

"And the 2022 BLI award goes to ..."

So, I just saw the press release announcing PaperCut has won a Buyers Lab (BLI) 2022 Pick Award for Outstanding SMB Print Management Solution from Keypoint Intelligence. And let me tell you, this one means a lot.

We have had a lot of success with BLI Awards, as PaperCut had won a BLI Pick Award for five years in a row for Outstanding Cost Accounting & Recovery Solution.

This streak was halted in 2020 by, you guessed it, a certain pandemic. Fair enough, it’s perfectly nice to let someone else taste success (if only for a short time).

Is PaperCut still the best?

Missing out last year was a kick in the pants for me, because it was a potential indicator that the pandemic may be affecting our output. Not the ONLY indicator, mind you. Because from a development point of view, PaperCut MF got a LOT of love from our engineering team in 2020, considering the effort they also put into preparing for the launch of PaperCut Hive.

Still, I was privately concerned.

Silly me.

This BLI Award is for …

Winning the award again this week absolutely validates the efforts our product engineers have put in over the past 18 months of lockdown life. From 2am phone calls to partners on the opposite side of the world, to making space in their apartments for multifunction printers to ensure software testing can continue unhindered.

What they’ve built in PaperCut MF 21 sets the foundation for many years of innovation to come.

So while our success at the recent Frank Awards was for our partners, I’m claiming this one for our engineering team!

Thank you to the judges at Keypoint Intelligence, and congratulations to other winners. And thank you to the 2020 winner for graciously allowing us to start a new streak!


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