
How to collect Job Ticketing logs

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PaperCut has special debug options which cause PaperCut to produce a very detailed text log of activity. The log allows our Support Team and Developers to inspect the internal workings of the PaperCut application and pinpoint the cause of problems. Enabling debug logging is only usually required or requested by the PaperCut Support Team.

This is no different when it comes to Job Ticketing . By default, Job Ticketing logs are already set to debug mode. If you have been requested by the Support team to send the Job Ticketing logs, start by logging on to the relevant machine, opening a file browser, and navigating to the following location, where [app-path]is the install root for PaperCut MF.

[app-path]\PaperCut MF\job-ticketing\log
(e.g. C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\job-ticketing\log).

There should be one single file, pc-job-ticketing.log which you’ll need to upload to the PaperCut Support Team.

By the way: your log files and other information you send to us will be treated with care in accordance with our privacy policy .

If requested, to enable debugging and collect the logs from PaperCut Application Server in addition to the Job Ticketing logs for your support issue, see our instructions here .
