
latest features

What’s new in PaperCut MF 20.1?

Smarter printing insights, and new security enhancements!

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Spool File Encryption

Adding more security to your printing environment

Security is high priority in most organisations, but print security is regularly overlooked. It’s why PaperCut is now encrypting your print spool file information when using the PaperCut Print Provider to hold your prints.

With Spool File Encryption enhancements, you can feel at ease that all print jobs you create are encrypted on disk when waiting to be securely released at the MFD.

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Data Integrations

PaperCut MF now comes with Data Integrations: a new feature that allows you to export daily usage data from PaperCut MF into various 3rd party tools for - graphics, reporting, business insights, or accounting systems.

This feature expands our suite of reporting functionality options like inbuilt reports and custom reports.

Multi-domain Support - Active Directory (Out of Percolator)

In large multi-domain Active Directory environments you can run in to username clashes when two people from different domains share a SAMAccountName (e.g. jsmith).

We’ve introduced support for User Principle Names in Active Directory Multi-domain environments to give users fully qualified names (e.g. ). These names are unique across all domains, eliminating the possibility of username clashes
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New enhancements through continuous delivery

Mobility Print - Cloud Print

New Cloud Print (Beta) is making printing easier over the internet. Recently released is support on Windows, as well as managed and BYOD Chromebooks

In coming weeks we’ll have support on Mac. Don’t forget to migrate your Google Cloud Print users to Mobility Print before the 31st December 2020.
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Universal Print - Microsoft (PUP Beta program)

Microsoft’s new Universal Print cloud-based printing solution is now in Public Preview stage, so if you’re running the Microsoft Azure cloud service it requires no onsite servers.

At PaperCut, our tech teams have been working hard and built a Universal Print connector (in beta), which means you can start using PaperCut MF or NG with Universal Print right now!
Illustration of cartoon plants and birds in a colourful garden setting

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