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TEST Advanced Scan Actions for PaperCut MF

Advanced Scan Actions are brewing

More scan actions at the MFD helps automate data capture by eliminating manual steps in scan workflows, saving time, and decreasing user errors

About this brew

Advanced Scan Actions will allow for the collection of metadata through the following new field types;

  • Text (none, numeric, email, URL)
  • Dropdown list
  • CSV Data Source Lookup
  • MF Address Book Lookup for email

Users enter this information into the fields when they’re scanning at the MFD. PaperCut MF then saves the information in a metadata file, like XML or JSON, and sends it with the scan output file to the scan destination, making it easier for scanned data to enter document workflows.


New field types

Advanced Scan Actions introduce new field types to users at the MFD, prompting them during the scanning process to input metadata about the document they’re scanning
Improve efficiency

Streamlined scan workflow

Scanning workflows are streamlined with improved scan-to-email, and scan-to-cloud actions, and more flexible metadata entry directly at the MFD

MF Address Book Lookup

Gives users the option to select scan recipients directly from the MF Address Book at the MFD

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