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How we put the 'can' in Canadian Government printing

Clean salt air blows in from the Atlantic, the afternoon sun sets on a fleet of well-maintained and appreciated MFDs…

Canada’s Nova Scotia province is somewhere you can truly feel at peace.

But in the Venn diagram of ‘Feeling at peace & handling printing for the Nova Scotia Government (NSG),’ the overlap isn’t exactly big.

So we’re pretty chuffed to provide IT specialist Rick Cluett and the NSG a slice of printing paradise. Here’s how.


“We’re saving about $6-8k a month in printing and paper costs [with PaperCut]… Management’s really happy.”

– Rick Cluett, IT Specialist at NSG


Nova’s new software needs

“We were in the process of signing with Xerox, and had a print management system in place that wasn’t fully meeting our needs,” Rick recalls.

Boasting 2,800 printers (with 840 of those being MFDs) NSG’s printing needs and infrastructure are big.

And with that much printing happening day-in day-out, the potential for waste is just as sizeable.

“We wanted to be at a point where we didn’t have unnecessary print jobs, could save some paper, and also realize some cost savings.”

Added to that is the need to become a more digitized workplace. It was a list of mandatories their current solution couldn’t handle – but one we certainly could.

How PaperCut won the vote

Efficient Find-Me printing

Find-Me printing lets users release their job at the most suitable printer – be it one right beside them, or another they’ll pass in a few minutes.

It’s something Rick was a huge fan of from the get-go:

“If there’s a malfunction on one device, people can easily select another. It’s led to some serious productivity efficiencies.”

Detailed tracking and boosted security

Rick really appreciates how PaperCut lets him drill down into print activity on any level – from single users to entire departments.

“We can now log every transaction to see where jobs go, and better understand the volume we’re printing.”

Moreover, Secure Print Release combined with swipe cards means jobs can only  be released by the printer – especially crucial when one of your departments is the ultra-sensitive Department of Justice.

Better behaviour and reduced costs

NSG has seen major cost-cutting changes with PaperCut, namely:

  • The entire province has adopted duplex printing to the point of becoming “second nature”, as Rick puts it; and
  • Forgotten and/or erroneous jobs are no longer printed needlessly, saving paper and money

“We’re saving about $6-8k a month in printing and paper costs… Management’s really happy with the savings.”

Convenient vendor neutrality and web interfacing

“PaperCut being compatible with multiple vendors was a real drawcard for us. Our current contract is with Xerox, but if we ever need to change in the future, we know we have that flexibility.”

The option to run PaperCut purely via the web also helped seal the deal:

“It [being web-based] gets us away from server clients that need to be installed – it also lets us manage things from any device, or be anywhere when we print”.

All support, zero headaches

Beyond features and functionality, Rick was mighty impressed with our in-house support network, and just how easy it was to get PaperCut up and running quickly.

“It took myself and a support engineer about 1.5 hours [to install PaperCut]… I’ve also had some queries about new upgrades or custom scripts, and speaking to Support has been issue free”.

Sounds like paradise to us 🌴


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