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Advanced system URLs

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PaperCut NG/MF provides a number of URLs for advanced system health monitoring. These URLs contain JSON attributes so can be used only by monitoring tools that support JSON.

The following types of advanced URLs are provided:

Component summary URLs

You can monitor each type of physical component (such as printers or devices) in your PaperCut NG/MF implementation. The following summary URLs are provided:

Printers URL

The printers URL is:



This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

printersnameThe name of the printer.
 statusThe status of the printer. Valid values are:
  • OK
 heldJobsCountThe number of jobs currently held in the print queue, including jobs waiting on account selection. This value is updated every 10 seconds.

Devices URL

The devices URL is:



This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

devicesnameThe name of the device in error.
 typeThe brand of device in error.
state/ status
The status of the device. Valid values are:
  • OK
 /  statusDescription
A description of the status.
 /  lastJobSeconds
The number of seconds since the last job was processed by the device.
 hostingServerAvailable only if the device is hosted by a Site Server. The name of the server hosting the device.

The Print Providers (secondary print server) URL is:



This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

printProvidershostDetails of the Print Providers that are offline.
 IPThe IP address of the print server.
 lastContactSecondsThe number of seconds since the Print Provider was last contacted by the Application Server.

Mobility Print servers URL

The Mobility Print servers URL is:



Web Print URL

The Web Print server URL is:



This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

servershostThe host name of the Site Server.
 statusThe status of the Web Print server.
 upTimeHoursThe number of hours since the Web Print server was started.
 lastActivitySecondsThe number of seconds since the Web Print server was last contacted by the Application Server.
 versionThe version and build number of the Web Print server application.
 supportedFileTypesThe file types supported by the server:
  • image
  • pdf
  • ms-pwerpoint
  • ms-word
  • ms-excel
  • xps

Site Servers URL

The Site Servers URL is:



This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

siteServersserverNameThe server name of the Site Server.
 hostThe host name of the Site Server.
 onlineWhether the Site Server is online (true) or offline (false).
 lastContactSecondsThe number of seconds since the Site Server was last contacted by the Application server.
 devicesHostedThe number of devices hosted by the Site Server.
 versionThe version of the Site Server application.

Job Ticketing URL

The Job Ticketing URL is:



This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

status        /   statusThe status of the Job Ticketing service. Valid values are ERROR and OK.
         /   adminLinkIf Job Ticketing is installed, the URL of the Manage Rooms page ( /<PaperCut NG/MF install path>/job-ticketing/operator/rooms).
         /   messageA description of the Job Ticketing service status when the status is ERROR.

Base system health URL

The base system health URL is:


This URL provides JSON attributes for the following components in your PaperCut NG/MF implementation:

  • Application Server

  • Database

  • Devices

  • Printers

  • License

  • Job Ticketing

  • Print Providers

  • Mobility Print servers

  • Site Servers

  • Web Print servers


For an example of this URL, refer to the image below:

This URL provides the following JSON attributes:

         /  versionThe PaperCut NG/MF release number, build number, and the date on which the build was created.
         /   operatingSystemThe full name and version number of the operating system on the Application Server.
         /   processorsThe number of servers on the Application Server.
         /   architectureThe type of Application Server processor.
         /   diskSpaceFreeMBThe number of Megabytes (MB) of available disk space on the Application Server.
         /   diskSpaceTotalMBThe total number of Megabytes (MB) on the Application Server.
         /   diskSpaceUsedPercentageThe percentage of the Application Server disk space that has been used.
         /   jvmMemoryMaxMBThe number of Megabytes (MB) of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory on the Application Server.
         /   jvmMemoryUsedMBThe number of Megabytes (MB) of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory on the Application Server that is currently in use.
         /   jvmMemoryUsedPercentageThe percentage of the available Megabytes (MB) of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory on the Application Server that is currently in use.
         /   uptimeHoursThe number of hours since the Application Server was started.
         /   processCpuLoadPercentageThe percentage of the Application CPU load used to run processes.
         /   systemCpuLoadPercentageThe current Application Server CPU load as a percentage.
         /   gcTimeMillisecondsThe number of milliseconds spent performing Java garbage collection since the Application Server was started.
         /   gcExecutionsThe number of Java garbage collections since the Application Server was started.
         /   threadCountThe current total number of active threads in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process.
databasetotalConnectionsThe total number of available connections to the Application Server database.
 activeConnectionsThe number of connections to the Application Server database currently being used.
 timeToConnectMillisecondsThe average time (in milliseconds) to connect to the Application Server database.
 timeToQueryMillisecondsThe average time (in milliseconds) to query the Application Server database.
 statusThe status of the database connection.
devicescountThe total number of devices in the fleet.
 inErrorCountThe number of devices in error.
 inErrorPercentageThe percentage of devices in error.
         /   nameThe name of the device in error.
         /   statusThe status of the device in error.The Per device URLs provide more detail about each device.
         /   hostingServerAvailable only if the device is hosted by a Site Server. The name of the server hosting the device in error.
printersinErrorCountThe number of printers in error.
 inErrorPercentageThe percentage of printers in error.
 countThe total number of printers in the fleet.
         /   nameThe name of the printer in error.
         /   statusThe status of the printer in error.The Printers URL provides more detail about each device.
         /   hostingServerAvailable only if the printer is hosted by a Site Server. The name of the server hosting the device.
 heldJobsCountTotalThe total number of jobs currently held in all print queues, including jobs waiting on account selection.
 heldJobsCountMaxThe maximum number of jobs currently held in any print queue, including jobs waiting on account selection.
 heldJobsCountAverageThe average number of jobs that are currently held in print queues, including jobs waiting on account selection.
         /   statusThe status of the Job Ticketing service.
         /   adminLinkIf Job Ticketing is installed, the URL of the Manage Rooms page ( /<PaperCut NG/MF install path>/job-ticketing/operator/rooms).
         /   messageA description of the Job Ticketing service status when it is offline.
licensevalidWhether or not the Application Server license is valid.
 licenseRemainingDaysThe number of days remaining before the current Application Server license expires.
         /   usedThe number of user licenses currently in use.
         /   licensedThe total number of user licenses purchased.
         /   remainingThe number of user licenses currently available. This is equal to the licensed value less the used value.
         /   usedThe number of Site Server licenses currently in use.
         /   licensedThe total number of Site Server licenses purchased.
         /   remainingThe number of Site Server licenses currently available. This is equal to the licensed value less the used value.
         /   usedThe number of advanced client licenses currently in use.
         /   licensedThe total number of advanced client licenses purchased.
         /   remainingThe number of advanced client licenses currently available. This is equal to the licensed value less the used value.
         /   usedThe number of device licenses currently in use.
         /   licensedThe total number of device licenses purchased.
         /   remainingThe number of device licenses currently available. This is equal to the licensed value less the used value.
         /   usedThe number of Payment Gateway licenses currently in use.
         /   licensedThe total number of Payment Gateway licenses purchased.
         /   remainingThe number of Payment Gateway licenses currently available. This is equal to the licensed value less the used value.
printProviderscountThe total number of Print Providers installed.
 offlineCountThe number of Print Providers that are currently offline. A Print Provider is considered offline when it has been offline for 2 minutes or more.
 offlinePercentageThe percent of Print Providers that are currently offline.
         /   hostDetails of the Print Providers that are offline.
         /   IPThe IP address of the print server.
         /   lastContactSecondsThe number of seconds since the Print Provider was last contacted by the Application Server.
mobilityPrintServerscountThe total number of Mobility Print servers.
 offlineCountThe number of Mobility Print servers that are currently offline. A Mobility Print server is considered offline when it has been offline for 130 seconds or more.
 offlinePercentageThe percent of Mobility Print servers that are currently offline.
         /   hostDetails of the Mobility Print server that are offline.
         /   lastContactSecondsThe number of seconds since the Mobility Print server was last contacted by the Application Server.
         /   statusThe status of the Mobility Print server. Valid statuses are:
  • OK—the Mobility Print server is functioning as expected.
  • ERROR—the Mobility Print server is in error.
  • WARNING—the Mobility Print server has a warning, for example, Ghost trap is missing.
  • OFFLINE—the Mobility Print server has not been contactable for 130 seconds or more.
         /   adminLinkThe URL of the Mobility Print server Admin interface.
siteServerscountThe total number of Print Providers installed.
 offlineCountThe number of Print Providers that are currently offline.
 offlinePercentageThe percent of Print Providers that are currently offline.
         /   serverNameThe server name of the offline Print Providers.
         /   hostThe host name of the offline Print Providers.
         /   lastContactSecondsThe number of seconds since the Print Provider was last contacted by the Application server.
webPrintcountThe total number of Web Print servers.
 offlineCountThe number of Web Print servers that are currently offline.
 offlinePercentageThe percent of Web Print servers that are currently offline.
         /   hostThe host name of the offline Web Print server.
         /   statusThe status of the Web Print server. Valid statuses are:
  • OKthe Web Print server is functioning as expected.
  • ERROR—the Web Print server is in error.
  • STOPPED—the Web Print server has been stopped by a SysAdmin.
         /   uptimeHoursThe number of hours since the Web Print server was started.
         /   versionThe version and build number of the Web Print server application.
         /   supportedFileTypesThe file types supported by the server:
  • image
  • pdf
  • ms-pwerpoint
  • ms-word
  • ms-excel
  • xps
 jobsPendingThe number of jobs currently in the Web Print queue.
