
Stop and start the Application Server

This page applies to:

Most of the time you will not need to stop or start the server; however, there are some circumstances where this is required, for example when you:

  • perform an offline backup

  • upsize the database to an external database

  • upgrade the application.

The procedure for stopping the server depends on the platform the server is run on.

Stopping and starting the Application Server on Windows

The PaperCut NG/MF Application Server runs as a Windows service when installed on Windows. You can stop or start it using the Services control panel applet. To stop/start/restart the Application Server in Windows 10:

  1. In the Windows Search box on the taskbar, type control panel; then select Control Panel.

  2. Select Administrative Tools > Services.

  3. Find the service named PaperCut Application Server.

  4. Right-click the service.

  5. Select the option you want to perform (for example, Stop/Start/Restart).

An alternative to using the services applet is to run the batch files located in the directory [app-path]\server\bin\win. Using the batch files might be more convenient when the process needs to be automated (like scripting a database backup). The batch files to stop/start the server are called:

  • start-server.bat - starts the service

  • stop-server.bat - stops the service

Stopping and starting the Application Server on Mac

To stop or start the PaperCut NG/MF Application Server on Mac, use the following scripts found at [app-path]/server/bin/mac/:

  • start-server.command - starts the Application Server

  • stop-server.command - stops the Application Server

Stopping and starting the Application Server on Linux and Novell

To start or stop the PaperCut NG/MF Application Server on Linux and Novell, use the following scripts found at [app-path]/server/bin/linux-x64/:

  • start-server - starts the Application Server

  • stop-server - stops the Application Server
