This section describes the process of setting up a secondary Mac print server. The primary server (Application Server) can either be a Windows, Mac, or a Linux-based system. PaperCut NG/MF has full support for “mixed” or heterogeneous printing environments.
Step 1: Ensure the primary server is set up correctly
Before installing a secondary server, you should ensure the Application Server is set up and running correctly. Verify that the Application Server is functioning correctly. For example, verify that:
printers on this server are being tracked
users can log in to user pages from their workstations
administrators can access the system.
Step 2: Ensure firewall software is set to allow access to port 9191
The secondary server needs to communicate (initiate a TCP connection) on port 9191 (HTTP) or 9192/9195(HTTPS). Make sure any firewall software on the primary Application Server is not set to block any incoming local network traffic on this port. A good way to test is to open a browser on the planned secondary server, then check you can access the administration web interface on port 9191.
Step 3: Check that the host user account exists
PaperCut NG/MF runs under a non-privileged user account called “papercut”. This invisible system account is created automatically upon first install. Advanced SysAdmins can, however, have a preference to create this account manually. If you fall into this category, create the papercut
account now prior to installation.
Step 4: Install the Print Provider
Install the Print Provider software onto the secondary server. Download the latest Mac DMG disk image and execute the contained installer called PaperCut NG/MF secondary server Installation.pkg
Step 5: Configuration
The Print Provider on the secondary server needs to know where the primary server is installed. The installer attempts to open the appropriate configuration file automatically after the install completes. However, your IT environment configuration might prevent this from happening. If it does not automatically open, open the following file in a text editor:
To configure a secondary server:
Locate the line starting with
and changelocalhost
to the name or IP address of the primary server. -
Save the file and exit the text editor.
Double-click the command script
/Applications/PaperCut NG/MF/Control Printer Monitoring.command
, and enable monitoring on the appropriate printers.
Step 6: Test
The secondary server should now be configured. Log in to the system as “admin” and verify that the printers are now listed on the Printers List page. Perform a multi-page test print on each printer and verify that print jobs are tracked correctly.