In most cases, by default, PaperCut MF allows users to change the following attributes of print jobs at the device:
- Copies
- Duplex mode (from 1-sided to 2-sided)
- Color mode (from color to grayscale)
- Account
Switching on ‘change print job settings’ functionality
To allow or prevent users from changing the attributes of print jobs at the device:
Click the Options tab. The General page is displayed.
In the Actions menu, click Config editor (advanced).
The Config Editor page is displayed.
Edit one or more of the following config keys:
Color mode—change from color to grayscale.
Config name Description ext-device.change-print-job-settings.grayscale.enabled
Allow users to change a print job from color to grayscale. Users cannot change from grayscale to color if grayscale was the original setting. They can, however, change from color to grayscale, then back to color.Values: Y
: users can change the Color Mode from color to grayscaleN
: users cannot change the Color modeDEFAULT
:If upgrading from PaperCut MF 18.1.4 or earlier and Advanced Print Scripting is detected, then
is N.In all other instances,
is Y.
Duplex mode—change from 1-sided to 2-sided.
Config name Description ext-device.change-print-job-settings.duplex.enabled
Allow users to change a print job from 1-sided to 2-sided. Users cannot change from 2-sided to 1-sided if 2-sided was the original setting. They can, however, change from 1-sided to 2-sided, then back to 1-sided.Values: Y
: users can change from 1-sided to 2-sidedN
: users cannot change from 1-sided to 2-sidedDEFAULT
:If upgrading from PaperCut MF 18.1.4 or earlier and Advanced Print Scripting is detected, then
is N.In all other instances,
is Y.
Copies—change the number of copies.
Config name Description ext-device.change-print-job-settings.copies.enabled
Allow users to change the number of copies of a print job.Values: Y
: users can change the number of copiesN
: users cannot change the number of copiesDEFAULT
:If upgrading from PaperCut MF 18.1.4 or below and Advanced Print Scripting is detected, the
is N.In all other instances,
is Y.
Account—change the account to which the job is charged.
Config name Description ext-device.change-print-job-settings.account.enabled
Allow users to change the account to which the print job will be charged. This is applicable only: for users with standard or advanced account selection, and
if print queue user overrides to charge to a specific account do not exist.
: users can change the accountN
: users cannot change the accountDEFAULT
:If upgrading from PaperCut MF 18.1.4 or below and Advanced Print Scripting is detected, the
is N.In all other instances,
is Y.
Considerations when using Site Servers
If you use a Site Server, then by default PaperCut MF does not allow users to change the attributes of print jobs during an Application Server outage. This is because changes made during an outage are applied only if the jobs are also released during the outage. However, these changes are not applied, if they are released after the outage.
To allow or prevent users from changing the attributes of print jobs at the device during an Application Server outage:
Click the Options tab. The General page is displayed.
In the Actions menu, click Config editor (advanced).
The Config Editor page is displayed.
Edit the following config key:
Config name Description
If using Site Servers, allow users to change the attributes of print jobs during Application Server outages (where the Site Server is online but the Application Server is offline).Values: Y
: users can change attributes during an outageN
: users cannot change attributes during an outageDEFAULT
: N
Considerations when using Print Scripts
Forcing grayscale or forcing 2-sided
- If your print script forces grayscale or forces 2-sided conversion of print jobs, then you are OK. Users will not be able to circumvent this policy as they will not be able to change back to color or change back to 1-sided.
- Decision: None. You can switch on the ability to change print job settings.
Limiting print job size
- If your script limits the print job size either by copies or pages, then allowing users to change the number of copies at the MFD will allow them to circumvent this policy.
- Decision: Either don’t switch on the ability to change copies, or reconsider this print policy.
- If your script applies a discount on print jobs, then these discounts will be lost if the user changes print job settings. PaperCut MF falls back to the original charge model (cost model) to calculate the cost of a modified job.
- Decision: Either don’t switch on the ability to Change Print Job Settings, or move your discounts to the User, Group, or Account level, which can be configured through the Admin web interface.
Editing the account
- Your script might be overriding the account that is being charged for a number of reasons. If the user has access to multiple Shared Accounts, then allowing them to change their account will allow them to circumvent your policy.
- Decision: Consider whether or not your policy should allow users to change their account. If not, then do not switch on the ability to change a Shared Account. You might also want to hide the account name and balance.
Viewing account information
- If you enable all of the Change Print Job Settings, then users will also be able to see the account and account balance the print job will be charged to. If you have configured PaperCut MF to allow users to see others’ print jobs, consider whether or not these details are private and should be hidden.
- Decision: If you do not want users to see the account, then hide the account name.
Quick how-to guide to switch on these features
Refer to the above documentation for more information:
Config key | Description |
ext-device.change-print-job-settings.copies.enabled | Enable the ability to change the number of copies by setting to Y. |
ext-device.change-print-job-settings.duplex.enabled | Enable the ability to change the duplex mode by setting to Y. |
ext-device.change-print-job-settings.grayscale.enabled | Enable the ability to change the color mode by setting to Y. | | Enable showing the selected Shared Account by setting to Y. | | Enable showing the balance of the selected Shared Account by setting to Y. |
ext-device.change-print-job-settings.account.enabled | Enable the ability to change the Shared Account by setting to Y. |
ext-device. | Enable showing the print job cost by setting to Y. This is configured per device. |
ext-device.print-as-grayscale-by-default | Enable the checkbox on the panel of the MFP that makes jobs sent printed as Grayscale by setting this to Y. |
ext-device.print-as-duplex-by-default | Enable the checkbox on the panel of the MFP that makes jobs sent printed as Duplex by setting this to Y. |