

Print Geeks 031 | The 3 ways to print in the cloud

In the world of print, many talk about cloud like it’s some giant coming to get the village from over the hillside.

But the cloud’s been the standard for 10+ years now. I’m frankly tired of talking about it like it’s a new thing.

However, and I’ve even said this a few times both on the blog here and on the Print Geeks podcast, printers do have a different relationship with the cloud than computers.

Since my podcast, regular PaperCutter Jamie is just as exhausted as I am from talking about the cloud, for this episode we’re joined by a very special guest, Mark Hart of ACDI, one of our Authorized Solution Centers.

Following on from a recent conversation Jamie and I had about demystifying “serverless printing” - on this episode of the Print Geeks Podcast, Mark Hart taps into his 25 years of experience in the print industry to talk us through the 3 different ways to print in the cloud.

You’ll also notice that we have new theme music, courtesy of our sound engineer, Mal Owens. 

If you want to know what clouds and real estate have in common, you don’t want to miss this episode.

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