
When PaperCut NG/MF is offline

This page applies to:

This page covers what happens when an Application Server can’t connect to the Global Entitlements Service (GES), when a server reconnects to the service, and when it goes offline.

If your organization does not allow any internet presence

If your organization does not allow a connection to the GES to activate your PaperCut MF server, please contact your Accredited Reseller to discuss offline activation options.

When the Application Server can’t connect to the Global Entitlements Service

When the Application Server can’t connect to the GES, PaperCut NG/MF’s everyday functionality is not affected; it works as normal.

When an Application Server fails to connect to the GES 4 times in a row, the server caches its current state and no longer syncs with the Global Entitlement Service.

It will not automatically try to reconnect again, even when the connection is restored.

MF only - When upgrading to v24.0 or later and the Application Server is offline

When the Application Server is upgraded from a previous version, to version 24.0.1 or later, it will try and connect to the Global Entitlements Service. If it cannot connect, the Application Server will enter a grace period where trial license entitlements will apply. The grace period differs based on the version in use:

  • 24.0.1 - grace period is 30 days
  • 24.0.2 and later - grace period is 120 days

After the Application Server can connect to the Global Entitlements Service, you need to manually restart the PaperCut Application Server to validate the existing license.

If a connection is not successful within the grace period, the PaperCut MF admin interface becomes restricted. Printing is not impacted, and device logins and user interface logins still work as expected.

Note that the Application Server does not need to connect to the Global Entitlements Service when performing further upgrades of version 24 and later. For example, if you’re on version 24.0.1 and have already activated your license/subscription, you don’t need to be online to upgrade to version 24.0.2.

NG only - When upgrading to v24.0 or later and the Application Server is offline

When the Application Server is upgraded from a previous version, to version 24.0.1 or later, it will try and connect to the Global Entitlements Service. If it cannot connect, the Application Server will enter a grace period where trial license entitlements will apply.

After the Application Server can connect to the Global Entitlements Service, you need to manually restart the PaperCut Application Server to validate the existing license.

If a connection is not successful within the grace period, the PaperCut NG admin interface becomes restricted. Printing is not impacted, and user interface logins still work as expected.

Note that the Application Server does not need to connect to the Global Entitlements Service when performing further upgrades of version 24 and later. For example, if you’re on version 24.0.3 and later.

Reconnecting to the Global Entitlements Service

When the server is next online, it needs to be manually synced with the Global Entitlements Server. There are two ways to manually reconnect.

Reconnect by force refresh

  1. In the admin web interface, go to the About > Registration page.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. PaperCut MF - In the Subscriptions or License info area, click Sync.
    2. PaperCut NG - In the License info area, click Sync.

The updated entitlements are displayed.

Reconnect by restarting the Application Server

Restart the Application Server or restart the PaperCut Application Server service .

Entitlements when a server goes offline

For restrictions regarding entitlements, take a look at Entitlements for offline Application Servers.

For PaperCut MF subscription customers, if one Application Server (one site) goes offline, any other online sites can claim the remaining entitlements from all subscriptions.

For perpetual customers (that is, those using licenses), if one Application Server (one site) goes offline, any other online sites can claim the remaining entitlements from the license.

MF only - Subscription expiry when the Application Server is offline

The expiry behavior is the same as for online Application Servers. See When subscriptions expire.

PaperCut MF will continue to operate offline until your subscription expires.

To renew or change a subscription, the Application Server must be connected and synced with the Global Entitlements Service.
