
How it works

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This section is intended for system administrators who like to see what’s under the hood—it can become quite technical in places!

Read on for information about system architecture and design, authentication, and more, to help you to set up and support the system, or at least scratch the curiosity itch.

In a nutshell, Mobility Print sits locally on your network and publishes printers to your end users’ clients. It takes care of:

  • Printer discovery — lets end users use their client to find printers.
  • Print job delivery — delivers a print job from a client to a printer. The method used to deliver the print job depends on the client’s operating system.
  • User authentication — when it’s used with PaperCut NG/MF (see the product comparison ).
  • Secure release — when it’s used with PaperCut NG/MF (see the product comparison ).

Mobility Print sits on the print server in front of the existing print services. It provides a new set of services (protocols) to achieve a streamlined print experience. And it uses the existing native print queuing system and drivers installed on the system (they’re not bypassed). You get the benefit of both worlds!

Now let’s dive into detail:
