
Import Mobility Print queues (Quick)

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This topic describes how to import Mobility Print queues into Print Deploy quickly and simply with a generic print driver for basic finishing options.

This is great for environments that use Google Cloud Directory (Google Workspace) or Azure AD as a user directory, or if you manage users manually in PaperCut NG/MF, or even if you have a custom identity source.

PaperCut NG/MF does not rely on traditional Kerberos to authenticate computers that are not joined to a local domain. Instead, Mobility Print is used to authenticate users.

Step 1: Prepare to import the queues

  1. Ensure there is at least one working Mobility Print server connected to your PaperCut NG/MF server.

  2. To configure the hostname or IP of the Mobility Print server where the Print Deploy client will be sending the print jobs to, set the Accessible IP on each Mobility Print server.

    If this is not set, Print Deploy will use the IP address reported by the Mobility Print server.

Step 2: Run the import wizard

  1. Log in to PaperCut MF.
  2. Select Enable Printing > Print Deploy. The Print Deploy page is displayed.
    • Only users with ‘Access options section’ admin rights can access the Enable Printing tab. Admin rights are configured under Options > Admin Rights.
    • The first time you open Print Deploy you’ll see a welcome video.
  3. In the right panel, do one of the following:
    • If this is the first time you’re using Print Deploy, expand Import BYOD-friendly print queues, and then click on Next.
    • If you have already installed print queues, click Add or update at the top of the print queue list (⊕), expand Import BYOD-friendly print queues, and then click on Next. The Before you begin panel is displayed reminding you of the preparation required to import Mobility Print queues.
  4. Click Start Importing Mobility Print printers.
    • The Mobility Print Import printers page will appear. It will list the Mobility Print servers you have connected to your PaperCut MF Application Server.
    • Click on a server to view a list of Mobility Printers associated with it.
  5. Click on the Mobility Print Server you want to import printers from. (If you cannot see the server you need listed, see section 7 below)
    • A list of Mobility Printers associated with that server will be displayed.
  6. Once the import is complete, you can close the page.
  7. If you cannot see the Mobility Server you need on the “Scanned” section of the Mobility Import page, click on “Manual entry” near the top of the page.
    • The Manual Entry import view would appear.
    • This feature allows you to enter a Mobility Print Server name and import printers from it.
  8. Enter the server name or IP address of the Mobility Server you need to import from in the text box. Ensure the server is up and is reachable.
    • A list of Mobility Printers associated with it would appear.
    • Select the printer(s) you need to import, and click the Import selected button.
    • Once the import is complete, you can close the Mobility Import page.

What’s next?

icon Add zones and deploy print queues to them

icon Deploy print queues to individual clients (optional)
