

One for the sysadmins: PaperCut version 14.1

System Administrators work hard behind the scenes to make life easier. They maintain:

  • network security and system integrity,
  • manage cross-pollinated user groups and permissions,
  • report on activity, and
  • provide analytics to the organization to make strategic decisions easier…

We get tired just thinking about it!

It can be a tough and even thankless role in an organization where end-user convenience often masks the effort required to set up and maintain user tools.

Making life easier with PaperCut 14.1

For our sysadmins

PaperCut’s version 14.1 upgrade is our shout-out to all those that keep our offices, labs and classroom print environments running smoothly. On the back of our major version 14.0 release, we’ve focused on the little things that make life easier for sysadmins.

Areas that you have asked for include:

  • streamlining user import and initial setup,
  • making it easier to manage user meta data (e.g. multiple emails and secondary card numbers),
  • set up of new printers (automatic selection of the best settings for black and white printers)

…and for End Users


Not forgetting the PaperCut print users, we’ve added ‘drag and drop’ enhancements to  Web Print  so users can upload multiple files at the same time.

Now, in the 14.1 update, users can log in to PaperCut using their email address instead of their username. (Easier on your helpdesk as most users can remember their email address.)

So thank you to our sysadmin rockstars! We hope that PaperCut version 14.1 saves you a little bit of time and perhaps helps you get a tad more appreciation for all the hard work you do.

Upgrading to PaperCut Version 14.1

If you have a current subscription to Premium Upgrade Assurance (PUA), your upgrade to version 14.1 is already included. One-time upgrades may be purchased via our on-line order system or through your PaperCut supplier.

Please take a look at the release notes for the full details of all the features, enhancements and fixes included in PaperCut version 14.1.


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