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Advanced reporting options

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The table below describes the advanced reporting configuration keys that are available. To edit a configuration key:

  1. Click the Options tab.
    The General page is displayed.
  2. In the Actions menu, click Config editor (advanced).
    The Config Editor page is displayed.
    (For more on the config editor, see Using the Advanced Config Editor ).

Advanced reporting config keys

Config name Description
schedule.daily-maintenence-reports The schedule.daily-maintenence config key must have a valid value for the scheduled reports to run. The default value for this config key is 0 55 0 * * ?, which runs at 12:55 am daily.To run the reports independently of the other maintenance tasks at a different time, set the config key schedule.daily-maintenence-reports instead. Make sure that there’s a significant time gap between the two (for example, schedule the maintenance at night and the reports during business hours). If both activities are scheduled too close to each other, they might run in parallel. For more information, see Change the schedule timing . The day of the week when the weekly and fortnightly scheduled reports are run. By default, the weekly and fortnightly scheduled reports are set to run on Sunday (default value is Sun). The valid format for this value is DDD and includes Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat. The day of the month when the monthly scheduled reports are run. By default, the monthly scheduled reports are set to run on the first day of the month (default value is 1). Valid values include 1 to 28. For example, if you change the value to 5, the monthly reports will run on the 5th of every month, and will include data from the 5th of the previous month, to the 4th of the current month.
scheduled-reports.quarterly-start-month The month in the first quarter when the quarterly scheduled reports are run. By default, the quarterly scheduled reports are set to run on the first day of January, April, July, and October (default value is Jan). The valid format for this value is MMM. For example, if you change the value to Nov, the quarterly reports will run on the first day in November, February, May, and August. The November quarterly report will include data from August 1st to October 31st.
scheduled-reports.yearly-date The date in a year when the yearly scheduled reports are run. By default, the yearly scheduled reports are set to run on the first day of the year (default value is Jan-01). The valid format for this value is MMM-DD or MMM-D. For example, if you change the value to Jul-01, the yearly reports will run on at 12.55am on July 1st every year, and will include data from July 1st to June 30 the following year.
reports.max-rows The maximum number of rows that a report produces. Once the number of rows in a report reaches this value, the data in the report is cut short (and the report will contain a message to indicate this has happened). This is a ‘sanity limit’, intended to avoid producing overly large reports by accident. The default value is 10000. The number of rows to display in ’top X’ reports, such as the Largest print users report. The default value is 100.
reports.csv-display-comment-headers Determines whether to display the comment headers in CSV reports (e.g. The report name and report parameters in the first few rows of the file). You might want to remove the headers if the CSV files are to be post processed or imported into a 3rd party system, such as an accounts database. To display comment headers set the value to Y, to hide set the value to N.

For more information about how to change config keys, see Using the Advanced Config Editor .

Running very large reports

PaperCut includes a large range of reports, each with varying features and purpose. Some reports, for example the ‘print logs’ report, can produce a lot of output, especially for large organizations with a lot of printing activity. It most cases these reports will be run over a specific (limited) date range - ‘last week’ or ‘yesterday’ for example. Running the report over a larger time period may produce too much data, and have negative effects such as:

  • Overloading the server, which may cause other requests to be slow or denied.
  • Causing the server to run out of memory.
  • Generating a very large file that takes up a lot of disk space to store, and bandwidth to download.

For these reasons, PaperCut has a max rows setting that prevents reports getting too large. By default, this is set to 10,000 (e.g. a user list report will show only the first 10,000 users).

In some cases, you may have reason to generate a report with more that 10,000 rows. For example, exporting a print log CSV report over a large date range. In this case, the max rows setting can be increased (either temporarily or permanently).

To change the max rows setting you will need to change this config key: reports.max-rows as documented in the table above.

Increase the value to something higher. In general, this is the number of rows that will appear in your report. So if you want a 15,000 row report, set the value to 15000 or more. Then run your report again and confirm that all the data is now being shown correctly.

