
End User Articles


Last updated June 13, 2024

This is a collection of articles for end users - whether you’re a Student, an employee or anyone using PaperCut at your organization, hopefully these pages will help!

Note: one of the awesome things about PaperCut is that organizations can install PaperCut and customize it in an amazing number of ways - everything from the prices being charged, how you login, where you log in, whether you’re allowed refunds, whether you’re allowed to release your print job yourself, to many other features and customizations.

Awesome!!! However
 that does mean that a lot of the time, we won’t know how your organization has set things up. We can help as much as we can, but in the end we’re just guessing at your local setup - so your own Administration or IT department may have the best help information.


User Client

User Interface


PaperCut Pocket and Hive user articles

While you’re here - take a look at the Getting started with Pocket and Hive - an end users guide.
