Upgrade a Linux Secondary Server
Last updated June 13, 2024
“Help! I’m a Systems Administrator running PaperCut, and I’m trying to upgrade my Linux Secondary Server. What do we need to do in order to upgrade our secondary server?”
When upgrading a PaperCut NG/MF application server, you will also want to upgrade your organization’s secondary servers. This article covers the manual and scripted methods to upgrade secondary servers running on Linux operating systems.
The manual method
— Stop the Print Provider service on the Linux Secondary Server systemctl stop pc-event-monitor.service
— Copy the updated files from the Primary Application Server in the following folder: ([app-path]/providers/print/linux-x64/) — Omit these files and directory:
- print-provider.conf
- print-provider.log
- the “spool” directory
— Transfer the folder to the Linux Secondary Server ([app_path]/providers/print/linux-x64/) — After the copy completes, execute these scripts as root:
shell> su - root
shell> sh ~papercut/providers/print/linux-x64/setperms
shell> sh ~papercut/providers/print/linux-x64/roottasks
— Restart the Print Provider service on the Linux Secondary Server systemctl start pc-event-monitor.service
The scripted method
— First, grab a PaperCut NG/MF Linux installer that is the same version as the Application Server. If don’t have the installer, here’s where to get it:
- PaperCut NG customers can find the latest version here: ( https://www.papercut.com/products/ng/upgrade/ )
- PaperCut MF customers, please reach out to your reseller or Authorized Solution Center (ASC) so they can provide you with the Linux installer. Alternatively, you can also find the latest installer by browsing to the PaperCut admin page’s About > Check for updates.
— Second, download the shell script to facilitate the installation here: linuxSecondaryServerUpgrade.zip
NOTE: The script assumes the following:
- Username of the papercut user is: “papercut”
- The Linux server uses systemd
- The Linux server is 64bit
- The system has the ‘rsync’ utility
- The “papercut” user is in the sudo group
— Third, let’s run the script!
- Unzip the shell script into the “papercut” user home directory
- Copy the Linux installer to the “papercut” user home directory
- Make the script executable using chmod:
chmod +x linuxSecondaryServerUpgrade.sh
- Run the script:
./linuxSecondaryServerUpgrade.sh pc-setup-install-file.sh
Once the script finishes, send a few print jobs through the printers hosted by your secondary server and make sure they appear in the Job Log in PaperCut NG/MF.
If you happen to run into any problems, please contact support ( https://support.papercut.com/ ).
Categories: How-to Articles , Print Provider