For the mobile app release notes, see the specific platform version history:
March 12, 2025
New print client version v2025-03-05-0409
- Enhancements for an upcoming feature
[CORE-822, CORE-815]
February 27, 2025
New edge node version v2025-02-25-0415
- Enhancements to the edge node for future features.
February 24, 2025
Notice - US data center only
The changes made in the AU, EU & UK data center over the last 2 weeks have now been released to the US data center. To understand these changes, please read the following release note from February 11th . All data centers are now updated with this change.
This only affects customers using the following OEM devices:
- Xerox
- Konica Minolta
- Toshiba
- HP*
* HP has an optional feature that can be enabled under the “Apps” tab called “On-printer API”. This removes the requirement for client inbound connections and is highly recommended.
February 17, 2025
Notice - EU/UK data centers only
The changes made in the AU data center last week have now been released in EU & UK. To understand these changes, please read the following release note from February 11th .
This only affects customers using the following OEM devices:
- Xerox
- Konica Minolta
- Toshiba
- HP*
* HP has an optional feature that can be enabled under the “Apps” tab called “On-printer API”. This removes the requirement for client inbound connections and is highly recommended.
February 17, 2025
New installer version v2025-02-17-0059
- Fixed an issue with MacOS over the top install behaviour.
February 14, 2025
- Fixed an issue in Kyocera Printer App v2.0.1 where jobs performed by users with usernames longer than 32 characters were not logged against the user in the Hive job log. The Printer App will need upgrading to v2.0.2, using manual or one-click install via Printers>Apps>Reinstall and entering username and password.
February 11, 2025
Notice - AU data center only
When performing certain actions on a number of OEM devices (Xerox/Konica Minolta/Toshiba & HP*) the PaperCut Hive full embedded (such as login/swipe card/scan start etc) requires the authorisation for these tasks to come from our client software on the network.
In October last year, we released a new default system for client selection for printing, called “Autopilot”. Since this system was enabled, print reliability across all data centers has continued to improve, quite drastically for some environments.
Therefore, in December of last year, we made the decision to slow rollout using the same system for what we call embedded task execution as described above. This was rolled out slowly to all data centers. Our tracking metrics were suggesting that overall task execution reliability was improving in a similar fashion to print reliability.
However, we have seen a small number of customers where this change has produced a drop in reliability from before this change. Because of this we are in the process of rolling back this change while a detailed internal investigation into understanding the drop in reliability. This roll back has occurred today in the AU Data center only.
It is important to note that print job routing via Autopilot continues to be a great success, with overall reliability at its highest rate since PaperCut Hive launched, while print volumes going through the product continue to increase.
For more information on best practices for these tasks, please visit here.
This change will be rolled out to other data centers in the coming days. Release notes will be updated at that time.
* HP has an optional feature that can be enabled under the “Apps” tab called “On-printer API”. This removes the requirement for client inbound connections and is highly recommended.
February 10, 2025
New edge node version v2025-02-10-0150
- Enhancements to the edge node for future features.
New installer version v2025-02-10-0228
- Improved the install experience for MacOS [CORE-791]
February 7, 2025
- PaperCut Hive Trials and NFRs will now include the OCR Add-on automatically as standard. This includes Hive trials created from the Partner Sales Portal and PaperCut Multiverse.
February 6, 2025
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to use the global log in page. This only affected email addresses that were used to test the “SAML SSO provider configuration” in the admin console AND had not yet signed in to the PaperCut Hive or Pocket organization previously.
- Please note there is a related bug. If you experienced CEXP-1099 before this fix, you will need to first log in via your organizations specific log in page, before being able to use the global log in page. This will be resolved with CEXP-1104 in the future.
- Fixed a bug that impacted organizations using the Google Workspace User Sync Add-on. Under some circumstances, a user may have periodically been re-sent invitation emails.
February 3, 2025
- Improved the Fujifilm BI printer app performance by processing device logs on the device rather than from an edge node.
- Fixed an issue with the Power BI add-on where copy jobs data were not being exported via the API endpoint.
January 30, 2025
Chromebook setup
Previously End Users could only set up the Google Chrome extension via the Classic link invitation. Chrome extension linking has now been extended to the new User Portal and bulk deployment experiences. The Chrome extension will auto-update with this functionality. The new version number is 2.2.0
End Users are now able to link the Chrome extension in the following scenarios:
1. Admin initiated Installs (bulk deployment)
In this scenario the Chrome extension has been bulk deployed to their users and the Chrome extension now needs to be linked:
- And the User Portal invite has been sent - The End User will log into the User Portal and the Chrome extension link will occur automatically.
- And the Classic Invite link has been sent - Existing functionality. The End User will click ‘Get started’ in the classic invite and linking will occur automatically. (Existing functionality).
- The End User can click the Chrome extension icon via the extensions list or tool bar. They will be prompted to log in with their credentials.
- The End user can print a document and will be prompted to log in with their credentials for the first document.
For more information on bulk deployment with ChromeOS, click here for our manual documentation.
Please note if you intend to use the “link via log in credentials”, then we recommend updating your bulk deployment instructions as linked above as there are a few additional steps for a seamless experience.
2. End User Initiated Installs - Self Serve
In this scenario, the Administrator has not deployed the Chrome extension to their users but have invited their users to self serve:
Via User Portal - If the Chrome extension has not been installed, the End User can install it from the User Portal. Linking occurs automatically once the Chrome extension has been installed
Via Classic invitation - If the Chrome extension has not been installed, the End User can follow the steps in the Classic invite email to install and link the extension (Existing functionality)
- For small computer screens viewing Reports (admin console > Reports): added a green floating arrow to draw the attention of the admin when there are additional columns to the right that aren’t showing on the screen. Clicking on the green arrow scrolls the page horizontally to the right-most column, the Cost column. [CEDU-2068]
January 29, 2025
Enhancements - AU DATA CENTER ONLY
Printer monitoring tasks, such as printer status, toner level reporting & printer counters are now assigned to clients via the same client detection as Autopilot. This will enhance the reliability of the client selection, which will result in more consistent printer status monitoring.
We are monitoring this rollout closely and will release to other data centers in the future.
January 28, 2025
For scan-to-email 📧: added a new scan file size tier “All” to deliver scans as 24h temporary cloud links so all scans are delivered as links as the temporary 24h storage is within the same region as the PaperCut Hive organization. The new item “All” will appear on new Quick Scans to email created from now on. Location: admin console > Easy Print & Scan > Integrated Scanning > Add Quick Scan > Scan to email > Email attachment options: Attach scan file up to > All > When scan file is over [0] MB > Email as cloud download link. [SAC-490]
January 23, 2025
- Fixed an issue in printer cost profiles (admin console > Easy Print & Scan > Cost Tracking > edit a cost profile) that affected the input of both existing and newly input costs in locales where the dot is used as the thousand separator.
January 21, 2025
New edge node version 2025-01-20-2350
- Enhancements to the edge node for future features.
January 20, 2025
- Fixed an issue in printer cost profiles (admin console > Easy Print & Scan > Cost Tracking > edit a cost profile) that affected the formatting of both existing and newly input cost per page rates.
January 6, 2025
- Fixed an issue in job cost calculations where print jobs with multiple copies that contained color pages were incorrectly calculated as monochrome jobs. Print jobs with these attributes from now on will now be calculated as color jobs.
January 2, 2025
- Fixed an issue in CSV file exports from Reports where all job costs were being exported with 6 decimals. Now all trailing zeroes in the decimals were eliminated. Feature location: admin console > Reports > select a report that has the “Download CSV” button > “Download CSV” button.
December 19, 2024
Embedded device task routing
US data center - Autopilot will now be used for selecting edge nodes to perform device tasks (e.g. logging into the device) on some embedded devices. This includes Konica Minolta, Xerox, Toshiba, Fujifilm & HP. Please note that Print Delivery Profiles with Individually Selected Clients is still recommended for reliability.
Sign in page changes
Users who have been invited/added to an organization, but have not yet signed up to the organization, will now be taken to the sign up page directly from the global login page.
Previously, the user would get the following error:
“Please check you have entered your email address correctly and your organization uses PaperCut Hive”
If the user is invited to multiple organizations, they will be presented with a list of organizations their email is associated with, allowing them to choose the correct organization. Improved multi-org login will be coming in Q1, 2025
December 16, 2024
On December 13, 2024 we stated:
System Admin sign up
- Previously System Admins cannot sign up if they already belong to another organization. This restriction has now been removed and they can sign up with the same email address that they previously signed up with at another organization.
- Please note this is only for creating new organizations. Being invited to an existing organization with an email address used by another is coming soon
As of today, you can now invite administrators even if the email address is currently in use for another organization. Improved multi-org login will be coming in Q1, 2025
December 13, 2024
Embedded device task routing
EU/UK data center - Autopilot will now be used for selecting edge nodes to perform device tasks (e.g. logging into the device) on some embedded devices. This includes Konica Minolta, Xerox, Toshiba, Fujifilm & HP. Please note that Print Delivery Profiles with Individually Selected Clients is still recommended for reliability.
Admin console > Users
- User invite override options for reinviting users
- invite override options are available at time of reinviting users from the User List. Two options are now presented to the Administrator: Classic link or User Portal
- Please note this is for individual user reinvites. Bulk invite override options are coming at a later date.
- invite override options are available at time of reinviting users from the User List. Two options are now presented to the Administrator: Classic link or User Portal
Admin console > Activity log
- Activity log updated to include:
- Invite email configuration changes by System Admins
- Print user sign-in activity
Admin console > Settings > Authentication
- Identity provider configuration form
- System Admins will be prompted that they will lose changes if navigating away from the form before saving changes
User Portal > Set up my devices
When both computer app and mobile app visibility has been switched off there are instructions on the Set Up My Devices page to let users know that they can try printing as the print client would’ve already been installed. New instruction text displayed: “It looks like you might already be set up. When you’re ready, try printing something.”
- Update to error “Email not found”
- In some cases when end users enter their email address at login, they may see ‘Email not found’ error. This may be because they’re trying to log into the wrong product, they haven’t been invited yet, etc. The error message has now been updated to be more informative for users
- Previously User Invite and User Portal settings were located under User Access settings in Settings. These settings have now moved to “Configure >Easy Print and Scan”
- System Admin sign up
- Previously System Admins cannot sign up if they already belong to another organization. This restriction has now been removed and they can sign up with the same email address that they previously signed up with at another organization.
- Please note this is only for creating new organizations. Being invited to an existing organization with an email address used by another is coming soon
- Previously System Admins cannot sign up if they already belong to another organization. This restriction has now been removed and they can sign up with the same email address that they previously signed up with at another organization.
December 9, 2024
New edge node version 2024-12-03-0157
November 28, 2024
Embedded device task routing
AU data center - Autopilot will now be used for selecting edge nodes to perform device tasks (e.g. logging into the device) on some embedded devices. This includes Konica Minolta, Xerox, Toshiba, Fujifilm & HP. Please note that Print Delivery Profiles with Individually Selected Clients is still recommended for reliability.
November 25, 2024
New Print Client Version v2024-11-22-0121
November 21, 2024
New edge node version 2024-11-21-0110
- Improved detection of Fujifilm LeSF devices
November 13, 2024
New edge node installer version v2024-11-13-2316
- Improve retries for submitting to the cloud node
November 06, 2024
- Fixed a rare bug that was causing job costs to be rounded to 0 decimals
- In the admin console > Reports > for reports which have the ability to download the data in CSV: Removed the “PDF (coming soon)” and renamed the “Download” button to “Download CSV”
October 30, 2024
Beta tag removal - Q3 2024 release
As part of the final milestone for this release, Beta tags have now been removed from the following features:
- Admin console >Top right menu>Settings >Authentication
- User Portal >Banner that appears at the top
- Advanced printer configuration > Print delivery profile
- Easy Print & Scan > Cost Tracking
- Admin console > Top right menu > Settings > Regional Settings
Please note ‘coming soon’ tags will remain on the following features:
- User Portal > Job history
- User Portal > Recent jobs
- Easy Print & Scan > User Invites > ‘Add custom message:’
SSO & User Onboarding updates
Admin console - SAML SSO custom button in authentication settings (Admins can customise their SSO button label)
Admins can now set a label for the SSO login button that’s shown to users. By default it will display as ‘Continue with SSO’. This can be overridden to provide a more meaningful label for users.
Admin console - User Access settings have moved
User access settings can now be found under the left hand menu under >Configure >Easy Print & Scan. User invites are now located under ‘New User’ and User Portal is now located under ‘Existing Users’.
Admin console - Default email invites
For existing customers, the default invites remain as is with classic invites as the default. For any new customers onboarded, the default invite will be User Portal invites. These default settings can be changed from >Configure >Easy Print & Scan >New User - User Invites
Bug Resolved - Flickering issue in User Portal
Previously there was a bug in the User Portal causing a flickering issue when pressing refresh on the Set up my devices page or when refreshing the page. This is now resolved
Coming soon - User Portal Job History
The Development Team is still hard at work on the Job History from within the User Portal. This will be coming at a later date.
October 23, 2024
PaperCut Hive embedded app for Konica Minolta Version 3 is now bEST certified. Embedded app now has following updates.
- Support different swipe card conversions by adding decoding methods when swipe card login option is enabled.
- Improved performance by minimising the dependency of device functions such as access code and card swipe login, device unlock and native device use on the local client.
October 17, 2024
- In the admin console, fixed an issue that affected the ability for a small number of orgs to set the printers for a cost profile. This could be on a new cost profile or an existing one (Easy Print & Scan > Cost Tracking > [Cost Profile] > Manage Printers).
- In the admin console Reports section, updated the sample report images in the Show Sample button to now display cost data
October 15, 2024
- Fixed a bug for passive tracking of direct print jobs (in admin console > Easy Print & Scan > Track direct print jobs) which were not showing costs on the Job Log
October 7, 2024
New version of the print-client is now available in all regions.
Version: v2024-10-03-0630
- CORE-566: create updater-profile.conf during bulk linking
- CEXP-739: code optimizations
- Fixed an issue on the admin console > Easy Print & Scan > Cost Tracking where small screens or high zoom levels were not showing a scrolling bar
New version of the installer is now available in all regions.
Version: 2024-10-07-0259
Includes print-client v2024-10-03-0630
- CORE-566: pass updater path to bulk link command on macOS
October 3, 2024
BETA - Secure SSO (Single sign-on) and MFA (multi-factor authentication) for end-users
End-users can now authenticate with SSO and MFA to a new User Portal and the Mobile app if the admin has enabled this in the Authentication settings.
See Configure authentication and Single Sign-on overview and Printing for end users of PaperCut Hive and Pocket for more information.
BETA - Tailored user onboarding
Admins can customize the onboarding journey to fit their customers’ unique needs. Whether it’s IT-driven or user-driven, the flexibility of onboarding options ensures a smooth start for all users:
- Customize which options users get within the PaperCut Hive User Portal (desktop app, mobile app, or both)
- Syncing users from a directory? Delay invites until the perfect moment, ensuring users receive them when everything is ready.
- Choose from multiple invite methods: email, messaging apps (e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams), or direct link.
See User Access settings for more information.
BETA - Self-serve User Portal
PaperCut Hive’s very own new self-serve User Portal replaces the existing classic invites by offering a destination where users can manage the implementation of the PaperCut computer app and mobile app. This empowers users and simplifies the set-up process, minimizing dependencies on IT Admins. Whilst the User Portal is currently focused on helping users get set up to start printing, in the future, it will help end-users with their other needs, similar to PaperCut MF’s User Portal.
The User Portal allows users to:
- Set up their devices independently (self-serve), reducing reliance on IT admins or hunting for email invitations.
- Access their print history
- View their access code
- Install & link the mobile app
See User Portal and Classic email invitation - overview for more information.
BETA - Authenticate on print
Simplify the print setup process, especially in environments where the PaperCut Hive app is deployed via MDM tools like Jamf or Microsoft Intune. Key benefits include:
- One-time authentication at the point of first print, reducing user setup steps.
- Improved user experience on shared devices, removing the need to track down invite emails.
- Enhanced security with authentication happening only when it’s truly needed.
** Please note that for users to see the new Authenticate on print workflow, the administrator must update the install package and deployment commands via their chosen method (Intune, Jamf etc). See updated instructions in the Deployment Add-on or here **
See Authenticating your users and print jobs for more information.
BETA - Controlled user invites
- Admins can now control when and how user invites are sent, preventing premature disruptions and ensuring end-users are onboarded when everything is ready.
See Managing your users for more information.
BETA - Support for mobile-only users
- Fully support organizations where users work primarily through a mobile or tablet device. Users can now set up printing and use their mobile device to print without needing to install the desktop client software.
See Setting up which software download options are displayed in the User Portal for more information.
September 30, 2024
BETA - SSO and MFA for admins
Implemented SAML-based Single Sign-on (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to ensure a seamless and secure login experience for admins. (End-user SSO is coming soon on Thursday, October 3rd.) With these features, customers can do the following:
- Integrate with existing Identity Providers (IdPs) like Microsoft Entra ID, Google Workspace, and Okta.
- Centralize authentication, reducing the risk of security breaches and helping to meet industry certifications.
- Enable SSO and MFA to give users a log in experience that is familiar and consistent with other software within the organization.
See Configure authentication and Single Sign-on overview for more information.
BETA - Print Delivery
Print Delivery Profiles allow IT admins to create tailored print paths, offering precise control over how print jobs are routed to specific devices within their organization.
- Customize print paths based on unique network configurations and organizational needs.
- For example, you may want all print data to route through a dedicated Client setup within the printer VLAN.
- Ensure reliable print delivery in environments with multiple subnets, offices, or specialized printing requirements.
- Simplify troubleshooting with clearly defined routes, which allows you to know where hiccups have occurred.
Autopilot is PaperCut Hive’s intelligent print routing engine that automatically detects the optimal path for every print job, ensuring efficient and reliable printing across complex environments.
- Automatically selects the best clients to minimize network traffic and maximize print speed.
- Scales effortlessly across multiple sites and complex networks, handling high volumes of print jobs without additional configuration or the addition of dedicated clients.
- Reduces admin workload by removing the need for manual network adjustments, enhancing the overall user experience. However, the Admin is able to setup Print Delivery Profiles to override Autopilot if required.
See Print Delivery Profiles - overview for more information.
BETA - Regional Settings
On the Settings page, added a Country dropdown with country auto detection that presets these customizable settings:
- Language for printer touchscreens and end-user emails
- Currency symbol and position
- Amount of decimals for job costs
- Conversion of foreign paper size in print jobs to country’s default: A4↔Letter, A3↔Ledger.
See Regional Settings for more information.
BETA - Cost Tracking
In Easy Print & Scan, added the new Cost Tracking section that enables you to:
- Create a default cost profile to centrally manage costs per page for the printers you assign to it for print and copy jobs
- Add and remove paper sizes
- Set separate costs for print jobs and copy jobs
- Create additional cost profiles and assign them to printers with different running costs, for example, for inkjet printers.
See About Cost Tracking for more information.
Job Log
- Added the Cost column showing the job cost.
- On Job Log CSV export, 3 columns for job costs were added.
On the Job details tab:
- Added a row showing the job cost
- Added a row showing which cost profile was used to calculate the job cost
- Added the ability to click the Cost profile name to reveal the historical cost per page rates that were in effect when the job was created.
- When Cost Tracking is enabled, print jobs pending release now show the job cost on the admin console’s Job Log based on the default cost profile.
Built-in Reports with Costs
- Added job cost information to existing reports: new “Cost” column as the right-most column in the reports. Tip for small screens: Scroll horizontally to the right.
- Added cost information to CSV exports
Kyocera Full Embedded
The NEW Full Embedded Hive Printer App for Kyocera MFD’s (v2.0.1) is now available, and includes Integrated Scanning and One-Click installation.
With the NEW PaperCut Hive printer app on Kyocera MFDs, you can control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards. Integrated Scanning is a key feature, allowing scanning to various cloud destinations, custom capture fields and OCR options such as: PDF/A, PDF compression levels, Blank page removal, Batch splitting after blank page, Batch splitting on page number, Deskew, Despeckle. The NEW printer app is even easier to install with PaperCut Hive’s simple One-Click installation.
Coming Thursday 3rd of October:
BETA - Secure SSO (Single sign-on) and MFA (multi-factor authentication) for end-users, including our brand new User Portal, tailored user onboarding settings and a new “Authenticate on print” solution.
More on this on Thursday!
A new Pocket/Hive installer was released to production
Installer version: 2024-09-30-0426
Includes: print-client update 2024-09-30-0109
Updates to the Authenticate on print workflow in preparation for Thursday, 3rd of October 2024 release [CORE-543]
September 16, 2024
New print client version 2024-09-13-0146
[Upcoming release] Adding orgId flag to print-client for bulk installations only.
This change should not have any effect in any of the installation flows, and done in preparation for the future development.
September 4, 2024
New edgenode installer version 2024-09-03-2252
- [Upcoming release] Fix issues for checking the printers connectivity between computers for Autopilot
- [Upcoming release] Added support for One-Click install and uninstall on Kyocera versions 2.0.1 and over
August 29, 2024
New edgenode installer version 2024-08-28-2226
- Microsoft Windows installer will download in install GhostTrap
August 27, 2024
- Fixed a bug on Easy Print & Scan > Integrated Scanning > Quick Scan action tiles kebab menu ⋮ “Edit” item where clicking on it wasn’t having any effect. The “Edit” is now functional again.
August 16, 2024
- Added support for new Canon i-SENSYS/imageCLASS/Satera devices
August 5, 2024
New edge node version v2024-08-02-0336
- Meshmonitor and visible printer moniroting improvements
August 1, 2024
Integrated Scanning for Lexmark Full Embedded App now available
- Integrated Scanning is a key feature now available in the Full Embedded app for Lexmark MFDs, allowing scanning to various cloud destinations, custom capture fields and OCR options such as: PDF/A, PDF compression levels, Blank page removal, Batch splitting, Image Processing (Deskew/Despeckle).
Full Embedded App with Integrated Scanning for white labeled Lexmark now available
- With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on white MFDs featuring secure print release and tracking. You can access device native functionalities such as copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards. Integrated scanning is also available with this embedded app.
- PaperCut Hive embedded supports Toshiba, Sharp, Xerox and Fujifilm white labeled devices.
July 23, 2024
New edge node version v2024-07-23-0001 and new installer version v2024-07-23-0542
Fixes and Enhancements
- Fixed an issue with the konica minolta V3 installer not allowing installation on OpenAPI 5.0 devices
- No changes to the installer itself. Packages latest edge node and print-client binaries.
- Installer dual signed using new RSA code signing certificate (Signer name is “PaperCut Software Pty Ltd”) and with previous ECDSA certificate
July 17, 2024
New EdgeNode version v2024-07-16-0354
Fixes and Enhancements
- Improvements to reporting visible printers in Edgenode Meshmonitor
[CORE-392, CORE-342, CORE-328]
- Emitting all print job attributes in offline mode
- Fixing minor Lexmark installation issues
- Installing Google CA certificate on Toshiba devices
July 16, 2024
New print client version release v2024-07-16-0150
Fixes and Enhancements
- New RSA code signing certificate (Signer name is “PaperCut Software Pty Ltd”). Binaries are dual signed with previous ECDSA and the new RSA certificate
- Improved Microsoft Windows user session detection to fix issues with Windows fast user switching
July 08, 2024
- Update in data criteria in Reports: jobs and pages printed from partially completed copy jobs are now accounted for, resulting in higher copy job numbers, including historical data.
July 01, 2024
New edge node version released v2024-06-27-1117
Fixes and Enhancements
- New RSA code signing certificate (Signer name is “PaperCut Software Pty Ltd”). Binaries are dual signed with previous ECDSA and the new RSA certificate
- Printer availability checks via port 9100 is cached to reduce network connections to the printer
- Report whether the spool file held by the edge node is a replica
Jun 19, 2024
Canon Full Embedded v1.1.1 Login Application
- Fixed an issue where devices would get stuck on the loading screen.
Jun 18, 2024
- Fixed an issue where Quick Scan could not be enabled on some Canon devices
Jun 17, 2024
- Microsoft apps for scanning to OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint are now publisher verified.
Jun 6, 2024
- Fixed an issue for OneDrive Business where the scan delivery email “Go to your scan” button was missing the link to the delivered folder for scan jobs that contained multiple files, such as batch splitting jobs, and scan jobs that also included metadata xml/json files with the scan file.
May 31, 2024
New edge node version released v2024-05-27-0553
Fixes and Enhancements
- Lexmark: Restart the embedded binary after a one-click install is completed
- Lexmark: support for printerapps running behind a HTTPS proxy
- Improvement to raw 9100 printing algorithm to reliably retry with a backoff if printer is busy
[CORE-318, CORE-321]
- Fix an issue where in some instances, macOS gateway MAC address was not reported to the cloud
- Changed location of IPP printer to be PaperCut generic
June 3, 2024
Full Embedded App with Integrated Scanning for Canon now available
- With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on Canon MFDs you can control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards. Integrated Scanning is a key feature, allowing scanning to various cloud destinations, custom capture fields and OCR options such as: PDF/A, PDF compression levels, Blank page removal, Batch splitting after blank page, Batch splitting on page number, Deskew, Despeckle.
May 23, 2024
Kyocera Full Embedded v1.0.9
- Fixed an issue that caused Kyocera HyPAS device log download to not work.
- Fixed an issue on Kyocera devices where the on-screen reset button obscured the PaperCut secure print release scroll bar. This fix also restores the Kyocera device toolbar at the top of the screen.
May 7, 2024
Fixes & Enhancements
- Improved login and logout functionality on Xerox devices
April 30, 2024
Full Embedded App for Lexmark now available
- With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on Lexmark MFDs featuring secure print release and tracking. You can access device native functionalities such as copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards.
Prefer Printer API option for HP devices in PaperCut Hive
- PaperCut Hive now has an option to Prefer Printer API in the Full Embedded App details. It allows you to switch the device functioning from using local clients to without using local clients.
Switching on this functionality will allow your device functions like access code and card swipe login-logout, job tracking and Integrated Scanning to execute independently from local client.
April 12, 2024
- Fixed an issue in the Environmental Report query that was causing the report to show the incorrect number of saved sheets.
April 10, 2024
New Edgenode version v2024-04-10-0505 New installer version 2024-04-10-0655
Fixed & Enhancements
- Improvement to direct raw printing on 9100 port
- Re-apply a macOS printing configuration, when an OS update resets the config back to factory defaults
April 04, 2024
New Installer version released 2024-04-04-0517
Fixes & Enhancements
- Both installers bundle the current edge node and print clients in production
- Windows Installer - New code signing certificate. Binaries are signed only by the new certificate. Note: “Name of signer” changed to “PaperCut Software Pty Ltd”
March 26, 2024
New Edgenode version v2024-03-26-0449
Fixes & Enhancements
- New code signing certificate. Binaries are signed only by the new certificate. Note: “Name of signer” changed to “PaperCut Software Pty Ltd”
- HP and Toshiba now use any proxy settings defined by http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables when communicating with devices
- On A4 HP devices, scans were not being auto-rotated
March 21, 2024
New Edgenode version v2024-03-20-0858
New Print client version v2024-03-20-0024
Fixes & Enhancements
- Stability improvements to direct raw printing on 9100 port
- Bundled PaperCut Print Provider version 111.0.7 which brings the following fixes
- Updated Print Provider component installation process on macOS
- Fixed an issue where direct print tracking was not tracking jobs on macOS Sonoma 14.4
- Fixed an issue where on some Sharp models, Tabloid size paper print jobs come out on Letter size paper
- Fixed an issue where color booklet print jobs on FF Apeos C4570 PCL6 driver was counted as black and white
March 12, 2024
New Installer version released 2024-03-11-2004
- Fixed an issue where Intune failed to successfully deploy Pocket/Hive showing the users an on screen error message
March 07, 2024
- Removed Beta tag from Reports
March 5, 2024
New edge node version released v2024-03-05-0354
Fixes & Enhancements
- Improved edge node status logging
February 22, 2024
New edge node version released v2024-02-21-2021
Fixes & Enhancements
- Updated logging during queues and driver deployment
- Edge node status update now reports additional network information to the cloud
- New code signing certificate used as the previous one is near expiration
- Fixed an issue on the User List report on the admin console where the user’s Full Name on the report was not showing the latest version within the selected date range
February 21, 2024
New print client version released v2024-02-21-0032
- New code signing certificate used as the previous one is near expiration
February 15, 2024
New edge node version released v2024-02-15-0258
- Windows 11 has deprecated some components used by the queues and drivers deployment. Updated queues and drivers deployment to use windows API’s instead of deprecated components
February 08, 2024
New edge node version released v2024-02-08-0342
New print client version released v2024-02-07-2337
- Update thumbnail generation and URF generation to use latest 64bit GhostTrap if available
- Fixed an issue in proxy resolution to properly support HTTPS urls in all use cases
February 06, 2024
- New Pocket/Hive installer released with GhostTrap version
January 22, 2024
HP PaperCut Hive embedded provides easier access for admins to login to device with device admin credentials with embedded app installed.
Previously for HP, Hive embedded app had to be removed from the device to access the device admin/maintenance login. Now, we have introduced a way of accessing the device admin login without removing or uninstalling the HP embedded app.
The new way introduces the ‘Sign In’ button on the Hive login page that makes it easy to access it without having to interact with Hive embedded app. If you are in logging in with device admin credentials and want to access Hive embedded app, make sure to log out of device admin first before logging into Hive as failing to do so will lead to unexpected behaviour.
- Fixed an issue when printing to Xerox Altalink devices when using the Raw 9100 print delivery method which caused print jobs to also appear as copy jobs in the PaperCut Hive job log.
December 18, 2023
New edge node version released v2023-12-18-0228
- On the “Reports” section: a date selector dropdown and a “Run” button were added to each report in the list.
- Fixed an issue where, an external change of the manufacturer driver on the default “PaperCut Printer” was not detected and restored back to the admin deployed driver.
December 14, 2023
New edge node version released v2023-12-14-0426
- Fixed an issue where when a manufacturer driver is being deployed, operations were aborted if the state file is corrupted. Mitigation was added to reset the corrupted file and continue operations.
December 8, 2023
- Fixed a bug in the Reports that was causing the default time span to be “Yesterday”. The default is now fixed to be “Last 30 days”.
November 30, 2023
- Fixed the issue when discovery component did not use proxy in environments that required it.
- Ensuring edge node compatibility with future GhostTrap versions.
November 27, 2023
- Fixed a bug that stopped Quick Scan jobs from completing when the user typed unsupported characters / \ : * ? " < > | in the file name field. These characters in the file name now get automatically deleted before the file is delivered. For the cloud destinations where Integrated Scanning supports creating folders (OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive, Shared Google Drive) from the Quick Scan job, the forward slashes and backslashes will still continue to be used to create folder levels, while the other unsupported characters will be deleted.
November 23, 2023
Local language experience at PaperCut Hive
PaperCut Hive is now ready to provide you with local language experience at Embedded app and with User emails. Starting with French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese languages. You can now set your local language for Embedded app and User emails from Hive admin console -> Settings -> Profile -> Embedded app and User language -> select your preferred language from the dropdown -> Save
More languages coming soon!
Brace yourselves for the arrival of the brand-new Reports feature, set to elevate an Administrator’s prowess. With this update, Administrators now have the power to view and download data from the following list of insightful reports:
- Environmental summary
- Executive summary
- Executive summary + insights
- Largest print jobs
- Printer activity summary
- Printer List
- User Activity Summary
- User List
- If the OCR Add-on subscription has expired, the Activity Log now displays a record for scan jobs that were done with Quick Scans that contain OCR Add-on features. The record informs the scan was delivered without any OCR Add-on features and tells the admin how to renew the OCR Add-on subscription.
November 2, 2023
- Improvements in notification delivery to Edgenodes.
- Add ability to configure TCP connection timeouts for 9100 prints via cloud.
- Update Xerox provisioner.
- On the admin console > Integrated Scanning > Add Quick Scan > Output Settings: Format > Removed PNG as a file type. Existing Quick Scans are not affected. PNG will no longer show for Quick Scans created from now on.
October 2, 2023
- Added one-click install functionality for Konica Minolta Hive Embedded app, in latest version for customers in AU, EU, and UK data centres.
- The same functionality is made available for customers in US-genesis on 29 Oct 2023, under version 3, which is uncertified version.
September 26, 2023
- Fixed the issue could cause spike on network traffic.
- Updated Xerox dependency
September 19, 2023
- Fixed the issue when no jobs could be printed from iOS version 17.
- Regenerate AWS certificate if missing for registered devices.
- Fixed the issue when printer identity check wasn’t run for jobs sent to printer via IPP.
- Fixed an issue where on some occasions, non ASCII characters in document names are not properly reported to the cloud.
- When delivery method is queue and jobs are submitted via the PaperCut Global Postscript Driver, print quality DPI can be adjusted using a config key. Configuration is organization wide and will effect all printers using queue delivery method.
- For the organizations that have Port 9100 check enabled for print delivery methods using queues also check the state of the queue.
- When delivery method is queue, timeouts applied to printing to print queue and sending job to the printer are calculated dynamically depending on job size and number of pages.
September 12, 2023
- Changed the EU data center region name from Europe to European Union.
September 5, 2023
- Fixed an issue where including an apostrophe (’) in the name of an org unit would cause Google Workspace Add-On sync to fail.
- Fixed the issue when duplex manufacturer driver job was modified to duplex unnecessarily before it’s sent to the printer.
- Job rendering timeout for queue printing is now set based on the number of pages.
- Improved edge node test print commands.
August 31, 2023
- Added the ability to sync access cards and access codes from Google Workspace through the Google Workspace Sync add-on. See the user manual for more information.
August 30, 2023
- Integrated Scanning is now available for Fujifilm MFPs allowing scanning to various cloud destinations, custom capture fields and OCR options such as: PDF/A, PDF compression levels, Blank page removal, Batch splitting after blank page, Batch splitting on page number, Deskew, Despeckle.
August 29, 2023
- Updated the way users are selected when configuring the following: Auto 2-Sided printing, Auto Black & White printing, Integrated Scanning, and Access Control. This is a UI change only and does not impact the pre-existing rules and user selections.
August 24, 2023
- Added printer identification based on SNMP.
- Implemented edge node processor job actions backwards compatibility feature.
- Unexpected error at reading the region config file during uninstallation of the client.
August 15, 2023
- Added new Integrated Scanning destination Scan to Shared Google Drive. Shared drives in Google Drive are the cloud equivalent to network folders.
August 2, 2023
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.12
- Improved logs for embedded app
July 26, 2023
- Updates to the Users screen in the Admin portal including a new table layout in addition to the standard card layout, and a filter on user status. Status names have been updated to more clearly reflect the state of the user.
July 18, 2023
- Now available for Ricoh Full Embedded from version v1.1.10: Custom capture fields are now variables enabling scan automations such as auto creation of folders and subfolders in OneDrive, SharePoint and Google Drive, email subjects, and file names on the spot, while scanning at the MFD. This feature can also be used to create a scan-to-email address book.
July 10, 2023
- Manufacturer Driver Queues are not installed in Super Node installations or before an EdgeNode is linked with a user.
- Hive now performs additional printer identity checks during print job release to handle printers that share IPs on separate networks.
- Added support for RISO ORPHIS devices.
July 7, 2023
- Custom capture fields are now variables enabling scan automations such as auto creation of folders and subfolders in OneDrive, SharePoint and Google Drive, email subjects, and file names on the spot, while scanning at the MFD. This feature can also be used to create a scan-to-email address book. Available for HP OXPd, Konica Minolta v3 uncertified, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox.
June 21, 2023
- A choice of Australian data center is available to new PaperCut Hive instances.
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.10
- Added the ability to select a data center region when installing
- Integrated Scanning’s new capture field type Data Source Lookup was added (Available within Easy Print & Scan > Integrated Scanning > create or add a Quick Scan). In the Quick Scan editor, scroll down to the section Capture additional data from the user > Add Custom Field button. On the Field Type dropdown, choose Data Source Lookup. A Quick Scan with this field type will display prompts on the MFD screen to the end-user for them to search the lookup data imported by the administrator. The information selected by the end-user gets delivered to the scan destination in metadata files (xml and/or json) together with the scan file for third party software or a custom script to read and automate scan workflows. Now available for Ricoh on version 1.1.10.
- Integrated Scanning: Updated the default scan rotation behavior for scan jobs from Ricoh A4/Letter MFPs. Scans produced by Letter/A4 Ricoh MFPs now auto-rotate by default.
Kyocera Full Embedded v1.0.7
- Added the ability to select a data center region when installing
- Removed the Task bar shown at the top of the screen on Kyocera devices
June 12, 2023
New edge node version v2023-06-12-2149
New print client version v2023-06-13-0454
- golang runtime update of Print-Client
- golang runtime update of Edge Node
June 7, 2023
New edge node version v2023-06-07-2344
- New ‘Queues & Drivers’ menu added to admin console for management of Find-Me print queues and manufacturer drivers. From more information refer to Managing Queues and Drivers
June 2, 2023
- Fixed an issue where an over the top installation of the edge node would cause “PaperCut Printer” to be be removed
June 1, 2023
New edge node version v2023-06-01-0303
- Fixes to uninstall and unlink behavior to accommodate backward compatibility and install/uninstall workflows.
May 29, 2023
New edge node version v2023-05-29-0517
- Turned off Postscript passthrough printing for a set of Sharp printer drivers that prints an error page when printing certain document.
May 23, 2023
New edge node version v2023-05-23-0455
- Improve job errors reported to the cloud
- Clean up orphan spool files in Cloud Node
- Fixed a bug in Integrated Scanning for HP and Sharp where Quick Scans to email didn’t allow the scan job to proceed if the email address contained a capital letter.
May 16, 2023
New edge node version v2023-05-16-0259
- Report printer discovery notification errors to cloud services for improved error analysis
- For native driver jobs, detect whether job modifications need to be applied and avoid running modification if not required
May 10, 2023
New edge node version v2023-05-10-0034
- Improved error reporting. IPP and Queue printing will report more detailed errors to the cloud
May 08, 2023
New edge node version v2023-05-07-2312
- Improve install logging for KM printer apps
- Speed up Print In Order for queue printing
- Facebook attachment upload method for scan jobs
May 01, 2023
- Fixed a bug in Integrated Scanning for Toshiba where Quick Scans to email didn’t allow the scan job to proceed if the email address contained a capital letter.
Apr 20, 2023 v2023-04-20-0704
New edge node version
- Fix MAC Ventura 13.2.1+ URF printing and thumbnail generation
- Fix - Printing on Macs using queues with some drivers can cause print copy number to be incorrect
- Update print-provider to new version to 109.22.0
- API update for queue re-naming
- Fix : EPSON PaperCut Hive LITE isn’t uninstalled properly
[HDCR-759 ]
Apr 12, 2023
Removed Integrated Scanning beta tag in the admin console from these places:
- “Easy Print & Scan” > “Integrated Scanning” > “Add Quick Scan” > “Scan to email” > “Scan to email” header’s beta tag removed
- “Printers” > select a printer with a Full Embedded installed > “Apps” subtab > “Integrated Scanning” header’s beta tag removed for HP, Ricoh, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox. There’s no difference in functionality or visibility of these features after the beta tags were removed.
Mar 29, 2023
New edge node version
- Fixed a misleading log message where we mentioned “ipp” in queue printing path
- Fixed the queue test command used by the support team to test queue printing on customer sites
- Fixed an issue to avoid printing to print queues that are in error
Mar 28, 2023
- We know how frustrating it can be when print jobs are printed out of order, causing confusion and wasting paper. With this enhancement, your users can now be rest assured that their print jobs will be printed in the order that they were sent, making it easier for users to manage their work and stay organized. Previously, there was a requirement for a super node to act as a central location for organizing jobs, which was a known issue. However, this need has now been eliminated as the cloud has taken over the responsibility of managing the job order.
Mar 23, 2023
- Discovering a single printer can now be done in the Printers page. No more needing to wait to scan a whole network. A targeted search can be done for a single printer by an edge node.
Mar 16, 2023
- For the techies: New Advanced configuration page that includes two new options: Prefer your local computer as a node, Port 9100 check before printing
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.9
- Fixed an issue where auto logout did not function after second card swipe.
Mar 14, 2023
- Fixed an issue with Xerox Full Embedded installation that prevented access to SNMP data on the device.
- This update was reverted due to issues: Released a fix, to the Europe region first, that improves the image quality of scan jobs compressed with the medium compression level and high compression level.
Mar 8, 2023
- Accurate job ordering for IPP jobs. Note: This is to support a new print flow, currently in closed beta
- Improve job ordering for queued jobs. Note: This is to support a new print flow, currently in closed beta
- Remove VAULT_PROJECT_ID warning message from printer app install output
Mar 3, 2023
- Released a fix, for the Americas region and APAC region, that improves the image quality of scan jobs compressed with the low compression level. For the Europe region, the fix was released on 23-Feb.
Feb 28, 2023
- Improving error reporting & logging from PaperCut IPP Print Client
- Providing Printer Discovery reason when reporting printer candidate
Feb 27, 2023
- For new scan-to-email Quick Scan actions created from now on, the visibility defaults for the To, Subject, Message fields are now set to invisible, the eye button. This decreases the amount of prompts for the end-user at the MFD, and the scan job can be done with fewer clicks.
Feb 23, 2023
- Released a fix, to the Europe region first, that improves the image quality of scan jobs compressed with the low compression level.
Feb 22, 2023
Full Embedded App for Fujifilm now available
- With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on Fujifilm MFDs you can control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards.
- Fixed an issue that was causing for the OCR Add-on badge not to be showing on the Quick Scan tile on Easy Print & Scan > Integrated Scanning for Quick Scans where cloud compression was the only OCR Add-on feature enabled in that Quick Scan.
Feb 21, 2023
- Printer discovery process will retry configuration download upon failure
- Added discovery reason to printer candidate report
- An API to import a data source into PaperCut Hive is now available. The imported data source will appear on the PaperCut Hive admin console > Easy Print & Scan > Data Sources section. The admin then creates a Quick Scan pointing to this data. When scanning a document at the MFD, the end-user then searches the data and selects details about the document being scanned. The selected data will be sent as an xml and / or json file to the scan destination together with the scan file.
Feb 15, 2023
- From the PaperCut Pocket/Hive admin console, Easy Print & Scan > Data Sources has been added to provide the ability for administrators to import CSV or TSV files with lookup data to be used in Integrated Scanning’s Quick Scan actions.
- Integrated Scanning’s new capture field type Data Source Lookup was added (Available within Easy Print & Scan > Integrated Scanning > create or add a Quick Scan). In the Quick Scan editor, scroll down to the section Capture additional data from the user > Add Custom Field button. On the Field Type dropdown, choose Data Source Lookup. A Quick Scan with this field type will display prompts on the MFD screen to the end-user for them to search the lookup data imported by the administrator. The information selected by the end-user gets delivered to the scan destination in metadata files (xml and/or json) together with the scan file for third party software or a custom script to read and automate scan workflows. Available for HP, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox. For Konica v2 will show the lookup field as a text field, until v3 is available. For Ricoh it will be available after the latest Ricoh Full Embedded version is certified by Ricoh.
- Release of new Printer Management Experience within the PaperCut Hive admin interface. This gives administrators more power to manage printer details that the system discovers, and gives them the ability to merge these details into an existing printer, add as new, or ignore it.
- Release of Direct Print Tracking into Open Beta (Available within Easy Print & Scan > Print Tracking). PaperCut Pocket & Hive now has the ability to optionally track details of print jobs sent directly to printers without the use of Secure Release. This gives the flexibility to provide both Secure Print Release and Direct Printing to users while not losing tracking visbility of any printing.
- Release of Jamf Pro Add-on in the Add-ons area of PaperCut Pocket & Hive. This enables the automatic installation of PaperCut across an organisation for macOS devices, extending support for organisational roll outs alongside our existing Microsoft InTune add-on.
- Release of new Edge Node to support Print Tracking
- Release of new PaperCut Print Client to support deployment via Jamf Pro
Feb 07, 2023
Supported Operating System update:
- To enable continued development and security strengthening of PaperCut’s Edge Nodes, this release ends support for versions of macOS 10.12(Sierra) and older for the PaperCut Pocket & Hive edge node service. From this release onwards users on versions of macOS older than 10.13 will not be supported.
Feb 01, 2023
- Integrated Scanning’s OCR Add-on beta period ended and it’s now in General Availability as an item in the price list. Features in the OCR Add-on are: OCR (optical character recognition), blank page removal, batch splitting, conversion to PDF/A, PDF compression, deskew, despeckle.
Jan 24, 2023
- Fixed an issue where printer auto discovery settings were not being honoured in certain situations
Jan 18, 2023
- HTTPS servers running in edge node services now only accept TLS 1.2 or higher connections. (Does not apply to edge node to printer communications due to printer limitations)
- Printer model specific IPP document format mapping improvements
- Graceful shutdown of spooler service in edge nodes. Edge node will stop accepting jobs and wait for jobs to finish processing before doing a scheduled restart. This will reduce print jobs being stuck in analyzing state
Jan 17, 2023
- Fix for
Known Issue
for some jobs stuck in analysing
Jan 13, 2023
- Prevent edge node print job spooler from stopping in certain situations when accepting a job
- Updated Konica Minolta embedded to correctly log at appropriate detail level based on configuration
Dec 21, 2022
- Fall back to PDF page size if the job is submitted with no paper size in IPP ticket (Fix for change of behaviour in recent MacOS update)
- Make printer check command and print command timeouts configurable in cloud, with optional change in printer check behaviour
- Report missing %%EOF tag at the end of Postscript files to aid in diagnosing issues when partial jobs are printed
Dec 2, 2022
- Fixes an issue with excessive logging in the previous release
Nov 30, 2022
- Improve reliability of detecting printers in mesh & scheduled reporting of mesh states
- Prevent edge nodes with low disk space from participating in printing and prevents jobs from failing if one of the replica edge nodes is running out of disk space.
Nov 18, 2022
- Disabling the Windows only
Enable advanced printing feature
flag for PaperCut Pocket printer to avoid unnecessary duplex processing[CCEM-1640]
- Improved detection and deletion of corrupted events stored on disk
- Fix sharp tabloid printing issue on SHARP MX-5071 PCL6 driver
- Fix incorrect analysis on PCL6 spool files
- Prevent incorrect removal of some queues during printer discovery
- Fix issues detecting printers in edge mesh clusters
Nov 11, 2022
- Added Develop as a known rebrand of Konica Minolta to PaperCut Pocket & Hive
- Minimise time to recovery after a leader edge node leaves a mesh. This improves reliability of mesh routing in transient network network configurations
- Try to ping printers over TCP after a failed IPP precondition check. Being used for diagnostics and further reliability improvements
- Close idle connections in print job spooler to avoid exceeding maximum open file limit on MacOS
Oct 26, 2022
- Integrated Scanning is now available for Xerox MFPs allowing scanning to various cloud destinations and OCR options such as: PDF/A, PDF compression levels, Blank page removal, Batch splitting after blank page, Batch splitting on page number, Deskew, Despeckle. [CDSS-1481]
Oct 7, 2022
- Integrated Scanning > Quick Scan editor > Renamed “Process” tab to “PDF Post Process”
- Integrated Scanning > Quick Scan editor > Under “Output Settings” > “Format” subsection > Under “Visible Options” dropdown menu: Added a tip to increase discoverability of the OCR Add-on features.
- Integrated Scanning > Quick Scan editor > “PDF Post Process” tab > Under header “OCR Add-on Settings”: Just for redundancy, added caption to clarify that these features apply to PDFs only.
Oct 10, 2022
- Updated scanning user experience on HP OXPd devices with small screens (4.3-inch).[CDSS-1159]
Oct 5, 2022
- Power Bi Connector Add-on now works with copy, print, scan, and fax data. [IAM-280]
Sep 27, 2022
Integrated Scanning: Reduced the possibility of scan files not being delivered to the scan destination. [SC-1350]
- Integrated Scanning > Quick Scan editor: Added variable ${printer_name} to “File Name” field. Added variable ${document_name} to “Message” field. Added variable ${quick_scan_name} to fields “Subject” and “Message”
- Added variable ${printer_name} to “File Name” field.
- Added variable ${document_name} to “Message” field.
- Added variable ${quick_scan_name} to fields “Subject” and “Message”
Sep 16, 2022
- Added FujiFilm Business as a recognized make to PaperCut Pocket & Hive.
- Improved print job routing by tracking the locations of printers more accurately.
- During targeted printer discovery, only scan the subnets or IPs provided within the interface.
Sep 05, 2022
- Cache printer attributes in the print job release process to prevent overloading printers with IPP requests to improve IPP printing failure rates.
- Delay initial calls to the cloud from various edge node services to prevent ‘marching herd’ after a power cycle.
- Fix login problem on Xerox Workcentre. Also fixed a problem where Xerox jobs are not purged.
- Fixed a bug in sleep action for deleted edge nodes. This prevents deactivated edge nodes from checking with the cloud too frequently.
Aug 30, 2022
Improvements to printer discovery and updating processes. [CCEM-1091]
Aug 22, 2022
Integrated Scanning: Updated the default scan rotation behavior for scan jobs from Sharp A4/Letter MFPs. Scans produced by Letter/A4 Sharp MFPs now auto-rotate by default.
Aug 16, 2022
Fixed an issue where, for some documents, the PaperCut printer driver wasn’t converting all page elements to black & white when the user was selecting black & white at print time. [CCEM-1436]
Aug 11, 2022
Fixed the date range not being honoured when a search term was applied within Job Log page and Job Log Export. [CCEM-1471]
Aug 03, 2022
Fixed duplicate nodes in the Edge Mesh report. [CCEM-1324]
Jul 29, 2022
Changed the default behaviour of the Cloud Node, if you have it activated, so that all documents are replicated to the Cloud Node to increase the reliability of routing the print job at release time. This will only apply if you have opted into the Cloud Node.
Jul 27, 2022
Fixed the Kyocera TASKalfa 7054ci KX
printer driver to correctly print in tabloid paper size. [CCEM-1416]
Jul 12, 2022
- Improvements to Edge Mesh communications to reduce network usage.
- Re-attempt device unlock on Toshiba if login with MDS token failed due to the Login user already exists error.
- Increased the default printer app task execution timeout from 90 seconds to 10 minutes.
Jul 6, 2022
- PaperCut Grows, the PaperCut sustainability program that allows PaperCut Hive users to plant more trees thatn the paper they consumed, is available for PaperCut Hive
Jul 5, 2022
- Diagnostic mode, allowing the download of Embedded App logs, is availble for Sharp, Toshiba, HP, and Konica Minolta MFPs under the Printer Settings/Apps
Jul 4, 2022
- PaperCut Hive Konica Minolta Embedded app v.2 with Certification is available for download
Jun 30, 2022
(BETA) Integrated Scanning for Toshiba Full Embedded
Integrated Scanning is now available for Toshiba MFPs with the PaperCut Hive Full Embedded. It has the same Integrated Scanning feature set currently available for HP OXPd, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, and Sharp Integrated Scanning.
Jun 20, 2022
- Fixed an issue where Scan to Dropbox users kept receiving authorization emails
Jun 17, 2022
- Under Printers section, “Delete” printers was renamed to “Ignore”. ignored printers are excluded from search results and aren`t discoverable during any discovery process.[CCEM-1312]
Jun 10, 2022
- For Quick Scan jobs that are run with compression from the OCR Add-on, there’s a new item “Waiting for compression to start” in the scan job status. It can be found on: PaperCut Hive admin > “Job Log” > select a scan job that used the OCR Add-on’s compression > job detail tab > “Activity’’ subtab > this is where the new “Waiting for compression to start” is now appearing. This new status item applies to scan jobs done from now on.
Jun 09, 2022
- Show scan job cancelled message on UI of Xerox devices
Show scan job cancelled message on UI of Xerox devices. [CDSS-1295]
- Fixed an issue where watermark was not getting applied on some landscape documents
Jun 03, 2022
- Integrated Scanning: new layout for the Quick Scan editor. Features in the form are now grouped into 3 new tabs: Scan | Process | Deliver.
May 31, 2022
- Toshiba Embedded - Allow scanning with scanner lid open
- Update edge node process handling to reduce excess remote operations
May 26, 2022
Enhancements & fixes:
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.6:
- Fixed multiple issues preventing device unlock from succeeding.
- Minor UI improvement: Scan button now grows horizontally if text overflows.
- Minor UI improvement: Asterisk no longer shows in Capture Field validation error messages.
May 25, 2022
Printing was enabled for multi user computers using the Fast User Switching option in Windows. [PFR-493]
May 24, 2022
- Microsoft Entra ID User Provisioning Add-on** - To prevent bounces of emails during user provisioning we will now give Microsoft Entra ID enough time to create the Exchange inbox for a new user before attempting to send the invitation email. This means that the invitation email may be delayed by up to 30 mins from a user being synced into Hive, but we expect for the delivery of emails to be successful more often. This delay does not affect admins who manually invite users and users who request access by an invitation email.
May 19, 2022
Kyocera version 1.0.5 - Enables the PaperCut Hive print queue to work with time elapsed instead of absolute print time. So that all PaperCut Hive time is synced as follows:
- Time in the print queue
- Time in the PaperCut Hive Admin interface
- Time on the PaperCut Hive embedded App for Kyocera MFPs
May 02, 2022
Fixed a bug on the Job Log and the Job Log CSV export for copy jobs with number of copies greater than 1.
Printer brands affected: Sharp, Toshiba, Fuji Xerox and Xerox.
The bug was multiplying the number of copies by itself and showing them as pages, that is, a copy job with 2 copies was showing a total of 4 pages, and 3 copies was showing 9. This was affecting the number of pages on the job detail tab’s “What” section > “Pages Total” and its subitems “Color” and “BW”. On the CSV export it was affecting the columns pagesPrintedColor
, pagesPrintedBw
, pagesPrintedTotal
. The problem was in the Job Log database query - not the Job Log data itself. So all past data is now reported correctly. [SC-1138]
Apr 27, 2022
- Increase timeout for queue printing incrementally based on number of pending jobs.
Increase timeout for queue printing incrementally based on the number of pending jobs. [PPG-1024]
- Fix Printer Discovery config download when triggered from cloud.
- Fixed Integrated Scan rotation on Konica Minolta
- Fixed a bug where Integrated Scanning would be available on Konica Minolta printers that can’t scan
- Updated connector version on Konica Minolta full embedded to 2.0.2 & Lite Release to 3.0.0
Apr 20, 2022
(General Availability) Integrated Scanning for Konica Minolta Full Embedded
Integrated Scanning is now out of beta and into general availability for Konica Minolta MFPs with the PaperCut Hive Full Embedded. To access Integrated Scanning please install/upgrade to Version 2 of the Full Embedded app. It has the same Integrated Scanning feature set currently available for HP OXPd, Ricoh, and Sharp Integrated Scanning.
- Get Toshiba scanner capabilities and enable scanner port SSL/TLS support during PaperCut Hive installation.
[SC-450, SC-1075, SC-1108]
- Support Xerox third generation EIP browser. Improvements to Integrated Scanning by reading capabilities during application registration. Improvements to Job Log upload.
- Improvements to the configuration load after a restart. The edge node will only call the cloud services to download the configuration if the configuration file on the disk is stale.
- Limit retry count to 2 in edge node status update call to cloud services.
- Show an error in the PaperCut Hive Admin console if the printer application install/uninstall fails.
- Allow scan add-ons to report delivery status.
- Improved compatibility check of scanner capabilities in the Xerox printer app.
- Add random jitter to edge node status reporting.
Apr 19, 2022
(BETA) Integrated Scanning: OCR Add-on
In the PaperCut Hive admin console’s “Add-ons” section, the “OCR Add-on” is now available in beta. It will be free of charge while in beta, and become a paid add-on once beta ends. The admin can now create or edit Quick Scans with these scanning features below:
- Blank page removal
- Batch splitting on page #
- Batch splitting on blank
- Cloud compression
- Deskew
- Despeckle
Apr 08, 2022
Integrated Scanning: Changed default paper size selection for newly created Quick Scans from now on
Newly created Quick Scans had the max number of paper size items selected, 5 items, which were A4 portrait, A4 landscape, Letter portrait, Letter landscape, Legal landscape. The default selection was now updated to 4 paper sizes A4 portrait, A4 landscape, Letter portrait, Letter landscape, where Legal landscape was dropped from the default selection list. The maximum amount of paper size selections hasn’t changed and continues to be 5. This update will take effect for new Quick Scans created from now on. It doesn’t affect existing Quick Scans.
Mar 31, 2022
Enhancements & fixes:
Konica Minolta Lite Release versioning
- Introduced versioning for Lite Release, where admin can choose the version that they want to install. Admin can select the version while freshly installing the app or can also try re-installing if they want to choose the different version.
- Latest version includes minor bug fixes for the Lite Release.
- Check the ‘Version Notes’ to see the details for respective version in PaperCut Hive admin console.
Integrated Scanning: New items in metadata files for Quick Scans that have metadata files
- Added a time and date stamp in the UTC time zone in the metadata file.
- Added the Quick Scan name in the metadata file.
Integrated Scanning: Scan job status reporting
More detailed information is now reported on the backend status of Quick Scan jobs done from today onwards. Find it on: PaperCut Hive admin console > “Job Log” > click on a scan job made from today onward > job detail tab > “Activity” subtab.
Mar 30, 2022
- Updated logging for scan to OneDrive.
- Added document processing support in the backend for PaperCut Hive Integrated Scanning for when this feature goes live.
Mar 24, 2022
Enhancements & fixes:
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.5
- Fixed an issue where tracking of native jobs, like copy jobs or native scans, were being lost if a user went back from Device Functions into PaperCut Hive’s UI and did an Integrated Scanning job during the same user session.
- Minor UI improvement: on the prompt to choose a paper size when paper size isn’t detected: total width was increased to improve aesthetics when 5 paper size buttons are displayed.
Mar 17, 2022
- Native driver force duplex, force grayscale, change copies and watermark support
[PPG-1131,PPG-1132, PPG-1133, PPG-1134]
- Improvements to Konica Minolta printer app
- Integrated scanning, document processing fix.
- Native driver document format mapping updates to resolve IPP jobs not being sent to printer due to unsupported document type string.
Mar 10, 2022
(BETA) Integrated Scanning for Konica Minolta Full Embedded
Integrated Scanning is now available for Konica Minolta MFPs with the PaperCut Hive Full Embedded. To access Integrated Scanning, install/upgrade to Version 2 of the Full Embedded app. It has the same Integrated Scanning feature set currently available for HP OXPd, Ricoh and Sharp Integrated Scanning.
Mar 08, 2022
- Updated the Konica Minolta Installer to include V2.
[PBR-1155] & [PBR-1155]
- Support native driver, IPP printing for Xerox AltaLink C8145 Multifunction Printer.
- Redacted print job URLs in logs.
- Updated the scan spooler to accept scanned files from Toshiba devices.
Feb 14, 2022 💚
- [Native Driver Printing] Special IPP print release fixes for Toshiba e-STUDIO5516AC, SHARP MX-3060V, SHARP MX-3071.
- Fixed an issue where thumbnails of jobs printed in offline mode were not being uploaded when the edge node returns online.
- Fixed an issue where secure PDFs printed via Adobe Acrobat were not printing via PaperCut Pocket/Hive.
Feb 11, 2022
Fixed an issue where thumbnails were not being uploaded for jobs that were directly submitted to the Cloud Node.
Feb 08, 2022
- On Konica Minolta devices, improved error handling when the device web browser is disabled during install.
- On Konica Minolta devices, delete session information when uninstalling the app.
- All devices, improved the storage and retrieval of device capabilities.
- On Konica Minolta devices, improved logging using openAPI messages.
- Tabloid over 11x17 paper size override for multiple Konica Minolta drivers.
- On Windows, fix for large IPP jobs on “PaperCut Printer” queue going to error.
- Edge nodes now alert our service if unlocking the device was successful.
Feb 07, 2022
(BETA) Integrated Scanning for HP OXPd Full Embedded
Integrated Scanning is now available for HP OXPd MFPs with the PaperCut Hive Full Embedded. It has the same Integrated Scanning feature set currently available for Ricoh and Sharp Integrated Scanning.
Jan 20, 2022
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.4
Fixed a bug that causes the Ricoh Full Embedded to become unlinked from the PaperCut Hive org.
Jan 19, 2022
(BETA) Integrated Scanning: Metadata Capture Fields
Admins can now create Quick Scans with prompts to collect additional information from the end-user about the document being scanned, for example, cost center. The data input by the end-user at the MFD is delivered with the scan output file to the scan destination. The admin can choose the metadata file to be XML and/or JSON.
Integrated Scanning: Specify allowed domains for scan-to-email Quick Scans
For scan-to-email Quick Scans, when the admin makes the “To” field editable by the end-user, the admin can now specify approved email destination domains.
Dec 11, 2021
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.3
Fixed a critical bug that prevents releasing print jobs.
Dec 09, 2021
Google Workspace User Sync Add-on for PaperCut Hive and Pocket
Sync, provision, and manage your users from Google Workspace using the free Google Workspace User Sync Add-on for PaperCut Hive and Pocket. Just Add the add-on from the Add-ons menu and log into Google Workspace using your Google Admin account.
Integrated Scanning: PDF compression toggle on Quick Scan editor
On the Quick Scan editor > “Output Settings” section > “Format” subsection > the toggle “Use high compression PDF on printers that support it” was added. This update applies to Quick Scans created from now on. This toggle is not available for existing Quick Scans. This toggle allows admins to optimize scan output PDFs for smaller file sizes, like long multi page, text-heavy contracts, over image quality.
Dec 03, 2021
Enhancements & fixes:
Ricoh Full Embedded version 1.1.2
- For scan-to-email, the “Subject” and “Message” fields can now be blank.
- Support for Capture Fields for when this feature becomes available in the Quick Scan editor
- Support for scan PDF compression toggle for when this feature becomes available in the Quick Scan editor
- Fixed an issue of app crashing when switching back from device screen.
Dec 01, 2021
Integrated Scanning: Change in PDF compression default
Default PDF compression switched from high compression PDF to normal compression PDF, the native compression for PDFs generated by the printer.
Nov 18, 2021
Diagnostic Mode : phase 2
View newly added advanced diagnostic options of downloading Embedded logs for Xerox Embedded app and One-click install logs for all embedded apps from the PaperCut Hive admin interface to help you and your support partner to diagnose issues.
Nov 04, 2021
Scan to email: new variables for Subject, and Message fields
Added ${printer_name}
variable for the “Subject” and “Message” fields, and ${document_name}
variable for the “Subject” field. New default message on “Message” field updated to show email address of scanning user and printer name used for scanning.
Nov 03, 2021
Print Offline with the mobile app
When the internet connection goes down, allow users to continue printing.
Oct 26, 2021
(BETA) Integrated Scanning: Scan to email for Ricoh and Sharp
Email is now available as a scan destination when the admin creates a Quick Scan.
Full Embedded App for Xerox now available
With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on Xerox MFDs you can control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards.
Oct 22, 2021
Quick Scan editor: Admin Notes field
In the Quick Scan editor, admins can use the Admin Notes field to document the purpose, intended audience, or anything they want to remember about the Quick Scan. Admin notes are only visible to admins.
Oct 05, 2021
Quick Scan editor: Increased max allowable items for some settings
Max selectable items for Original size increased from 4 to 5. Color mode from 2 to 4. File Format from 3 to 4. Now customers using ANSI paper sizes can select all ANSI sizes + Auto. This update applies to Quick Scans created from now on. It does not apply to existing Quick Scans.
Sep 30, 2021
Printer list management : printer discovery
With the next phase of Printer List Management feature, You can manage Auto Printer Discovery actions and action on newly discovered printers.
Sep 13, 2021
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.1.1-beta
Added Integrated Scanning. PaperCut Hive Integrated Scanning for Ricoh to the following cloud destinations: Box, Dropbox, Dropbox Business, Evernote, Google Drive, OneDrive for Business, OneDrive Personal, pCloud, SharePoint.
Sep 08, 2021
Enhancements & fixes:
Printer list management
Delete the printers and restore the deleted printers from printers in PaperCut Hive admin console. Also view advanced filtering option for printer list.
Ricoh Full Embedded v1.0.1
Fixed an issue where linking app with printer can create duplicate printer
Sep 03, 2021
(BETA) Integrated Scanning to cloud destinations for Sharp
PaperCut Hive Integrated Scanning for Sharp to the following cloud destinations: Box, Dropbox, Dropbox Business, Evernote, Google Drive, OneDrive for Business, OneDrive Personal, pCloud, SharePoint.
Sep 01, 2021
Print BI using Google Add-on
Create informative reports and insightful dashboards based on your print job data. Go to Add-ons to seamlessly connect PaperCut Hive or Pocket to Google Data Studio. Use the pre-built dashboards to quickly analyze your data.
Aug 31, 2021
Diagnostic mode in PaperCut Hive admin console
View advanced diagnostic options and information throughout the PaperCut Hive admin interface to help you and your support partner to diagnose issues.
Aug 23, 2021
ACDI sync for Tableau Add-on
Create informative reports and insightful dashboards based on your print job data. Go to Add-ons to seamlessly connect PaperCut Hive or Pocket to Tableau.
Jul 21, 2021
First finishing option for the mobile app; stapling
Our first stage of delivery for finishing options, for those users who have been asking for stapling we’ve done the quickest way to deliver this feature to you all. We are planning to add the embedded app also in the near future. Learn more about how it works
Jul 12, 2021
Discover now for printers
Have a printer that needs to be found straight away? You can now let your edge nodes do the search immediately! Go to Easy Printing > Auto Printer Discovery to discover it now.
Jul 07, 2021
Lite Release App for Epson
With their Access Codes users can securely release their print jobs on supporting Epson devices.
The app is available in PaperCut Hive admin console.
Konica Minolta Full Embedded and Lite Release App bEST certification
PaperCut Hive Full Embedded and Lite Release App for Konica Minolta are now officially bEST program certified!
Jul 01, 2021
Lite Release App for Brother
With their Access Codes, users can securely release their print jobs on supporting Brother devices.
The App is available in PaperCut Hive admin console
Jun 24, 2021
Konica Minolta native MFP menu access
Added a configuration at PaperCut Hive admin console which allows users to be brought directly to the native MFP menu ( i.e. device functions ) after login.
Jun 08, 2021
HP OXPd Full Embedded printer UI for 4.3" screens
Optimized printer UI for printers with the smaller 4.3" screens.
May 31, 2021
Full Embedded App for Konica Minolta
With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on Konica Minolta MFDs you can control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards.
May 18, 2021
Full Embedded App for HP OXPd
Control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with access codes and swipe cards.
Mar 31, 2021
Hardware meter counts
Raw meter counts for printers for print, copy, fax, and scan.
Mar 30, 2021
Download an edge node only
Edge node only installer is now available through the adminstrator console.
Mar 23, 2021
Change access code
Ability for the admin to change an individual end-user’s access code to a randomly generated one or a customized one.
Invite new user with custom access code
Invite a user with a custom access code predefined by the admin.
Mar 19, 2021
Full Embedded App for Fuji Xerox
With the Full Embedded PaperCut Hive printer app on Fuji Xerox MFDs you can control access and track printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Users can securely release print jobs with Access codes and Swipe cards.
Mar 05, 2021
Choose how you deliver print jobs to your printers
If you are a print expert, this one is for you. We will allow more control on how print jobs are delivered to your printers, customize this by choosing your preferred print delivery method.
To check this feature out, go to the Printers page and click any printer. Once there, click the Advanced tab.
Lite Release App for HP WorkPath
With their Access Codes, users can securely release their print jobs on supporting HP WorkPath devices.
The App can be downloaded from HP Command Center.
Feb 10, 2021
One-click install for Toshiba Lite Release
One-click install and uninstall is now available for Toshiba Lite Release.
- On the Printers page, select the printer you want to install the app on.
- Click the Apps tab, then the Lite Release tab.
- Click One-Click and complete the fields.
Jan 19, 2021
One-click install for printer apps
Installing printer apps is now a piece of cake (to go with your coffee). Install and uninstall the embedded software from the admin console in PaperCut Hive.
On the Printers page, select the printer you want to install the app on, then click the Apps tab. Click One-click and complete the fields.
This feature is currently available for:
- Lite Release: Fuji Xerox, HP (OXP), Konica, Sharp, and Xerox.
- Full Embedded: Sharp and Toshiba.
Jan 08, 2021
Microsoft Entra ID User Sync
Onboarding and offboarding your users just got easier; you can now manage your users all from the Microsoft Entra ID portal. Want this add-on? It is on the Add-ons page now.
Dec 02, 2020
Printing off-site using the Cloud Node
The Cloud Node feature allows your users to print from anywhere from any device, even if they are not connected to the local network. To turn on this feature, head over to the Edge Mesh page and toggle Cloud Node to on.
Nov 13, 2020
New add-on: Serviced Office Billing
Send basic billing reports (.csv) automatically to your email to bill your users for the amount of printing based on the costs for black & white, color, 1-sided, or 2-sided printing. This allows you to see how much to charge your users.
To enable this add-on, go to the Add-ons page, click Connect, and fill in your costs and report frequency. You now have automated billing reports.
Nov 04, 2020
Enhancements & fixes:
Ricoh Full Embedded version 1.0.0
- Added the ability to track copy/scan/fax jobs on the device.
- Fixed an issue that caused the submit button to be incorrectly positioned in both the access code text field on the log in screen, and the linking code text field on the linking screen.
- Improved the styling of the delete print job popup confirmation.
- Improved the styling of the request access code text on the login screen to better indicate it is clickable.
- Improved the initial setup process so that after you click the “Let’s get started” button on the initial set up page, HTTPS communication with the cloud is confirmed.
- Improved the security of the application’s token that links the embedded app to the cloud when the token is stored on the printer’s hard drive. If you are installing over the top of a previous version, you’ll need to link the application to the cloud again.
- Improved the access card association interface and moved it into a side panel on the log in screen.
- Updated the Print Release application icon that is displayed on the panel’s home screen.
- Changed print job names on the print release screen to be ellipsized in the middle rather than the end of the name.
- Updated several images used on screens throughout the application.
Oct 30, 2020
Ricoh Full Embedded version 0.2.0
- Added the ability to display prompts and warnings prior to a user releasing their print jobs.
- Added the ability for a user to request their access code be re-sent to their email address.
- Added the ability to link this application to your PaperCut Hive account using a linking code.
- Added UI enhancements to the Card Association and Requesting Access Code screens.
- Added the ability to unlink this application from your PaperCut Hive account.
- Updated the icon and name for this application that appears on the printer’s home screen.
Oct 20, 2020
Scan, copy, and fax tracking
On the admin interface for both PaperCut Pocket and Hive, the Print Log tab was renamed to Job Log. Kyocera, Ricoh, Sharp, and Toshiba MFDs with the full embedded PaperCut Hive printer app now track scan, copy, and fax jobs on PaperCut Hive admin interface under the Job Log tab.
Aug 12, 2020
New add-on: Microsoft InTune desktop deployment
SysAdmins can now use Microsoft InTune to automatically deploy edge nodes and PaperCut printers to their users. To use this add-on, connect it via the Add-on page and follow the instructions in the add-on.
Apr 22, 2020
Ricoh Full Embedded version 0.1.0
- Link your printers with PaperCut Hive using either a QR Code or a Linking Code.
- Use either access codes or access cards for user authentication.
- Use the device’s screen to:
- see a list of all the print jobs
- release print jobs
- delete unwanted print jobs.