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Keeping Portland weird and clean with SOLVE

PaperCut has had an office in the surrounding area since 2013 (originating in Beaverton, OR). As we’ve grown through the years we’ve moved to a few office locations, and recently called the Lawrence Building in downtown our most recent office location. Well, until COVID-19 came… The Portland office staff have all been working from home since March 2020.

During that time the city of Portland has gone through quite a bit, to say the least (as well as the rest of the world). Recently a few of us Portland PaperCutters raised our hands to give back to the community in some way. We were eager to get to work and see if we could help clean downtown, specifically around our beloved Lawrence Building.

From left to right: Portland PaperCutters Tanner, Shari, Dave, and Jesus

SOLVE: Pick it up, Portland!

PaperCut provides its employees with two additional days of leave for volunteer work so we jumped on the opportunity to help our surrounding community.

We were able to join other great Portland organizations and help with the April Downtown Litter Cleanup Day facilitated by an organization called SOLVE . A combined effort resulted in more than 3,867 lbs (1,754 kgs) of litter being removed from Portland’s streets that day!

We were able to spend a couple of hours using protective tools to pick up litter around sidewalks, paths, and other walkways as well. A good amount of us at PaperCut joined in. Some of us hadn’t seen each other since March 2020, so it was great to catch up while enjoying a nice day outdoors along the streets of Portland, even if we were picking up litter.

The magic of the day was how immediate that community benefit felt, at least for us. Workers from multiple small businesses actually greeted us outside their front doors and thanked us. I could tell they really appreciated our dedication and smiling eyes from behind our protective facemasks.

Beyond that, passing-by pedestrians also took the time to smile and thank us for helping clean Portland up a bit.

PaperCutter Shari cleaning around the famous Portland food trucks

Although it can be weird at times ( and proud of it ) Portland is a strong and resilient city,  but above all many Americas-based PaperCutters are proud to live here.

On behalf of my fellow Portland PaperCutters, I’d like to thank PaperCut for providing us two additional days of leave for volunteer work so that we can give back to our community.

Always remember to be good to yourself and others!


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