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Description functions (conditional statement)

This page applies to:

In your line item descriptions, rather than using generic static text, you can create a function that defines a dynamic description that returns the specific options selected by the customer when they place an order.

New Order form

A screenshot of the New Order form, showing the order description.

The New Order form, showing the order description.

This function is called a <line item>Description(order) function, for example:

printingCostsDescription (order)

This function has the following structure:

  • Define the function and pass in the order object
  • Declare the variables
  • Define the variables
  • Define the description string
  • Return a value back to the calling function

Example: Printing Costs description

New Order form

A screenshot showing the New Order form, showing cost estimations.

An exmaple of the New Order form, showing cost estimations.

Costing script

To create a dynamic description for a Printing Costs line item, add the following to your script:

Define the function and pass in the order object

function printingDescription(order) {

Declare the variables

  var paperStockText; 
  var colorText; 
  var printingCostsText;

Define the variables

// 3.1 Concatenate the paper stock options
  paperStockText = order.paperStock.size + ", " + order.paperStock.color + ", " + order.paperStock.type;
// 3.2 Determine whether to display color or grayscale
  if (order.color.enabled) {
      colorText = "Color";
  } else {
      colorText = "Grayscale";

Define the Printing Costs description string

  printingCostsText = paperStockText + " | " + colorText + " | " + numberOfPages + " pages";

Return the value to the calling function

  return printingCostsText 

Example Finishing Costs description function

New Order form
A screenshot showing the New Order form, showing cost estimations.

An exmaple of the New Order form, showing cost estimations.

Costing script

For Finishing options, the variable definitions are a bit more complex as Binding options can have sub-attributes.

Define the function and pass in the order object

function finishingDescription(order) {

Declare the variables

  var frontCoverText = '';
  var backCoverText = '';
  var bindingText = '';
  var bindingAttributeName = '';
  var bindingSubAttributeText = '';
  var finishingText = '';

Define the variables

  // 3.1 Front cover description text (e.g. "Front Cover: Clear Acetate")
  if ( != 'No Cover') {
      frontCoverText = "Front cover: " + + 
      (order.frontCover.printOnCover == null ? '' : ", " + order.frontCover.printOnCover)

  // 3.2 Back cover description text(e.g. "Back cover: Frosted Acetate")
  if ( != 'No Cover') {
      backCoverText = "Back cover: " +;

  // 3.3 Binding descriptive text — Display the binding option only if it IS NOT 'No binding'
  if ( != 'No binding') {
      bindingText =;

  // 3.4 Binding descriptive text — Check if the selected binding option 
  // has sub-attributes (e.g. Position > Top left)
  if (order.binding.attributes) {
    // Display Comb Binding sub-attributes and the selected 
    // options (i.e. Binding Edge and Color).
    // If 'Comb binding' is selected, this will produce text  
    // similar to: Comb binding: Long, Red.
      if ( == 'Comb binding'); {
        bindingSubAttributeText = ": 
        " + order.binding.attributes[0] 
        + ", " + order.binding.attributes[1] + " | "

      // If 'Stapling' is selected, this will produce text similar: 
      // to Stapling: Top Left.
      if ( == 'Stapling') {
        bindingSubAttributeText = ": " +  
        order.binding.attributes[0] + " | "

Define the Finishing Costs description string

  finishingText = frontCoverText + " | " + backCoverText + " | " + bindingText + bindingSubAttributeText;

  // Remove any trailing vertical pipes in the description.
  if (finishingText.endsWith('| '))
      finishingText =  finishingText.substring
      (0, finishingText.length - 3);

Return the value to the calling function

  return finishingText;
