How to collect Payment Gateway logs
Last updated June 13, 2024
We support multiple types of payment gateways. List of all the supported payment gateways is given here:
There can be situations where payment gateways do not work as expected. To analyse the problem we will need you to collect logs from a few places after reproducing the problem. As a first step, please try to go through the Troubleshooting section in the Payment gateway manual.
- If that doesn’t help, please enable debug in the main Application server as described here:
- Reproduce the issue.
- Record the following information:
Time the issue occurred
Name of the user who tried to transfer funds
Transaction amount
Payment gateway mode. Some payment gateways can be used in two different modes. E.g. Blackboard can be used in on-demand or manual.
All of this information will help our support engineers and developers match up log entries with your testing activities. Additional information, such as what was observed or what was expected, can also prove very useful.
Collect the following logs:
Payment Gateway Event Log: [app-path]\server\logs\payment-gateway\event.log
This log contains gateway specific error messages and events.
Application Server Log: Collect the Application server debug logs via Options → Advanced
by clicking on “Download Diagnostics” This log contains general application specific error messages and events.
Transaction Log: [app-path]\server\logs\payment-gateway\transaction.log
This log contains a list of successful transactions in a tab-delimited form.
What next?
You can submit the logs you’ve collect by logging a support request here. By the way: your log files and other information you send to us will be treated with care in accordance with our privacy policy.
Our contact information is also given here.
Categories: How-to Articles , Logs
Keywords: paypal , heartland , debugging , ng , mf