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Mobile printing for SMBs: Make it easy for your employees

Mobile printing is your classic business risk-versus-reward scenario. On the one hand, it can deliver huge boosts to printing efficiency. On the other hand, poorly managed mobile printing opens up your organization to unauthorized network access and who-knows-what else. Good thing we’re going to manage it properly, right?

In this article, we’re tackling how to print from mobile devices, and how to do it safely. Especially if you’re a small-to-medium business (SMB).

What is ‘mobile printing’?

Mobile printing is any tech that allows users to print documents from mobile devices (like smartphones and tablets) without needing a computer to act as an intermediary. It’s a much faster, more efficient solution than emailing documents to yourself, for example. With the right mobile print management app, users can access all their usual print features. Very handy for mobile and hybrid workforces.

Mobile printing challenges for SMBs

SMBs face a few traditional hurdles when it comes to mobile printing. None of these are deal-breakers, necessarily. But it’s worth keeping them in mind.

Print Security. Printing from mobile devices can be a potential security risk, especially if you’re printing sensitive documents. Solutions like pull printing or secure PIN release can help, but they do require the right setup.

Device compatibility. SMBs usually run a mix of devices and operating systems, which makes compatibility a challenge. Different smartphones, different tablets, different printer models. It’s why the best mobile print solutions are device agnostic.

IT overhead. The last thing you want to do is overburden your IT team with another system to troubleshoot. The good news is, with the right mobile printing software (see below) you can actually take work off IT’s plate.

Equipment upgrades. Some SMBs may be running legacy printers that aren’t compatible with modern mobile printing. This can be a pain. Ultimately, you have to decide whether the value of printing efficiency outweighs the hardware investment.

Building a secure mobile printing infrastructure

To build a secure mobile printing and BYOD environment, you need to focus on three things: secure workflows, compatibility, and ease of usLet’s break these down.

1. Choose the right devices

To enable mobile printing, you obviously need to select cloud-friendly printers that support common mobile protocols, like IPP, LPD, and LPR. Also, look for printers that support pull printing (or secure print release). Which brings us to…

2. Use mobile print management software

By running your mobile printing through PaperCut Mobility Print , for example, you’re giving IT control over who can print, and which devices they can use. It also lets you roll out drivers to BYOD devices, manage user access controls, and implement secure print release .

3. Keep your network secure

Your network is your fortress, and it needs overlapping layers of security. Start by setting up a separate guest WIFI network, leaving employees free to print on a secure, authenticated network, using WPA3 encryption or VPN access.

4. Enable authentication and access control

For mobile print environments, this step is even more crucial. It’s best practice to set up role-based access, to restrict printing privileges based on role or department. You should also be using multi-factor authentication methods , including PINs, swipe cards, and passwords.

This is where mobile print management really shines. By using the right software, like PaperCut Mobility Print, you alleviate many of the common mobile print headaches. Mobility Print support all file formats , and it’s compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, along with Android and Chrome devices. You can use it solo out-of-the-box, or pair it with PaperCut NG/MF for even more functionality.

The idea is to create a mobile-native platform that synchs with all your BYOD devices. This solves a lot of common user problems before they become tickets, and makes onboarding new staff nice and simple.

Cost optimization strategies

Making printing easier for staff is great, but it does tend to mean staff are incentivized to print more. Obviously, this is a good thing, but to keep print costs under control, we’re again going to turn to print management software.

With Mobility Print, for example, you can implement print quotas , fine-tuning your limits by user role or department, to make sure everyone’s only printing the stuff they actually need. It’s also good practice to set duplex and black-and-white printing as default (which you can do through your management dashboard).

Finally, lean on your analytics tools. That’s what they’re there for. By tracking paper consumption and ink usage over time, and then segmenting that data by department, you’ll quickly be able to spot the holes in your budget.

Embracing AI and cloud-based solutions

Cost optimization is one area where we’re really starting to see the value of artificial intelligence (AI). AI-driven mobile print solutions can predict when your printers need maintenance, anticipate consumable shortages, and even analyze usage patterns to recommend cost-saving measures. AI tools are also being used in analytics to monitor and identify unauthorized print jobs, flagging them for review.

When it comes to AI, it’s important to remember we’re still in the early days. These are tools your sysadmins can use to do their jobs more efficiently. Not a replacement for a thinking, breathing IT manager.

Ready to give mobile printing and BYOD a try? Our friendly team can walk you through everything you need to know.


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