
Release Station interfaces

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PaperCut NG/MF includes a number of different interfaces to manage hold/release queues.

Standard Release Station

The standard Release Station is typically used on dedicated workstations located near-by the printers. It usually runs in a full-screen mode that cannot be exited. You can run the Release Station in a number of modes that changes its behavior depending on your needs. These modes are described in Release Station Modes .

For more information regarding deployment of the Standard Release Station see the [app-path]\release\README.txt file. For information regarding configuration of the Standard Release Station see Standard Release Station Configuration .

The Release Station scenarios below describe which mode to use for different situations.

Manager mode web Release Station

The manager-mode web-based Release Station provides functionality equivalent to the standard Release Station running in “Manager mode”. However, the web-based Release Station can be more convenient because you can run it from anywhere using a web browser. It allows release managers and PaperCut administrators to manage held jobs and release or cancel jobs printed by any user.

You can apply a filter to the jobs table. The default filter is the one that was last used by the user (except for the default admin user).

Access the web-based Release Station by visiting the following URL, and logging in as a user with admin or Release Station manager permissions.


where [servername] is the name of the PaperCut NG/MF server. To make a user a hold/release queue manager see Hold/release queue managers .

Admin web interface Release Station

When logged into the Admin web interface, a SysAdmin can view all jobs held by Release Stations by:

  1. Select Printers > Jobs Pending Release.
    The Jobs Pending Release page is displayed.

This interface is identical to the full-screen web-based Release Station, but can be more convenient for users already logged into the administration pages.

User web interface Release Station

When end users are logged into the user web interface, they can view their print jobs that are currently held pending release. The administrator can decide whether this interface is visible to end users, and which type of jobs a user can release. For more information, see End-User Web Based Release Interface Configuration .

Mobile Print Release

This print release interface allows end users to release their own jobs via their mobile device. This allows administrators to provide secure print release without the need for dedicated hardware. For more information, see Mobile Print Release—releasing print jobs using your mobile device chapter.

Mobile Print Release listing held jobs
