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Ode to the humble sysadmin - System Administrator Appreciation Day 2024

In the realm of wires and blinking lights so bright,

Where shadows dwell in the depths of the night,

The guardians of data, the keepers of code,

In silence they labor, their toil untold.



Sysadmins, the wizards of the cyber domain,

With keyboards as swords, they shield and sustain,

From dawn until dusk, through the dark and the cold,

Their stories of struggle remain largely untold.

In cubicles dim, where coffee is king,

They battle the demons that technology brings,

The servers that crash, the networks that fall,

They rise to the challenge, they answer the call.

'Why won't it reboot?', comes the frantic plea,

As they dive into chaos, setting systems free,

With a flick of the wrist and a world-weary grin,

They conquer the chaos, they generally win.



But alas, they're unseen, like ghosts in the mist,

Their triumphs unheralded, their presence dismissed,

'Just reboot it again', the clueless will say,

Not knowing the magic that saves the day.

Through updates that linger and patches that stall,

They wrestle with gremlins, both big and small,

From printers that jam to email that fails,

They navigate crises like ships without sails.

Their patience is tested, their sanity strained,

Yet humor sustains them, their spirits maintained,

With memes and with jokes, they lighten the load,

In the labyrinthine pathways their work often goes.

'Have you tried turning it off and on again?'

A phrase that's immortal in the halls of domain,

But beneath the jest lies a truth we must see,

That sysadmins are heroes, though unsung they be.



So on this Sysadmin Day, let us raise a toast,

To the unsung warriors we rely on the most,

May their servers be stable, their networks robust,

For without their vigilance, our world turns to dust.

Hail to the sysadmins, the watchers of night,

With laughter and wisdom, they keep systems tight,

May their struggles be fewer, their joys be grand,

For they are the backbone of this digital land.


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