

Get back to school ready with Mobility Print

As many students around the world are on summer school holidays, perfecting their Minecraft worlds or longest Netflix binges, schools’ IT teams are busy preparing for the new semester.

Unlike any previous school semester, IT teams are challenged with different requirements than ever before.

Students and staff are not all physically going into schools full time, making it challenging for them to print without relying on home printers.

Many schools currently using Google Cloud Print, with its looming deprecation, have IT teams tasked with finding an alternative solution.

So the big questions for all school’s IT teams are:

  • Do your students and staff need to print via Chromebooks, iPads, iPhones, Macs, Windows, and Android devices?
  • Do your students and staff print remotely and pick up their print jobs from school?
  • Are your students and staff currently using Google Cloud Print for their printing?

If you answered yes to any of the above then we have the answer for you, Mobility Print .

3 reasons to use Mobility Print today

1. Google Cloud Print deprecation 

Google Cloud Print’s December 31st deprecation deadline (Find out more about GCP’s End of Life announcement here ) is fast approaching and IT teams are looking for a tool to migrate to.

Mobility Print is a like-for-like Google Cloud Print alternative. Users can natively print from any BYO device (Chromebooks, iPads, iPhones, Macs, Windows, and Android). Chromebook users can print over the internet (Windows and Mac support is coming soon).

Oh and there’s a big bonus; it’s free.

2. Summer school holidays

In some parts of the world, schools are in summer holidays, or not currently attending. But the good news is this is the optimal time to be upgrading software, ready for when students are back.

For many, this is also the only big window before Google Cloud Print is deprecated.

3. Hybrid school model

In the current situation, some schools are moving towards a hybrid model where students split their learning half at school and half remotely from home. Others who are still remote learning are allotted times when they can come into the campus to print.

Mobility Print’s new Cloud Print functionality gives these students and teachers the ability to print from their homes and pick up their print jobs when they arrive at the campus.

Get back to school ready now

All you need to do to make sure you are back to school ready is download and install Mobility Print for free today.

If you’re using Google Cloud Print and are still assessing alternate options, we recommend having a read of, “ What to do after Google Cloud Print end of life .”

We also have a KB migration guide for transitioning from GCP to Mobility Print.

Download Mobility Print


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