
Install the Direct Print Monitor on a Mac computer

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The process to install the Direct Print Monitor on a Mac computer is the same no matter which operating system your Application Server is on.

If your organization does not have a dedicated print server at one or more site, you should consider setting up Direct Printing. Direct Printing allows you to track and report on local printing that is sent directly from a computer to a printer, without a print server.

Step 1: Ensure the primary server is set up correctly

Before installing the Direct Print Monitor, you should ensure that the primary server (Application Server) is set up and running correctly.

Verify that:

  • PaperCut NG/MF release 16.0 or above is installed

  • users can log in to user pages from their computers

  • administrators can access the system

  • the Application Server is accessible from each computer requiring Direct Printing, that is, you can ping the Application Server.

Step 2: Ensure firewall software is set to allow access to the port used by the Application Server

A computer with the Direct Print Monitor installed needs to communicate (initiate a TCP connection) on the port used by the Application Server (9191 (HTTP), 9192, and 9195 (HTTPS) may be used). Ensure that any firewall software on the primary Application Server is not set to block any incoming local network traffic on this port.

Step 3: Install Direct printing

Install the Print Provider software onto each computer.

  1. Download the latest Mac DMG disk image from:
  2. Distribute the installer to the target computers using your preferred method, for example, via a share drive or a portable memory device.

  3. On each computer, open the downloaded .dmg file.

  4. Double-click PaperCut NG/MF secondary server Installation.pkg and follow the prompts to install the Print Provider.

Step 4: Configure the Direct Print Installer on each computer

The Print Provider on the computer needs to know where the Application Server is installed and that it should be running in Direct Printing mode. The installer attempts to open the appropriate configuration file automatically after the installation completes. However, your IT environment configuration might prevent this from happening. If it does not automatically open, open the following file in a text editor:

  1. Locate the line starting with ApplicationServer= and change localhost to the name or IP address of the Application Server.

  2. Locate the line with #DirectPrintingMode=false and change it to:


    3. Save the file and exit the text editor.

  3. Double-click the command script /Applications/PaperCut NG/MF/Control Printer Monitoring.command, and enable monitoring on the appropriate printers.

Step 5: Test

The Direct Print Monitor should now be configured.

  1. Log in to the Application Server as “admin” and verify that the printer queues are linked to the printer:

    1. Click the Printers tab.

      The Printer List page is displayed.

    2. Select a printer.

      The Printer Details page is displayed showing the Summary tab contents.

    3. Click the Queues tab.

    4. Verify that the printer queues are linked to the printer.

  2. Perform a multi-page test print on each printer and verify that print jobs are tracked correctly.
