
Important points to know about PaperCut NG/MF version 24


Last updated January 10, 2025


What are the changes in PaperCut NG/MF v24 and later?

Note that all of these changes apply to all types of licensing (perpetual license and subscription) on version 24.


NG/MF v24.x and later

NG/MF v23.x and earlier


Application Server needs access to the internet when upgrading to version 24.x.



On upgrade to version 24.x from a previous version, the Application Server must be able to connect to the Global Entitlements Service ( over port 443)

If the Application Server does not have an internet connection to the PaperCut Global Entitlements Service, your PaperCut NG/MF install will enter a grace period (30 day grace period if you're running 24.0.1, and a 120 day grace period if you're running 24.0.2 or later), after which time access to most of the pages in the PaperCut NG/MF admin interface will be blocked.

This applies to all customers upgrading to version 24.x.

If your App Server had access to the internet when you upgraded from version 23.x or earlier, to version 24.x, and activation completed successfully, further upgrades (within version 24 e.g. from 24.0.1 to 24.0.2) do not require internet access again, since activation was already successful.

See Important points to know about PaperCut NG/MF licensing (Internet connection requirements) for more information.

Application Server needs access to the internet to claim additional entitlements.



When claiming additional entitlements (for example adding another device to your PaperCut MF Application Server, or adding another user to your PaperCut NG Application Server), the Application Server must be able to connect to the Global Entitlements Service ( over port 443)

If the Application Server does not have an internet connection to the PaperCut Global Entitlements Service, the device will be added with a 7 day grace period (if you're using a perpetual license - applied by a license file), or it will not allow you to add the device (if you're using a Subscription).

See Managing entitlements and Entitlements for offline Application Servers for more information.

Entitlements are shared between Application Servers using the same CRN.



If you have multiple Application Servers (including any test Application Servers) using the same CRN, they will share your license/subscription entitlements between all servers. This includes device entitlements (for PaperCut MF) and user entitlements (for PaperCut NG).

For example if you have a license for 100 devices, and you upgrade your test Application Server running 2 devices, it will claim 2 device entitlements. If you then upgrade your Production Application Server running 100 devices, 2 of those devices will be in a 'Not Licensed' state, since you only have 100 entitlements and you're attempting to use 102 across the two Application Servers.

See the "I upgraded my test Application Server to v24..." question below for more details - or see Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Global set of entitlements) for more information.

When migrating, uninstalling or restoring an Application Server, the old installation needs to be Deactivated.



Entitlements in version 24 and later are managed by the PaperCut Global Entitlements Service (GES). Before migrating or uninstalling an Application Server you need to Deactivate the installation, to tell the GES to release the entitlements. The Application Server has to be connected to the internet for this step.

These entitlements can then be used on another Application Server.

If this wasn't done, or if it wasn't possible to do (for example if the original server was lost in an incident and you needed to restore the server from backups) then:

  • If you're using version 24.0.4 or later, you can deactivate other Application Server installations from the About > Registration > Activated servers table.

  • If you're using version 24.0.3 or earlier, you will need to contact PaperCut tech support to ask them to deactivate that server's entitlements in the back-end. If you're able to, please send us your server.uuid file from C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server\ (or equivalent) or C:\Program Files\PaperCut NG\server\ (or equivalent) and tell us which server.uuid file corresponds to the server you no longer need (if you have it available) or which file corresponds to the server you want to actively use going forward.

See Managing entitlements (Releasing all entitlements from an Application Server) for more information.

Devices in your entitlements are brand neutral.

(with Subscriptions)


In version 23 or earlier, device entitlements are listed on the About tab grouped by brand. Licenses contain brand specific entitlements.

In version 24 and later:

  • When using PaperCut MF subscriptions: device entitlements are brand neutral - listed under About > Registration > Subscription Info and are grouped together by MFD/Full embedded or SFP/Lite embedded types - no matter what brand they are.

  • When using a PaperCut MF perpetual license: device entitlements are brand-specific - listed under About > Registration > License Info and (as above) are grouped together by MFD/Full embedded or SFP/Lite embedded types. However, brand-specific licenses are still required for perpetual licenses. A Brand breakdown table is displayed under About > Registration > License info showing how many devices of each brand are licensed / in use.

See Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Devices are brand neutral) for more information.

License Info section of the admin interface has moved.



In version 24 and later, the 'License Info' section has moved from the About tab, to the About > Registration tab within the PaperCut NG/MF admin interface.

If you become a PaperCut MF subscription customer, the License info section will be replaced with a Subscriptions section.

Note: subscriptions are not available with PaperCut NG.

What else do I need to know before upgrading?

  1. Ensure that you’ve read through and understood the differences introduced in version 24, listed in the table above.
  2. Review the PaperCut MF Known Issues page (in particular, known issues for PaperCut MF 24.0).
  3. Follow the Upgrading PaperCut MF & NG (upgrade steps) documentation to perform the upgrade.


Q Do I have to convert to a PaperCut MF subscription to be able to upgrade to version 24?

No. PaperCut MF version 24 is the first version to support subscriptions, however if you have a current license (for example, say you are licensed for version 22 and have an M&S expiry date of 2026) then you can upgrade to version 24.

Your current license will be converted to what we call a ‘Perpetual license’ on upgrade. To do this, the Application Server needs to be able to connect with the Global Entitlements Service as detailed above.

Perpetual licenses are applied through a license file, and they do not have an expiry date. The alternative is ‘Subscription licensing’, which is applied through an Activation Key, and is associated with a subscription expiry date.

For more information see our Upgrade Policy documentation.

Q Is PaperCut NG available in the 24.0.1 release?

No, however, it is available from version 24.0.3.

Why? Because PaperCut MF version 24.0.1 enabled PaperCut MF subscription functionality only. It did not contain fixes, features or security updates. As a result (since subscriptions are MF-only) this release did not apply to the PaperCut NG product.

See the PaperCut NG version 24 release notes for more information.

Q Where can I find out more about PaperCut MF subscriptions?

Check out What’s new in PaperCut 24.0 which includes information on subscriptions with PaperCut MF. Alternatively have a chat with your PaperCut Partner - you can find their contact information in the PaperCut MF admin interface, under the Help tab (or About tab in older versions).

Q I upgraded my test Application Server to v24, then upgraded my production App Server and found that I don't have enough device entitlements. What do I do?

As detailed in the table above, one of the main changes with version 24 and later is that Application Servers share the total entitlements (including Device licenses) across any Application Servers using the same CRN.

In this case, you can remedy the issue by either releasing the individual device entitlements used by your test devices, or deactivating the licensing for your entire test instance.

Disabling a single device means that the single device entitlement can then be used by another device on one of your Application Servers. Deactivating the entire installation means that all the entitlements used by that server are released (which could include e.g. Print Deploy Zones) for your other Application Server(s) to use.

To do this, on your test Application Server, log in to the PaperCut NG/MF admin interface then perform one of these options:

  • To deactivate the entire test instance, navigate to About > Registration > License Info > Activated servers, then click the Deactivate link next to the server you wish to deactivate.
  • To release individual device entitlements, navigate to Devices > [select the device] > Summary > Configuration, then set the Enable/Disable dropdown to Disabled indefinitely (Not Licensed).

See Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Global set of entitlements) for more information.

Q I upgraded to version 24 but discovered that my organization isn't yet ready for the changes listed above. Can I roll back to version 23 (or earlier)?

Yes, you can downgrade to an older version using the database backup that you took prior to upgrading. For more details, follow the Downgrading PaperCut (to an older version) steps.

Q Upgrading to PaperCut MF version 24.0.1 or NG 24.0.3 requires an internet connection - will there be an offline activation process?

Normally, all servers being upgraded will require an active internet connection to activate the installation after the upgrade. After upgrading, internet access can be removed. If the Application Server does not have an internet connection to the PaperCut Global Entitlements Service, your PaperCut NG/MF install will enter a 120 day grace period, after which time access to most of the pages in the PaperCut NG/MF admin interface will be blocked.

In exceptional circumstances where servers cannot have any outbound internet access whatsoever, contact your Accredited Reseller to discuss total offline activation options. Your Accredited Reseller’s contact info can be found on the Help tab in the admin interface

Q I'm currently running a version older than 22.1.1, is there anything extra I need to do?

Yes! As well as the changes in version 24.0.1 listed above, we made a number of significant changes in version 22.1.1 - so if you’re upgrading from a version older than that, it’s worth reviewing the PaperCut NG/MF 22.1.1 upgrade checklist too.

