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Configure Integrated Scanning

This page applies to:

🔎 Admin console: Easy Print & Scan

Integrated Scanning allows the PaperCut Hive admin to centrally create Quick Scan actions on the PaperCut Hive admin console. They can then be deployed across multiple printers in the organization, reducing training needs and end-user errors while providing a consistent user experience.

Specifically for Scan to Cloud destinations

File name recommendation to stop new scan files overwriting old ones

Some cloud storage providers don’t support having multiple files with the same name and extension.

For OneDrive, if a new file from a scan job has the same file name and extension as an existing file in the same folder, the new file will overwrite the existing one.

Google Drive, however, accepts files with the same name and extension within the same folder.

We recommend that you choose filename variables that will output a different file name for each scan job.

In the PaperCut Hive admin console, in Easy Print & Scan > Integrated Scanning > Add or edit a Quick Scan > Output File, use variables such as:

File name variableRendered value example
${date_time_utc}2021-02-28T21-28-52UTCIt prints the date and time stamp at the UTC time zone down to seconds.
${numeric_timestamp}1574738821This is the Unix timestamp. It prints a shorter unique value on the file name than the UTC time stamp variable above.

Another benefit of using filename variables that output unique filenames per scan job is that the filename is also printed on scan-to-cloud email delivery notification subject lines. If the subject line is identical to the previous, some email providers such as Gmail will group emails by subject line. Having a unique subject line shows each email as a separate row in Gmail’s inbox.

OneDrive destination folder: Where to find PaperCut Hive scan job files on OneDrive?

Scan jobs to OneDrive are saved under the folder:

My files > Apps > Scans for PaperCut Hive

Microsoft directs files from third-party apps to be created as a subfolder within the Apps folder.

In this section

This section contains detailed procedures and details about all of the ways you can configure Integrated Scanning.

icon Integrated Scanning - overview and benefits
