
PaperCut Hive and Pocket manual

Product and features overview

Learn about how PaperCut Hive and Pocket help enable and control printing in an organization.

Read the overview

How PaperCut Hive and Pocket work

What's an edge node? Am I a super node? When are printers discovered? Find out how PaperCut Hive and Pocket work under the hood.

Look under the hood

Plan and get started for system administrators

Everything you need to know and check, plus getting started with PaperCut Hive or Pocket.

Get started

Manage your print environment with PaperCut Hive and PaperCut Pocket

Learn how to manage users and printers, and what to tweak to keep your printing system running at its optimal performance.

Manage users, printers, and more

Configure features

Steps for configuring Easy Printing, Secure Printing, Reduce Waste, and Integrated Scanning.

Configure features

Printing for end users

Need to print? Get printing set up from your computer and mobile device.

Start printing!

Troubleshooting Pocket and Hive

Need help? Take a look at this troubleshooting guide.
