
Database tool (db-tools)

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The db-tools command-line tool provides a variety of functionality manipulating the PaperCut NG/MF database and data. The tool is located in [app-path]/server/bin/<platform>/ and needs to be executed from a command prompt. The syntax of the command is:

db-tools command [options]

The valid commands are:

  • export-db - export/backup the database data

  • import-db - import/restore the database data

  • init-db - create tables and initial data in a new database

  • delete-old-logs - delete old log data (transaction, print, app log, etc.)

db-tools is a command-line application accessed via the Command Prompt on Windows, or a Command Shell (e.g. bash or a terminal) on Linux and Mac. On Linux or Mac the command must be run as the papercut user. Example use on the Apple Mac:

sudo su - papercut

db-tools import-db -f /Users/bob/

A Windows example is:

cd "C:\Program Files\PaperCut NG/MF\server\bin\win\"

db-tools delete-old-logs 90

An Apple Mac example is:

sudo su - papercut

cd "/Applications/PaperCut NG/MF/server/bin/mac/"

db-tools import-db /Users/bob/

db-tools needs exclusive access to the database. It is important that any PaperCut NG/MF services and processes are stopped before executing any commands. Failure to do so results in a “database in use” error message. The db-tools command is a powerful low-level utility so carefully consider its use on a production system. The available commands are discussed in detail below.

export-db command

The export-db command exports the data from the database. Before performing the export, stop the Application Server.

The syntax and options for the export-db command are:

usage: db-tools export-db [options]

-d,--dir <dir> Exports the database to the given directory.

-f,--file <file> Exports the database to the given file.

-h,--help Displays this help.

If no options are specified, the database export file is created in the [app-path]\server\data\backups directory and the file is named export-[date-time].zip.

Use the --dir option to override the default backup directory. The filename will still be named export-[date-time].zip.

Use the --file option to specify the full path and filename where the backup is saved.

import-db command

The import-db command imports the data (from a previous export) into the database. The Application Server must be stopped to perform the import. The syntax and options for the import-db command are:

usage: db-tools import-db [options] import-file

-f,--force Deletes any existing data before loading the data.

-h,--help Displays this help.

The --force option is required when the data is loaded into a database that already contains data. In this situation, the force option indicates that existing data is deleted first.

init-db command

The init-db command initializes a database, creating the required tables and initial data. Before you initialize the database, stop the Application Server. The syntax and options for the init-db command are:

usage: db-tools init-db [options]

-f,--force Re-initializes the database even if it already exists.

-h,--help Displays this help.

The --force option is required to initialize a database that already contains the tables and data. In this case, the force option drops the existing tables before recreating the tables.

delete-old-logs command

The delete-old-logs is used to delete old log data from the system. This command permanently deletes the following data.

  • Printer usage logs - Record all print history and statistics

  • Account transactions - Record all adjustments to user and shared accounts

  • Application logs - Record application status and error messages

usage: db-tools delete-old-logs [options] delete-older-than-days

-n,--non-interactive Perform deletion without confirmation.

​​​​​​​-h,--help Displays this help.

The --non-interactive option performs the deletion without confirmation from the user. This is useful when automating this deletion through a scheduled task or cron job.

The delete-older-than-days option determines what data is deleted. If delete-older-than-days is 90, then all log data more than 90 days old is deleted. A value of zero (0) removes all historical log data from the system.
