
Automate installation on Windows

This page applies to:


You can streamline the installation of PaperCut NG/MF or a particular PaperCut NG/MF component for automating deployment. For example, when installing on many secondary print servers, or installing the User Client locally on many desktops (although the recommended installation procedure is the ā€œzero installā€ strategy - see User Client ).

The installer command-line options provide the ability to pre-select the installer options; there is no need to click through them when installing. The options in the table below are valid for the Windows installers having those options available for PaperCut NG/MF (the main installer), the User Client and the card wizard.

Windows installer command-line options

Instructs the installer to be either:
  • silentā€”the installation begins immediately, and only the progress window is displayed, or
  • very silentā€” installation begins immediately with nothing displayed. If you use this option, you also need to include /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
If any errors are encountered, the error messages are still displayed with either option.
/SUPPRESSMSGBOXESTo run a completely silent installation, run this switch in conjunction with /VERYSILENT. This will hide any message boxes displayed during the installation process.
Overrides the default installation directory. Use this to install PaperCut NG/MF to a different directory than the default.
Selects the install type/options: Server installer:
  • full - The PaperCut NG/MF server. The default option.
  • secondary_print - Install option to set up a secondary print server. Only installs the Print Provider component.
  • secondary_web_print - Only install the Web Print component.
/GROUP="folder name"
Overrides the default Start menu group / folder into which PaperCut NG/MF is installed.
/NOICONSDisables the creation of a Start menu group / folder.
Specifies the language to use during installation. By default this is automatically detected based on your language settings, but can be overridden by specifying a language. The available languages are:
  • de - German
  • en - English
  • es - Spanish
  • fi - Finnish
  • fr - French
  • it - Italian
  • nl - Dutch
  • pt - Portuguese
  • pt_BR - Brazilian Portuguese
  • zh_CN - Chinese (Simplified)
  • zh_HK - Chinese (Traditional)
Note: This option only specifies the language during installation. More languages and regional options are available in PaperCut NG/MF once installed, which are configured separately.
