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List of installation parameters and filename configurations

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This topic explains how to use optional parameters and filename configuration combinations to deploy the PaperCutPrint Deploy client to a multiple operating systems.

At a high level, when downloading the Print Deploy client it will have the name of the Print Deploy server added to the filename.


  • pc-print-deploy-client[].msi

  • pc-print-deploy-client[].dmg

  • pc-print-deploy-client[printserver].deb

The Print Deploy client also accepts parameters via command line.

  • msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi STRICT_SSL=true

  • For .rpm based distributions: sudo STRICT_SSL=true yum localinstall pc-print-deploy-client\[<hostname>\].rpm

  • For .deb based distributions: sudo STRICT_SSL=true dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client\[<hostname>\].deb

  • macOS uses a .plist

This topic explains what parameters and filename configurations are available, and what they do.

Before you start

This is an advanced topic. In most environments the servername in the installer filename is sufficient to install the client.

Priority order

The Print Deploy client installers will preference parameters first, then filename configurations and finally fall back to defaults.

e.g. msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client[].msi will result in the Print Deploy client being configured to work with

Available Parameters and Filename configurations

Filename (common)

Name Type Values Examples
serverhost filename IP Address


serverhost_port filename TCP Port pc-print-deploy-client[hostname_443].msi
schema_serverhost_port filename http or https pc-print-deploy-client[http_hostname_443].msi

Windows only
filename http-strict pc-print-deploy-client[http-strict_hostname_443].msi


Windows msiexec parameters

Name Type Values Examples
SERVER_HOST msi param IP Address
Preferably, use an FQDN or hostname instead of an IP address if possible. Examples:
msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi

msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi SERVER_HOST=printserver

msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi SERVER_HOST=
SERVER_PORT msi param TCP Port Default value is 9174. Example use:
msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi SERVER_PORT=443
SERVER_SCHEME msi param http or https Default value is https. Example use:
msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi SERVER_SCHEME=http

msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi SERVER_SCHEME=https
SKIP_DPM msi param true or false Default value is false. Set this value to true to avoid installing the Direct Print Monitor. The Direct Print Monitor is used to analyse and control Direct Print print jobs. Example use:
msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi SKIP_DPM=true
STRICT_SSL msi param true or false Default value is false. Set this value to true if the client shouldn’t trust self-signed certificates. Example use:
msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi STRICT_SSL=true
NORESTART msi param true Default value is false. Set this value to true to avoid a system restart when the installation couldn’t be completed. Example use:
msiexec /i pc-print-deploy-client.msi NORESTART=true

macOS /Library/Managed Preferences/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist entries

Name Type Values Examples
server_host .plist IP Address
defaults write <filename> server_host

defaults write <filename> server_host printserver

defaults write <filename> server_host
server_port .plist TCP Port defaults write <filename> server_port 443
server_scheme .plist http or https defaults write <filename> server_scheme http

defaults write <filename> server_scheme https
skip_dpm .plist true or false defaults write <filename> skip_dpm true
strict_ssl .plist true or false defaults write <filename> strict_ssl true

Note: All .plist entries are lowercase.

Linux .deb based distro’s

Name Type Values Examples
server_host environment variable IP Address

specify STRICT_SSL only if you want to set it to true
sudo dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb

sudo SERVER_HOST=printserver dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb

sudo SERVER_HOST= dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb
server_port environment variable TCP Port
Always specify along with SERVER_HOST
sudo SERVER_PORT=443 SERVER_HOST= dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb
server_scheme environment variable http or https sudo SERVER_SCHEME=http dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb

sudo SERVER_SCHEME=https dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb
skip_dpm environment variable true or false sudo SKIP_DPM=true dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb
strict_ssl environment variable true or false
Always specify along with SERVER_HOST
sudo STRICT_SSL=true SERVER_HOST= dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb
http_proxy environment variable Proxy URL sudo HTTP_PROXY=http://myhttpproxy dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client.deb

Setting up client.conf.toml file for the Linux .deb based distro’s

For managed environments, application parameter file can be created and stored in /etc/papercut-print-deploy-client/client.conf.toml prior to installation. With this approach, no need to set parameters in the file name or as an environment variables. However, SKIP_DPM=true has to be specified as an environment variable during each installation. Do not use this approach if Direct Print Monitor is required.

Installation command will be as follows.

sudo SKIP_DPM=true dpkg -i --force-confdef pc-print-deploy-client.deb


sudo SKIP_DPM=true apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" install pc-print-deploy-client.deb

Name Value Example
ServerBaseURL URL of the print deploy server
No Default value. Appropriate URL must be set.
StrictSSLCheckingEnabled Indicates whether a client verifies the server’s certificate chain and hostname
Default: false
HTTPProxy URL of the HTTP proxy server
Default: empty

Linux .rpm based distro’s

Name Type Values Examples
server_host environment variable IP Address
sudo STRICT_SSL=true dpkg -i pc-print-deploy-client[].deb
server_port environment variable TCP Port
server_scheme environment variable http or https
skip_dpm environment variable true or false
strict_ssl environment variable true or false
http_proxy environment variable Proxy URL

Windows notes

Many organizations use Microsoft’s Intune to push the Print Deploy Client to the user’s machines. We have instructions on how to do that here: Deploy print queues using Microsoft Intune and Print Deploy

Other deployment methods may be able to take advantage of the file name options above, however customers using msiexec parameters have reported success. Adding a /log parameter will allow you to diagnose any installation problems.

macOS notes

The PaperCut Print Deploy Client use the .plist file to bootstrap itself. This must be found at /Library/Managed Preferences/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist

To create a reference .plist file, you can use the following example:

  1. Open a terminal and issue the following command:

    defaults write ~/Documents/com.papercut.printdeploy.client server_host hostname

  2. Replace the hostname with the FQDN from the ‘.dmg’, for example,

  3. Convert the .plist file with the following command:

    /usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1 ~/Documents/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist

    This prevents an error in Jamf ‘Problem uploading file. Plist files must be in XML format’.

  4. Verify the contents of the new .plist with the following command:

    defaults read ~/Documents/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist

    The output should be:

    macOS:Documents localadmin$ defaults read ~/Documents/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist    
        "server_host" = "";
    macOS:Documents localadmin$
  5. Copy ~/Documents/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.papercut.printdeploy.client.plist on your macOS device, and install the Print Deploy Client.

strict-ssl notes

When you Enable SSL/TLS certificate checking make sure that the value used for server_host is a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) that matches the certificate you are using.
