Unable to edit CUPS config file
If you’re setting up a new Print Server, or adding new Printers to a Mac as per the Add/Remove Printers on Mac documentation:
- Ensure that you have at least one Print queue set up on your Mac
- Run /Applications/PaperCut NG/Control Printer Monitoring.command
If you then see errors in the Terminal app relating to: Unable to edit CUPS config file or Incorrect password
Then you can also try running the ‘configure cups’ command manually:
Open the ‘Terminal’ application on the Mac
sudo su
(that should elevate you to run as root, and ask for your admin password)
cd /Applications/PaperCut\ NG/providers/print/mac/
(or wherever you have installed PaperCut on your machine, to change directory to the print provider’s ‘mac’ directory)
(that should run the command manually to register the printers, running as root from above)
Set each printer in the list as you require - e.g. (E)nable/(D)isable/(L)eave
Categories: Troubleshooting Articles , Print Queues
Keywords: Mac , CUPS , error , add printer
Last updated June 13, 2024