

Print Geeks 004 NewsCuts | We need to talk about September

Regular visitors to our blog will know that we recently launched a brand new podcast - Print Geeks: your go-to pod for all things PaperCut and the print industry.

Since we’re all about being nimble here, this pod doesn’t have just one type of episode. We’ve actually got four different episode themes (at least for now, it might grow, it might shrink).

Up now on the Print Geeks podcast is the first entry of our NewsCuts series - where we have a chit-chat about all the key stories in PaperCut land from the previous month.

When I say we, I literally mean myself, and PaperCutter Al (our communications lead, ahem, and my boss) who you’ll also recognize from the blog.

This month for NewsCuts, PaperCutter Al and I discuss:

On top of all that, spoiler warning, but there may or may not be the world’s first podcast cameo from a rabbit…

Now, you’ll notice the episode title says, “September” despite the fact that we’re now past the midway point of October.

But we’re new to the podcasting game, and despite recording this at the start of the month, it took us a little while to get it ready and up for listening.

We won’t make a habit of this… (he said knowing full well who he is).

But, hey, that just means next month’s episode of NewsCuts is right around the corner!

Have a listen and make sure you click follow or subscribe or whatever the call-to-action is on your preferred streaming service.

And if you want more rabbit cameos, just get in touch.



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