Mainframe/OnePrint Printing Issues
Last updated June 13, 2024
I work for a County School District and we have PaperCut NG running on our servers. We have had no issues until recently as school is starting to gear up. Our mainframe group uses a product called oneprint which translates/spools the mainframe print jobs to a printer queue on the server at the school. It is mostly an unattended spool. For some reason when papercut service is started it causes Oneprint to see a paused printer, we then see it spool to the print queue as if it prints but it never reaches the printer. Is there any way to exclude the oneprint jobs from being intercepted by paper cut?
There are a few options here depending on how the jobs can be identified:
Option 1) If the jobs have a unique name, then you can use the Ignored Documents setting to ignore these documents as they pass via the queue. This can be done by setting the IgnoreDocumentNames
setting in the file located at:
C:\Program Files\PaperCut NG\providers\print\win\print-provider.conf
Remember to remove the #
comment from the start of the line to enable the option, then restart the “PaperCut Print Provider” service to have the change take affect.
Option 2) If the document names can not be uniquely identified, the you may need to set up a separate queue (or set of queues) for these jobs. The queue name would be listed in the IgnoredPrinters
list in the same print-provider.conf file. The only application that should use this queue would be the Oneprint/mainframe jobs. PaperCut would ignore all jobs in this queue and should hence not affect printing.
Categories: How-to Articles , Print Queues
Keywords: main frame