
Configure email notifications

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  1. In the Operator interface, in the bottom left corner of the screen, click the Settings icon.

  2. Click the Email Notifications tab. The following email notifications are available (turned off by default):

    • Order submitted—an email notification is sent to the customer to confirm their order submission.
    • Order in progress—an email notification is sent to the customer when the order is moved to the first “In progress” status type in the workflow. The status type that applies to each status in the workflow was configured by your SysAdmin.
    • Order completed—an email notification is sent to the customer when the order is moved to the first “Completed” status type in the workflow. The status type that applies to each status in the workflow was configured by your SysAdmin.
    • New comment—an email notification is sent to the customer when an operator adds a comment to their order.
  3. Click the name of the email you want to configure. Each email is preconfigured with default text that you can customize if you want to.

  4. Modify the email text as required. You can use the following variables in your email subject and message:

    • $customerName—the name of the customer will replace this variable.
    • $roomName—the name of the print room or FabLab will replace this variable.
    • $productName—the name of the product ordered by the customer will replace this variable.
    • $comment.createdBy—(New comment email only) the username of the customer adding a comment to an order.
    • $comment.createdOn—(New comment email only) the date on which the comment was added to the order.

    If your are translating the email text, do not translate these variables.

  5. To see what the email looks like to a customer, click Preview.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click the Email Notifications breadcrumb above the email details to return to the email list.

  8. Click the toggle button for the email. The toggle button changes to green when the email is enabled.

  9. Save the file.

Next Step: Personalize an operator profile
