencing an internal error. Please contact your system administrator.”
This behavior can be controlled with two new configuration keys:
ext-device.konica-minolta.internal-error-handling.enabled: Set to Y to prevent users from accessing the device when the firmware error is encountered (and the device is in an unpredictable state).
ext-device.konica-minolta.internal-error-handling.message: This can be used to customise the message displayed to the user at the device when in this situation. For example ‘Please contact local IT admin on xxx xxx xxxx’.
Prior to PaperCut MF version 18.3.5, the only workaround would be to disable and re-enable PaperCut on the device by switching the‘ext-device.konica-minolta.integration.enabled’ config key from ‘Y’ to ‘N’. Give it 3 minutes and then switch back to ‘Y’. Then once PaperCut has reinstalled itself on the device, switch the config key ‘ext-device.konica-minolta.skip-setup’ to ‘Y’. Note that this is only a temporary solution meant for troubleshooting scenarios which will prevent PaperCut from sending configuration changes and updates to devices. So if you decide to make configuration changes to the devices or want to upgrade the embedded application please revert this key back to the default value of ‘N’.
HP Card readers stop working after a server reboot.
18.2.4 Futuresmart
When using device guest user access on an HP device, copy/scan/fax may not be accessible.
18.2.6 Futuresmart
Canon Pro devices not working well on High Sierra.
We are seeing issues with Canon Pro devices not working well on High Sierra and above. Every time a user tries to send a print job to a PaperCut monitored print queue it shows the following message: Stopped no pages found!
This has now been fixed in 18.3.2
The PayPal payment gateway now requires using HTTPS for the IPN URL.
Config change
The Notification URL on the PayPal account site must now use HTTPS.
For your IPN verification postbacks (the Notificatin URL configured on the PayPal account site), if you are currently using HTTP you’ll need to make this adjustment to use HTTPS. There is more information about this from PayPal here:
In order to keep your PayPal Gateway working with PaperCut, you’ll need to:
Log into your PayPal Manager Interface / Merchant Account Site:
For PayPal Payflow: head into Service Settings → Hosted Checkout Pages → Set Up → Silent Post URL
For PayPal Website Payments: head into My Account → Profile → Instant Payment Notification → Preferences → IPN Settings → Notification URL
To ensure that the new https:// url will work, copy the current URL listed there, and paste it into a new browser window, changing http to https to make sure that you can successfully hit the end point. If that works, go ahead and change the URL in your PayPal settings to the new value with https://
For example, you would see something like , where is the external hostname of your PaperCut server. If you’re using PaperCut’s default HTTPS port 9192, then you would see the port in the IPN URL like the following:
OCR will fail to detect text when the input image is not in its natural orientation. This issue affects both cloud and on-premise OCR.
Xerox WorkCentre devices intermittently freeze on login.
WorkCentre devices Reported in WC 36xx, WC 79xx, WC 72xx and WC 78xx. EIP 1.5+
Firmware upgrade
A firmware issue will cause WorkCentre devices to freeze on login intermittently. Users will see a “Please Wait” message on the Xerox display indefinitely until the device is rebooted. The fix is available in firmware version
Xerox EIP1.5+ devices displaying an SSL handshake error:unrecognized_name
18.2.3 Reported in WC 5955 EIP 1.5+
Firmware upgrade
Customers have reported an “SSL handshake error:unrecognized_name” error on their Xerox WorkCentre devices shortly after upgrading to 18.2.3. From version 18.2.3, PaperCut includes an SNI extension in the header when establishing an SSL handshake. The problem appears to be that certain Xerox devices with an outdated firmware do not support this SNI extension (TLS 1.1 or greater required for SNI extension support). The definitive fix is to upgrade the device firmware.
In PaperCut version 18.2.4 the Print Provider may crash when Hardware Page Checks are enabled.
To resolve this issue, upgrade to 18.2.5 which has this fixed.
If you can’t upgrade to 18.2.5 right now, you can do the workaround we cover below:
Please leave the hardware checks feature enabled but edit the print-provider.conf file following the steps below.
On the PaperCut server, browse to [Application-Directory]\Providers\print\win\.
Open the file print-provider.conf with a text editing program.
Add the line IsPrintingBasedOnPortMonitor=off to the file and save.
Open Services.msc, find the service “PaperCut Print Provider” and choose Restart for the new configuration to take effect.
Issue with the built-in database driver causing excessively long connection times to SQL 2016.
We have seen several tickets come in recently with DB connection times exceeding 6000ms with some organizations using PaperCut and SQL Server 2016. The issue causes a cascade effect as the application opens new connections to perform database tasks. Eventually, the application hits the DB connection limit and appears to crash. Organizations report different symptoms like slow printing, error pages while reaching the application’s user web pages, or can’t log into the admin console.
Organizations have found dropping back to SQL Server 2012 generally solves the problem, however, we also have instructions to use Microsoft’s own SQL driver which claims to be much faster than our current Java driver.
To add the MS driver into PaperCut (prior to PaperCut 19.0) please follow these instructions.
Update: This has now been resolved in 19.0.0. If you’re using the old built-in database driver, you’ll now see a warning in the Application Log advising to upgrade to the Microsoft driver. If you’re on PaperCut 19.0.0 or later then you can rest easy. The updated MS DB drivers are bundled in the PaperCut build, so you don’t have to download any extra drivers. However, there are two changes in the database connection settings, in the file that you’ll need to make:
database.driver (update to the driver being used)
database.url (update to the format of the connection string)
See below (or the file) for an example (note: you’ll have to change ‘localhost’ to your db server name or IP, ‘1433’ to whatever port you’re using for your SQL Server, ‘papercut’ to whatever your DB name is). See here for a little more information. database.type=SQLServer
Released Print Jobs Not Being Printed (Sharp Job Log Shows 042F Authentication Error)
Some Sharp customers have been reporting that when print jobs are released by a PaperCut MF server, nothing prints out, and a 042F authentication error is logged on the device’s on-board Job Log.
A security-related change in PaperCut MF 17.4.2 to address a potential access issue on Sharp devices, potentially allowing free printing, has also closed a print method that allowed users with Sharp User Authentication set in their print driver to release a job printed to a PaperCut MF managed queue.
We understand that there are users that could still have User Authentication configured for their Sharp print drivers, and hence this may cause disruption to their printing.
To easily resolve this issue, please ensure on each user’s system that the Sharp driver User Authentication settings are disabled by deselecting the User Authentication checkbox under the Job Handling section of the Sharp driver’s Properties.
This is also covered in the FAQ & Troubleshooting section of the PaperCut MF Sharp Embedded Manual.
On large sites this may present a challenge if considerable numbers of users have this configured as a legacy setting. Fortunately, there are a few avenues to a solution:
Firstly change the setting on the driver shared from the server if needed.
To change users drivers you can:
Guide users to manually change the settings on their driver.
Use Group Policy to remove the printer and re-add it.
Use a login script to remove the printer and re-add it during the logon process.
Should the above methods prove unacceptable in the short term, we have provided a method by which an administrator can choose to relax the security enhancement by adding a device-specific advanced configuration key:
Please contact your reseller for assistance in adding this key to your PaperCut MF server.
PaperCut NG/MF 18.2.3 for iPrint does not work on anything other than Novell OES 2018.
From PaperCut 18.2.3, the novell-print-provider was built on an OES 2018 machine which made it incompatible for older versions of iPrint and SLES (such as any of the existing iPrint appliances). This was due to a glibc incompatibility between versions of SLES. PaperCut’s novell-print-provider will be fixed in 18.2.6 and a hotfix for an earlier release can be provided on request.
Note: Fixed in 18.2.6
additional-groups.txt file no longer includes internal users when performing sync.
When using the additional-groups.txt file to add internal groups to PaperCut we have found that internal users will not be imported into the internal groups when performing a sync. If AD users have been added they will appear in the internal groups.
Resolved in 18.2.4
Errant warning displayed upon first load of the Bulk User Operations page of Admin web interface
Upon first load of the Bulk User Operations page of the Admin web interface, a warning that “This setting requires this user to run the client software at all times.” is displayed. This warning should only be shown if the Change account selection setting checkbox is enabled and an option warranting the warning is selected from the dropdown menu immediately below it.
Users are logged out of Toshiba MDS when hitting ”Access Device” button (random occurrence).
18.1.4 MDS
There is a seemingly random issue where a user will log in to the MDS device and upon hitting the “Access Device” button, instead of being directed to the native screen, they are logged out instead. This is a firmware issue. A fix has been included in 18.2.1 as a workaround. The definitive fix is a firmware upgrade to L6.11/13. For newer eBN models this will be available in July 2018. For older eBN models this will be available in September 2018.
Xerox EIP 1.5+ devices may infrequently become disconnected from PaperCut and users may find at this time that the device screen freezes and becomes unresponsive. Users will find that the device will only recover after a reboot. This has been identified as a firmware issue, so the solution is to upgrade to the latest firmware version (you may need to request this from Xerox).
Please contact support if you continue to see issues after upgrading to the latest firmware.
The pay and release station (where coin boxes are attached to a release station) will stop working when upgrading to Papercut MF or PaperCut NG 18.2.0 or above. This issue may also affect some a rarely used standalone payment or hardware integrations.
MF 18.2.0
If you use third party terminal integrations then we recommend bringing the latest PaperCut version up in a test environment first to make sure your integration work. Alternatively you may contact PaperCut support with a list of your integrations to see if we think there may be an issue.
PaperCut will provide a maintenance release to address this issue if it is detected.
A fix for the following payment solutions was provided in PaperCut NG and MF 18.2.2
Apex 5000
SEM-ACS 9500Ss
Boscop Coin Op
Shared Account selection via Mobile web client not working as expected in some environments
14.x or earlier
When account selection is required for a printing user, we attempt to locate a matching User Client session to issue an Account Selection Popup to, so that the user can select from their available account options before the print job proceeds. To find the right User Client session, PaperCut MF and PaperCut NG will compare the IP address, machine name, and username associated with the print job with those same details recorded against every currently active User Client session, and the closest match will be selected.
The Mobile web client registers its session with a machine name of web_client, as a machine name is not readily available for browser sessions. This means that the machine name from a print job cannot be successfully used to find a matching Mobile web client session, leaving us to rely upon the IP address and username.
However, under certain circumstances the IP address of the print job and the Mobile web client will not match. For example, if a desktop machine is connected to two networks, and the print job is associated with one IP and the Mobile web client another, this will leave only the username to match on. Some Mobility Print jobs may be similarly impacted in select network environments.
By default, we will not match a User Client session to a print job on the basis of the username alone. Under the rare circumstances outlined above, this means that the Account Selection Popup will not be issued to the user, and the print job will not be able to progress.
This behaviour can be circumvented by changing a particular config key via the Advanced Config Editor, allowing print jobs to be matched to User Client sessions based solely on the username. HOWEVER, making this change can have unexpected impacts for some deployments, so it is best to confer with your primary support contact beforehand, as well as thoroughly testing the adjustment afterwards. For PaperCut MF, you can identify your primary support contact via the Support section of the About tab in the Admin web interface. For PaperCut NG, feel free to raise a ticket via to discuss further.
Some Xerox devices can freeze on login after upgrading to 18.1.4.
Many Xerox devices Reported on WC 5875, WC 5955, WC 7220, WC 78xx and AltaLink B8075. EIP 1.5+
There have been a number of reports of freezing of the device upon login after upgrading to PaperCut MF 18.1.4.
We suspect that the fix to support “Switch Mode Devices” going to the device’s native screen has caused this problem on a number of Xerox models. This issue has been resolved in 18.2.1.
Increased login times on HP devices with TWN4 SmartCard MIFARE readers.
18.2.3 Futuresmart
18.3.3 and 18.3.4 (see more info)
This was resolved in 18.3.3, but had a further issue which was fixed in 18.3.4. The current behavior with 18.3.4 is that the faster swipe-to-login flow is disabled by default, and will need enabling manually if you’d like to use it:
Note: You’ll need to do this for each HP device:
In the PaperCut MF Admin web interface, select Devices → [select device] → Advanced Config.
Search for
Change the value from DEFAULT to Y.
Click ‘Update’ to save the change.
We recommend testing this on one device before enabling it for all devices.
Toshiba MDS can get error status of “Connection Refused” when device is booting up.
All versions MDS
Firmware fix
During boot up of the Toshiba Device where the ODCA server (the server which communicates with PaperCut for information) is starting up, the lockScreen call used when logging in a user by PaperCut, can crash the ODCA server. This can be verified by trying to connect to port 49629 of the device (e.g. nc -v toshibadevice 49629 or telnet toshibadevice 49629) and getting a connection refused error from the connection command.
As a workaround in order to restart the ODCA server, one needs to disable and enable the ODCA service. This can be done in TopAccess by going to:
Administration→Setup→General Setting→MDS mode, disabling and hitting Save
Administration→Setup→ODCA→Enable Port, disabling and hitting Save
Administration→Setup→ODCA→Enable Port, enabling and hitting Save
Administration→Setup→General Setting→MDS mode, enabling and hitting Save (though this last step should happen automatically by PaperCut re-enabling MDS).
This issue has been identified by Toshiba and will be fixed in an upcoming firmware release.
An access denied message appears when switching from Job Ticketing to the PaperCut MF Admin web interface
When switching to the PaperCut MF Admin Interface from Job Ticketing, you might receive an ‘Access Denied’ message. This occurs when as an admin, you have accessed the Job Ticketing customer pages from the PaperCut MF User web interface.
The workaround for this issue will be to manually navigate back to the PaperCut MF Admin web interface.
Note that this has now been fixed in 18.2.3
When trying to access the PaperCut Admin console, under certain circumstances the following message is shown “An error occurred starting the PaperCut MF application server service “.
If you see a white background instead of the typical login page stating something similar to “An error occurred starting the PaperCut MF application server service,” search for the string “mapdb”. If you find a match, try the following steps:1) Stop the PaperCut Application server service. Follow the steps here on how to do this.
Delete all files in [app-path]\PaperCut MF\server\tmp directory
Move all mapdb files in [app-path]\PaperCut MF\server\data\internal to a different directory.
Restart the PaperCut Application Server service.
Note that version 18.3.6 includes a fix for the issue preventing the need for the steps above.
On the Xerox models of WC 3655, WC 58xx, WC 59xx, WC 6655, WC 7220/25, WC 78xx and WC 7970, there have been reports of random duplicate log entries.
Firmware Uncertain JBA/XSA
Firmware SPAR release December 2017
There have been firmware issues where the devices can respond with old job entries to PaperCut at random times. This has resulted in reports of duplicates showing up in the PaperCut job logs and also of reports of jobs showing up at odd hours when nobody is around. PaperCut currently ignores jobs older than a week and if the job is older than 2 hours it assumes the MFP clock is incorrect and will use the download time instead of the job completion time. This means that if the MFP sends olds jobs through, they will likely all get the same completion time.
Xerox is aware of the issue and is working on fixes. Engineering releases are currently available for WC 3655, WC 59xx and WC 78xx, with Engineering releases for the other models expected in a week. A SPAR release for all the models is expected to be released in mid December 2017.
When using the Copier function on the Lexmark device, and when PaperCut is installed, the ‘finishing options’ are greyed out as unavailable. Finishing options are available as normal when printing through the Lexmark driver.
Firmware Update (053.240)
When the PaperCut application is uninstalled from the device, the finishing options are once again available for use when copying.
Update: this has now been resolved in the latest firmware from Lexmark (May 2019). Note that this firmware is currently only available through your local Lexmark contact (quote firmware level CXTMH.053.240 or greater). We’re hoping that this latest update will be made public soon!
The PaperCut Admin interface and some device screens may not show specific language translations correctly
After upgrading to PaperCut 18.1.1, in the PaperCut Admin console, you may notice some translation strings not appearing correctly on some pages if you’re using PaperCut NG and MF. In addition, with PaperCut MF, this may also affect screens on the device like scan action names/details for integrated scanning. The device UI items are all unaffected, i.e. Button labels, dialog names, text descriptions.
Integrated Scanning failure for Xerox EIP1.5+ WorkCentre devices from version 18.0.4 onwards.
WorkCentre devices Reported in WC 58xx, WC 78xx, WC 59xx and WC 79xx. EIP 1.5+
Firmware upgrade.
A config was added in 18.0.4 to allow for compression of integrated scan jobs for Xerox devices with an EIP version of 4+. However, this has been noted to cause integrated scanning failure on certain WorkCentre devices running an older firmware. The definitive solution is to upgrade firmware, with the fix reported to be in version There is also a workaround available should it not be possible to upgrade firmware or a firmware upgrade fails to resolve the issue. Locate the config “” and set it to “NONE”. This will disable the compression feature and prevent scan failure from occurring on older WorkCentre devices.
After upgrading to PaperCut 18.0.4 or a higher version, Google Cloud Print may stop working and the status may change to “Initializing…” or “Initialising…” depending on your locale.
PaperCut 18.1.3 will address this issue. In the meantime, there is a hot fix build available. Please reach out to us via for assistance.
PaperCut Application Server fails to start on Novell OES 2018.
OES 2018 has moved to use systemd and as part of systemd, PaperCut runs the Application Server as the group “papercut”. The group that is used for running the services is specified in /etc/systemd/system/pc-app-server.service. This file either needs to be modified to refer to an existing group or the papercut group needs to be added to the system. On other Linux systems, the PaperCut instructions cause the papercut group to be created.
Note: Fixed in the documentation with 18.3.2
User re-prompt to enter their Account Selection/Comment/Invoice details again for held jobs after upgrading to 18.0.4 or higher
When upgrading from an older version of PaperCut to PaperCut 18.0.4 or higher, any held jobs within a Hold/Release queue may cause the User Client to re-prompt the user to enter their Account Selection/Comment/Invoice details again (only if these features are enabled).
Reach out to us via and we’ll update this known issue page once we have more information.
Restricted users prevented from performing multiple copy jobs on HP devices, receive error ‘Please Wait. You are charging to a restricted account. Please wait until jobs in progress have finished before starting a new job’.
18.2 Futuresmart
Whilst this is expected behavior, we are working with HP to look into reported cases where the device delays the notification that the copy job has completed. This then means that when the user tries to start the next job, they receive the error above.
1. Admins can set ext-device.hp-oxpd.restricted.multiple-txns to Y, to allow multiple transactions. The drawback of this is that some users could go into negative balance if they copy a subsequent job that puts their balance negative. Please see section 5.13 of the HP OXP Embedded Manual for more information.
2. Set all users to unrestricted within PaperCut. This will allow all users to process multiple copy jobs in quick succession.
Toshiba MDS can get error status of NullPointerException on newly setup devices.
18.0.4 MDS
A bug was introduced in PaperCut 18.0.4 whereby if the EWB Home and Login URLs are empty (as seen in TopAccess via the menus: Administration → EWB) then an error of “Error occurred of type: NullPointerException” will be generated. This bug can be worked around by entering anything into the EWB Home and Login URLs and these URLS will then be overridden correctly by PaperCut in a few minutes. Alternatively, a hotfix installer for this issue can be provided by PaperCut support.
This issue will be fixed in 18.0.5.
Integrated Scanning “Scan to Folder” and “Scan to Custom Email” Scan Actions fail to deliver document if user’s email address not populated on Application Server
MF 18.0.2 (Build 42955)
In PaperCut MF version 18.0.2, Integrated Scanning will fail to deliver a scanned document via a “Scan to Folder” or “Scan to Custom Email” Scan Action if the associated user account does not have an email address defined within their User Details on the Application Server. The scan jobs are tracked and accounted for in the Job Log as normal, and no error message will be displayed, but the document won’t arrive at the folder location or custom email address. Users with an email address populated in their User Details are still able to use these Scan Actions successfully.
A hotfix build is available from, and this same fix will be formally available in the impending PaperCut MF 18.0.3.
User is taken back to the PaperCut home page on an Epson device, once you try to do an integrated scan job on an Epson
No specific PaperCut version
OPS for PaperCut v 2.1.4
When trying to do a scan job with integrated scanning, you get a spinning circle and then it takes you back to the PaperCut home screen.
This has been resolved in OPS for Papercut – version 2.1.4. Please contact your Epson supplier for more information.
Orphaned print jobs can cause jobs in the print release queue to be hidden for all users.
On rare occasions, an orphaned print job can cause all print jobs in the same print release queue to be hidden for all users until that PaperCut print provider is restarted.
This has been fixed in 18.0.5, or this error condition can be avoided by increasing the timeout config key ‘print-provider.offline-if-no-contact-seconds’ to 31536000.
A rare issue on older devices can cause a connection failure with the Application Server.
All versions
A rare issue exists on some older devices whereby if the Application Server SSL certificate has a ‘Not Valid After’ date that exceeds January 19 2038, a data overflow exception can occur which could cause a connection failure with the PaperCut Application Server.
The workaround for this issue is to regenerate the certificate using keytool, with a ‘Not Valid After’ date that is before January 19 2038.
This issue has been fixed in v18.0.4.
Xerox EIP 1.5+ devices displaying an error message “No Shared Account Selected” on selecting an account.
Xerox devices with first generation browsers. EIP 1.5+
An error message stating “No Shared Account Selected” would appear on Xerox devices running a first generation browser. Only occurs for users that are forced to select an account on login. Can be circumvented by hitting the “Services Home” button to go to the native device screen. This issue has been addressed and the fix is available in version 18.0.1. Additionally, upgrading the firmware of the affected Xerox device is also advised.
Jobs released from the queue are not being printed then showing back up in the queue on hold.
Occasionally jobs that are released from the queue are not printed and then listed again in the hold release queue indefinitely.
This has been fixed in v18.0.5, or the workaround for this issue is controlled by setting the config key ‘release-station.released-job-processing-timeout-secs’ to 680.
Xerox EIP 1.5+ devices generating an error message after hitting the PaperCut logout button.
Xerox VersaLink devices EIP 1.5+
An error message stating “Missing request header ‘Referer’ for method parameter of type String” appears after hitting the PaperCut logout button. This issue has been addressed and the fix is available from version 18.0 onwards.
On MacOS High Sierra only (10.13), when you run the Control Printer Monitoring.command, PaperCut does not track the print queues
All versions
The print queues don’t show up in the PaperCut Admin console > Printers tab. This is now fixed in v17.4.4.
Clicking on the Lexmark App's Logout icon does not display PaperCut’s login screen when using the Lexmark 041.090 firmware.
Firmware Update. Workaround Available in v2.5.0 17.4
This has been confirmed by Lexmark to be an issue with this firmware version.
Customers are encouraged to contact Lexmark and inquire whether an internal firmware build is available to address this issue.
Starting with PaperCut embedded client v2.5.0, admins can hide the logout icon by setting the following device config key:
Users will be able to click on their username (displayed at the top-rightmost corner of the display) to logout. This method properly logs the user out, even on the affected firmware version listed above.
This was officially updated in PaperCut 17.4.0
We have had some customers experience issues relating to incorrect paper size when printing from Apple’s Pages, Keynote, and Numbers apps on iOS devices. This seems to be affecting the latest update of the apps, v3.3. If you are experiencing issues with incorrect paper size when printing from Apple’s Pages, Keynote, and Numbers v3.3, can you please contact support via
All versions
We have had some customers experience issues relating to incorrect paper size when printing from Apple’s Pages, Keynote, and Numbers apps on iOS devices. This seems to be affecting the latest update of the apps, v3.3.
If you are experiencing issues with incorrect paper size when printing from Apple’s Pages, Keynote, and Numbers v3.3, can you please contact support via
Konica-Minolta error: Cannot confirm page security. CN of the server certificate does not match the host name. Do you want to connect?
Firmware since Nov 2017
Workaround available
All new firmware (as of November 2017) will display a warning to users if the MFP connects to any third-party app with an SHA-1 SSL Cert. Some MFPs have the option to allow SSL communication by making changes on the panel, but several do not. In those cases, customers will have to import a new PaperCut keystore to prevent the message. Special firmware is required to import a certificate on to the MFP, called Solution ROM; it starts with GJ. Some machines will not have support for external certificates and will require using the native, non-browser interface.
PaperCut 17.3 has introduced a security enhancement to improve the coverage of HTTP header origin checks, in line with OWASP recommendations. However, in some cases, attempting to log into the Admin or User web interface after upgrading to 17.3, sometimes produces a CSRF validation error message. This can be resolved by following these additional actions.
MF 17.3.2 (Build 41733) NG 17.3.2 (Build 41734)
MF 17.3.4 (Build 41947) NG 17.3.4 (Build 41948)
There has been an issue reported where the Application Server is failing to read the service.conf file. This means custom memory allocation settings may be ignored and the Application Server will run with a default memory allocation (1/4 of the system memory).
MF 17.3.2 (Build 41733) NG 17.3.2 (Build 41734)
MF 17.3.3 (Build 41828) NG 17.3.3 (Build 41829)
This is resolved in PaperCut MF version 17.3.3 (build 41733) and PaperCut NG (build 41734).
Kyocera MFD displays blank screen when attempting to configure the embedded software on older devices.
This has been observed on a Kyocera TASKalfa 250ci with PaperCut version 17.2.2.
Some devices when upgrading firmware to: 2H7_2F00.016.003 are having an issue when logging in, they see a white screen. Downgrading the device firmware will resolve this issue.
PaperCut are working with Kyocera to resolve the problem.
PaperCut NG and MF is not yet compatible with PostgreSQL version 10 or later.
All versions
Slow response time on card swipes when using RFIDeas 241 Client Mode.
All versions (since July 2017)
RFIDeas newest firmware
When using ‘RFIDeas 241 Client Mode’ as the connection type for a Network Card Reader, there may be a short delay (~3 seconds) from when the card is swiped, until when the swipe is registered by the PaperCut App Server.
The ‘RFIDeas 241 Client Mode’ interface itself is responsible for this delay, and as such PaperCut cannot provide any improvements for it. RFIDeas have mentioned that they are aware of this delay and are working on bringing out an improved firmware.
You may receive an error message “Unknown Error” when accessing “Jobs Pending Release” screen in the PaperCut Admin Web UI.
MF 17.2.4 (Build 41500) NG 17.2.4 (Build 41501)
MF 17.3.3 ( Build 41828) NG 17.3.3 (Build 41829)
This is resolved in PaperCut MF version 17.3.3 (build 41733) and PaperCut NG (build 41734).
Xerox EIP 1.5+ devices are not performing adequate compression for Integrated Scanning jobs.
Xerox devices that have integrated scanning capabilities. EIP 1.5+
There is inadequate compression of scan jobs performed with Integrated scanning (particularly in comparison to native scanning). Unfortunately, for Xerox devices running an EIP version of less than 4.0, this is a firmware issue. For Xerox devices with an EIP version of 4+, a fix is available.
Please contact your Xerox support to find out if your Xerox device is capable of running EIP version 4.0. Otherwise please contact support for more information.
Toshiba devices with the PaperCut MDS app may incorrectly show as Inactive in PaperCut admin UI.
17.2 MDS
A change made in PaperCut 17.2 may cause devices with the PaperCut MDS app to show as Inactive when in fact they are operating correctly. There is no impact on end users - the devices will continue to operate correctly, and all PaperCut functionality should work as usual. The only impact is the incorrect status shown in the PaperCut Admin UI.
This issue was fixed in 17.3.3.
Toshiba Devices intermittently become disconnected from the PaperCut app server.
17.x MDS
FW 1050 and v17.2.1
Devices become disconnected from the app server and display a message on the device screen that says “This device is not enabled or not registered successfully”.
PaperCut have identified the cause of this message. A combination of firmware 1050 and v17.2.1 resolved the issue.
Sharp devices with an OSA version older than v4 fail to connect over SSL..
17.1.1 (Build 40430)
In PaperCut MF 17.1.1 (Build 40430), the web server that hosts PaperCut’s web application interface was upgraded to the latest version, and in doing so, Sharp devices running an OSA version older than v4 are unable to make the initial authentication server connection required.
A fix for this issue is expected to be released in PaperCut MF 17.2
Upgrading to Toshiba firmware 1050 causes Integrated Scanning to fail
17.x MDS
Toshiba recently released a new firmware version incorporating a protocol change that breaks compatibility with PaperCut integrated scanning.
On the device screen the user will see the following message: The subscription is not known
PaperCut have worked with Toshiba to understand the change in protocol and to update our app to work with it. A fix for this issue was included in PaperCut MF 17.2.1
Recent Toshiba firmware causes users to be incorrectly logged out from the device.
17.0.7 (Build 40233) MDS
Changes in recent versions of Toshiba firmware may cause users to be logged out from the device whilst they are still using it. This issue has been resolved for users accessing native functionality by using the Access Device button within the PaperCut App, but it is yet to be addressed for users accessing native functionality by using the device’s hard keys. Users might still be logged out if using the device’s hard keys to access native functionality. PaperCut is working with Toshiba to resolve this issue.
A fix for this issue was included in PaperCut MF 17.1.2.
PaperCut’s iPrint Print Provider (Novell) does not support Email to Print or Google Cloud Print.
Currently, PaperCut’s iPrint accounting agent (Print Provider) does not support processing of “spooled jobs” which are a queue of jobs to print which PaperCut uses for Email to Print and Google Cloud Print.
Konica-Minolta errors: “Session store couldn’t be created, possibly corrupted…” or “Unable to open the device session database” or “Unexpected error occurred with device… There is not enough space on the disk.” or “Error: This device has an issue. e.g. no paper, paper jam, etc. Please check the device. Error type: Device Lock”
Occasionally, MapDB file corruption occurs for Konica Minolta devices and PaperCut cannot recover gracefully. While the bug is working its way through the project management workflow, first you need to stop the PaperCut Application Server service and then move \App Path\server\data\internal\konica-sessions.mapdb to another directory (for example, the Desktop). Then you can re-start the PaperCut Application Server service. The konica-sessions.mapdb will recreate itself in its original location, and everything should work fine now. If the issue persists however, then open a new ticket with us at to let us know. We will let you know how to send us the MapDB file.
Please note: we now have a hot fix available if you are experiencing this issue. Please contact your PaperCut Partner (or PaperCut Support) if you’d like this hot fix. We are hoping to include this fix into an upcoming public release too.
Epson zero stop for copy jobs stopped working
From Epson OPS version 2.0
OPS for PaperCut v 2.1.7
Fixed an issue that “Zero Stop” does not work for Copy, when “Track & control scanning” for “Devices” > “External Device List” > “Device Details” is off from the PaperCut Admin console.
Web Print sandbox mode: After one or more Web Print servers go offline, a single print PDF job with multiple copies will be incorrectly processed as multiple individual print jobs.
MF 17.1.2 (Build 40576) NG 17.1.2 (Build 40577)
MF 17.1.2 (Build 40576) NG 17.1.2 (Build 40577)
Before 17.1, for any file type, uploaded to web print server with intention to print multiple copies was used to processed as multiple individual jobs. After 17.1 this behavior was corrected with some limitations. For now we are still switching to old behavior when one or more web-print servers are offline and user tries to print a multi copy PDF job.
Some older Konica Minolta devices do not work following upgrade to PaperCut 17.0.2 through 17.07
17.2.0 (Build 40647)
Some Konica Minolta devices, including 751, 601 and 701 series devices, may stop working after upgrading to PaperCut 17.0.2 through 17.0.7.
The problem arises from the implementation of the zero stop feature. In order to prevent users bypassing zero stop on newer devices by changing paper size, PaperCut must provide a full list of paper sizes supported by the device in an API call. Prior to the 17.0.2 release, this functionality needed to be specifically enabled by a config key, “ext-device.konica-minolta.additional-media-info”, and this key needed to be set for every new KM device installed. With release 17.0.2, the config key was removed to make this the default behavior.
However, an unintended consequence of this change is that some older devices no longer work, as the particular API call is not supported. A hotfix that resolves the problem, by reverting to the original behavior on older devices, was available from PaperCut Support. This hotfix was then rolled into PaperCut MF 17.2.0.
Certificate is expired when installing on Samsung copier.
All versions (since April 15 2017)
During the installation of the Samsung “PAR” file to the copier, the installing user may be shown an error about the certificate being expired. The resulting error halts the installation.
The certificate used to sign the par expired on the weekend (15th April, 2017). We have a new PAR file available now which is available from PaperCut v17.1.
It will affect all versions of PaperCut but only customers doing new installations or updating the PAR file will see this issue. Existing installations are not affected.
You can obtain the new PAR file by using PaperCut v17.1 or newer.
Konica-Minolta Consumables “End of Life” preventing printing
A consumable, for example, the ozone filter, transfer belt or toner filter, has been consumed and requires replacement and the error message reset by a Konica Minolta technician. However, errors like a paper jam are also known to prevent the PaperCut embedded solution from gaining the access required to configure it in any way. This means technicians cannot install PaperCut at that time. In any case, this is a work in progress and we continue to look into ways to make the user experience better.
Ricoh Devices with proximity sensors fail to wake up fully from sleep.
16.2 (Build 37593) SmartSDK
SmartSDK devices that are asleep do not fully wake when the user proximity sensor is triggered, and users cannot log in via card swipe.
Workaround is to set the devices only to go into power saving mode, and not fully sleep. Since PaperCut 17.4, by default the workaround is enforced by the PaperCut app.
Upgrading from Ricoh SmartSDK app version 1.0.8.
16.2 (Build 37593) SmartSDK
Not possible to fix. Known limitation.
If SmartSDK app 1.0.8 is installed, due to an issue with the certification process it’s not possible to push an updated version of the app to the device. Ricoh has confirmed that they don’t have a workaround for this, and the only method to move to a newer version of the app is to uninstall the current version of the app, and then push out the newer upgraded version.
User cannot perform zero cost job with no credit on an Epson device
From Epson OPS version 1.0
OPS for PaperCut v 2.1.8
When user has zero credit, but could perform a zero cost job, they are still prevented from using the device functions.
Xerox Secure Access EIP1.0+ devices are unable to function after upgrade to PaperCut MF version 16.4 (Build 39158)
16.4 (Build 39158) JBA/XSA
This is due to an issue with accessing UI configuration information on the EIP 1.0+ device that was added for EIP 1.5+ devices. The type of error that will be seen in the logs is:
ERROR ExtDeviceStateManagerImpl:844 - Error occurred on device: device\library. Error occurred of type: NullPointerException. No further information.
This will be fixed in PaperCut MF 17.0 and a hotfix build based from 16.4 (Build 39158) can be obtained from support.
PaperCut inactivity timeout is not available on Ricoh SmartSDK devices, due to platform limitations.
16.2 SmartSDK
The Ricoh SmartSDK platform does not provide a way for PaperCut to detect whether the device is inactive, and because of this the standard PaperCut inactivity timeout feature is not enabled on Ricoh SmartSDK devices.
The Xerox PaperCut EIP app is not fully compatible with VersaLink and AltaLink devices.
17.0 EIP 1.5+
PaperCut are working closely with Xerox to resolve this.
Current status as of April 19th 2017:
Problem: SNMP login prompt configuration no longer works - Fixed
Problem: Secure Access needs to be automatically set - Fixed
Problem: JobLimits works differently to expected - Fixed
Problem: Setting user permissions - Fixed
Problem: Setting Access Configuration via SNMP fails - Fixed
Regression testing - complete
Resolved in 17.0.7
Fuji Xerox devices wake up slowly or do not wake up when PaperCut and card reader are attached.
15.3 (Build 34420) 15.3 (Build 34230)
16.0 (Build 34949)
When a card reader is attached and the device goes to sleep, when any key is pressed to wake up the device there is either a 40 - 50 second delay or no reaction at all and a power cycle is required.
Without the card reader attached and PaperCut installed the device performs normally.
A fix for this bug was included in PaperCut MF 16.0 (Build 34949).
An issue was discovered when using the Lexmark ATL.030.058 firmware, SSL stops working.
Upgrade to v2.3.1 (or newer) of the Lexmark embedded client to resolve this issue.
Xerox EIP 2.0+ devices (with Job Limits) fail to allow jobs to complete.
16.2 EIP 1.5+
16.3 (Build 38126)
On EIP 2.0 devices and above that support Job Limits, with recent MFP firmware, when the user goes to do a job (e.g. copy job or scan job), the machine fails to do the job and reports, “Unable to communicate with accounting server.”. This is due to an incorrectly formed message response from the PaperCut Application Server which is supposed to give permission to proceed with the job.
Unfortunately, the early access release of version 16.4 omitted this fix but the final 16.4 release includes the fix.
An issue was discovered causing the Enter key on the Lexmark device login screen to lock the device.
Upgrade to v2.3.1 (or newer) of the Lexmark embedded client to resolve this issue.
Lexmark Embedded application v2.2.0 saves previous fax target number when starting a new fax job.
PaperCut MF 16.0 Build 34949 to 16.1 Build 35753
When a user initiates a second fax job while PaperCut is configured to track fax jobs, the destination fax number from the previous fax job isn’t automatically cleared, and needs to be manually deleted.
This is a known issue that is expected to be fixed in future release v2.3.1 (currently in final development stages).
As a workaround, affected customers may install the previous version of the embedded application (v32000), available from our support team.
Lexmark Embedded application unstable when machine is under heavy copying load.
All PaperCut MF versions up to (incl.) 16.1 Build 35753
When performing multiple copy jobs, especially those involving the scanning of multiple size pages, some devices may become unstable, requiring them to be powered off and back on. We have identified a possible issue in these models’ firmware which may be causing this, and are testing a possible workaround in our code.
This is a known issue that is expected to be addressed in future release v2.3.1 (currently in final development stages).
Swiping a card while the Lexmark MFD is in powersave mode does not wake up the panel.
All PaperCut MF versions up to (incl.) 16.1 Build 35753
Lexmark Embedded application v2.2.0 duplicates Email addresses when scanning to Email.
PaperCut MF 16.0 Build 34949 to 16.1 Build 35753
Lexmark Embedded application v2.2.0 cannot print documents stored on a USB drive.
PaperCut MF 16.0 Build 34949 to 16.1 Build 35753
When connecting a USB drive to a Lexmark MFD running v2.2.0 of PaperCut MF’s embedded application, clicking on a file icon reverts the display back to the home screen.
This is a known issue that will be fixed in v2.3.0.
As a workaround, affected customers may install the previous version of the embedded application (v32000), available from our support team.
Ricoh Devices - User email address cannot be cleared.
16.2 SmartSDK
Latest firmware release
When unlocking device functions from PaperCut on the MFD, the user’s email address provided by the PaperCut application server will be available to use in other applications such as scanning. If the email address is changed in the PaperCut server, this will be reflected on the MFD the next time the user unlocks device functions. However if a user’s email address is removed in PaperCut, the next time the user unlocks device functions, the previously used email address for that user will still be available to other applications.
This issue affects the SmartSDK application.
Speaker fax dialing on Sharp devices
When PaperCut is installed a number of Sharp devices do not allow “speaker” dialing for faxes. This is where the device picks up the phone line while you enter the fax number. In this case the “Start” button will not be enabled so the fax cannot be sent. This is confirmed to be an issue with the Sharp firmware, and has been escalated to Sharp Japan. At this time we do not have a time-frame for resolution.
Workarounds to this problem are:
Enter the fax number before pressing the “Start” button (without pressing the “Speaker” button).
Select a fax number from the address book and press the “Start” button.
We have had an official statement from Sharp Japan, that this behavior is “by design”. However due to customer demand they are reconsidering this behavior for future firmware/devices.
Samsung Embedded application version ≥ 1.1.0 not connecting to PaperCut < 16.0.
PaperCut < 16.0
There is a known issue attempting to connect the Toshiba LeSF embedded application version 1.1.0 and above with a PaperCut server less than version 16.0.
New installations of the v1.1.0+ embedded application by default use HTTPS port 9192 to communicate with the PaperCut server. PaperCut versions earlier than 16.0 are not capable of communicating with devices on this port. Change the device ‘HTTPS/binary’ port to 9193 when connecting to PaperCut versions earlier than 16.0.
Ricoh Device not displaying a warning when zero balance is reached during a fax job.
16.2 SmartSDK
Not possible to fix. Known limitation.
If a user’s balance reaches zero during a fax job, the device does not display an “insufficient credit” warning message.
This issue affects the SmartSDK application.
Not possible to fix this issue given that we receive fax detection events right at the end of the process.
Ricoh Devices - Clear zero stop status error on logout.
16.2 SmartSDK
Workaround available
If zero stop occurs while copying, the Check Status button is red and needs to be cleared by dismissing a dialog on the Ricoh copy screen. However, if the user logs out of the device before doing this, the copy functions are no longer available and the error cannot be cleared. The error will only be cleared when a user logs in with credit and starts a copy job.
This issue affects the SmartSDK application.
Novell iPrint does not support the restart of held print jobs.
If ipsmd is restarted then any held jobs remain in held/pending state in the iPrint queue. They are not reheld by PaperCut. The jobs will show in the iPrint queue but not in PaperCut.
Ricoh Embedded application v34278, v5.4.1 or later not connecting to PaperCut.
Prior to 16.0 SDK/J
Resolved in configuration
There is a known issue attempting to connect the Ricoh embedded application v34278 or later with a PaperCut server prior to version 16.0.
New installations of recent embedded application versions by default use HTTPS port 9192 to communicate with the PaperCut server. PaperCut versions earlier than 16.0 are not capable of communicating with devices on this port. Change the device’s server port to 9193 when connecting to PaperCut versions earlier than 16.0.
Kyocera Hard key/swipe to logout is not working from PaperCut MF screens.
16.0 (Build 34949) HyPAS embedded v34678
17.1.2 HyPAS embedded v2.0.1
Irrespective of the value of the “ext-device.kyocera-mita.swipe-to-logout” advanced configuration key for a Kyocera device, users are unable to logout by swiping their card if the device panel is currently displaying some component of the PaperCut MF interface.
Some Konica Minolta devices unable to connect to the server, displaying a ‘device <xyz> is not configured’ error after upgrading to 15.3
15.3 (Build 34420) 15.3 (Build 34230)
When running PaperCut MF 15.3 (Build 34420) OR 15.3 (Build 34230), some KM devices may no longer connect successfully. In the logs the following error will be displayed:
login: error=9, message=fail DeviceLock
The likelihood of this happening has been further reduced in version 16.0
Printing without credit and zero stop issues are seen on some Konica Minolta devices after upgrading to 15.3
15.3 (Build 34420) 15.3 (Build 34230)
16.1 (Build 35678)
Printing without credit and zero stop issues are seen on some Konica Minolta devices (e.g. Bizhhub Cxx4e series, Bizhub 4050, Bizhub C3350) after upgrading to 15.3 (Build 34420) OR 15.3 (Build 34230).
Please contact PaperCut support for details regarding an available workaround. We will update this page with further information when more details are available.
Some Konica-Minolta devices unable to connect to the server with ‘Error=3,Message=Duplicate Control’ error after upgrading to 15.3
15.3 (Build 34230)
15.3 (Build 34420)
When running PaperCut MF version 15.3 (Build 34230), some KM devices may no longer connect successfully. In the logs the following error will be displayed:
Error: setApplicationDetails: error=3, message=Duplicate Control
The temporary workaround is to uncheck the ‘Enable self-association’ feature under Devices → [select device] → External Device Settings → Swipe Card → Enable self-association with existing user accounts.
A fix for this bug was included in PaperCut MF 15.3 (Build 34420).
Some Xerox devices are unable to connect to the server after upgrading PaperCut server to 15.2.
15.2 (Build 33661) EIP 1.5+
15.2 (Build 33701)
This is due to a change in cryptographic cypher priorities made in the Java runtime.
If you are experiencing this issue then please follow the instructions in section 2 of Trouble Shooting Xerox SSL.
Resolved in 15.2 (Build 33701)
Some models of Brother devices unexpectedly reboot when using normal functions with PaperCut installed
In November 2010 we received some reports from customers having problems running PaperCut on the Lexmark X945 device. Symptoms of the problem would vary, and could include:
The LCD screen flickers repeatedly showing the PaperCut login screen logo.
When ever any of the function buttons are pressed (e.g. “Copy”, “Fax”, etc) the LCD screen display “busy, please wait”.
The LCD screens displays “busy, please wait” when the PaperCut application starts.
These problems do not occur on most X945e devices. PaperCut has been certified to work on the X945e devices and also is known to work correctly on many customer sites. So it appears that there are differences between some X945e devices that trigger these problems.
By working closely with Lexmark this issue has been resolved through a firmware upgrade for the X945e device. The firmware version that fixes this problem is version P125. We can provide you this firmware upon request.
You will also require an updated version of the PaperCut embedded application. You can also request from us through support. This update will be included in the next release of PaperCut.
Shared Account tracking is not working on Xerox WC 783x on EIP1.
Firmware JBA/XSA
Firmware 072.0×0.134.32800
On Xerox devices WC 783x, with older firmware, the MFP is corrupting the XRX_ACCTID information in the job logs (truncating the last character). This will cause any jobs on Xerox EIP1 devices to fail to associate to a shared account if one was being used. Note that this is not a problem if a Xerox EIP2 device is used in PaperCut as it does not use XRX_ACCTID information to track the shared accounts.
Log out using soft / hard log out button on Sharp devices redirects to a white screen.
15.3 (Build 34230)
15.3 (Build 34420)
When running PaperCut MF version 15.3 (Build 34230), some Sharp devices redirects to a white screen when logged out using soft / hard log out button.
A fix for this bug was included in PaperCut MF 15.3 (Build 34420).
Kyocera MFD displays “Activation error” when launching the PaperCut HyPAS embedded.
15.3 (Build 34078) HyPAS embedded v34034
16.3 (Build 38319) HyPAS embedded v1.9.3
A small number of customers who are using API 1.x devices have reported this issue when the machine attempts to load the PaperCut HyPAS embedded application on startup.
A small number of customers who are using API 2.x devices have reported this issue when exiting maintenance mode.
We are investigating the root cause of this issue.
For API 2.x devices, upgrading to PaperCut HyPAS embedded v1.9.2 has solved the issue for some customers. Other customers still experience it, but the MFD seems to successfully launch the PaperCut HyPAS application after a few seconds.
For API 1.x devices, a suggested workaround is to install PaperCut HyPAS embedded v32152.
We will post more info as it becomes available.
Some Fuji-Xerox devices are unable to connect to the server after upgrading PaperCut server to 15.2.
15.2 (Build 33661)
15.2 (Build 33701)
This is most likely due to a change in cryptographic cypher priorities made in the Java runtime.
Resolve in 15.2 (Build 33701)
Brother devices tracking black and white pages as color pages when performing a copy job with 256+ pages.
A range of Brother mono and color devices
Firmware upgrade
When performing a black and white copy job with 256+ pages, they will be tracked as a color job instead (this will have an impact on accounting). A copy job of under 256 pages will be tracked appropriately. This problem has been determined to be a firmware issue. The firmware containing the fix will be available from April 2018.
Toshiba Job Status button does not work.
Local admin login on Toshiba throws Java exception.
15.2 (Build 33701) SDK2
15.3 (Build 34078)
There appears to be a change in behavior (bug) in PaperCut 15.2 (Build 33701) affecting the display of a PaperCut landing page when authenticated as the local user ‘admin’. Prior to 15.2 when authenticated on a device using the local admin account PaperCut displayed a page advising the user to that affect - ‘You are logged in as MFP admin and have access to all device functions’. After 15.2 (33701) local admin login on Toshiba is throwing a Java error on the device panel.
A fix for this bug was included in PaperCut MF 15.3 (Build 34078).
Xerox EIP 1.5+ failed to configure Print Release and Account Selection apps on some EIP 1.5 models.
15.1 EIP 1.5+
On some Xerox EIP 1.5 devices such as the Xerox Color 550, PaperCut fails to configure the Print Release and Account Selection apps. Because of this, the MFP device status will show the device as EIP 1.0 instead of EIP 1.5. Also, the prompting for account selection and print release will happen in the old style Secure Access workflow (as would be seen on an EIP 1.0 device) with simple text prompts during the authentication step instead of using the GUI apps for selection.
We have an interim build that fixes this issue based on PaperCut 15.1 (Build 33336) that may be requested from support. Alternatively, the fix will be incorporated into the PaperCut 15.2 release.
We received some reports of issues where the Lexmark devices would freeze displaying the clock/stop-watch logo. This would occur intermittently and was difficult to reproduce reliably.
We worked closely with affected customers and Lexmark to collect diagnostic information and determine the cause of the problem. Lexmark identified a device firmware bug that was causing the problem, and have released a firmware upgrade for all affected devices.
The firmware upgrade was released in November 2010. Please contact Lexmark to get access to the upgraded firmware.
When using integrated scanning on Kyocera devices, MFD becomes unstable / scanning fails / scanning produces corrupted files.
15.3 (Build 34078) HyPAS embedded v34034
16.2 (Build 37799) HyPAS embedded v1.9.2
When performing multiple back-to-back integrated scanning jobs, any of the following symptoms may be observed:
The MFD might become unresponsive
The MFD might display an internal error code (F245 / F248 / F345)
Scanning might fail mid-way
The generated scanned file would be corrupted
This issue is caused by launching a second integrated scanning job while the MFD is still processing a previous job in the background. MFDs that have Kyocera’s ‘Scan Extension Kit (A)’ installed (either as a factory pre-installed option or as a separately purchased add on) are more likely to encounter this issue, as performing OCR on scanned pages is a fairly lengthy process.
Kyocera has released new firmware versions to address the above mentioned unresponsive / internal error code messages. Customers are encouraged to upgrade any affected devices to the latest available firmware versions.
PaperCut has released a new HyPAS embedded application (v1.9.2) which addresses these issues. Please contact our support team to obtain this version.
Fuji-Xerox Account selection may fail with restricted accounts.
>Logins using account selection and restricted accounts fail on devices configured not to track scanning or faxing. As a workaround, please enable scan/fax tracking on the device on the device details page.
This issue can be remedied by applying an update. Contact support for a hot fix.
Toshiba copiers duplicating records of copy jobs.
15.1 (Build 33290) SDK2
15.2 (Build 33770)
If a Toshiba MFP is set to do Automatic Supply Order emails or service notifications then scanning logs will be generated on the MFP without an associated user. This has caused PaperCut to go into an error state and generate many duplicate entries in the PaperCut job logs for the Toshiba v2 device.
A PaperCut fix for this bug is included the 15.2 bug fix release. A script for removing the duplicate entries from PaperCut’s job log database is available for Derby databases running on Windows - please contact support to obtain this or for scripts that need to be run on any other database platforms.
Lexmark X464de device is slow on login.
Lexmark X464de
Lexmark investigating
We received some reports of Lexmark X464de devices behaving slow and sluggish on login. This includes slow response to keystrokes when typing in username or password on the virtual keyboard and slow transition to the home screen after entering the password.
Lexmark has acknowledged this to be an issue.
No firmware updates or other relief has been announced for this issue.
Kyocera MFD rebooted during a configuration change may become unresponsive.
15.3 (Build 34230)
If, during a configuration change in the PaperCut Administration Console of a Kyocera copier, the copier is rebooted, it may result in a white LCD screen being presented to the user.
If this happens, the normal login screen will not be shown and the PaperCut Kyocera embedded application will need to be reinstalled by an authorised Kyocera service representative.
This can only happen if the copier loses power or is rebooted during the configuration change. In testing, this is approximately a 15 second window on average.
An updated pc-kyocera.pkg has been made available in PaperCut MF (build 34230).
Fuji-Xerox Color scanning not enabled by default.
After unlocking the device users may find color scanning options disabled in the native applications. Color scanning may be enabled by manually changing permissions on the device.
This issue can be remedied by applying an update. Contact support for a hot fix.
Print Release buttons are not appearing on some recent Canon devices.
Recent Harare and Adelaide devices
Embedded App v1.3.0
There is a known issue where some recent devices with newer firmwares are not displaying ‘Print’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons when selecting a job. Using the ‘Print All’ button is the only workaround.
Lexmark Password field pre-populated when performing username/password authentication.
We have had customer reports that on some Lexmark devices when performing user/password authentication, the password field is pre-populated with the username entered on the previous screen. This requires the user to clear the password field before entering their password.
Lexmark have confirmed this is an issue in their firmware and have provided a test firmware to one of our affected customers. As of June 2014, these firmwares have not been made public by Lexmark. If you are seeing this issue on your site, please contact Lexmark customer support and request the update firmware for your device.
Affected devices are reported to include at least the following:
Oki Devices - Reports of one page miscounts on copying.
When performing a copy, users may see an error in the logs of a page count of one extra page.Issue History:
March 2013 - Issue has been reported to OKI
July 2015 - Not reproduced or reported since original case. Assumed fixed by firmware and closed. Please inform PaperCut support if you see this issue.
Oki devices - Unable to access EWB because of missing EWB Access Permission .
A new permission was added to the MFPs to allow access to the Embedded Web Browser on the device which was off by default. When PaperCut created a role to access all the permissions on the device it did not include this new EWB access permission, which meant that the EWB could not be accessed and just went blank, upon login. In PaperCut version 15.1, we have modeled our created roles off existing system roles to ensure that that we pick up all the permissions on the device including the EWB Access permission.
PaperCut HP FS4 OXP App displays a exception error when the Home Screen App setting is changed from “HP” to another option.
This occurs when configuring the Home Screen App setting on the HP OXP FS4 native interface. This is found in General > Control Panel Customisation > Home Screen Customisation. When this setting is set to anything other than the default of HP, it will cause the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid token
HP error: HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST on OXP FS4 Firmware for PaperCut FS3 App.
Workaround - Disable CSRF prevention:
Login to the MFD’s administration UI, click on “Security”, scroll down to “Embedded Web Server Options” and un-check “Enable Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) prevention”.
Configure the PaperCut Application Server details.
Re-enable CSRF prevention by undoing the first step.
This is fixed without the need for the above workaround in MF 18.2.3.
Scanning from the glass on Lexmark devices will cause the device to lock up, requiring a hard reboot.
Firmware Update
The corrected firmware for this is LW30.TU.P362.tusXXgr.DN.E509.tusXXgre.fls. This release is not generally available yet to the public and must be requested of Lexmark Tech Support.
Any supported HP card reader with the embedded platform stops working with HP firmware 4.5.5.
HP firmware 4.5.6
Reach out to your HP reseller to obtain a copy of HP firmware 4.5.6 which fixes this issue or downgrade to HP firmware 4.5.4 or lower.
HP Card reader stops working if it hasn’t been in use for more than one hour.
17.4.4 to 18.0.3 Futuresmart
The PaperCut embedded application is caching the card reader ID on the application server and the cache is expiring and not renewing. This issue is only on the new FS4 (OXP) embedded application.
This has been resolved in MF 18.0.4.
HP FutureSmart devices may show errors after firmware upgrade.
15.x Futuresmart
FutureSmart firmware 3.7.3
PaperCut support have seen an increase in customers reporting that after firmware upgrades on certain devices, the HP embedded platform will stop responding with one of the following errors:
Error: The server sent HTTP status code 400: BadRequest
HTTP transport error: HandshakeException: server certificate change is restricted during renegotiation
We have narrowed this issue down to an issue with interoperability between PaperCut and the HP Fleet Release Bundle Version Designation: 3.7 (firmware version 3.7) which was released in early January 2016 and may be seen on any FutureSmart devices. The devices PaperCut have seen with this error so far are below:
HP FutureSmart X585
HP FutureSmart M527
HP FutureSmart M575
HP FutureSmart M577
HP FutureSmart M680
HP FutureSmart M830
HP FutureSmart M4555
HP FutureSmart cM4540
HP LaserJet M525dn
PaperCut advises that you do not upgrade to this firmware version until further notice. If you are seeing one of these two errors, or have already upgraded to this firmware, we recommend that you downgrade the firmware. PaperCut has initiated contact with HP to find the cause of this issue, and any updates will be posted here. If you find the same behavior on different models of HP, or would like to be updated as the issue investigation progresses internally, please email with your HP model and firmware versions, and we will add it to the list.
A fix for this bug was included in FutureSmart firmware interim 3.7.3. To obtain a link to the firmware contact your local HP ATS (Advanced Technical Support).
Partial card reads with some HP FutureSmart Embeddeds (M4555 in particular).
15.x Futuresmart
15.3 (Build 34420)
We have received a small number of reports of partial card reads on M4555 devices, though have had limited success recreating this ourselves on a selection of other models. The result of a ‘partial’ card read can be a user not being granted access to the device, or being challenged to self-associate the card to their account.
A fix for this bug was included in PaperCut MF 15.3 (Build 34420).
Some HP models error or freeze during user login.
15.0 (Build 32334) Futuresmart
Firmware update
PaperCut support have seen an increase in customers reporting certain models of HP freezing or erroring when logging in whilst using the Shared Accounts or Print Release functions. We believe this is related to and interoperability issue between PaperCut and the HP firmware released on the 18th of February 2015 on the following models:
HP X585 - firmware 2304070_439651 and 2304061_439464
PaperCut has been advised that there is newer firmware being released for all devices affected as of the 15th of April 2015. If there is firmware newer than the 18th of February 2015, then please upgrade to this firmware. If there is no newer firmware, then the workaround is to downgrade firmware on the device.
If you find the same behavior on different models of HP, please email with your HP model and firmware versions, and we will add it to the list.
USB print jobs not working on some Konica-Minolta devices.
14.3 (Build 30615)
On some older KM devices, the USB print jobs may not work after upgrading to PaperCut 14.3.
Resolved in 14.3.30615
Ricoh Print release does not work when using anonymous authentication.
14.3 SDK/J
It is not possible to release print jobs at the MFD when using anonymous authentication.
Toshiba job tracking stops working with “Internal server error” errors reported in the Application server log.
14.2 (Build 27858) SDK2
14.2 (Build 28232)
In PaperCut MF 14.2 (Build 27858), we added a call to the Toshiba devices to retrieve the firmware number.
It has been reported on Toshiba eS3540C with firmware T140HD0W3301, that when PaperCut goes to retrieve the job log from the device it will cause an error:
ERROR ToshibaV2ExtDevice:248 - SOAP error: Internal server error which will prevent PaperCut from tracking any jobs.
Toshiba Japan are aware of the issue and the solution is to upgrade the Toshiba MFD to the latest version of the firmware. For example, on the Toshiba eS3540C a recent working firmware version is T140HD0W4003(L4.635).
In PaperCut MF 14.2 (Build 28232) we added support for better handling of the retrieval failure of the firmware number so that job tracking is unaffected.
Zero stop not working on recent configuration of Toshiba.
Workaround Available
A step in setting up Zero Stop on the Toshiba was mistakenly removed from the Toshiba v2 Embedded Manual which could cause zero stop to stop working. In TopAccess, in the Counter tab, and Quota Setting, please ensure Job Quota is selected (and Black/Color Quota is now off). If Black/Color Quota is left on, then zero stop will not work.
Novell iPrint Print jobs fail to appear in the jobs pending release list.
In some situations, jobs sent to a hold and release queue will fail to show up in the jobs pending release list. The PaperCut print provider service will get the pre-notification message which should be followed relatively immediately by the Novell print provider stating it created the job. However, the job-create message eludes the PaperCut print provider for some reason.
As it turns out, these are symptoms of the workstation’s remote renderer not communicating correctly with the iPrint Appliance. To confirm this, launch the spool file directory on the iPrint Appliance and check whether job submission generates only a PDF file without its spool file counterpart. If the spool file is missing, please re-install the remote render software on the affected workstation. A customer report confirmed that re-installing the remote renderer restored full communication to the iPrint Appliance and correctly generated the job’s corresponding PDF and spool files.
Konica-Minolta Users can now log in to ‘Page Scope Web Connection’.
In addition to the administrator, PaperCut users are able to login to the web interface using their credentials. Simultaneous web logins to the copier when the device is in use are not allowed.
The fix has been released publicly in version 14.3 (Build 29819).
Toshiba reports connection refused error messages when connecting to device from PaperCut.
Firmware 2001 SDK2
Firmware 2001G
In the Application Server debug logs this can be seen as:
This is likely due to the Toshiba’s ODCA server not responding.
Please contact Toshiba for a firmware patch to rectify the problem.
This has been seen on firmware 2001 and fixed on firmware 2001G.
Toshiba creates mysterious user "0" (zero) and tracks some copy jobs to user "0" (zero).
Firmware Upgrade
There have been a few reports where some copy jobs are tracked to user “0” instead of the actual user.
Upgrading to the latest firmware on the Toshiba has rectified the problem.
Toshiba on upgrading to PaperCut MF 14.0 does not show the Release All button on the print release page.
14.0 SDK2
To ensure the Print-All button is enabled again, navigate to the device details page and apply the current settings (either by hitting the OK or apply button and no changes needed). The software has been fixed and the fix will be included in the next fixes release of PaperCut 14.
Slow printing from MS Office when Novell iPrint queues contain many jobs.
2011 OES update
When using PaperCut with hold/release queues or find-me printing, the iPrint queues may contain many jobs awaiting release. When printing from Microsoft Office (e.g. Microsoft Word) the application queries the status of all the print jobs in the queue. Novell iPrint takes a long time to respond to these queries resulting in slowness in the MS Office print dialogs from appearing.
This affects all versions of iPrint up to and including OES 6.3 SP3.
Novell are aware of the issue and have raised an internal bug (#700160).
As of 2nd December 2011, Novell have notified us they have a fix in testing for this problem. If you would like access to this fix, please contact Novell Support and reference the bug #700160.
This fix is expected to be included in upcoming Novell iPrint releases.
Cannot use some card readers in keyboard emulation mode with Sharp devices.
OSA Sharp models 904, 6240 and 5150
Workaround Available
Some customers have reported they are unable to use card readers with Sharp devices on firmware version 13.4.24032. The card reader reported is an RF Ideas RDR6081AKU in keyboard emulation mode but other card readers could also be affected.
A reported solution is to remove the “pairing” between the OSA device and the card reader as follows
Login on the device with the admin credentials
Disable PaperCut in the Application settings / External Application settings / External Accounting Application settings
Choose ‘User Control’ and ‘Card Reader Device Registration’.
Delete the pairing information
Reboot the copier and enable PaperCut in the Application settings / External Application settings / External Accounting Application settings.
We would be interested in reports of success or failure using this approach. Please let us know:
Logins may fail on some Konica-Minolta PRO devices under some conditions.
Bizhub 951PRO (14.2 and earlier)
Customers on PRO series of devices, with self association enabled and using stand-alone self association screen may experience rejected logins.
PaperCut MF 14.2.2 contains a workaround for this situation.
Toshiba on PaperCut MF 13.5 does not correctly charge to shared accounts chosen by the user.
13.5 SDK2
13.5 (Build 25126)
In 13.5, if the user selects a shared account for charging to, the job will still be charged to their personal account instead of the shared account. This is fixed in 13.5 build 25126.
Toshiba SDK2 devices incorrectly show the authentication option for Anonymous Login.
13.1 SDK2
When PIN and ID support was added to Toshiba SDK2 in version 13.1, we incorrectly turned on the capability for Anonymous Login even though it is not supported. The authentication dialogs are controlled by Toshiba and there isn’t a way to support Anonymous Login.
This is fixed in PaperCut 13.4.
IOS Printing fails to the Toshiba eBX with error code 4311 showing in the printing logs on TopAccess.
Workaround Available
IOS printing jobs that are sent to the Toshiba device via a Mac server, are sent using the Postscript language as the user “guest”. This causes a failure unless guest is enabled on the MFP and guest’s appropriate permissions are set.
In order to workaround this issue and not require having guest enabled, please request a special Print Data Converter file from PaperCut support.
Please follow the guidelines in the Toshiba SDKv2 manual for installing this Print Data Converter.
This PDC file is considered experimental and is not provided in the installation as we are awaiting approval from Toshiba Japan.
Special “debug” versions of iPrint will not work with PaperCut.
In some situations Novell support engineers will install a special debug version of iPrint. Debug versions of iPrint are not compatible with the autoload command provided by PaperCut. The main behaviour observed is that the iPrint ipsmd services will not start after papercut is added to the autoload command.
To run PaperCut with a debug version of iPrint, PaperCut needs to be recompiled with special debug flags against the matching debug version. If you’re working with the Novell support team to diagnose an issue and PaperCut needs to be enabled during this diagnostic, please contact our support team. We’ll look into the possibility of supplying a matching compatible debug version of PaperCut.
Slow Printing on Some Sharp Copiers.
Workaround Available
Some PaperCut customers have reported the symptoms of slow printing to some Sharp Copiers. The symptoms include a pause in between print jobs sent to the copier of several seconds.
Multi page FAX jobs may not complete correctly with unrestricted accounts on “Venus” series Konica-Minolta devices.
C3350, C3850 (14.2 and earlier)
Some customers with newer Konica Minolta ‘Venus’ series devices (C3350, C3850) have reported that multi-page FAX jobs do not get processed in full. Only the first page of the fax is sent correctly. Single page faxing is unaffected. The issue is limited to logins with unrestricted accounts only.
PaperCut MF 14.2.2 contains a workaround for this situation.
Toshiba devices - User and Password authentication fails if certain characters in the password are used.
Workaround Available
If the user’s password contains certain non-alphanumeric characters which include:
"%&'<>[] or spaces then the authentication at the Toshiba’s panel will fail. We have narrowed down that this behavior occurs when the “Create User Information Automatically” option is turned on in the Security settings of the Toshiba. However, PaperCut needs this setting turned on for its functionality to work. Toshiba Japan are aware of the issue and plan to improve their password character support in a future update of their firmware.
Until the problem is resolved, we recommend avoiding these characters in passwords. Other punctuation characters still work. Toshiba has provided a table which lists valid and invalid password characters:
Deleting a Toshiba device may fail if the device cannot be contacted.
If a Toshiba SDK2 device’s IP address has changed recently or the device is offline, deleting its device entry from the Devices tab in the PaperCut admin interface may result in the action not completing (the page will continue to load).
A custom build of PaperCut is available to correct this issue. Workarounds include ensuring the device is contactable when deleting it, or not deleting the device. This issue will be fixed in the next release.
Toshiba SDK2 occasionally incorrectly reports that “Quota is Exceeded”
Problem description: Upon logging into a Toshiba eBX MFP using a Toshiba SDK2 managed by PaperCut, the user may find that the device incorrectly reports “Quota is Exceeded”. This issue is intermittent and is usually only seen on large networks with many devices or users.
This problem occurs because Quota limits need to be set up after login (or account selection). If there is a short delay in setting up the quota limits, and the user starts a copy process before this operation completes, they may experience this message (a race-condition). When the user retries to copy, usually the message does not re-appear. PaperCut has recently made a number of code changes to reduce the likelihood of this occurring. PaperCut is also working with Toshiba to see if some device-level changes are possible to further mitigate the issue.
Update (1-Nov-2012): With the release of PaperCut 12.5 we’ve made a number of improvements to reduce the likelihood of this occurring. We recommend you upgrade if you are running Toshiba SDK2 devices, particularly if you have 50+ Toshiba devices connected.
Login problems seen on some Xerox devices with PaperCut version 14.0.
14.0 (Build 25901) JBA/XSA
14.0 (Build 26241)
A number of Xerox devices (including 52xx, 53xx, 73xx, and 74xx devices) will experience a login error caused by an SSL handshake failure after upgrading to version 14.0 (Build 25901). PaperCut version 14.0 includes new SSL security functionality. For more information here.
Card authentication on Toshiba may report a duplicate user login in the PaperCut App Log.
Firmware 3300 SDK2
Firmware Update
Toshiba firmware version v3300 introduced a problem that causes the MFP authenticate to PaperCut twice. This results in the PaperCut application log showing 2 login entries, but otherwise does not cause any problems.
Toshiba have confirmed this is a firmware issue and it will be resolved in an upcoming firmware update.
Warning to Novell customers running HP ToolboxFX status tool.
Some large sites running PaperCut on Novell OES Linux has seen high iPrint (ipsmd) CPU usage if network has HP printers are the HP ToolboxFX? status tool has been deployed along with the driver. It seems like this tool excessively “pings” the printer for status information and does not scale well across large networks. The solution is to deploy the standard network driver only (no extra tools).
Unrecoverable error on Sharp devices - “Unable to contact accounting service”.
Workaround Available
It has been found that an attempt to scan a Sharp MFD with selected security scanning applications, or unusual TCP port usage, can cause the device to enter an unrecoverable state. This problem usually presents as a message “Unable to contact accounting server”, and pressing the “Retry” button does not recover.
The recommended mitigation strategy at the current time is to:
Exclude your Sharp devices from any regular security scanning system.
Consider firewalling off your Sharp devices at a nearby switch so only print servers can access (hence avoiding exposure to other network traffic).
This issue has been reported to Sharp and will likely require a firmware-level update. PaperCut Software would like to thank the IT team at the University of Washington for their assistance in tracking down the cause of this issue.
Update (2015–03–03): This issue was initially reported in 2012. PaperCut has not been made aware of this issue continued existence in the last 12–18 months on the most recent updated firmware.
Konica-Minolta “Select All” button not shown when using standard UI.
14.2 (Build 28232)
The fix has been released publicly in version 14.2 (Build 28232).
Toshiba Firmware upgrades may lose settings.
Firmware pre-v3000 SDK2
Firmware Update v3000+
We have had reports from our network of resellers that upon some firmware upgrades the device settings (e.g. LDAP directory settings) may be lost. It has been reported that it usually happens when going from pre v3000 (eg v2050) to post v3000 firmware but not from v3xxx to v3xxx. However, we haven’t had consistency here, as testing by Toshiba hasn’t shown this problem.
For this reason we recommend checking the settings and testing to assure that the integration works after installing firmware upgrades.
Novell Cluster resource script configuration.
Sites running PaperCut on an OES Cluster who are upgrading to version 10.5+ may need to update their cluster resource scripts after upgrade. The installer should warn you. To summarize, change the line:
(This service was renamed as it now does more than just CUPS management - it also does server connection monitoring for the new event resend feature.)
Ricoh devices - need to manually set administrator credentials when configuring scan-to-me functionality.
13.2 SDK/J
We allow the user’s email address to be added to the address book during the login process. PaperCut requires the device’s administrator username/password to modify the address book.
The administrator username/password must be entered in the “” file during installation on the device. If the application is already installed you can modify the “” file and re-upload the application.
Crash bug in iPrint (ipsmd) on OES2 Linux SP2.
Updated iPrint build
Jobs do not print after enabling PaperCut on the printer
Errors may appear in the iPrint logs (ipsmd.log)
Known Workarounds:
Contact Novell support and ask for the latest iprint update compatible with PaperCut. It’s filed under TID 7005723. Ensure the update is suitable for OES2 SP2 and your architecture. (the version should be novell-iprint-server-6.2.20100414–0.4 or later)
Toshiba Firmware issue causes device ODCA service to stop responding.
Firmware v3300
We have has some reports of the device’s ODCA (Off-device Customization Architecture) service stopping responding to network requests. This service listens for network requests from external applications (like PaperCut). If this service stops responding then problems will occur, e.g. quotas will not be enforced, jobs usage will not be logged, etc.
When this occurs the device status in PaperCut will list an error similar to the following: Connection refused
Some very recent Canon devices may have issues with SSL configuration.
Recent Harare and Adelaide devices
Embedded App v1.2.2
There is a known issue where some recent devices may have problems setting up SSL. Symptoms will be an error message on screen saying “Device setup: Failed to connect to “ followed by the IP address or DNS name of the PaperCut server, plus errors in the logs similar to the following: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty [maintenance thread]
This issue can occur with Harare and Adelaide device families. The workaround is to change the device configuration to use port 9193 for PaperCut communications.
This issue has been resolved in embedded application version 1.2.2.
Errors running on black and white Toshiba eBX devices.
The black and white eBX devices are brand new and were released after PaperCut’s initial integration with the Toshiba SDK v2 devices. Unfortunately there is a small difference in the SDK v2 on these devices that causes issues with PaperCut.
The symptoms of this issue are that the device will report the following error (both in the device status in the admin UI and in the server.log):
One or more of the permission names are invalid
Rare crash bug in iPrint (ipsmd) on OES2 Linux SP1
Updated iPrint build
The default iPrint that ships with OES2 Linux SP1 contains a bug where canceling a job may occasionally crash ipsmd. This is a bug in iPrint, however the introduction of PaperCut may “exaggerate” it. On a normal network, the “cancel job” operation would only be used occasionally - say by an administrator canceling a job to unblock a jammed print queue. PaperCut being a print control application however cancels jobs from time to time as part of standard operation - e.g. a user running out of quota. The fact that the cancel operation is called more often causes this bug to surface more often.
Errors may appear in PaperCut’s print-provider.log - Unable to cancel job error number: 1349320716 (0×506D0012)
Errors may appear in the iPrint logs (ipsmd.log)
The papercut accounting autoload command may be listed as a <defunct> process (this is because the parent process has died and left us in a zombie/orphaned state as explained here).
Known Workarounds:
Contact Novell support and ask for the latest iprint update compatible with PaperCut. It’s filed under TID 7004872
Card login on Sharp devices can become unreachable.
Sharp MX2610N and MX511N
Firmware Upgrade
This can happen when PaperCut login is by card only and is seen only on some Sharp models.
A warning dialog appears on the copier LCD when, for example, a copier panel is open. If the panel is left open for long enough then the user is logged out of the copier and the PaperCut card login screen appears under the warning dialog. On some Sharp models the PaperCut card login cannot be activated after this, even after the warning dialog disappears.
This appears to be a problem with the LCD window managers on some Sharp models and has been seen in the Sharp MX2610N and MX511N series.
A workaround is
Enable username/password login as well as card login.
Update (2012–04–02): This is fixed in the following Sharp firmware updates
MX2610/3110/3610N: 06.00.A1.j0
MX4110/4111/4112/5110/5111/5112N: 06.00.R1.h0
All Sharp firmware releases from this date onward will have this fix.
Username/Password and ID number/PIN authentication options might not work on Kyocera devices
The login screen refreshes every 10 seconds which may not allow time for users to enter their credentials. Card and anonymous authentication is unaffected by this issue.
Konica-Minolta Panel freezes on newer devices after using print release.
14.1 and earlier
We have had reports from a number of customers about panel/device freezing on the following models.
The instability occurs after visiting and exiting the print release application. After occurring the device usually requires reboot to return to operational/responsive state. The issue affects only “standard”/native screen interface.
We are working with Konica Minolta to resolve this issue. The issue has been escalated with Konica Minolta Japan.
As a temporary workaround enable auto job release on login.
Contact support for a build to remedy this situation.
Unreliable magnetic stripe card reading with Xerox devices.
Xerox 78xx EIP 1.5+
Firmware Upgrade
Some magnetic stripe card readers (e.g. Magtek, RFIDeas) on certain Xerox models (such as 78xx series) are unreliably sending through the track data to PaperCut. Xerox have released ConnectKey Product SPAR Release on December 20 2013 to address the issue.
Errors on Toshiba devices when scanning to email with CC and/or BCC.
Scanning to email with a CC or BCC address list will produce the following error when processing the job log:
Some PaperCut sites have reported an issue where the wrong username being logged against jobs in PaperCut. This issue was tracked down an iPrint bug where the iPrint client software is not correctly flushing the iPrint client cache. Novell have a guide on how to ‘resolve’ the issue (clear iPrint’s cache on logout) TID 7005753 . We hope an official fix will be available soon.
Jobs are identified in PaperCut under the wrong username.
Known Workarounds:
See Novell TID 7005753.
PaperCut page count tracking problem on Toshiba (non SDK2) eBX after firmware change.
Firmware v3000
When firmware is changed on the Toshiba ebX device with SNMP traps already enabled for address 10, the SNMP traps may no longer continue to work and will hence stop PaperCut from tracking the device.
Apparently, that although the value for address 10 is displayed with the intended value, it is actually stored as blank. To correct the problem, one needs to change the address to the wrong value, save it, and then go back and set the correct value and re-save it. The value needs to be different in order for the change to be saved. This problem should be fixed in firmware updates after v3000.
Note that Toshiba SDK2 devices in PaperCut do not use SNMP traps and so this is issue is not relevant for them.
Toshiba Firmware Regression for eB3 devices.
Version 310 and 315 SDK2
Workaround Available
Recent firmware for the Toshiba eB3 devices (reported on version 310 and 315) introduces a serious regression with card authentication. The symptom of the problem is that the user is logged-in, but they do not have any permissions to perform copying.
The solution is to run an older version of the firmware, such as 309 or 304. NOTE: If the device firmware is downgraded then the Toshiba technician must reinitialise the “Network Settings”. It has also been reported that v313 appears to be fine.
HP pc-hp.jar won’t load. (HP Chai devices)
14.0 Chai
When loading the package files through the Package Loader as part of the installation as described in the PaperCut Embedded for HP manual, the package, pc-hp.jar may fail to load and display various error messages.
Check you have a supported model. There is a complete list of supported models in the manual. Confusion often arises out of similar model names starting with and without the letter “M”. E.g. there is a model M4345 and another called just 4345 without the initial “M”. PaperCutonly supports models starting with the letter “M”.
Possible error message: Package pc-hp.jar fails to load. Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hp/laserjet/io/usbhost/USBDevice
Perform an INITIALIZE DISK procedure. This is documented with the “Configuration Guide” manual as part of the official HP documentation for your device. This manual may only be available to HP service technicians. If you need assistance with the INITIALIZE DISK procedure please contact support.
Possible error message: Reason: com.hp.chai.soe.chaipackage.ChaiPackageException: Required package not available: urn:com:hp:asa:auth:manager:authmanager
Check you have the latest firmware on your device.
Job Assembly feature does not work with Xerox EIP2.0+ devices and PaperCut.
EIP 1.5+
PaperCut uses Xerox’s job limits feature to determine whether to approve or deny jobs for zero stop on EIP 2.0+ devices and also to assign a charge account to each job. However there is a Xerox limitation that use of job limits will disable the Job assembly feature.
Specifically, the Build Job and Sample Job buttons on the Job Assembly tab are disabled. In release 14.0, we have added a config parameter,, which can be set to “N” to stop the job limit pre-authorization from happening and thus allowing Job Assembly. Also, the account charging has been fixed to work without job limits.
Novell's NWUSERNAME is no longer available in Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Logon scripts that utilize the NWUSERNAME variable no longer work properly.
PaperCut’s User Client is reporting the wrong username.
Certificate error when installing on Samsung copier.
14.1 (Build 26983)
During the installation of the Samsung “PAR” file to the copier, the installing user may be shown an error about the certificate. The resulting error halts the installation.
Existing installations are not affected.
Copy icon disappears on some Kyocera models when using restricted accounts.
Newer models of the 3501, 4501, 5501 series have the copy icon on the home screen disappear when a restricted user runs out of balance and remain hidden after a user with sufficient balance logs in next. The second user will have to log out and log in again for the icon to reappear.
It seems to be specific to certain models with certain firmware versions.
Konica-Minolta i-Option Device unlock may fail under certain conditions.
14.1 and earlier
This issue affects some models, first seen on the ‘Zeus’ series. An attempt to login to the device may fail for up to a minute after a previous login. This only occurs when the previous user has performed a job.
The message on the screen is:Unable to unlock device for use, please try again.
The server log may contain the following message from the device:error: 21 - Login Error
Xerox Login problems on ConnectKey printer models.
There have been a number of login problems reported on ConnectKey devices.
Some of the symptoms include:
Delay before the user can log in (while a “cancel” button is shown)
No response from printer when user’s card is swiped to login or logout (using various types of cards and card readers; Mifare, HID, etc)
No response from Panel when Alternate Login button is selected for user to login
No response from Panel when a network or Authentication Server failure has occurred
Xerox are aware of these problems and have a new SPAR release coming out around the February time frame to address this. Sites with this problem should gather evidence and log the problem to Xerox Support and await the new SPAR release.
Types of evidence gathering include:
Movie file that shows the issue
Clone file of the printer with all boxes checked when creating the clone file
Printer configuration sheet
1st generation Canon devices fail to boot correctly.
1st Generation Devices
Embedded App v1.2.1
There is a known issue where first generation devices fail to boot when the PaperCut embedded application is installed. See Issue 8098 for Sanahin and Greater Series devices.
This issue can occur with the application versions 1.1.1 and 1.2.0, particularly on Guildford series (40xx) devices. Please upgrade your PaperCut embedded application to the latest available version.
Toshiba Account selection not truncating long account names.
Currently, the account selection on Toshiba is divided into 2 columns of accounts and if the account names are long then the window is expanded with a horizontal scroll bar. This will be changed so that the account names are truncated to the size of the screen and will not cause a horizontal scroll bar to appear.
Xerox WC 53xx copy/fax/scan tracking problem.
Enabling Auditron modes.
On some EIP1 devices, such as the WC 5325, if one follows the old Secure Access documentation, the tracking of copy/fax/scan may not work. The documentation has been updated to mention that the Accounting Configuration Auditron modes must be enabled as well.
Xerox WC 4250 firmware problem.
Customers have reported issues with the WC 4250 when connected to PaperCut. The MFP can hang or lock-up during the authentication process and can only be recovered with a reboot.
Xerox were made aware of the issue and has it has been addressed in firmware version: “”.
We recommend customers upgrade their MFPs to device firmware version “” (you may need to request this from Xerox).
Please log a ticket ( if you continue to see issues after upgrade to the above firmware.
Xerox Phaser 3635 firmware problem.
Firmware JBA/XSA
We received some reports of problems running PaperCut with the Phaser 3635 MFP. The MFP gets into a state that stops PaperCut from downloading the Network Accounting (JBA) logs. The only way to rectify the problem is to restart the MFP.
The symptoms of this problem are errors in the PaperCut device status and logs in one of the forms:
“Missing CR” - (this is the most common error)
“Unexpected end of file”
“The Xerox device is not clearing/purging downloaded jobs.”
This problem occurred on the customer site after upgrading their MFP firmware to version to take advantage of the new USB card reader features. They have also tried firmware version, and with the same results.
PaperCut is working with Xerox US support and affected customers to understand and resolve this issue.
Xerox have confirmed this issue and have raised an internal ticket to get this issue resolved. Xerox have now provided a SPAR firmware release to address this issue. Please upgrade the MFP to SPAR version v20.105.24.000 to resolve this issue. NOTE: Some customers report that you must also perform a “memory clear” from the device service menu after the firmware upgrade (seek the assistance of a Xerox technician).
If problems continue after this SPAR update is installed please report this to support.
Unable to access Toshiba EWB because of missing EWB Access Permission .
Toshiba added a new permission to allow access to the Embedded Web Browser on the device which was off by default. When PaperCut created a role to access all the permissions on the device it did not include this new EWB access permission, which meant that the EWB could not be accessed and just went blank, upon login. Toshiba created a firmware to make the EWB Access permission be on by default to help the situation until PaperCut could be modified. In PaperCut version 15.1, we have modeled our created roles off existing Toshiba system roles to ensure that that we pick up all the permissions on the device including the EWB Access permission.
Tabs on account selection not showing when using Kyocera devices
The account selection screen does not show tabs “from List”, “Search” and “by Code”.
Canon Devices failing to boot correctly.
Sanahin Series Djemila Series Greater Series
Firmware Update
There is a known issue with Sanahin series (C50xx), Djemila series (C90xx, C70xx) and Greater series (60xx) devices not booting correctly under certain circumstances when the PaperCut application is installed and started. Upgrade the device firmware to Sanahin2, Djemila2 and Greater2 respectively to resolve.
Kyocera Screen displays a “404 error” message after waking from sleep.
When the device wakes from long periods of sleep, they may intermittently display a 404 error on the screen.
Kyocera Custom logo only displays partially.
If using a custom logo, some newer Kyocera models will occasionally only partially display this logo.
HP Common Card Reader (CCR) not supported.
The HP Common Card Reader is supported from version 15.0 onwards.
Ricoh MFD displays the “Set Key Card” message after successful login.
13.2 SDK/J
A problem can occur where the MFD will beep and display the “Set Key Card” message even after the user has successfully logged in, i.e. it looks like the user has not been logged in.
This is an intermittent problem that can occur occasionally on some MFDs. When the problem occurs the only solution is to restart the MFD.
Konica-Minolta error: Error=9, Message=Fatal
Bizhub C654e
Workaround Available
We have had some customers report that sometimes these devices will report the following status in the Device Status area in the PaperCut web admin console, when setting up the device for the first time.
If you see this error during setup, the advice from Konica Minolta is to contact your KM dealer to check that the following setting is configured:
SW Switch setting number 43:
Set to Bit Assignment 00000011 / Hex Assignment 03
Please note that this setting change is performed within the tech rep mode interface and may require the KM dealer to do this.
Slow performance of Ricoh MP C305.
13.2 SDK/J
Resolved in firmware
The MP C305 interface becomes unresponsive after a period of time. The PaperCut user interface does not appear to be affected, but the built-in screens (e.g. Home, Copy and Scanner) become very slow to draw and become unresponsive to key presses.
Ricoh has released an SDK update (10.18) and a firmware update (LCDC OpePanel 1.22) to address this.
Xerox on PaperCut does not correctly charge to shared accounts chosen by the user.
13.5 EIP 1.5+
13.5 (Build 25126)
In 13.5, if the user selects a shared account for charging to, the job will still be charged to their personal account instead of the shared account. This is fixed in 13.5 build 25126.
Konica-Minolta Account selection fails on accounts with long account names and sub accounts.
13.5 (Build 24862)
13.5 (Build 25126)
When upgrading to PaperCut MF 13.5 (Build 24862), users with accounts with long names and having sub accounts may not be able to charge to some of those account. We have identified and addressed the issue.
This has been officially resolved version 13.5 (Build 25126)
Color copying access control (group-level color access restriction) not supported on HP devices.
App v21124 Futuresmart
Color access control was not supported with early releases. This was added in app version 21124 that comes with PaperCut 13.1.
HP Embedded app version 19437: card readers not working on ARM based devices.
App v19437 Futuresmart
App v19902
HP FutureSmart devices with ARM processors will error if trying to use a card reader with the PaperCut onboard app. This includes HP LaserJet 500 and 600 series devices.
Konica-Minolta Welcome screen displays “Place the IC Card on the Authentication Device”
September 2013
Firmware Upgrade
The welcome screen should display a message from PaperCut asking the user to authenticate. The exact message depends on the authentication methods enabled. Alternatively, it should display a user defined welcome message as per advanced config option ext-device-msg.welcome1 and ext-device-msg.welcome2.
On some newer devices with card reader enabled, the above welcome message by PaperCut get overwritten by “Place the IC Card on the Authentication Device”.
Please upgrade the firmware and enable “Function Level 7” on the device to resolve the problem. Please contact support if you need help with “Function Level 7”.
Issue History:
3rd March 2015 - Konica provides instructions to enable “Function Level 7” which will resolve this problem.
20th January 2014 - Konica has indicated they have plan to aim to release firmware fixes in February.
1st October 2013 - Konica is preparing a firmware update to resolve this issue. No ETA given yet.
09th September 2013 - Issue raised with Konica.
HP error: “Cannot connect to the quota server” errors when copying.
When performing a copy users may see the error dialog “Cannot connect to the quota server” even if the PaperCut server is running and there are no problems with the network.
If you are seeing this issue we recommend making the following change:
In the PaperCut admin interface, navigate to the Advanced Config tab of the device in question.
Find the setting hp.soap.inbound.use-ssl.
Change the value to N and press Update.
The information sent in these messages includes basic copy job details and usernames, so is not normally considered sensitive.
The above config change may still need to be made if you have upgraded from a version prior to PaperCut 13.0.
Xerox SSL/HTTPS Errors.
13.3 (Builds 23137 & 23186) EIP 1.5+
13.3 (Build 23214)
Some Xerox devices are having errors creating HTTPS connections to the PaperCut server as a result of an inadvertent downgrade in the Java runtime libraries shipped with PaperCut MF.
This problem is resolved in Release 13.3 Build 23214.
Konica-Minolta Error ‘Account Map Setting more than MAX support’
Bizhub C35 C36 & C42
Firmware Upgrade
We have had reports from a number of customers receiving the following error on the Bizhub C35, 36 and 42 MFPs.
setAccountMapConfiguration - Account Map Setting more than MAX support
We have analyzed these cases and determined that the issue is within the MFP firmware.
We worked with Konica Minolta to determine that this is an issue with the “OpenAPI 4.0” level firmware for these devices. The issue has been escalated with Konica Minolta Japan.
Konica Minolta have now released firmware to resolve this issue. Please contact Konica Minolta for updated firmware. The new firmware version for the C35 is A121-30G0-1604-AA (but this may vary by region and device).
Please contact Konica-Minolta for an updated firmware.
HP error: Error ArrayIndex... appears in device status and prevents some functionality.
This error may be seen on sites with many HP devices (e.g. 30+). If it occurs it may indicate other problems such as jobs not being tracked correctly, and it may lead to the 48.A1.01 error discussed below.
Xerox SSL/HTTPS Errors with PaperCut MF Release 13.3.
13.3 (Builds 23137 and 23186) JBA/XSA
13.3 (Build 23214)
Some Xerox devices are having errors creating HTTPS connections to the PaperCut server as a result of an inadvertent downgrade in the Java runtime libraries shipped with PaperCut MF.
This problem is resolved in Release 13.3 Build 23214.
Problem using Konica-Minolta TWAIN scanner driver version 4.007
When PaperCut is connected to the Konica-Minolta MFP, the TWAIN scanner driver version 4.007 does not work properly. When trying to use the scan from a connected PC or workstation either an authentication screen appears or an error is displayed.
This worked correctly with previous versions of the scanner driver version.
PaperCut MF 13.4 contains a workaround for the situation — please refer to the manual under section 4.5, “Host-based authentication”.
HP Pauses during printing, or slow copy/print/panel performance.
13.3 Futuresmart
PaperCut 13.3.23540 includes a change that addresses general performance issues that may manifest as pauses in the middle of print/copy jobs or slow panel performance.
Konica-Minolta Panel freezes on newer devices
C754, C454, C364 & C224
Firmware Upgrade
Multiple customers with newer Konica Minolta devices (C754, C454, C364, C224) have reported that the touch screen panel can become unresponsive, necessitating a reboot of the device to restore functionality. Konica Minolta have a new “special” firmware to address this issue, which would affect many OpenAPI apps.
Konica-Minolta error: “Cannot connect to server” Error
Bizhub C451
Firmware Upgrade
It has been reported to PaperCut Software that C451 multifunction devices may display the following behaviour:
User logs into the PaperCut App on the device
User releases jobs
User logs out
A second user attempts to login; after a significant delay “Cannot connect to server” will be displayed
Investigation by the involved reseller has determined that this issue can be resolved by deploying the latest “special” firmware from Konica Minolta to the affected C451 devices.
HP error: 48.A1.01 error appears on device, device functions disabled.
13.3 Futuresmart
The latest improvements to reduce the likelihood of this error occurring are in PaperCut 13.4. PaperCut Software has worked closely with HP to try to eliminate the causes of this error, and this work resulted in many changes over the course of several releases. If you do experience this error on a device with PaperCut 13.4 or newer, please report the details to PaperCut support first, then try clearing the error by:
Rebooting the device.
Resetting the device to factory default settings.
HP error: 48.A1.01 error appears on device, device functions disabled.
Depending on the card reader and HP model, there were a number of cases where card numbers would not be read correctly. This has been addresses in a number of updates, with the latest being in embedded app v24120 (included with PaperCut 13.5). If you are experiencing card reader issues on a version earlier than this, please try upgrading first. If you are running this version or newer, please contact PaperCut support.
Problems tracking scan and fax jobs on HP devices.
13.3 - 14.0 Futuresmart
In versions 13.3 through 14.0, problems may be experienced tracking scan and fax jobs.
Some customers have experienced their device becoming unresponsive. In addition, there may be a slight flickering of the screen and Memory and Receive lights are flashing. This has been observed on a TASKalfa 520i but may include other models. The device will require a reboot to become responsive again.
Users cannot log in to Kyocera devices after the long idle periods.
The embedded application can encounter a problem when the device is idle for long periods. When the problem occurs the authentication screens do not work properly until the MFD is rebooted.
Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci will let the user log in but won’t unlock the copier.
This is a firmware-specific issue relating to firmware version 2H7_2F00.009.020 2010.04.15
Upgrading to the latest firmware will resolve this issue.
Samsung Firmware upgrade required to address security issue on SCX-6555 NX and SCX-6545 NX.
October 2012
Firmware v2.xx.07.07
In October 2012 a significant authentication issue was discovered with the two Samsung devices above.
This security issue needs to be resolved at the firmware level and Samsung have confirmed a fix will be made available in the next firmware update.
If PaperCut is going to be installed in a security conscious environment, we do not recommend using these devices until a fix is provided.
Samsung have advised PaperCut Software that new firmware has been issued which resolves the problem described above, for the devices SCX-6546 NX and SCX-6555 NX. The firmware is v2.xx.07.07 or above.
Users unable to edit built-in address book on Kyocera devices
With no authentication system installed, any user can edit the Kyocera built-in address book. When an authentication system such as PaperCut or the device’s built-in LDAP authentication is enabled, only device admin users can edit the built-in address book. This issue was raised by PaperCut and several sites with Kyocera. Some sites prefer that any user should be able to edit this address book, so Kyocera have indicated that a firmware update is available to make this possible. Contact your Kyocera dealer for more information.
Single-Sign-On (SSO) support for 3rd party applications on the Samsung A4 devices.
On A4 devices when using 3rd party scanning solutions alongside PaperCut the user may not be able to initiate scan operations.
This has been confirmed by Samsung as a bug in the firmware of the A4 device range. They are working on a solution and we will update this notice as Samsung inform us of progress on this issue.
Print release when print queues contain & (ampersand) character on Kyocera A4 devices.
The print release of individual jobs does not work for printers with names containing the & (ampersand) character.
Lexmark Embedded application does not connect to a PaperCut server over TLS 1.2 on an eSF 2.x, 3.x or 4.x device
PaperCut for Lexmark eSF v2.8.0 adds support for TLS 1.2 on eSF 2.x, 3.x and 4.x devices. However, some earlier Lexmark firmwares do not support TLS 1.2. Be sure to update the device firmware to the latest version.
Samsung Device displays “Browser UI terminated” and reboots.
On recent firmware versions for the CLX-9350 a message “Browser UI terminated” may appear when a message popup shows and the “OK” button is not pressed within 5 seconds. This may not be limited to this model and/or firmware.
We have found the problem which is a result of a firmware regression for this device. We have produced a workaround which will be made available in the PaperCut 12.2 release. Customers can contact to receive an early update before the official release.
Kyocera Screen shows “Connecting to server …” after extended “Sleep” period.
A number of customers have found their device constantly showing “Connecting to server …” after waking up from an extended sleep period such as a weekend. The device responds to pressing “Admin Login” on the screen but will not confirm connection to the server until rebooted.
Ricoh Card authentication and Energy Saver mode.
13.1 SDK/J
When in “Energy-saving” mode (Low Power or Sleep), swiping a card on an external USB reader will not fully wake the device. Card swipes are still registered (e.g. a user will still be logged in), but the screen will remain dimmed. To activate the device’s screen, please press the “Energy Saver” button, or simply tap the screen if in “Low Power” mode.
Ricoh devices delay recovering from network outages at the login screen.
13.1 SDK/J
In the event of a network outage (or if the PaperCut Application Server is disconnected), users at the login screen may be presented with a blank white screen as the device recovers from a failed connection attempt. This will correct itself after approximately one minute.
Kyocera Screen flickers between PaperCut and Application selection screen.
TASKalfa 420i
Some customers have reported the screen of the device flickering between PaperCut and Applications screens. This has been reported on a TASKalfa 420i but may include other models.
We have discovered an issue preventing Mobility Print server auto updates to be disabled when using updaterconfigtool.
If your auto-update was disabled prior to 1.0.3741 no action is needed.
If you need to disable an auto update in 1.0.3741. You can work around it as follows:
Open pc-mobility-print.conf file in PaperCut Mobility Print directory using a text editor
In BOTH "ScheduledTasks" and "StartupTasks" sections, replace the links "" with ""
(this internet address will fail to resolve every time the updater tries to check for updates).
Save pc-mobility-print.conf file
Restart Mobility Print server
Windows client install failing with certain passwords
When installing the Mobility client on a Windows device, after entering the username and password, the install will fail with an error if the user's password contains a quote [ " ] mark.
Error:Failed to connect to Mobility Print server. The installation will be terminated.
Workaround: Have the user removed the quote [ " ] character from their password, or change it to be the last character in the password field.
Print output scaling / positioning incorrectly
1.0.3716 +
When printing specific documents, such as checks, print job scaling is approximately incorrect up to 3/16" / 4.7625mm.
For affected customers one workaround is to create a file "C:\Program Files (x86)\PaperCut Mobility Print\pc-spool-job.conf.user".
Using a text editor, create the following file on the Mobility Print server: C:\Program Files (x86)\PaperCut Mobility Print\pc-spool-job.conf.user
Open the configuration file and paste the following two lines into it to set the parameter "FitToPage" to "NO_FITTING":
Save the file and restart the Mobility Print service.
If you're affected by this, please reach out to us directly at
New code signing certificate being flagged by security tools
Mobility Print Client (Windows) v.1.0.313
Our latest Windows Mobility Print Client (v1.0.313) contains an updated code signing certificate, which is currently being flagged by AV tools like Windows Defender. Effected devices will not be able to print via Mobility Print.
To mitigate this issue customers can either uninstall/reinstall the Mobility Print Client on their devices (which has worked for some customers), or add exclusions to their Windows Defender rules for the Mobility Print file directory (either the binaries in the directory, or the whole folder path if they prefer).
In due course Microsoft will trust the new certificate signature and the exclusions will no longer be necessary.
Jobs submitted from macOS clients may result in incorrect copy counts
We're investigating reports of jobs submitted from macOS clients resulting in the incorrect amount of copies being printed. This only applies to macOS and/or Linux systems as the issue looks to be specific to CUPS.
Thus far, we're only seeing this issue crop up on Mobility Print queues, that reside on the client device, configured with the "Generic PostScript Printer" PPD.
One workaround is to add EnableTransforms=off to the end of the print-provider.conf file located here on the server:
[app path]\providers\print\win
Once that's been done, you'll need to restart the Print Provider service. If any issues arise, we would recommend reverting that change.
Additionally, changing the PPD that the Mobility Print queues on the client are using prevents the issue. The easiest means of updating said PPDs is via Print Deploy.
Sign in with Google on Android and per job authentication fails
A combination of Sign in with Google on Android client when printing to a printer using per-job authentication results in authentication failure. Authenticating using other methods works.
Sign in with Google on Android and per job authentication fails
A combination of Sign in with Google on Android client when printing to a printer using per-job authentication results in authentication failure. Authenticating using other methods works.
Microsoft Defender may classify Mobility Print binaries as malicious
Microsoft Defender may classify Mobility Print binaries as malicious. We can confidently say that these are false positives. The root cause has been identified and we're working closely with Microsoft to implement a fix in a future release of Mobility Print.
Follow the guidance contained within our AntiVirus False Positive knowledge base article here.
Printing from Safari on iOS 17.4.1 produced blank output
23.0.7, Safari+ iOS 17.
n-up printing from Safari on iOS 17.x produces blank output.
Similar to blank output from photo app issue which was resolved in iOS 17.4.
1. Sometimes, some pages don't print.
For example, when printing a 4 pages pdf file with a range for pages between 2 and 3 with 2in1, only page 3 is printed.
2. And sometimes any jobs don't print.
This was similar to MOB-2978 [Known Issue]
We have submitted the feedback to Apple about this known issue.
Mobility Print binaries blocked by Windows Defender
1.0.3674 and above
Windows Defender's attack surface reduction rule, specifically "Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion," is blocking certain Mobility Print binaries. The new code signing certificate is suspected to trigger this rule.
The path detected was C:\Program Files (x86)\PaperCut Mobility Print\v2024-04-09-1113\mobility-print.exe but any binary in the v* folder structure could potentially be flagged.
Microsoft has documentation on how to create certificate indicators for Windows Defender:
Printers using authentication with iOS 17 not showing "Forget Username and Password"
iOS 17.5
We have identified an issue with printers that are advertised to iOS 17 that use MF authentication.
The lock icon may not be shown as well as "forget username and password" option missing on that printer.
Devices using previous versions of iOS are unaffected.
If per-job authentication is used, this is purely cosmetic.
For those using per-printer authentication and credentials saving on the device it will currently be not possible to explicitly remove them through the iOS UI.
We're investigating if any further controls or mitigations can be put in place from our end.
If the user's credentials are no longer correct they should be prompted for correct credentials on next job, where credentials need to be removed or changed otherwise it will currently be not possible without also invalidating them at the user source that MF uses or temporarily switching printer to per-job authentication mode.
Fix: This has been resolved by Apple in iOS 17.5
Users need to manually enable notifications on Android 13 and above
We're aware of an issue where the Mobility Print app is unable to present the users with a dialog requesting notification permissions at app launch on Android 13 and above. This may result the users missing crucial notifications regarding print job authentication and statuses. We are working on addressing this in the next version of Android after 1.2.10.
While the fix is being worked on, users will need to enable notifications manually by tapping "Tap here to turn on all Mobility Print notifications" option on the app home screen, and selecting the resulting "Allow notifications" slider to enabled.
Grayscale print job prints with Rich/Composite/Process Black which uses color toner
Printers from some manufacturers can use color toner to render grayscale print jobs, the result is a higher quality image with richer shades of grey than would be achieved with black toner alone.
It has been observed that grayscale print jobs from Mobility Print will print this way with specific brands of printer, causing the color meter on the device to increment. For organizations that utilize device meters for billing this may not be ideal as it could result in higher charges from print vendors.
"Network connection issue" error when attempting to print via Chrome to Mobility Cloud Print queue
If Chrome Guest Printing is enabled (refer to our article here) and the user is attempting to print using Mobility Cloud Print, then users will see an authentication prompt and see the error “We’ve detected a network connection issue. Please check you’re connected to the network and try again”.
The workaround is to disable Guest Printing and use a standalone Mobility Print server instead. Please contact the support team for details.
Investigating reports of Photos App print jobs coming out as blank pages
iOS 17
iOS 17.4
When using Mobility Print, iOS 17 devices may print a blank page when printing from the Photos App.
Reports on Apple forums indicate this is a widespread issue affecting iOS 17 users printing photos. This issue is affecting printing via AirPrint and is present without the addition of PaperCut Mobility Print.
We have reported this to Apple developers and are awaiting a fix.
This has been confirmed as resolved in Apple's release of iOS 17.4.
When using Mobility Print with the DNS Discovery option, iOS 17 devices may fail to find the Mobility Print printers
iOS 17
iOS 17.2
When using Mobility Print with the DNS Discovery option, iOS 17 devices may fail to find the Mobility Print printers.
We are currently investigating reports of printer discovery not working when using the DNS Discovery option, and using iOS 17 devices. mDNS and Known Host discovery methods continue to work successfully, and iOS 16 devices are still able to find printers advertised through DNS discovery.
Update 27th October, 2023
We have performed internal testing with the developer beta release of Apple iOS v17.2, and have observed that the devices now display Mobility Print printers published with DNS discovery mode. We expect this issue to be fully addressed once Apple publicly releases iOS 17.2.
Update 6th October, 2023
We have successfully recreated this on our iOS 17 devices, and compared the traffic behavior with iOS 16. We've confirmed that this issue is a result of a change Apple introduced in iOS 17 and that it is not something we can fix on our end. We've captured network traces and have sent this along with diagnostic info over to Apple for investigation.
Apple released iOS 17.2 publicly yesterday, and our internal testing (and customer feedback) has confirmed that this resolves this issue.
Mobility Print "iOS print job count" does not count jobs printed from iOS 17 devices
iOS 17
The Mobility Print "iOS print job count" icon in the Mobility Print Server admin interface does not count jobs printed from iOS 17 devices.
Printing works successfully from an iOS 17 device through Mobility Print, however we have noticed that the job doesn't count towards the total 'Apple iOS' print jobs count - shown on the Mobility Print admin interface.
Please note that the print job does print successfully and does get tracked by PaperCut MF/NG (if used) in the expected way. Jobs from other iOS versions will still count successfully too.
We'll be looking to fix this in an upcoming version of Mobility Print.
Per-job authentication does not work as expected on iOS 17 with Mobility Print
iOS 17
If you're using Mobility Print with 'per job authentication' and you send a print job from an iOS 17 device, our testing shows the re-authentication doesn't appear to work as expected.
We have found that the original credentials used for the first print are re-used, and it doesn't ask for credentials again.
We are looking to fix this in a future release of Mobility Print.
Mobility queues are unpublished if a carriage return is included in printer properties Comment field
In the latest Mobility Print release, customers have reported certain Mobility queues disappearing from the Published printers list in the Mobility UI. Since they are being “unpublished”, they are no longer discoverable by Mobility clients or able to be deployed by Print Deploy.
This results in a decoding issue with the printer capabilities TOML file and the affected queue is removed by the Mobility server.
Workaround: Removing the offending carriage return (or additional line of text) from the Comments field under printer properties will result in the affected queue reappearing in the Published printers list (you may need to refresh the Mobility admin page).
Chrome client Google Single-Sign in fails with "invalid username or password"
Chrome App version 1.3.5
When attempting to login using the Sign in with Google button, it returns "Invalid username or password" even though the correct credentials are being entered and there is an associated user account in PaperCut.
This may be the result of recent security policy changes in Google Workspace and steps should taken to confirm that the Mobility Chrome app has the required access controls to perform Oauth authentication for Google SSO.
Note that this process will require you to enter the following OAuth client ID for the Chrome app:
1) From the Google Workspace Homepage, you need to navigate to: Security--->Access and Data Control--->API Controls
2) Click Manage Third-Party App Access
3) Click Add App and select Oauth App Name or Client ID
4) Paste the above Client ID in the text field and search
5) Select Papercut Mobility Print from the search results and click the check box next to it, then click Select
6) Choose the necessary OUs you want to configure access for and click Continue
7) Choose Trusted access to Google Data parameters, then select Continue
8) Review changes and click Finish
Note that this was fixed in Chrome App version 1.3.5
Google Cloud IoT Core retirement may cause Mobility Print Cloud Printing to stop working
Impact from 16th August 2023
1.0.3553 Firewall rule updates also required (see details)
Google Cloud IoT Core retirement may cause Mobility Print Cloud Printing to stop working.
Google Cloud IoT Core is scheduled to retire on 16 August 2023. We’ll be updating Mobility Print to v1.0.3552 in mid-July with a replacement for Cloud IoT Core so that users can continue to print remotely.
Please ensure that you are running Mobility Print version 1.0.3552 or later (once it is released) to continue using Mobility Print Cloud Print after this date - and ensure that if you have strict firewall rules in place, that these rules are updated for the new cloud notification replacement service.
Mobility Print missing ligature formatting for certain languages
When using Mobility Print, users may notice that ligature/glyphs may not print correctly or will be missing from the printed document. A reported example of this is the Arabic word الظواهر
Please reach out to PaperCut support if you are experiencing this problem and quote MOB-2747. Please also include an example of the issue.
Cylance Antivirus causes Mobility Print server to go offline
Multiple customers have reported that Cylance Antivirus causes Mobility Print servers to go offline, seemingly at random. When this occurs the Mobility Print service needs to be restarted before users are able to resume printing or an administrator can access the web interface.
Two solutions reported by customers are:
Uninstalling Cylance Antivirus
Adding the Mobility Print application directory to a scanning exclusion list.
Here is a list of all the executables in use that should be excluded in Cylance:
C:\Program Files\PaperCut NG or MF\server\bin\win\pc-server.exe
C:\Program Files\PaperCut NG or MF\providers\print\win\pc-print.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\PaperCut Mobility Print\pc-mobility-print.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\PaperCut Mobility Print\pc-updater.exe
We recommend restarting the Mobility Print server after these exceptions have been applied.
iOS Paper Size Option Missing.
We have discovered an anomaly when using PaperCut Mobility Print with iOS.
When selecting a printer from the printer options within iOS, the first time you select the printer, the paper size selection tab is missing. If you submit a print and then repeat the steps, the second time, the options is then available.
This could be an IPP issue where the "Get Printer Attributes" call doesn't get the data that is expected by iOS.
This problem has been reproduced in iOS versions 16.1.1, 16.1.3 and 16.4.1. This could affect other iOS versions too.
We are investigating this issue.
A workaround is available in Mobility Print 1.0.3631.
Mobility Print Android app will not install with Known Host configuration if user is logged into device with a managed account.
If a user is logged into their Android device on any managed user accounts, then known host configuration on install will not work.
Install Mobility Print in Known Host mode.
Use /setup link on an Android device logged in with a managed account.
Press Install or Update - this redirects the user to the Play Store.
Download app - you won't be able to discover printers because the referral didn't pass the Known Host URL.
Return to the /setup link again and press Install or Update again.
You will be able to discover printers now.
We're looking to resolve this issue in an upcoming Mobility Print Android App release.
Mobility Print jobs disappearing or odd user names created
Mobility Print 1.0.3493
Mobility Print 1.0.3496
Mobility Print jobs going into the queue result in disappearing documents as the user is not recognized. Special characters like @, ', and space are replaced with %40, %27, and %20. For instance, D O'Hara is seen as D%20O%27Hara. This will result in the job not tracked to D O'Hara. A new user name may be created or the job will be deleted when the On Demand user creation feature is configured to prevent users not in PaperCut from printing.
Navigate to the Mobile Print Directory on the server and look for the latest version folder v2022-09-13-2238.
In the latest folder, rename the pc-raw-spool-job to pc-raw-spool-job_OLD.
Navigate back to the second to latest folder and copy out the same pc-raw-spool-job, then paste it into the latest folder.
Restart the mobility print service, then resubmit a print.
Please note that this has now been resolved in Mobility Print version 1.0.3496.
The Mobility Print server component can crash in high volume environments
As Mobility Print is coded as a 32-bit application, in high volume customer environments (thousands of print jobs a week) or where memory intensive features like conversion and filters on print jobs are used regularly, the server can crash due to it only being able to utilise a maximum of 4GB of the server's RAM.
You may see the error mobility-print.exe: STDERR|runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate in the Mobility Print logs.
Fix: Please update to Mobility Print Server version 1.0.3512.
Workaround: You are able to utilise up to 20 Mobility Servers in an environment, we would recommend implementing additional Mobility Servers and, if feasible, load balance them within your environment.
Intermittent printer discovery issues with Chrome 102
Chrome v102
Chrome v102 refresh (available 19 July 2022) and v103 onwards
We are investigating reports of printers intermittently not showing in Chrome's "Select a destination" dialog. This is specifically tied to use of Chrome version 102 and may present itself even without Mobility Print app being installed by failing to show up system printers.
It is advised to stay on Chrome 101 while this issue is investigated and further updates can be provided. Note: We have found in our internal testing that Chrome 103 (beta) appears to resolve this and works successfully.
There is also a Chromium bug report that we are tracking here with comments from other people's findings as the case develops.
Update 23 June: This issue is fixed in v103 and v104. The next M102 refresh will also contain this fix, and is scheduled for release in mid-July. A detailed description of the reported Chromium bug is provided below:
"This (issue) can happen if users have all printer types represented in their recent printers + system default printer, as such printers are pre-loaded at startup to populate the dropdown. Note the system default printer is a local/native printer.
This bug previously did not manifest because users did not have an extension, privet, and cloud printer all in their recent destinations. However, with the removal of privet and cloud printer types, this bug could be triggered by simply having a recent extension printer + having a system default native printer."
Not able to print through Mobility Print Cloud Print when using Windows/Mac Clients
When using Mobility Print Cloud Print, users are not able to send jobs from Windows/Mac clients. Mobility Cloud Print jobs are failing due to an incompatibility issue as a result of authentication tokens issued by Previous version of Mobility Server to the clients is not being recognised by the current Mobility Print server release 1.0.3436
In the meantime, we have a workaround available.
You will need to reset the authorization token on the client system, copy the current auth.toml out of the folder below.
Reboot the machine or restart the PaperCut Mobility Print Client service.
Submit a new print job to the Mobility Cloud printer. This would result in showing the authentication page.
Please enter the valid user and password information. This should fix the the issue for you.
When using Android 12 with Mobility Print Known Host and BYOD devices, the app may not configure correctly with the specified host - resulting in 'no printers found'.
Android app v.1.2.8
With Android 12, deep links are required to be verified in order to open in the app (in our case the Mobility Print app). Currently the link opens up in the browser on Android 12. This means that the custom known-host server is not passed through to the user's app correctly - so the app will not know which server to contact for a printer list.
Please note: This will only impact BYOD Known-Host setups with Android 12 devices. Managed known host will not be impacted. Additionally, if the known host is already saved on the device, it will continue to work without any issues.
We'll be updating the app to use verified app links in the next version which will resolve this.
On the Android 12 device, open Settings > App Defaults > Mobility Print
Under 'Supported web addresses' add '' (or if it's already added, just make sure that the switch is set to 'Allow' next to '').
Save the changes, and then re-visit the organization-specific Known Host setup URL for Android.
We're looking to resolve this issue in an upcoming Mobility Print Android App release.
Printers may not be found when using Mobility Print with devices on iOS 15 and the 'iCloud Private Relay' feature enabled.
Your Mobility Print printers may not be discovered if you're using an iOS 15 device with the iCloud Private Relay feature enabled, and you're using any of the DNS based discovery methods. This is a limitation of the iOS as Mobility Print does not control the networking components of the underlying platform.
Switch off the Private Relay feature while printing through Mobility Print.
Use the Known Host method for print discovery instead.
Mobility Cloud Print jobs failing with - 'Error creating client offer: 502 Bad Gateway'
Our understanding is that GCP incident 1xkAB1KmLrh5g3v9ZEZ7 caused temporary downtime with print job submission via Mobility Cloud Print.
iOS jobs sent to a Mobility Print server running on macOS can cause a submitted A3 job to be printed in A4 with portrait orientation.
It has been brought to our attention that iOS jobs sent to a Mobility Print server running on macOS can cause a submitted A3 job to be printed in A4 with portrait orientation.
What we know so far is that this can happen when:
The Mobility Print server is hosted on macOS. As far as we know, Mobility Print servers running on Windows have not encountered a similar problem.
It so far only happens when the printer is of certain Sharp models.
It only happens when the Find Me queue on the server has the Generic Postscript Driver.
The issue is caused by some minor incompatibility between the CUPS filters and the Generic Postscript Driver.
The Solution:
We recommend that when a Mobility Print server is running on a Mac, and that the printers are Sharp models, Sharp printer drivers are installed on the Find Me or Virtual queue to ensure correct parsing of media sizes.
Users may not be able to discover printers when using Mobility Print with Chromebooks using Chrome version 91+
Chromebooks using Chrome v91+
Upgrade to a later version of Chrome.
We have had a number of customers reporting that users may not be able to discover printers when using Mobility Print with Chromebooks using Chrome version 91+.
We have been unable to recreate this internally, however investigations are continuing.
Potential workaround:
Some eagle-eyed customers using Managed Chromebooks have discovered that Google have switched off "Privet" as part of the Google Cloud Print decommissioning.
A number of customers have found that re-enabling this has restored the ability to discover printers. The setting is available through "User & Browser Settings" > "Printing" then change Deprecated privet printing to Enable deprecated privet printing. Our investigations have shown that Mobility Print does not rely on Privet - so we're focusing on other effects that Privet could be having on printers being discovered using this method.
Another customer has discovered that while the above setting alone did not work, setting the following did work, within Devices > Chrome > Settings > User and Browser Settings > Printing > Print preview default, and change from Define the default print to Use default print behavior.
QuickBooks (Intuit) PC app can crash when printing to Mobility Print printers with long names.
Some customers have reported that when printing to Mobility Print printers with Intuit QuickBooks, it crashes the QuickBooks application. Note that this doesn't appear to impact the online versions of QuickBooks.
We've discovered that this appears to be a known issue with QuickBooks and printers with long printer names.
In this case, shortening the name of the printer published by the Mobility Print server resolves the issue:
Rename the printer on the Mobility Print server to something less than 25 characters.
(If you're using Mobility Print with PaperCut NG or MF, you'll need to rename the print queue at the OS level and rename the printer in PaperCut as detailed in the Rename a printer section of the manual).
Once renamed, unpublish and republish the printer, then re-add the printer to the workstation.
Reports from customers online using QuickBooks with printers of any kind with long printer names have mentioned that they have also needed to delete the file QBPRINT.QBP in the QuickBooks ProgramData directory to clear the old long printer name. QuickBooks will recreate this file. There are also some guides that mention to make sure that the printer being used by QuickBooks does not have the word 'on' in the name.
Mobility Print may incorrectly detect iPads as mac devices
When accessing the Mobility Print known host URL from iPads running iPadOS from Safari, the macOS installer may be offered instead of the iOS version.
Navigate to the required webpage.
Tap the aA icon in the address bar.
Choose Request Mobile Website.
Mobility Print Android users are unable to print users are presented with notification saying "Printing failed, Stream closed". This occurs 30 day's after the users first successful print job to that queue.
Android App 1.2.3
We have had reports of printing failing for Android devices, resulting in a notification on the device reading: "Printing failed: Stream closed".
We have discovered that this affects print queues configured to use "per-printer" authentication on Mobility Print servers integrated with PaperCut MF/NG.
This caused by a bug in the Mobility Print Android app that does not clear expired authentication details after 30 day.
Current workarounds:
* Configure the print queue's to "per-job" authentication mode.
* Rename offending print queues
* Uninstall and re-install the Mobility Print Android app.
The PaperCut team have a potential fix hopefully ready to deploy next week (the week starting Monday the 5th April).
This has now been resolved in the Android app version 1.2.3.
Mobility Print service hangs intermittently, and a error printsys job with ID 123456 does not exist error may show in the logs.
Partial fix in 1.0.3112
We have identified a recent trend with some customers stating that the Mobility Print service needs to be manually restarted to get working again. This is distinct from another Known Issue "MOB-2409 - Trend Micro Antivirus causes Mobility Print server to go offline" which has a different root case.
When this occurs, users may not be able to discover the printers, or may not be able to print (the exact symptom and error will vary depending on how Mobility Print is set up and what device the end-user has), however in all cases with this issue the web interface of the Mobility Print server will be inaccessible.
When looking at the Mobility Print server logs, we see the error error printsys job with ID 123456 does not exist moments before the logging stops.
This issue is still under investigation and we do not yet have a workaround. If you encounter behavior like this please submit a support ticket so that you can be notified as soon as we have an update. You will be asked to provide the logs from your Mobility Print server so we can confirm it is the same issue.
Update 17th March: We have pushed out a Mobility Print Server fix with version 1.0.3112 (all platforms) which we believe should resolve the issue with the Mobility Print Server (and the admin interface) becoming unresponsive. However, the error printsys job with ID 123456 does not exist error may still happen, and will impact the print job mentioned in the error.
We are still investigating this issue.
Mobility Print client setup pages are temporarily unavailable for any language other than English
All versions
Latest web site
The Mobility Print help center is being migrated to the be hosted on the new help center. The migration process failed to carry over the translated setup instructions for languages other than English.
We are aware on this issue and a currently working to resolve this.
iOS users get HTTP 502 error when trying to download profile
iOS users will report that when trying to get connected to printers, instead of downloading the iOS profile, they see an blank screen or an error in the browser "HTTP Error 502", when Known Host is enabled and the Mobility Print server cannot reach the iOS Profile signing service (
This is a very common issue. The solution is allow-list this URL on the firewall/content filter , or to switch to one of the other discovery methods such as mDNS or DNS-SD.
Android clients (version 1.2.1) are not able to discover mobility printers when using Mobility Print
Android App version 1.2.1
Android App version 1.2.2
Android clients (version 1.2.1) are not able to discover mobility printers when using Mobility Print. Please note that this impacts the 'standalone' version of Mobility Print only (i.e. this should not impact customers running Mobility Print integrated with PaperCut MF or NG).
We are working on creating a new version of the Android app with a fix for this issue.
This has now been resolved with the Android 1.2.2 app release.
Printers are not installing on Windows workstations when using Mobility Print
Printers are not installed on Windows-based workstations when using Mobility Print v1.0.3103 or v1.0.3107. Error is 'Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000704). The specified port is unknown'. Or an error 301/302 in the event log.
Workaround: Disable authentication per job for each affected printer within Mobility Print.
Note that this has now been resolved in the auto-update of 1.0.3108.
Trend Micro Antivirus causes Mobility Print server to go offline
Since November 2020, multiple customers have reported that their Mobility Print servers go offline, seemingly at random. When this occurs the Mobility Print service needs to be restarted before users are able to resume printing or an administrator can access the web interface.
Customers reported that they can prevent this from occurring by uninstalling Trend Micro Antivirus or by adding the Mobility Print application directory to the scanning exclusion list for Real-Time Scans and Scheduled Scans.
Client install link fails for Big Sur via Chrome browser
Current version
When using macOS Big Sur and accessing the Mobility Print client setup URL (http://[SITE-SERVER]:9163/setup), an incorrect redirection will occur to http://[SITE-SERVER]:9163/client-setup/.html.
Use a browser other than Chrome or manually edit the URL to http://[SITE-SERVER]:9163/client-setup/macos.html.
This has now been resolved in 1.0.3067
Mobility Cloud Print client for Windows cannot install queues that contain invalid printer name characters in its 'Location' field
The new Mobility Cloud Print client for Windows in Version 1.0.3024 fails to install printers when they contain invalid characters in the location field.
We include the content of the printer "location" field in the printer name on the client. If this location field contains characters that cannot be used in printer names, the printer will not be installed.
According to Windows documentation, it is the comma and backslash characters specifically that are invalid for print queue naming. Workaround
Remove any special characters (such as forward slash, back slash or commas) from the printer queue location field.
Reinstall the cloud printers via the Mobility Cloud link.
When a user is logged into Android with a 'managed account', the "Known Host" Printer Discovery fails until the 'Install or update' button is clicked a second time.
Current version
The Mobility app will be unable to discover printers published via Mobility Print using "Known Host", until the "Install or update" is clicked a second time and then opened with the Mobility Print app.
Note: This will only happen if the user is logged into their Android device with a managed account (e.g. a work account or school account managed by an organization).
Note that this was related to issue PC-17580 - which has now been resolved for all cases apart from the case where someone is logged into their Android device with a managed account of some kind.
Workaround: Click the 'install' or 'update' link a second time, and the printers should then be discovered successfully.
When using the Mobility Print Chrome App, users will see an "invalid username or password" error when attempting to print to a restricted printer
If a Mobility Print Chrome App user tries to print to a printer that is restricted in PaperCut they receive an "Invalid username or password" error instead of the message they should see which is "Printer access denied by group restriction".
Android "Known Host" Printer Discovery fails until the 'Install or update' button is clicked a second time
current version
Android app version 1.0.298 (66)
Some Android clients are unable to discover printers published via Mobility Print using "Known Host", until the "Install or update" is clicked a second time and then opened with the Mobility Print app.
Note that this has now been resolved - apart from one scenario where the issue can still happen if you're logged into the Android device with a managed account. See PC-17725 for more information.
"Offending command: xpdf" error page when printing through Mobility Print with Sharp PostScript Drivers
all versions
Customers using PaperCut Mobility Print report that when they print a multi-page document to a queue with the Sharp PostScript driver an error page will print out instead with the following message.
"ERROR: undefined
A simple workaround is to configure the queue to use a Sharp PCL6 driver or the PaperCut Global PostScript driver instead.
Cloud Print intermittently fails because the Mobility Print server cannot establish connections with clients.
Sites using Mobility Print Cloud Print might experience periods where Chromebook Cloud Print clients are unable to see printers and submit jobs. This happens because the Mobility Print server fails to refresh its Cloud Print authorization once every 24 hours, making it unable to set up client to server connections for up to three hours.
Printing to a Mobility printer from a Windows client machine which is not using a US locale can fail due to EMF rendering
PaperCut fails to disable the “Enable advanced printing features” programatically and some jobs can fail when rendering EMF content. To correct this failure, manually disable the “Enable advanced printing features” for the Mobility printer on the client machine following this guidance.
Mobility Print App on some Android 10 devices are not providing the authentication pop-up. This can prevent the display of published Mobility Print printers.
In order to allow the authentication prompt to be displayed, you would need to open up the app information section of the Android Mobility Print App and set the Display over other apps in order for the permission to be allowed.
Chromebooks unable to discover printers via PaperCut Mobility Print
Chrome Ext v1.0.245
Chrome Ext v1.0.246
Sites using Mobility Print with Subnet Filtering are unable to see or print to printers from Chromebooks.
Users may report this as no printers being displayed in the list when selecting File > Print.
This issue has been resolved via an update to the PaperCut Mobility Print Chrome App. The updated version is v1.0.246. This should be automatically updated on all ChromeOS clients.
Configure Mobility Printer Properties Defaults
All Versions
Workaround available
Currently we do not check the printer properties option on a print queue to be able to see what the default is. We ignore the colour and duplexing settings.
For example, if you set the printer properties on the print server to Black and White, on the client device adding the printer it will be set as colour by default.
We have an open feature request to be able to have more control over the print queue defaults.
In a managed environment, there are two ways you can enforce these printing preferences:
Use Print Deploy to roll out the Mobility Print print queues to Windows and Mac clients.
iOS 13.1.x or newer would prompt the user for authentication when printing a job through Mobility Print
All versions
iOS 13.4 Beta 4 version 17E5249a
For iOS versions 13.1. or newer, we have had reports that users are prompted for authentication when they print jobs, even if per job authentication is not enabled.
We have raised this issue with Apple Support.
Printing fails on a Mobility Print Linux box when LPR isn’t installed.
All Versions
Workaround available
Mobility customers using some Linux distributions, like Ubuntu 16.04, might run into an issue where LPR isn't installed by default or included in the main CUPS packages.
Mobility needs LPR in order to print on Linux.
Adding to the confusion, the version of LPR you get by running sudo apt install lpr doesn't support options (-o) in the command string, so it also prevents a successful implementation.
In the Mobility logs, you will see something like this:
The fix is to install the CUPS BSD commands package, which includes a version of LPR that supports options:
sudo apt install cups-bsd
Checkboxes showing up as odd symbols or black boxes when using Mobility Print
All Versions
When printing from certain web based platforms, including Dotloop , users may experience odd character rendering on certain PDF documents.
We have had reports that checkboxes on interactive PDFs will be distorted or missing.
This is now fixed in Mobility Print version 1.0.2417.
Mobility Print Server failed to install on 32-bit systems.
This has been fixed in Mobility Print Server version 1.0.2286.
Mobility Print client installation fails when a space is used in a user’s password
All Versions
When using a space in a password, the password will not get validated using Mobility Print on Windows. When installing the PC mobility client with a user that has a space in his password (ex. ‘hi john’) the installation fails with a message “Failed to setup the printer. The installation will be terminated.”
One of the options to workaround this is to remove the space from the password. Another option that we have found out is that you could use quotes around the space for the password to work. For example: Pass” “word
This is now fixed in Mobility Print version 1.0.2417.
Can’t print with Mobility Print when you’ve logged in with the “Sign in with Google” button for Chromebooks.
All Versions
Google announced that it will shutdown the Google+ API. This impacts the “Sign in with Google” button for Chromebook Mobility Print users.
Good news is that we fixed this in Mobility Print server version 1.0.2137 and the Chromebook client has been updated so the “Sign in with Google” button will continue to function.
Customers who have disabled auto update on their Mobility Print servers will have to manually upgrade their server to version 1.0.2137 as soon as possible and no later than March 6th 2019. This is also documented in the Mobility Print Release History.
Mobility print client installation on windows with the iPrint client installed shows as completed but fails to add the print queue to the workstation.
All Versions
In Progress
Symptom: You use the iPrint client and install the Windows Mobility Print Client on a workstation and attempt to add a printer. The print queue doesn’t get added to the workstation even though the Mobility installer says its successful.
How to Identify the issue: Check within the Windows Event Viewer logs under PrintService on the Windows workstation for error messages regarding EventID: 511, Task Category: Initializing a print provider, General Information: The print spooler failed to load print provider inetpp.dll.INACTIVE. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources.
Findings and workaround: iPrint / Novell client changes the value of the registry key for the HTTP Print Service (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Providers\Internet Print Provider) and sets the DLL name to inetpp.dll.INACTIVE. When changed to inetpp.dll the issue is resolved.
PaperCut are currently looking into adding a flag to check when this registry key isn’t correct and show an unsuccessful message on install and then be inserted into the Mobility Client Logs as an error. We will attempt to look into a longer term fix.
Mobility Print with Mac client machines doesn’t show all supported page sizes depending on the driver
All Versions
2019 Fix (MOB-1747)
If a driver shows A0 and A1 media sizes are supported, they are not shown as an option in Mobility print.
This is due to these sizes not being standard Windows paper sizes. A0 and A1 are in-fact given to us by the driver, but set as custom paper sizes.
When printing through Mobility Print with Sharp drivers, Ledger (11×17) documents only print as Letter (8.5×11).
All Versions
Some customers have reported then printing through Mobility Print with Sharp drivers, Ledger (11×17) documents only print as Letter (8.5×11). One customer was able to workaround this issue by setting a specific tray as Tabloid on the Sharp driver properties page, then when users select Tabloid as an option it would print correctly. This is now fixed in Mobility Print version 1.0.2269.
Unable to print A3 from MacOS since Mobility Print version 1.0.1781
This issue has appeared since Mobility Print version 1.0.1781. It’s now fixed in 1.0.1793
When using an Apple iOS device in conjunction with a macOS Mobility Print server, printing via Landscape outputs incorrectly
All Versions
Resolved in Mobility Server 1.0.2841
The output of the job will result in portrait orientation even after selecting Landscape.
The issue normally occurs when using the macOS generic PostScript Driver but can affect other drivers.
With v1.0.2304, it is now possible to configure the iOSAutoRotate option to resolve the issue:
Install a macOS Mobility Print Server ≥ 1.0.2304.
Edit the pc-mobility-print.conf file.
Add features=iOSAutoRotate&rdquo in the Args array within the Services section.
Restart the Mobility Print service.
Send the landscape document via iOS onto a Mobility Print queue.
Why is this not enabled by default?
There is a process used to detect the page dimensions of the document - which we then use to infer the orientation. Unfortunately, this process requires reading the whole document into memory. This can be problematic if there are multiple big jobs from iOS clients being sent to the server.
DNS fails after restarting Mobility Print Linux box - iptables
All Versions
Workaround available
When installing Mobility Print on a Linux box (reported on Debian, Centos and Ubuntu) it appears that the iptable config doesn’t seem to take the rule, whereby traffic gets redirected from port 53 to 9153. In short, this rule after a reboot doesn’t commit properly so Mobility stops working.
Confirmed resolution for this has been to Install a package called iptables-services on the Mobility Linux box by doing the following;
chkconfig iptables on (enable iptables after reboot)
We are currently looking at ways to prevent this happening from within PaperCut.
Unable to print secure PDFs from Windows when using Mobility Print
When you attempt to print a secure PDF through Mobility Print from Windows, the output will be a blank page with a PostScript error “OFFENDING COMMAND: eexec”. This has been fixed in Mobility Print 1.0.2081. For iOS, we recommend using Polaris Viewer instead of the default iOS PDF viewer.
Shared account selection with Mobility Print that’s installed on a MacOS or Linux Server not working with default install
All versions
The IP address of the client device isn’t being passed through to PaperCut so it’s not matching to show the shared accounts. This is not an issue if you’re allocating print jobs to your personal account, only with shared accounts. This issue doesn’t occur on a Windows Server with Mobility Print installed. From a client device where you are printing from and have shared account selection, you’ll have this issue on Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Chromebook with shared account selection.
There is a workaround available for now until we get this released. Please reach out to us via This issue involves a fix within Mobility Print and PaperCut NG/MF. This will be fixed in v18.1.3 which hasn’t been released yet, we’ll keep this page to date soon as it’s available.
Users color selection ignored when printing using Mobility Print from the Chrome browser on Windows
Fixed in Chrome v. 67.0.3396.0
Any print jobs sent from the Chrome browser to a print queue on Windows will always print as color even when the user chooses grayscale. This issue isn’t specific to a PaperCut version. It was first introduced in Google Chrome browser 60.0.3112.78.
A workaround is to install the Chrome app into your Chrome browser and print using the printers discovered via this app instead of the windows print queues.
This has now been fixed in Chrome version 67.0.3396.0 (currently available in Google ‘Canary’ - waiting for Google to release in the ‘Production’ updates to Chrome). See this Chromium bug report for details.
PaperCut Global PS driver will have “Front to Back” as default page order in v18.1.0
All versions
NG/MF 18.1.0 & Mobility Print 1.0.1757
Prior to v18.1.0, the PaperCut Global PS driver default page order was set to “Back to Front”. In v18.1.0, this driver will have the page default set to “Front to Back”. This means the printouts will be printed in the correct order so you don’t have to reorder them each time you pick them up from the printer. You’ll also need to be Mobility Print v1.0.1757.
When using Mobility Print with certain print drivers the user’s color selection is overridden when a default color preference is set
The user’s color selection gets ignored if the default color preference has been set on the print queue.
This occurs when the default color preference is set on the print driver, then print jobs sent through Mobility Print will print as the driver’s color default regardless of what the users select. This occurs with the Konica Minolta C364Series PCL driver, Konica Minolta C368Series PCL driver, Konica Minolta C287Series, Fuji Xerox AP VI C4471 PCL driver and the Kyocera KX driver. Check out the Mobility Print release history page to see the fix versions for each of these print drivers:
If you encounter this issue with any print drivers, there are a set of files from Mobility Print that we’ll need to troubleshoot this. Follow the steps here to collect for us and then reach out via PaperCut support with the files.
MacOS: In Microsoft Word only, there is no option for Colour or Duplex selection when using Mobility Print
Known limitation
This seems to be a limitation with only with Microsoft Word on MacOS. In our testing we found that other Office applications like Excel, Notes and PowerPoint don’t have this issue. We also discovered that other AirPrint/Bonjour solutions are affected as well, not just PaperCut Mobility Print.
There is a workaround:
1. Press the CMD+P buttons or click “File” > “Print” to open the print dialog box
2. In the print dialog box, click the drop-down menu in the bottom left-hand corner and select “Open PDF in Preview”
3. The document will open in Preview
a. Press print in the lower right-hand corner
b. Check the “B & W” box
c. Print the document
4. Release the document on a print release station
Print Queues broadcast by Mobility Print are not discoverable when using DNS SEC with Cent OS
In Progress
When DNS SEC validation is being utilised alongside BIND on Cent OS, print queues are not discoverable.
Mobility Print print queues aren’t visible on devices that are running iOS 11 beta
There was an issue with iOS beta 1 and beta 2 with Air Print where printers could not be discovered. In iOS 11 beta 3, the print queues are now visible.
When using Mobility Print, the Print job’s owner changed to SYSTEM or GUEST
See more info
When using Canon Generic PCL6 or PostScript drivers in conjunction with Mobility Print, a print job’s owner is changed to SYSTEM or GUEST from the correct user.
To fix this issue, there is a print driver setting to change. Check out the following knowledge base article for the steps to resolve.
When printing from an iOS device using Mobility Print, I get the message “The printer is no longer available.”
iOS clients convert some PDF files to URF format. To prevent the client from retrying to print the file over and over again and disrupting Mobility print service, we reject the job with a response with invalid status. A workaround at the moment is to use a non-apple PDF reader (like Adobe Acrobat reader) on the iOS device seems to always work in our testing also.
CUPS default printer settings can cause documents to be printed in the wrong color format (for example grayscale instead of color and vice-versa) with certain print drivers.
All (CUPS)
Workaround available
We have reproduced behavior where CUPS default printer settings can cause documents to be printed in the wrong color format (for example grayscale instead of color and vice-versa). We don't believe this is a 'new' issue, but something that will crop up depending on the PPD / print driver in use.
The behavior is best explained through an example, and this can be experienced without the need for any PaperCut products to be installed - this happens at the CUPS level with manufacturer drivers.
Setup: Customer sets up library-grayscale and library-color print queues. The default settings include 'print in color' disabled for the library-grayscale printer, and 'print in color' enabled for the library-color printer.
Test: Customer prints document 1 to library-grayscale. The document prints grayscale. Print to the library-color print queue, and ensure that color is enabled. The document prints (incorrectly) in grayscale. Print to the library-color print queue again, ensuring that color is enabled. The document prints (correctly) in color.
What appears to be happening is that CUPS retains the default setting used in the last print job - so in the example above the second job prints incorrectly in grayscale, because the previously printed job was grayscale. The third print job sent to the color queue prints correctly in color because the previous job was set to color.
We will update this Known Issue as and when we discover more information. In the meantime a suggested workaround is to promote black and white printing (PaperCut Pocket and Hive) or suggest that users print in grayscale through print scripting (PaperCut NG and MF). In this workaround users can print documents in color and then choose to convert selected documents to grayscale / black and white.
"Printed" print jobs changing to "Cancelled" days later
We have had a number of reports of print jobs that have previously been marked as "Printed", are changing to a "Cancelled" state days later.
At this time the issue is still being investigated by the development team. We believe the "Cancelled" may come at the customers set "Job Expiry" time, from after the job was marked as "Printed". However the issue has only been seen for a few customers so far.
This is primarily a logging time sync error. As the job was marked as "Printed", it will show up in reporting correctly, however in the admin UI it will show as "Cancelled".
Copy/Scan jobs not showing in "Usage over time" trends in the admin dashboard
Customers who have onboarded to PaperCut Hive or Pocket from July 2024 onwards will not see scan and copy data in the "Usage over time" trends chart in the admin UI. This is displayed at the top of the home page for the admin UI.
The team are working on a fix, there is no available workaround at this time.
Co-working Billing Statement Generator - Automatic billing report may fail to export
We have had reports that the "Automatic Billing Report" feature within the Co-working Billing Statement Generator is failing to export data.
When checking the Activity Log in the admin console, you will see - The "serviced-office-billing-basic-v1" addon failed to perform "printjobs".Error: fatal_error"
Downloading reporting's manually is functioning correctly.
The Development team is actively investigating the api and this known issue will be updated when we have more information.
Different account type - To continue, log in with an account and login method you've used before.
Unable to log in to PaperCut Hive or Pocket with the following error(s):
"Different account type - To continue, log in with an account and login method you've used before. Learn more about different account types"
Reason for issue:
The Google Identity Platform does not support account linking in some scenarios. The known scenarios so far are:
If you previously signed up with "Continue with Microsoft", and used the "Personal account" setting, you cannot now use the "Work or school account" option. You MUST continue to use the "Personal account" setting.
Another example is - If you previously signed up with the "Email & password" option, you cannot now link the account via a Microsoft 0Auth connection.
If you signed up as an administrator with a Microsoft "personal account", then are invited as a user and sign up with "work or school account". This will fail as the email for the administrator account is linked to the "personal account".
If you wish to login via a different method, you must remove both admin and user for the required email address. Once re-invited you will be able to sign-up with your chosen method.
PaperCut Binaries Blocked by Windows Defender
Description: Users are experiencing access denied errors, particularly with the pc-pdl-analyser.exe binary and other binaries. Installation of PaperCut is being blocked for some customers.
Users are experiencing access denied errors, particularly with the pc-pdl-analyser.exe binary and other binaries.
Installation of PaperCut is being blocked for some customers.
Windows Defender's attack surface reduction rule, specifically "Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion," is blocking certain PaperCut binaries. The new code signing certificate is suspected to trigger this rule.
Add an exclusion policy based on the binary code signing certificate (which can be extracted from any of the blocked binaries) or add a policy to the edge node folder.
PaperCut has been in contact with Microsoft to add exceptions for our PaperCut certificate, however, the recommendation from Microsoft:
Is for PaperCut customers to submit a .cab log file to PaperCut which will be forwarded to Microsoft.
There are reports that there are less issues with Windows Defender where it has been automatically allowing our binaries over time.
Finishing options such as stapling is shown on the mobile app when a user uses a manufactuer driver on a Find-Me queue
Users that print to a manufacturer driver for Find-Me print queue who decide to modify stapling options via the mobile app may encounter printing issues.
Current workaround:
Print users are advised to not edit the staple option on the mobile app.
Proposed solution:
Disable stapling option editing when a manufacturer driver is in use. This is under consideration for a future fix.
Users trying to print directly from an iOS 17 device get an error An error occurred printing this document.
iOS 17
Edge node version 2023-09-19-0811
Users trying to print directly from an iOS 17 device get an error An error occurred printing this document.
This happens when printing from the iOS device itself. Printing from a laptop or desktop continues to work successfully. Releasing the job (printed from a non-iOS17 device or from a laptop/desktop) works successfully in the app.
We've tested an Edge Node fix which we hope will be released publicly within a few days, to resolve this issue.
Please note that this has now been resolved with Edge Node version 2023-09-19-0811.
Mobile Release App crashing on some iOS devices
app version 1.5.12
Incident details
We have recieved multiple reports of the iOS application crashing to home screen as soon as it has been opened.
We have so far confirmed the devices effected have been running iOS version 16.5.1(c) or newer.
This is not effecting all devices running these versions.
So far, almost all cases of this issue have been resolved by performing a hard restart of the device, and then re-installing the Mobile Application.
If re-installing has not fixed the issue on your device, please may you log a ticket at by selecting "SUBMIT A TICKET" at the top of the page.
Please provide the exact version of iOS that your device is running, and quote "CCEM-2246".
Development have begun investigating the cause of the crashes, and we are working on a fixed version of the App.
Update (19th Sept 2023):
App version 1.7.0 was released last night which disables the PaperCut Pocket/Hive app notifications as part of troubleshooting this issue.
Update (2nd Oct 2023):
App version 1.8.0 was released today which re-enables the PaperCut Pocket/Hive app notifications. However we don't expect this to alter the crashing-behavior at this point. Investigations are still continuing.
Cloning a manufacturer driver fails on MacOS
The otool requirement was removed from the queue cloner in July 2023
The cloner tool requires a working version of the otool library on MacOS.
The logs will identify this issue with a message such as: Failed to clone: error while cloning print queues: collect drivers: failed to collect printer driver
To resolve, run: xcode-select --install
in the Terminal (on the Mac where the manufacturer driver was installed and configured).
If the above does not resolve the issue, run: xcode-select --reset
in the Terminal (on the Mac where the manufacturer driver was installed and configured).
Some Huawei phones do not support the Pocket/Hive Mobile App
Modern Huawei phones do not have access to the Google "Play Store" which is currently required for installing the PaperCut Pocket/Hive Mobile Application on Android Devices.
These modern Huawei phones only have access to the “AppGallery”, which is a separate App Store not currently supported by PaperCut.
Therefore, at this time you will be unable to use our Mobile App on these devices.
We are currently tracking affected customers for this under "PFR-649". If you are affected by this limitation, please open a ticket with Support quoting this tracking identifier, "PFR-649".
Print thumbnails are sometimes not generating
Thumbnails not available for native driver print jobs
UPDATE - Only macOS devices running Ventura or newer are currently effected. Native Drivers are currently not supported for thumbnail generation.
We have found a potential bug in the most recent edge node version where the edge node service is unable to create a thumbnail for a print job. We are in the early stages of investigation.
This appears to be effecting both Windows & Mac. Through early testing we have determined that with Windows this appears to only effect the PaperCut Printer when the driver is NOT the PaperCut Global PS Driver. With Mac it appears to effect all drivers. This is subject to change as more investigation is required.
You can determine if this is the issue by searching for the Job ID in the Edge Node logs, and looking for the following line:
2023/03/30 09:34:14 pc-printjob-spooler.exe: STDOUT|ERROR: failed to generate thumbnail from "data\\job-spooler\\print-jobs\\Mg4VYKmQ1k\\" for job "CryIX4ShrwQSiUjC-20230330083414-c-job" err Unsupported file format application/binary {"src":"joblifecyclehooks.go:128"}
2023/03/30 14:29:46 pc-printjob-spooler: STDOUT|ERROR: failed to generate thumbnail from "data/job-spooler/print-jobs/GRxCxPTKIT/" for job "6wwgXvQP2G5sk1I2-20230330132945-c-job" err pdf2image execution error: exitStatus=1 err=exit status 1
This issue has been raised with Development and will be investigated ASAP.
Printing on Macs using queues with some drivers can cause number of copies printed to be incorrect
Print Provider 109.22.0
This was resolve in Print Provider version 109.22.0. This was done 3.5.23
When printing via PaperCut Pocket or Hive on Macs via Queue with some drivers, the number of copies can become squared (4 copies will become 16 and so on).
Workaround currently is to switch to IPP printing.
We are actively working on a fix for this issue.
PaperCut Pocket/Hive installer will report failure to install on Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
Upgrade to more recent Windows platforms
The PaperCut Pocket/Hive installer will report that the installation has failed when run on Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 due to not being able to detect the PaperCut services running.
PaperCut will have installed and be working correctly in these cases. The error is a false-alarm.
Resolution is to use newer versions of Windows or Windows Server, or disregard the message.
Windows 8 is already end-of life (please see our System Requirements page for the currently supported platforms), and Server 2012 R2 will be officially ending support from Microsoft later this year.
Jobs stuck analyzing / Jobs show as zero pages
If you are running into an issue where jobs are showing as zero pages in the Job Log, or are stuck showing as analyzing on the mobile app, you may be running into an issue with the latest edge node version (2023-01-12-2301).
You can confirm this by opening the job trace in the admin UI, and looking for the following error under the first edge node in the logs
failed submit job report for job "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-c-job" err message queue is terminated, cannot enqueue event.
Temp Workaround: The edge node in the job trace displaying this error needs to be restarted. The message queue is unable to clear itself. Once this edge node is restarted, it will start to publish its job analysis correctly to the Cloud.
Solution: We will be releasing a new edge node build as soon as possible to fix the issue permanently.
We have released a new edge node update - 2023-01-16-1453. As an admin, you can use the "Update Now" on the Edge Mesh page of the Admin UI to force an edge node to update. Edge nodes will automatically update over the next 24 hours (16.1.23 15:53 GMT).
Please note that another edge node has gone out that has a number of extra fixes for this error. 2023-01-17-1050
Large embedded images are not analysed - assumed to be color
Any embedded images within files are not currently analysed during the print process - and are assumed to be color by the driver. Therefore a color document that is attempted to be printed in mono, can still have color output if there are images embedded on the file.
These large images can be watermarks, or any other image that is embedded within the file that’s being printed.
Workaround - Save the file as a PDF, and then print the PDF version.
PaperCut Android release app fails to write to NTAG215 NFC sticker/tags on Huawei devices.
Workaround available
Update Huawei devices do not have access to the Google Play Store, and therefore do not support the PaperCut Pocket & Hive phone app
PaperCut Android release app fails to write to NTAG215 NFC sticker/tags on Huawei devices.
Our native release app writes the NFC URL displayed on the Details tab when you select a printer.
Copy the NFC URL and write it to the tag using the NFC Tools Android Application downloadable from the Google Play store.
We have opened a support case with Huawei to ask them to address the issue with their underlying library project NFC writing service.
Pocket & Hive: 'Quick Scan' icons and 'Add-on' icons are not displaying.
Pocket & Hive: Quick Scan icons and Add-on icons are not displaying within the Pocket & Hive Administrator console.
Quick Scan Icons are also not displaying on:
Sharp embedded in beta (OSA 5.1+ and n2.0 browser required)
Ricoh embedded in beta (Smart SDK 2.12 or above required)
An investigation into the cause of this issue is ongoing.
The PaperCut Printer is not presented/recommended when trying to print from a select number of applications on Xiaomi devices running MIUI Global 11 & MIUI Global 12
MIUI Global 11 MIUI Global 12
Workaround available.
Xiaomi service fails to recommend printers when attempting to print from applications such as Gallery & File Manager.
This issue affects printer recommendations of all types and is not inclusive to the PaperCut Printer.
Workaround:This only impacts printing from the Gallery and File Manager applications. Printing from Gmail / Chrome / Google Drive etc all work ok. Furthermore, with these particular applications if you scroll past the initial 'share to' feature and scroll along the bottom options until you find the 'Print' option, this method of printing continues to work (and finds the printers successfully) as normal:
In the meantime, we have opened a support case with Xiaomi to address the issue with their printer recommendation service.
When printing to certain models of Ricoh printer using IPP, print jobs may be partially printed, or printed in duplicate.
12th May 2021
In rare circumstances when a user releases a document to a Ricoh printer using IPP, the document could land up being duplicated or could only partially print.
This issue is limited to Ricoh printers only, and only a subset of those (however we don't have a firm list of those impacted). It will also only happen if the printing method in use is IPP.
By default, we use the “local queue delivery” method, so this will only impact customers who don't have a local queue set up or have manually changed the delivery method to IPP.
Create a print queue which can access the device, and change the priority order in Hive to preference queues over IPP (head into Manage > Printers > [select the printer] > Advanced > Print Delivery > Custom > Primary Delivery Method > [select Local queue delivery]).
If a user logs out after a scan shows as Completed on native screens, but before they are redirected back to the PaperCut Hive scanning screens, the user may not receive the scan and it will appear in the Job Log as saved to HDD.
To remedy this, please ensure that you allow the scan workflow to finish completely before leaving the device to ensure that the scan is correctly sent.
CUPS default printer settings can cause documents to be printed in the wrong color format (for example grayscale instead of color and vice-versa) with certain print drivers.
All (CUPS)
Workaround available
We have reproduced behavior where CUPS default printer settings can cause documents to be printed in the wrong color format (for example grayscale instead of color and vice-versa). We don't believe this is a 'new' issue, but something that will crop up depending on the PPD / print driver in use.
The behavior is best explained through an example, and this can be experienced without the need for any PaperCut products to be installed - this happens at the CUPS level with manufacturer drivers.
Setup: Customer sets up library-grayscale and library-color print queues. The default settings include 'print in color' disabled for the library-grayscale printer, and 'print in color' enabled for the library-color printer.
Test: Customer prints document 1 to library-grayscale. The document prints grayscale. Print to the library-color print queue, and ensure that color is enabled. The document prints (incorrectly) in grayscale. Print to the library-color print queue again, ensuring that color is enabled. The document prints (correctly) in color.
What appears to be happening is that CUPS retains the default setting used in the last print job - so in the example above the second job prints incorrectly in grayscale, because the previously printed job was grayscale. The third print job sent to the color queue prints correctly in color because the previous job was set to color.
We will update this Known Issue as and when we discover more information. In the meantime a suggested workaround is to promote black and white printing (PaperCut Pocket and Hive) or suggest that users print in grayscale through print scripting (PaperCut NG and MF). In this workaround users can print documents in color and then choose to convert selected documents to grayscale / black and white.
"Printed" print jobs changing to "Cancelled" days later
We have had a number of reports of print jobs that have previously been marked as "Printed", are changing to a "Cancelled" state days later.
At this time the issue is still being investigated by the development team. We believe the "Cancelled" may come at the customers set "Job Expiry" time, from after the job was marked as "Printed". However the issue has only been seen for a few customers so far.
This is primarily a logging time sync error. As the job was marked as "Printed", it will show up in reporting correctly, however in the admin UI it will show as "Cancelled".
Copy/Scan jobs not showing in "Usage over time" trends in the admin dashboard
Customers who have onboarded to PaperCut Hive or Pocket from July 2024 onwards will not see scan and copy data in the "Usage over time" trends chart in the admin UI. This is displayed at the top of the home page for the admin UI.
The team are working on a fix, there is no available workaround at this time.
Co-working Billing Statement Generator - Automatic billing report may fail to export
We have had reports that the "Automatic Billing Report" feature within the Co-working Billing Statement Generator is failing to export data.
When checking the Activity Log in the admin console, you will see - The "serviced-office-billing-basic-v1" addon failed to perform "printjobs".Error: fatal_error"
Downloading reporting's manually is functioning correctly.
The Development team is actively investigating the api and this known issue will be updated when we have more information.
Kyocera Native Jobs logged in PaperCut Hive Job Log without an associated user
Kyocera app version 2.0.2
Due to a Kyocera HyPAS platform limitation, if a user logs into the device with a username longer than 32 characters and performs a native job, the job log may not correctly log the job against the user. The job will instead be logged in the Hive Job Log against no user. To avoid such scenarios, please ensure that user names are no longer than 32 characters long.
Different account type - To continue, log in with an account and login method you've used before.
Unable to log in to PaperCut Hive or Pocket with the following error(s):
"Different account type - To continue, log in with an account and login method you've used before. Learn more about different account types"
Reason for issue:
The Google Identity Platform does not support account linking in some scenarios. The known scenarios so far are:
If you previously signed up with "Continue with Microsoft", and used the "Personal account" setting, you cannot now use the "Work or school account" option. You MUST continue to use the "Personal account" setting.
Another example is - If you previously signed up with the "Email & password" option, you cannot now link the account via a Microsoft 0Auth connection.
If you signed up as an administrator with a Microsoft "personal account", then are invited as a user and sign up with "work or school account". This will fail as the email for the administrator account is linked to the "personal account".
If you wish to login via a different method, you must remove both admin and user for the required email address. Once re-invited you will be able to sign-up with your chosen method.
Printer Delivery Profile Deletion Causing Loss of All Printer Information
RESOLVED 11/11/24
Description: When an admin creates and then deletes a print delivery profile in the admin console, all printer information, including printer stats, disappears for all printers.
Missing printer stats for previously configured printers.
Inability to view printer supplies information.
Missing printer make and model details.
Deleting a print delivery profile currently causes all associated printer data to be removed from the admin console. This impacts printer-related stats and configuration details.
Update: If you are experiencing missing information from your printers, go to the "Newly Discovered" tab in the Printers page, and add these as new printers then you can "merge" the printers. This will allow printing to continue.
We are actively working to restore data for affected printers.
A critical fix to prevent data loss from profile deletions is in progress, and the “Delete” button has been temporarily removed from the admin console.
The embedded app command line installation fails with an "invalid code" error in AU, UK, and EU data centers
Version 2024-10-07-0319
There is an issue with linking the embedded platforms when you are doing the embedded app command line installation for all OEM’s. When you enter the linking code, it says ‘invalid code’.
This issue is with the AU, UK & EU data centers. It’s not an issue with the US data center. 1-click install works if it’s supported.
The workaround is to add the -region au to the command if you’re using the Australia data center. The other regions are:
-region eu
-region uk
.\pc-edgenode-service command printer-app install -address -platform FujiXeroxAIP -version 1 -region au
Kyocera Hive: Upgrade from 1.x.x to 2.x.x
Upgrading "over the top" from v1.0.9 or older to v2.0.1 with one-click or manual install IS NOT possible and causes a device error. To avoid this error, please uninstall v1.0.x, reboot the device, and then proceed with the install of v2.0.1. For more information see the Kyocera Hive Installation Guide.
Konica Minolta (Chromium 1.1 Browser) - Slowness while loading the PaperCut Hive app
Konica Minolta devices are experiencing significant delays when launching the PaperCut Hive app.
Upon selecting "Quick Scan" or "Device Functions > PaperCut" , the app gets stuck on the "Connecting to server..." message for an extended period, often resulting in errors like "Failed to retrieve the scan action" or "Oops! Something went wrong. Try again.” This issue only occurs after a cardswipe and is caused by extended javascript functions failing to execute in certain Chromium browser versions.
How to tell if the issue is related to CDSS-4434:
1. Chromium Browser version is 1.1
1. This issue is seen with devices with Chromium Browser 1.1
To check the device’s browser version: Login to the device > Press “Web Browser” > Press “Menu” > Help.
The browser information is displayed.
2. Restart the device, perform a card login. Click on “Device Functions” . Launch PaperCut Hive from the Device Functions screen. There will be a very significant delay launching the PaperCut Hive app using these steps. You will notice "Connecting to Server" for a minute or so, and then the screen goes back to the login screen or back to the Hive screen with the "Oops! Something went wrong" message.
Workaround: If your browser is Chromium 1.1. and the you are able to verify that the application doesn’t launch via Device Functions, it is most likely your issue is related to CDSS-4434.
A workaround is available, please reach out to use by tagging CDSS-4434, mentioning you need the config key workaround enabled for your organisation.
Canon i-SENSYS/imageCLASS/Satera devices are not tracking USB print jobs
Canon i-SENSYS/imageCLASS/Satera devices are not tracking USB print jobs
PaperCut Pocket & Hive System Maintenance August 2024
We are planning a staged system maintenance for PaperCut Pocket & Hive customers from the 31st July for a maximum period of 3 weeks. For more information, see the knowledge base article here:
Incorrect Toner Forecast Due to Ignored Printers
The Toner Forecast is including ignored printers in the toner usage forecast, leading to overestimation. As a result, it suggests ordering more toner than suggested.
Ignored printers are not being properly removed from the system's inventory, causing them to be included in the toner usage calculations.
When calculating your toner forecast for a make and model, be mindful to exclude the name of the printer you have ignored in the Printers page.
Pending a system update to automatically recognize and exclude ignored printers from the toner usage forecast.
Kyocera Hive device log download does not work
On the device admin interface, Kyocera HyPAS device log download was not available, clicking on the Device Log redirected to the HyPAS login page.
Updating to the latest Kyocera Hive version will resolve the issues with log download, and will assist with debugging on any future issues that may arise on Kyocera devices.
PaperCut Binaries Blocked by Windows Defender
Description: Users are experiencing access denied errors, particularly with the pc-pdl-analyser.exe binary and other binaries. Installation of PaperCut is being blocked for some customers.
Users are experiencing access denied errors, particularly with the pc-pdl-analyser.exe binary and other binaries.
Installation of PaperCut is being blocked for some customers.
Windows Defender's attack surface reduction rule, specifically "Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion," is blocking certain PaperCut binaries. The new code signing certificate is suspected to trigger this rule.
Add an exclusion policy based on the binary code signing certificate (which can be extracted from any of the blocked binaries) or add a policy to the edge node folder.
PaperCut has been in contact with Microsoft to add exceptions for our PaperCut certificate, however, the recommendation from Microsoft:
Is for PaperCut customers to submit a .cab log file to PaperCut which will be forwarded to Microsoft.
There are reports that there are less issues with Windows Defender where it has been automatically allowing our binaries over time.
Scan failure notifications may be sent prematurely
Sometimes users may receive a Scan Failure Notification, even though they subsequently receive the scan.
This is due to the fact that multiple attempts are made to deliver a scan job, and currently if one attempt fails the notification is sent (and the Activity Log is updated with an error), even if a subsequent attempt is successful.
Delay in Direct Print Job Tracking for Pocket/Hive on 14.4 Sonoma due to CUPS Configuration Error
Description: In certain scenarios, users on Mac OS 14.4 and above may experience a delay in the initiation of direct print tracking immediately after installation or following the addition of a new print queue. Print jobs may take 30-60 minutes to commence being tracked.
Direct print tracking does not start immediately after the Pocket/Hive installation or the installation of a new print queue on Mac OS 14.4 and above.
Print jobs may not be tracked for the initial 30-60 minutes post-installation.
The delay in direct print tracking is primarily from a recent MacOS 14.4 change.
While a comprehensive solution is under development, users encountering this issue on Mac OS 14.4 and above can implement the following workaround:
Manually restart the CUPS service after the installation to expedite the cache flushing and printers.conf reloading process.
The development team is actively investigating and working to identify a permanent solution for the delayed direct print tracking on Mac OS 14.4 and above. Regular updates will be provided as progress is made towards resolving this issue. Users on Mac OS 14.4 and above are encouraged to stay informed about the status of this known issue.
iOS Printing Disruption Due to Expired Certificates
Issue Description:
Users may encounter disruptions in iOS printing functionality within the PaperCut environment due to the expiration of certificates for iOS profiles. This issue may result in various symptoms, impacting the seamless printing experience for affected users.
Print Jobs Not Displayed: Users may observe that print jobs sent to the PaperCut Printer from their iPhone do not appear on the mobile app or the MFD (Multi-Functional Device) screen during document release.
Missing PaperCut Printer: The PaperCut Printer may not be visible on the iPhone as a selectable printer option due to the expiration of certificates.
Warning Messages: Users may receive warning messages indicating that the certificate associated with the iOS profile has expired.
Indications of an Expired iOS Profile:
Navigate to Settings -> General -> VPN & Device Management, and press PaperCut Printer Setup to check the certificate expiry.
Solution to fix printing for iOS iPhones
To resolve this issue, follow the steps below:
Removing the old profile to install a new profile
Navigate to Settings on your iPhone.
Go to General.
Select VPN & Device Management.
Under Configuration Profile, locate "PaperCut Printer Setup" (refer to the provided screenshot).
Tap on "PaperCut Printer Setup" and then choose "Remove profile."
After removing the old profile, you can add the new profile by doing the following:
Steps for a New Profile
Open your PaperCut Pocket/Hive mobile app.
Click the banner presented or navigate to the top-right-hand avatar.
Look for the “Print from this Phone? Install Profile” option.
Follow the prompts to reinstall the new profile.
IMPORTANT;: Once the certificate expires on the specified dates, iOS printing will cease to work. Users must download a NEW profile to resume printing.
Queues and drivers may not deploy to some Windows 11 devices
Description: In certain scenarios, users may encounter issues with the deployment of queues and drivers on Windows 11 devices. This issue manifests as a failure to deploy queues and drivers to specific Windows 11 devices.
Queues and drivers may not be deployed to some Windows 11 devices as intended.
Some users may receive the printers, whilst some may not.
Deployment failures might be sporadic, impacting specific devices while others remain unaffected.
An additional symptom includes the "failed to get host OS info..." error appearing in the edge node logs.
Cause: This known issue is primarily attributed to the deprecation of a Microsoft tool, which serves as the root cause for the observed problems.
Workaround: While a solution is under development, users encountering this issue can manually install queues and drivers on affected devices and point the port to http://localhost:9265/printers/papercutpocket to resolve the "failed to get host OS info..." error in the edge node logs.
Status: This issue is recognized by the development team, and active efforts are being made to identify and address the underlying cause.
Print jobs from the "Photos" App on iOS come out as blank pages
iOS 17+
When using the Mobile App on iOS version 17+, if you print from the "Photos" App, the document may come out as blank pages on the printer.
This is the same as with another of our products, Mobility Print, as seen in this Known Issue
At this time the change lies with Apple, though we are investigating if we are able to resolve ourselves.
Finishing options such as stapling is shown on the mobile app when a user uses a manufactuer driver on a Find-Me queue
Users that print to a manufacturer driver for Find-Me print queue who decide to modify stapling options via the mobile app may encounter printing issues.
Current workaround:
Print users are advised to not edit the staple option on the mobile app.
Proposed solution:
Disable stapling option editing when a manufacturer driver is in use. This is under consideration for a future fix.
Printers with multiple of the same color causes the toner forecast to predict very high consumption
Users may experience overestimated toner consumption in the forecasts for printers with multiple of the same color toner cartridges.
How to identify:
Users can identify the issue by comparing actual toner usage with the forecasted toner cartridge needs, especially in printers equipped with multiple of the same color toner cartridges. Discrepancies between the forecast and real usage indicate the presence of this known issue.
As of now there is no specific workaround for this known issue. PaperCut Hive does not currently support printers that have toner cartridges of the same color. This will be considered later.
User invites are being flagged as spam in the US region by Message Labs (Symantec)
We have received multiple reports of some Hive user invite emails being marked as spam. We have so far confirmed that only User Invite Emails sent in the US region is impacted. This is not affecting Emails in the EU, UK, and AU regions.
The issue is mitigated with a temporary solution, though some User Invite emails may still be marked as spam. We have identified that Message Labs (Symantec) have blocked the Hive User Invite emails and have contacted them to review. Investigations are ongoing and we will update here as soon as we know more
Some PaperCut URL's are being quarantined by Microsoft Email Services
We have received multiple reports of some emails containing links being quarantined by Microsoft Email Services as well as malicious website warnings when clicking some links. Users can check that the URL contains the domain and proceed to the website when seeing this popup warning.
We have engaged with our Microsoft Partner and our domain has now been marked as 'Should not have been blocked'. Whilst this has reduced number of emails that are being quarantined, we expect that it may take some time for this fix to propagate.
Investigations are ongoing and we will update once this is completely resolved
We have received more information about the root cause of this issue from Microsoft below
Root cause:
A recent back-end service infrastructure migration introduced an issue where the affected infrastructure wasn’t retrieving an updated authentication component, causing it to return the error.
Microsoft have deployed a fix and confirmed that the impact is successfully remediated. Please let us know if your staff or customers are still experiencing any issues regarding this
Next steps:
- Microsoft are reviewing their migration procedures to better prevent similar future impact.
User invites are being flagged as spam in the US region by Message Labs (Symantec)
Symantec update
Symantec made changes to their product in January 2024 which resolved the issue.
We have received multiple reports of some Hive user invite emails being marked as spam. We have so far confirmed that only User Invite Emails sent in the US region is impacted. This is not affecting Emails in the EU, UK, and AU regions.
The issue is mitigated with a temporary solution though some User Invite emails may still be marked as spam. We have identified that Message Labs (Symantec) have blocked the Hive User Invite emails and have contacted them to review. Investigations are ongoing and we will update here as soon as we know more
HP firmware version 5.6.x.x causes a white screen on HP E8774X series
Update Firmware
Using HP firmware version 5.6.x.x may cause a white screen to appear on the device from 30 seconds to 1 minute. This does not allow users to access the device during the time. Some users have reported having to restart the device to fix the issue.
We suggest upgrading to firmware version 5.7 to rectify the issue.
Users trying to print directly from an iOS 17 device get an error An error occurred printing this document.
iOS 17
Edge node version 2023-09-19-0811
Users trying to print directly from an iOS 17 device get an error An error occurred printing this document.
This happens when printing from the iOS device itself. Printing from a laptop or desktop continues to work successfully. Releasing the job (printed from a non-iOS17 device or from a laptop/desktop) works successfully in the app.
We've tested an Edge Node fix which we hope will be released publicly within a few days, to resolve this issue.
Please note that this has now been resolved with Edge Node version 2023-09-19-0811.
Konica Minolta Embedded will not validate an email address with an apostrophe during Quick Scan actions
Incident details
If you are performing a Quick Scan action and the email destination has an apostrophe in the email, you will be unable to start the scan as the email will not be seen as valid.
Effected Devices:
All devices running the latest bEST certified embedded for KM on the US data center (Version 2.0.2 or earlier) are effected by this. Devices on the AU data center running an updated embedded (3.0.3) are NOT effected.
Fix Time frame:
At this time we are aiming to have the embedded bEST certified for the US data center in November 2023. As new data center's are added, they will come with the updated embedded version.
Mobile Release App crashing on some iOS devices
app version 1.5.12
Incident details
We have recieved multiple reports of the iOS application crashing to home screen as soon as it has been opened.
We have so far confirmed the devices effected have been running iOS version 16.5.1(c) or newer.
This is not effecting all devices running these versions.
So far, almost all cases of this issue have been resolved by performing a hard restart of the device, and then re-installing the Mobile Application.
If re-installing has not fixed the issue on your device, please may you log a ticket at by selecting "SUBMIT A TICKET" at the top of the page.
Please provide the exact version of iOS that your device is running, and quote "CCEM-2246".
Development have begun investigating the cause of the crashes, and we are working on a fixed version of the App.
Update (19th Sept 2023):
App version 1.7.0 was released last night which disables the PaperCut Pocket/Hive app notifications as part of troubleshooting this issue.
Update (2nd Oct 2023):
App version 1.8.0 was released today which re-enables the PaperCut Pocket/Hive app notifications. However we don't expect this to alter the crashing-behavior at this point. Investigations are still continuing.
Deploying the Kyocera KX Driver can lead to inconsistent output when delivered via IPP
Workaround Available
9100 RAW printing is now available for all PaperCut Pocket/Hive Customers. This is a new delivery method, that uses the printer's 9100 port instead of IPP. This has proven to increase reliability, and Kyocera KX Driver settings will provide consistent output.
If you are deploying a Kyocera KX Driver via the "Queues & Drivers" tab within Pocket & Hive, you may find inconsistent results with the following:
The duplex setting not being honoured.
Finishing options not being applied correctly.
After investigation we have found this to be an incompatibility between Kyocera drivers and our IPP delivery method.
Our investigation is still ongoing, however the initial findings are that any fixes we apply have a good chance of causing issues with other printer manufacturer's drivers, therefore we have created a short term and medium term workaround:
Short Term - If you require advanced features from the Kyocera driver, then set the delivery method of your Kyocera printer to "Local Queue Delivery " and make sure you have reliable release queues setup, preferably hosted on a Super Node.
Medium Term - Coming later in 2023 is direct printing via port 9100 in Pocket & Hive, which will be an additional third delivery method alongside the existing options of Local Queue Delivery & IPP. This will leverage the power of the manufacturer driver deployed via the "Queues & Drivers" tab to release a print job via port 9100 directly to the printer.
Printers that share the same IP address may cause a job to be released to the unintended printer
A fix is now underway
Known Issue: Print Job Misdirection due to Shared IP Address
When multiple printers on a network share the same IP address, a known issue arises where print jobs may be unintentionally released to the wrong printer. This occurs due to the inability of the network to distinguish between the printers with identical IP addresses. Consequently, users may experience instances where their printouts end up in the wrong physical printer, leading to confusion, privacy concerns, and potential delays in retrieving important documents.
The impact of this known issue can vary depending on the environment and usage scenario. In an office setting, it can disrupt workflow efficiency as confidential documents may be printed and left unattended at unintended printers, leading to potential data breaches or unauthorized access. In shared printer environments, such as libraries or educational institutions, printouts can end up in the hands of the wrong individuals, compromising data privacy and confidentiality.
To mitigate this issue, it is crucial to ensure that each printer connected to the network has a unique IP address. This can be achieved by assigning individual IP addresses manually through the printer's settings or by using a DHCP server that dynamically assigns IP addresses to devices. By implementing distinct IP addresses for each printer, the network can accurately route print jobs to their intended destinations, reducing the risk of misdirect
Users are automatically logged out and are unable to relink their mobile app
As of 2024, we now automatically send the user a new email invite and notify them to check their inbox.
Known Issue: Inability to Relink Mobile App Due to Expired Invitation Email
Description for administrators:
When users are prompted to relink their mobile app, they may encounter a problem where their invitation email has expired, preventing them from successfully completing the relinking process. As a result, users are unable to establish a connection between their email and mobile phone.
Workaround for users:
To resolve this issue, users can follow the steps below:
Contact the administrator or responsible party to request a new invitation email.
Once the new invitation email is received, carefully read its content and follow the provided instructions.
Proceed with relinking your email to your mobile phone by following the prompts outlined in the new invitation email.
Ensure that all necessary steps are completed to relink the mobile app.
By obtaining a fresh invitation email, users will be able to relink their mobile app without any issues.
Cloning a manufacturer driver fails on MacOS
The otool requirement was removed from the queue cloner in July 2023
The cloner tool requires a working version of the otool library on MacOS.
The logs will identify this issue with a message such as: Failed to clone: error while cloning print queues: collect drivers: failed to collect printer driver
To resolve, run: xcode-select --install
in the Terminal (on the Mac where the manufacturer driver was installed and configured).
If the above does not resolve the issue, run: xcode-select --reset
in the Terminal (on the Mac where the manufacturer driver was installed and configured).
Some Huawei phones do not support the Pocket/Hive Mobile App
Modern Huawei phones do not have access to the Google "Play Store" which is currently required for installing the PaperCut Pocket/Hive Mobile Application on Android Devices.
These modern Huawei phones only have access to the “AppGallery”, which is a separate App Store not currently supported by PaperCut.
Therefore, at this time you will be unable to use our Mobile App on these devices.
We are currently tracking affected customers for this under "PFR-649". If you are affected by this limitation, please open a ticket with Support quoting this tracking identifier, "PFR-649".
Colour Documents may be reported as printed as B&W in some cases
We have received no reports of this re-occurring since March 2023.
In some cases a colour document may end up being reported in the Pocket/Hive Job Log as B&W even when it was submitted and printed in colour.
This issue is being investigated.
Mobile apps not linking if Azure or Google User Sync has been set up
21 Apr
New users who are invited can now link up successfully.
Old users affected can either be removed or reinvited again as a temporary fix to link up their mobile app. Otherwise, we are working on ensuring the affected users can link up their mobile app.
This is affecting any organization that has had the Azure User Sync or Google User Sync done for any user in their organization from the 4th of April onwards, these users are currently experiencing issues with linking their mobile app with an error "Something went wrong".
The team is actively investigating the root cause of this issue and working towards a solution. We will keep you updated on our progress as we move forward.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Please see Zendesk Support tab for further comments and attachments.
Hive Embedded Apps - Capital letters in user email addresses breaks email scanning.
This was resolved with changes in the cloud for most OEMs. Ricoh was resolved in version 1.10
If a user has a synced email address which contains capital letters, or you try and use an email address containing capital letters, the user will be unable to scan to email.
They will receive an 'Oops' error message stating:
"“Scan job cannot be started. Oops, wrong format in To. Enter a valid email address.”
Print thumbnails are sometimes not generating
Thumbnails not available for native driver print jobs
UPDATE - Only macOS devices running Ventura or newer are currently effected. Native Drivers are currently not supported for thumbnail generation.
We have found a potential bug in the most recent edge node version where the edge node service is unable to create a thumbnail for a print job. We are in the early stages of investigation.
This appears to be effecting both Windows & Mac. Through early testing we have determined that with Windows this appears to only effect the PaperCut Printer when the driver is NOT the PaperCut Global PS Driver. With Mac it appears to effect all drivers. This is subject to change as more investigation is required.
You can determine if this is the issue by searching for the Job ID in the Edge Node logs, and looking for the following line:
2023/03/30 09:34:14 pc-printjob-spooler.exe: STDOUT|ERROR: failed to generate thumbnail from "data\\job-spooler\\print-jobs\\Mg4VYKmQ1k\\" for job "CryIX4ShrwQSiUjC-20230330083414-c-job" err Unsupported file format application/binary {"src":"joblifecyclehooks.go:128"}
2023/03/30 14:29:46 pc-printjob-spooler: STDOUT|ERROR: failed to generate thumbnail from "data/job-spooler/print-jobs/GRxCxPTKIT/" for job "6wwgXvQP2G5sk1I2-20230330132945-c-job" err pdf2image execution error: exitStatus=1 err=exit status 1
This issue has been raised with Development and will be investigated ASAP.
Ricoh Embedded not auto logging out user after inactivity
We are finding that some Ricoh device's with the Smart Operations Panel are ignoring the 'System Auto Reset Timer' of the device, and the user will remain logged in indefinitely.
This was previously thought to be resolved with the 1.1.8 version of the embedded. However we have found this not to be the case. The Development Team has now found the cause of this issue and are in the process of updating the embedded version.
Please note that this has been resolved in PaperCut MF version 22.0.10.
Unexpected warning message during one-click install or manual install of the embedded app
When a user installs the embedded app with PaperCut Hive, an unexpected warning message may appear within the logging output. This can happen with the one-click install method or the manual printer app install.
The warning message reads as follows:
"WARNING: VAULT_PROJECT_ID value was not provided, fallback to PROJECT_ID unknown - PROJECT_ID env var not set."
This is an erroneous message that can be safely ignored.
Printing on Macs using queues with some drivers can cause number of copies printed to be incorrect
Print Provider 109.22.0
This was resolve in Print Provider version 109.22.0. This was done 3.5.23
When printing via PaperCut Pocket or Hive on Macs via Queue with some drivers, the number of copies can become squared (4 copies will become 16 and so on).
Workaround currently is to switch to IPP printing.
We are actively working on a fix for this issue.
Users attempting to scan to Dropbox for the first time using PaperCut Hive will receive an error Error connecting app: Unable to link additional users because it has been frozen pending review.
Since 21 Feb 2023
24 Feb 2023
Users attempting to scan to Dropbox for the first time using PaperCut Hive will receive an error Error connecting app: Unable to link additional users because it has been frozen pending review.
Existing Dropbox-linked Hive users will not be impacted.
PaperCut MF users will not be impacted as this is only impacting the Hive application.
Users can scan files to their email using “Scan to Email” and forward it to their dropbox account where possible. If users have other cloud destinations such Google Drive or MS OneDrive, they can scan to those too.
This has now been resolved as of 24th Feb, 2023 (AEDT).
PaperCut Pocket/Hive installer will report failure to install on Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
Upgrade to more recent Windows platforms
The PaperCut Pocket/Hive installer will report that the installation has failed when run on Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 due to not being able to detect the PaperCut services running.
PaperCut will have installed and be working correctly in these cases. The error is a false-alarm.
Resolution is to use newer versions of Windows or Windows Server, or disregard the message.
Windows 8 is already end-of life (please see our System Requirements page for the currently supported platforms), and Server 2012 R2 will be officially ending support from Microsoft later this year.
Jobs stuck analyzing / Jobs show as zero pages
If you are running into an issue where jobs are showing as zero pages in the Job Log, or are stuck showing as analyzing on the mobile app, you may be running into an issue with the latest edge node version (2023-01-12-2301).
You can confirm this by opening the job trace in the admin UI, and looking for the following error under the first edge node in the logs
failed submit job report for job "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-c-job" err message queue is terminated, cannot enqueue event.
Temp Workaround: The edge node in the job trace displaying this error needs to be restarted. The message queue is unable to clear itself. Once this edge node is restarted, it will start to publish its job analysis correctly to the Cloud.
Solution: We will be releasing a new edge node build as soon as possible to fix the issue permanently.
We have released a new edge node update - 2023-01-16-1453. As an admin, you can use the "Update Now" on the Edge Mesh page of the Admin UI to force an edge node to update. Edge nodes will automatically update over the next 24 hours (16.1.23 15:53 GMT).
Please note that another edge node has gone out that has a number of extra fixes for this error. 2023-01-17-1050
Intune Policy disables HTTP printing - Print jobs will not reach Hive
Problem:"I can print successfully to the PaperCut Printer, the job gets accepted and it leaves the print queue successfully, however the job never arrives in Hive"
We have found recently that a Level 2 CIS Microsoft Intune Policy is automatically enabling a Registry Key change that will break printing with the PaperCut Printer.
This Reg Key can be checked as follows:
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\
Look for the key DisableHTTPPrinting. If the value of this key is set to 1, the Print Spooler will block any IPP printing.
You can also see evidence of this Intune Policy in the Windows Event Viewer PrintService admin logs, look out for the following error event:
The document Print Document, owned by XXX, failed to print on printer PaperCut Printer. Try to print the document again, or restart the print spooler.
Data type: RAW. Size of the spool file in bytes: 19138. Number of bytes printed: 0. Total number of pages in the document: 1. Number of pages printed: 0. Client computer: \\XXXXX. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 1260. This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.
The good news is this change can be easily reverted by browsing to the following policy in Intune:
System > Internet Communication Management > Internet Communication Settings
Turn off printing over HTTP - Disabled
Print client can not link up in Safari
Users who choose to deploy the print client via Jamf Pro and Microsoft Intune normally has an additional set where users have to open up their invitation email to complete the linking step.
This doesn't work because the set up instructions page has mixed-content. This means http:// is present within https://. This is considered insecure in browsers like Safari. Thus, the print client will not link.
Users can use different browsers to link up the print client to their user identity by opening the set up instructions in a different browser such as Google Chrome.
Users may intermittently get an error Oops! There's a problem - failed to send the scanned document when sending scans using Quick Scan on the HP E78330 device (and other HP CE devices).
HP firmware 5.6
Users may intermittently get an error Oops! There's a problem - failed to send the scanned document when sending scans using Quick Scan on the HP E78330 device (and other HP CE devices). In the job log this may be recorded as processing → failed. We have been investigating this issue with HP, and it looks like it could be related to some kind of timeout.
Update: This is now resolved in HP firmware 5.6 (2506116_037316) across all impacted devices.
Printer Delivery Method order is not being honoured in some cases
Backend Resolution (No action required by End User)
Setting Primary & Secondary Delivery Methods on a printer within Pocket or Hive will not always preserve the correct order.
If you provide a Primary and a Secondary Delivery Method, with Primary set as Local Queue Delivery, and Secondary as IPP, then on save, the order will not be honoured, and the IPP method will become the Primary Method.
We are currently investigating the root cause of this and working on a fix to remedy the situation.
In the meantime, if you specifically require Queue delivery for a printer, and do not wish for IPP to be a delivery method at all, then set the Primary method to Local Queue Delivery and the Secondary Delivery Method to None.
When using Xerox Integrated Scanning With Auto Paper Size, user may end up having scan job where pages are cropped.
When using Xerox Integrated Scanning With Auto Paper Size, user may end up having scan job where pages are cropped if the first page is smaller in size than rest the rest of the pages. The recommendation is to use largest page at the top of the scan or split the scan into multiple scan job.
Print Job Properties errors when using Adobe Acrobat in conjunction with the default PaperCut Global PostScript Driver
Adobe Resolved
We are unable to replicate this issue anymore. We believe Adobe have resolved this.
We have found a bug when trying to change the print job properties of the PaperCut Global PostScript driver in Adobe Acrobat. When you select Print > Properties > Advanced and then change the print job to an A3 page format, you may experience one or two notifications from Adobe when hitting print:
"The document could not be printed."
"An error occurred when printing the document."
Despite the error, you will still see the print job successfully printed to PaperCut Hive and the print will be visible in the PaperCut Hive Job Log with the correct A3 properties. When releasing the print job you may notice that the print job does not honour the properties that were set, for example, the page size of A3 would release in A4 instead.
When printing the same print job with the same A3 properties for the second time, you will not see the two errors in Adobe Acrobat and the print job will correctly honour the properties set at the point of print and release.
Whilst we investigate this issue there are a number of workarounds you can implement to mitigate this issue:
Use an alternative PDF viewing application, like Edge or Google Chrome
Alternatively use “Page Setup” in the bottom left of the Adobe Print Window, instead of Properties > Paper/Quality > Advanced when specifying your paper sizes.
Some customers experience slower printing on Sharp devices with the Hive embedded app installed.
Fix documented
Some customers experience slower printing on Sharp devices with the Hive embedded app installed. This only impacts printing with the IPP delivery method, and can mean that there could be a 30-50 seconds delay before the device starts to print the document. This does not impact Local Queue Delivery printing, and does not impact scanning or copying.
One workaround is to temporarily change the ‘Primary Delivery Method’ (under Manage > Printers > [select printer] > Advanced > Print Delivery Method) to ‘Local Queue Delivery’ for any printers impacted. However we recommend reviewing the longer term fix below instead.
Update 28th Oct, 2022:
We have found some examples where the delay has been attributed to the device's Primary DNS Server not being able to successfully resolve For example if the device is configured with a primary DNS which isn't able to successfully resolve that name for some reason, it will attempt to re-resolve 27 times, before falling back to the secondary DNS server configured on the device.
In cases where that has happened, setting the device DNS value to a public DNS like Google ( or OpenDNS ( has eradicated the delay.
Ensuring that your primary DNS can resolve is the key requirement to avoid any device-delays. The DNS settings can be found through the device admin interface > System Settings > Network Settings> DNS Settings > Primary Server.
Update 21st Nov, 2022:
To remove the delays involved with IPP printing on Sharp devices, Sharp have recommended disabling IPP authentication and checking the device's DNS set up:
Disable IPP Authentication:
Log in to the Sharp device admin interface.
Navigate to System Settings > Authentication Settings > Default Settings. On some models this setting may be under User Control -> Default Settings.
Uncheck Enable IPP Authentication Except for Printer Driver.
Restart the device.
Check the device DNS entries
Make sure the deviceʼs Primary DNS Server can successfully resolve For example, if the device is configured with a primary DNS which isnʼt able to successfully resolve that name, it will attempt to re-resolve the name 27 times, before falling back to the secondary DNS server configured on the device.
In cases where that has happened, setting the device DNS value to a public DNS like Google ( or OpenDNS ( has eradicated the delay.
Ensuring that your primary DNS can resolve is the key requirement to avoid any device-delays. The DNS settings can be found through the device admin interface, under System Settings > Network Settings> DNS Settings >Primary Server.
Print in Order limitations
2023-03-28 Pocket/Hive Update
Desired Behaviour
When Print In Order is turned on for an organization (since 28th March 2023 this is now enabled by default), the desired behavior is when
multiple documents are released at once, these documents will print in the order they exist in the print list.
This behavior may not occur if the print jobs are accepted and sent to the printer from multiple edge nodes.
The jobs may end up being printed out of order in these cases.
If Print In Order is required for a particular printer, then go to the advanced section of that printer’s detail page and
Set the Primary Delivery Method to Local Queue Delivery
Use Driver can be left on Auto
Set Handled by to Super nodes only.
Set Secondary Delivery Method to None
Then ensure you have just one Super Node which has a queue that can print to this printer. This will
ensure that all jobs that are printed on this printer will print in the order they are sent. This Super Node must be
reliable and have a reliable network connection to PaperCut and the printer, or you will experience a higher rate of
failures to print due to removing PaperCut's ability to fall back to alternate delivery routes.
This process must be done against any printer you wish printing in order to work for.
Update (28th March 2023): This has been resolved with updates to PaperCut Pocket & Hive's job release process which now enables all jobs released in batches to honour the order they were released in.
Large embedded images are not analysed - assumed to be color
Any embedded images within files are not currently analysed during the print process - and are assumed to be color by the driver. Therefore a color document that is attempted to be printed in mono, can still have color output if there are images embedded on the file.
These large images can be watermarks, or any other image that is embedded within the file that’s being printed.
Workaround - Save the file as a PDF, and then print the PDF version.
HP OXPd Lite Release displays a white screen when attempting to login after power on
When a HP MFD is powered on, the PaperCut Hive HP OXPd Lite Release app shows a white screen after a user attempts to login. This white screen can occur multiple times after the device has been powered on before a successful login occurs. Once login is successful, the app will work as expected unless the device is powered off/on again.
Past successfully released and previously deleted print jobs are being incorrectly displayed on the Hive embedded release interface. These jobs cannot be deleted or released.
This was resolved in the cloud in May 2022.
We have a small number of reports of past successfully released and previously deleted print jobs being incorrectly displayed on Hive device embedded release interface(s) since the incident reported on our status page on Monday 21st March. These jobs cannot be deleted or released.
This issue is occurring across a number of different manufacturers - Konica Minolta, Toshiba, HP reported so far.
The issue can occur even after installing the embedded application afresh on a new device. These print jobs do not show up on the mobile release app and can also be absent from the PaperCut Hive Job Log
Our development team are currently investigating this ongoing issue.
If your organisation is facing this problem, please log a ticket via our support email and provide your organization ID and any print job information you have available such as the Print JobID, print job name & submitted date.
Hive Job Log not showing new jobs since 22 March morning AEDT
This has been resolved and the majority of recent Hive Job Log events will now be visible and all events going forward are logging as normal.
PaperCut Android release app fails to write to NTAG215 NFC sticker/tags on Huawei devices.
Workaround available
Update Huawei devices do not have access to the Google Play Store, and therefore do not support the PaperCut Pocket & Hive phone app
PaperCut Android release app fails to write to NTAG215 NFC sticker/tags on Huawei devices.
Our native release app writes the NFC URL displayed on the Details tab when you select a printer.
Copy the NFC URL and write it to the tag using the NFC Tools Android Application downloadable from the Google Play store.
We have opened a support case with Huawei to ask them to address the issue with their underlying library project NFC writing service.
HP OXP Full Embedded: Swipe card authentication fails after swipe card 'self-association'.
This was resolved in a cloud change - 19.2.22
Swipe card authentication fails on HP OXP devices after self-registering a new swipe card.
It appears the issue happens across multiple Swipe Card models and HP firmware versions ( and
These issues have been re-created internally and have now been escalated to our development team for further investigation.
Konica Minolta Full Embedded App - Color print jobs cannot be released when the B&W prompt feature or Auto B&W feature within the Reduce Waste section are enabled.
Konica Minolta Full Embedded App
When the Promote B&W feature Reduce Waste > Promote Black & White or Auto B&W with the 'notify' feature is enabled Reduce Waste > Auto Black & White > Automatically convert color to Black & White > Notify color pages cannot be released because the B&W prompt or Auto B&W prompt flashes up briefly but does not allow the user to select Print Selected
PaperCut has produced a fix for this issue. The fix is awaiting Konica Minolta BEST Certification prior to official release. A hotfix build is underway. Please contact for more information on this.
Temporary Workaround Workaround #1 - Contact support - We have a non-certified KM application available.
Workaround #2 - Disable the Promote B&W feature Reduce Waste > Promote Black & White & the Auto B&W feature with the 'notify' option Reduce Waste > Auto Black & White > Automatically convert color to Black & White > Notify if your PaperCut Hive environment includes devices embedded with the Konica Minolta Full Embedded App. Color print jobs can then be released.
Pocket & Hive: 'Quick Scan' icons and 'Add-on' icons are not displaying.
Pocket & Hive: Quick Scan icons and Add-on icons are not displaying within the Pocket & Hive Administrator console.
Quick Scan Icons are also not displaying on:
Sharp embedded in beta (OSA 5.1+ and n2.0 browser required)
Ricoh embedded in beta (Smart SDK 2.12 or above required)
An investigation into the cause of this issue is ongoing.
PaperCut Hive fails to install on HP devices running firmware
Jan 2022
Customers may see an error "failed to execute request, err Post" when attempting to install PaperCut Hive on HP devices running firmware
Our current advice is to roll back the device to a previous version of firmware.
This has now been resolved.
Print Release on the Ricoh embedded application doesn't work, it shows an error message "Error releasing print jobs forbidden" on the photocopier screen
Ricoh embedded version 1.1.2
This is a caused by bug with the Ricoh embedded version 1.1.2. We have reverted this downloadable version from the PaperCut Hive admin console while we work on a fix.
The workaround is to uninstall the Ricoh embedded version 1.1.2 and install Ricoh version 1.1.1-beta. To uninstall the embedded application, follow the steps in the Ricoh embedded manual, section "uninstall app". Then log into the PaperCut Hive admin console, go to the Printers tab, select the Ricoh printer, Apps tab and download version 1.1.1-beta.
The PaperCut Printer is not presented/recommended when trying to print from a select number of applications on Xiaomi devices running MIUI Global 11 & MIUI Global 12
MIUI Global 11 MIUI Global 12
Workaround available.
Xiaomi service fails to recommend printers when attempting to print from applications such as Gallery & File Manager.
This issue affects printer recommendations of all types and is not inclusive to the PaperCut Printer.
Workaround:This only impacts printing from the Gallery and File Manager applications. Printing from Gmail / Chrome / Google Drive etc all work ok. Furthermore, with these particular applications if you scroll past the initial 'share to' feature and scroll along the bottom options until you find the 'Print' option, this method of printing continues to work (and finds the printers successfully) as normal:
In the meantime, we have opened a support case with Xiaomi to address the issue with their printer recommendation service.
When printing to certain models of Ricoh printer using IPP, print jobs may be partially printed, or printed in duplicate.
12th May 2021
In rare circumstances when a user releases a document to a Ricoh printer using IPP, the document could land up being duplicated or could only partially print.
This issue is limited to Ricoh printers only, and only a subset of those (however we don't have a firm list of those impacted). It will also only happen if the printing method in use is IPP.
By default, we use the “local queue delivery” method, so this will only impact customers who don't have a local queue set up or have manually changed the delivery method to IPP.
Create a print queue which can access the device, and change the priority order in Hive to preference queues over IPP (head into Manage > Printers > [select the printer] > Advanced > Print Delivery > Custom > Primary Delivery Method > [select Local queue delivery]).