

Print Geeks 008 DeepCuts | Print Offline with Vuthy and Bez

We’re excitable overachievers here at PaperCut, so when we have a good idea we really get carried away.

Instead of launching a simple podcast, we got a whole crowd of excited geeks involved and created four different episode styles !

I’m new to the podcast game, but I love sharing stories and trying new things so I jumped at the chance to host DeepCuts - the Print Geeks show where I get to geek out about nerdy print topics with fellow nerdy print geeks.

That pretty much makes it the most Print Geeks episode type of Print Geeks - some might say the best. But I won’t get into a content civil war with my fellow Print Geeks hosts - yet…

Speaking of, in their latest NewsCuts episode , those loose canons PaperCutter Kieron and Al mentioned Print Offline a few times. It’s a feature in PaperCut Hive and PaperCut Pocket mobile apps that lets you print via the cloud - even when there’s no internet connection.

If you think cloud printing that still works without the cloud is as cool as I do then you’ll definitely want to listen to my chat with our cloud platform experts Vuthy and Bez. Vuthy’s the product manager for PaperCut Hive. Bez is the lead engineer. They’ve both been involved in PaperCut’s cloud game since it started!

We really put the ‘deep’ in DeepCuts with this one, making this pretty much the go-to source for how Print Offline works.

And remember, I’m new to this podcast game, so please keep your roasting down to a light char as I get the hang of this circus. But at least I’ve upgraded my microphone, so my next episode won’t sound like it was recorded on a potato in a parking garage.

In the meantime, enjoy me, Vuthy, and Bez print geeking out over cloud-native printing.



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