
Apply watermarks and digital signatures to printed documents

This page applies to:

🔎 Admin console: Print Security > Watermarking / Digital Signatures

Watermarking can help visually identify who printed a document, along with other useful information such as the print date and time.

A digital signature is a code that’s unique to every single document printed using PaperCut Hive or Pocket. The signature for every printed document is recorded in the Job Log.

📄 To learn more, see About watermarks and digital signatures on printed documents . Or learn more about securing your print environment .


To configure either or both:

  1. In the admin console, go to Print Security > Watermarking. The After Printing panel is displayed.
  2. To enable watermarks, click the Watermarking toggle to on (green).

    In the Watermarking Text box, make any adjustments to the default text provided. Take a look at the list of variables underneath and copy and paste any that you want to include in the watermark.
  3. To enable digital signatures, click the Digital Signatures toggle to on (green).
  4. In the Options section, set the position, gray level, and text size for the watermark and/or signature.
  5. Click Save changes.
