

Manage 3D print labs with PaperCut MF

Your 3D printers came with some great software that enables actual printing to the hardware (they remind us a lot of printer drivers not too long ago). But that’s not enough in an education environment - what about submission, management and control of students? Not that great...

Schools and colleges spend millions on 3D fab labs. It has changed the way people learn and the way engineering and other design industries quickly get ideas into something tangible. With the fast adoption of these exciting technologies, we've seen some recurring problems:

- The machine is left in the hands of one or two individuals who took the time to read all the manuals and get comfortable with it.

- Others in the school / college / university / business have similar needs, but either don't know these machines are available to them, or fear the learning curve needed to take advantage of them.

- The machines are fragile and only trained individuals can be entrusted with its use.

The key to great education is to ensure all have equal access to resources. With PaperCut MF's additional 3D print license, you and your students can get more out of your fablab investment!


Manage job requests with ease

Once a student submits a 3D print job, the lab operation (a tech, or trained senior student) can start the job on the most appropriate lab machine. Manage a jobs lifecycle is as simple as moving a ticket on a kanban board. Billing and completion notifications are all handled for you.

Want to get going?

Of course you do!

One of our customer care team will get in touch to work out the best way to get PaperCut's 3D print management software into your organisation.
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