
Using the Cost Script editor

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The Cost Script editor allows you to create or edit cost scripts.

To access the Cost script editor:

  1. In the Operator interface, in the bottom left corner of the screen, click Settings.
  2. Click the Cost scripts tab.
  3. Click the script you want to open. The Cost script editor is displayed.

The Job Ticketing Cost Script editor provides some handy tools to help you edit your script, which we go into detail here.

Right-click context menu

Right-click in the editor to access the following tools:

Option Description
Go to definition Find the definition of an element (such as a function or variable) within the script. If you select this option, you will be taken to the definition and will lose your current position in the script.
Peek definition Find the definition of an element (such as a function or variable) within the script, and display it in a popup windows so as not to switch away from the code that you’re writing.
Find all references Find all of the places in a script where a particular symbol, class, or method is used.
Format document Automatically format your code so that it is presented consistently.
Command Palette Display a list of short cut commands, such as Find, Copy, Paste etc. You can scroll through the list or search for a specific command.

Hot keys

A list of the available hot keys is available in the right-click context menu > Command Palette. In addition to those listed in the Command Palette, the following hot keys are supported by the Cost Script editor:

Windows keys macOS keys Description
Ctrl+A Command+A Select all text in the script.
Ctrl+V Command+V Paste selected text.
Ctrl+Y Command+Shift+Z Redo a previous undo action.
Ctrl+Z Command+Z Undo the previous action.

Inline syntax validation

The Cost Script editor highlights any syntax errors you have in your script. If you have a syntax error, a red bar is displayed in the right hand scroll bar. You can click on the red bar to go directly to the error in the script. Examples of common syntax errors include a missing bracket or quotation mark.
