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How can you use Intuitive Dashboards and your print data to address your business challenges?

Over the past two years, Intuitive Business Intelligence has seen strong growth in demand for our Print Analytics dashboards. They take the data from PaperCut MF or PaperCut Hive and provide easy-to-use visual dashboards. These in turn allow users to easily analyze their print data for cost savings, make efficient use of their print estate, and provide environmental visibility of print activity 

However, coupled with end-user print analytics, we have seen an upturn in demand. Our partners are now using print analytics as a data discovery tool.  Our new Intuitive DX dashboards allow our partners to leverage the power of print data to identify opportunities for digital transformation with their customers.

Here’s why that’s important. 

Current challenges customers face with their print data

Cost reduction/efficiency savings – businesses are looking to counter a range of economic pressures from cost inflation, a reduction in consumer spending, and pressure on wages due to cost of living demands. Margins are being squeezed and organizations need to have more efficient processes and make sure their staff are being used for high-value tasks, not repetitive ones that could be automated.

Staff retention – coupled with increased wage demands, organizations are looking to use people for more productive tasks and remove repetitive paper-based processes from organizations to increase employee satisfaction.  One example of this would be removing daily, repetitive paper-based form filling, which then needs to be re-keyed into another business system.

Customer demand creates digital transformation opportunities

These two trends create customer-led demand for suppliers to diversify into new areas such as digital transformation.  Traditional print contracts, like all legacy solutions, are seeing margins squeezed and print resellers are looking to grow into new solution areas to satisfy this customer demand.  We have created new dashboards that offer this innovation to our resellers to deliver to customers and address these new growth areas around ECM and digital workflow.  

We have made an investment in new dashboards to support digital transformation – IntuitiveDX. These dashboards allow customers to work with their print suppliers to better understand their print data to engage with these new transformation opportunities.

In our experience, providing ECM and digital transformation solutions requires a different approach and requires print suppliers to engage outside of traditional print decision-makers, reaching out wider across an organization to really understand workflows.  Printed and scanned documents are often the starting point for a business process. So if we can help you to understand the patterns of what this looks like in your organization, as print suppliers, we can be ready to help you.

The good news is that most of this useful data already exists in your organization.  If you are already using Print Analytics (from data that is already captured through PaperCut software), then analytics dashboards can help to spot opportunities to improve paper-based processes through implementing digital workflow solutions and digital transformation technology.  

Using this data can help to open up new conversations with different teams in the organization, such as departmental heads and team leaders. This provides the chance to work with them to help transform their operations, increase efficiency, and save costs.

If you’d like to see examples of how Intuitive has used print data to help organizations with their digital transformation visit their website below



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