Why are users unable to change the settings of held print jobs on the device?
If one or more of the print job settings on the device are not editable, check that:
Are users able to change the settings of held print jobs if the Application Server is offline?
is set to Y
, then users are able to change the settings of held print jobs during an Application Server outage. For more information, see
Configure the ability to change attributes of print jobs at the device
Are users able to change the settings of held print jobs to circumvent the Filters and Restrictions set on printers?
Are users able to change the settings of held print jobs if some printers have Advanced Print Scripting?
Yes, but not by default. When upgrading from PaperCut MF 18.1.4 or earlier, if Advanced Print Scripting is detected, then the default is NOT to allow users to change print settings. This prevents users from being able to contravene print policies implemented via scripting.
However, change the default settings to allow users to change print settings of held print jobs on the device if your Advanced Print Scripting:
does not affect the print settings that can be changed
converts a print job to grayscale or 2-sided (users cannot contravene this change at the device anyway).
For more information, see Configure the ability to change attributes of print jobs at the device .