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PaperCut grows

Grow your sustainability story with Forest Positive printing

forest positive printing

What is PaperCut Grows?

PaperCut Grows is our sustainability program that transforms your essential documents into Forest Positive printing.

Available with our flagship solutions PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive, this easy-to-use in-product tool converts your documents printed into trees planted via a small up-front investment per printer.

We’re the experts on the print side of things, we leave the actual tree planting to our non-profit reforestation partners around the globe.

Forest Positive printing with PaperCut Grows

Just reducing waste isn’t enough anymore. Turn your printing’s impact around by becoming Forest Positive.

Why Forest Positive matters

Reducing print waste isn’t enough anymore. Turn your printing’s impact around from a negative environmental footprint to a positive force for ecological renewal by becoming Forest Positive.

Hand with plant
20% of current greenhouse gases are due to tropical forest destruction
Plants growing
Print Footprint
30% of trees cut down are used for paper processing, essential business printing needs to do more than minimize paper waste
World globe
Climate change
One mature tree absorbs more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year, that’s enough oxygen to keep a human breathing for 2 years!

the benefits

Why PaperCut Grows is good for your bottom line, and the planet

Grows is an easy and affordable way to make business printing Forest Positive. Plant more trees than your printing uses, maximize your climate action, and directly invest in reforestation.

It’s easy

It’s simple to get - you literally just tick a box. It’s simple to use, our print management software auto-tracks your print and planting volumes. It’s simple to start, there’s no up-front carbon emissions tracking.

It’s affordable

It’s an inexpensive bolt-on to your PaperCut MF or PaperCut Hive license

It’s legit

Coding’s what we do best. All the tree planting is handled by our official partner, non-profit reforestation organization, One Tree Planted

It ROIs itself

The in-product Marketing Toolkit equips you with website components, social media content, and other creative assets for you to share your sustainability story with customers, current and prospective employees, regulators, and stakeholders

It’s guilt-free

Staff can print without worrying about the environmental impact, because all their printing is a positive force for ecological renewal

It’s real impact

Tree planting directly combats climate change with a positive impact, not just neutral greenwashing with credits from an existing forest.

It’s personal

Customers personally choose a planting project close to their community, their people, and their hearts, driving positive environmental change on their front doorstep.

learn more

How does PaperCut Grows work?

We leverage our industry-leading expertise to estimate your business printing up front.

Before you even press print, we calculate how many pieces of paper your printing uses. We then convert that into a figure of trees to plant.

Our non-profit tree planting partners then plant your trees in a global reforestation tree planting project hand-picked by you. 

You then print knowing that all those print jobs aren’t a deficit on the planet, because you’ve already invested in an environmental surplus with Forest Positive printing. 

Then once you approach your original investment, it’s time to reinvest and purchase more trees to stay Forest Positive.

What our customers say

How Forest Positive printing helps tell their sustainability story

The benefit of PaperCut is really in its ease of use. It's the right choice if you are looking for something with ease of application and an easy user interface.

- C.Y. Tung, co-founder of the Institute for Shipboard Education

How to get PaperCut Grows

Getting PaperCut Grows is easy. Fill out this form for more information.

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