

Need a little help?

With a support team full of SysAdmins, a global network of local PaperCut experts, and an industry-leading Help Center, we’re fully geared to help.

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Talk with a product expert.

PaperCut MF

is supported by the amazing people in our network of partners - they’ve always got a clear line through to us. They’ll combine their local knowledge with our technical expertise to resolve any question or problem - from licensing to technical problems - no matter what your location.

Find your PaperCut Partner


  1. Log in to your PaperCut MF Admin web interface and head to the ‘Help’ page (or the ‘About’ page in older versions).
  2. Look in the ‘Sales and Solutions Contact’ and ‘Technical Support’ sections to find your local partner or contact.
  3. Get in touch with them for help.

If you need to contact PaperCut instead,

PaperCut Hive

is supported by the amazing people in our network of experienced and certified resellers and ASCs (Authorized Solution Centers) – they’ve always got a clear line through to us. They’ll combine their local knowledge with our technical expertise to resolve any question or problem - from licensing to technical problems - no matter what your location.

Find your PaperCut Partner


  1. Log in to your PaperCut Hive Admin console, then in the top-right menu, click ‘Billing & Subscription’.

  2. Go to the ‘Tech Support’ section and find your local partner.

  3. Get in touch with them for help.


If you need to contact PaperCut instead,

Get help from PaperCut


Sending us a message is your quickest way to a solution!


We're here for you

PaperCut offers comprehensive support to assist you. If we’re unable to serve you so far and you would like to be in touch with someone, please click to contact us.