

Hey look, it's the new and improved PaperCut 20.1!

It’s that time again at PaperCut where we relax, rejuvenate and most importantly, release.

Here’s what’s included in 20.1:

  • New data integrations
  • Spool file encryption for each print job
  • User principal names

This release is also a little different to our previous upgrades, read on to see our changes.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Data integrations

You can now easily configure PaperCut’s Data Integration platform to export your usage data from PaperCut MF to your 3rd party Business Intelligence tool of choice.

Much like Build a Bear , you have the freedom to build your own data dashboard through the following steps:

  • Choose the datasets (users, printer, print scan and copy usage, accounts, servers) .
  • Click historical data export.
  • Choose the data output location, then the data is exported in csv format.
  • Once the integration is loaded into the PaperCut MF admin console, you can now build a dashboard!

However we understand that creating a whole new dashboard can be daunting. So that’s why we also have off the shelf pre-built dashboards supported by third party integrations.

We’re friends with Intuitive BI whose integration is quick and with a visual understanding of top printers, top users and top scanners.

We’re also mates with ACDI , one of our authorized solution centers who created the integration ‘Storyboard’, which gives you instant, real-time visualizations of your PaperCut installation with advanced comparison analytics.

Spool File Encryption

This feature is for organizations who are sensitive to print jobs being accessed via the disk. Spool file encryption means that all print jobs are encrypted while they are stored on the disk of the print provider and are waiting to be printed.

That’s right, every single one has an extra layer of security. With this feature, we’re currently supporting Windows OS where the Windows environment must be at least Server 2012.

User Principal Names in the Active Directory.

Prevent username clashes, unrecognised users, and incorrectly assigned print jobs in multi-domain environments by using User Principal Names (UPN). This ensures all usernames are unique.

For example, you could have two John Smiths in your school district. Both would appear in Papercut as  jsmith, causing confusion over which print jobs belong to the people who have this one-of-a-kind totally not cliche name. With UPNs enabled, usernames will include both the username and the domain, such as and . This way each user can be distinguished from one another by their full UPN username  and identification mishaps are no more.

What’s different about this release

But what about our big ticket goodies such as Mobility Print and Print Deploy? Well, I’m SO glad you asked: they’re all continuous deployment. That’s right, from now on their changes are constant and not tied to a release number. In fact there could be one happening RIGHT NOW for all I know. We’re using the cloud to deliver these constant updates that arrive right on your desktop’s doorstep.

Keep an eye out for Cloud Print on Windows and Mac plus Print Deploy updates soon.

How can you download PaperCut 20.1?

PaperCut 20.1 has now been officially released! Head on over here or if you want more of the nitty-gritty details, check out the release notes .


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