

This is PaperCut

This isn’t the typical PaperCut blog post that gives you a bunch of tips or how-tos about print management or anything like that.

We made this short film, you see, and I really wanted to share it with you.

Getting to know PaperCut

Over the years, I’ve delighted in taking customers and partners through our offices. I’ve always thought it’s the best way to get a feel for how we do things at PaperCut. Show, don’t tell.

I always ask those guests, “Is what you’ve seen what you expected from a visit?”, and they always answer that no, PaperCut is way more than they expected.

I’m always humbled by that, and proud, too. Proud because we work darn hard to foster a caring, playful, honest environment in each of our offices around the world.

Sadly, we can’t take everyone through our offices anymore - we’re a little too big nowadays - so we’ve made this to give you an idea of what makes PaperCut … well, PaperCut.

What makes a PaperCutter

PaperCut’s made up of a bunch of really fine folk who give a damn about what they’re doing.

They give a damn about sustainability. They give a damn about security. They give a damn about being open and honest with everything they do.

That’s why, when we decided to capture what’s unique about PaperCut, I was super-confident we could do it.

And I think we did.

By the way, we filmed this in our Portland and Melbourne offices (ok, and a forest or two just around the corner). If you’re around our way , drop by  for a coffee. We’d love to show you the 3D version of our offices!


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