When deploying the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive edge node and print client with JumpCloud Device Management, we split the deployment into two parts: first the edge node, and then the print client.
The edge node
- The computer app is run with elevated privileges, so it doesn’t require the user to be logged in.
- The computer app creates the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive edge node Windows service, and PaperCut Printer object.
- The edge node can be deployed without a print client. For example, you can install a super node on Windows Server.
- The edge node must be deployed before installing the print client.
The print client
- The computer app creates the print client processes for print job submission.
- It installs files and processes in the Users Security Context.
- The install runs as “Run as logged on User”.
- After successful execution, it requires the user to perform the linking process via their email invite.
- You have already rolled out the JumpCloud Agent to your Windows computers.
- Cloud storage is available to host the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive computer app installer.
Create the JumpCloud Commands and install the edge node and print client on users’ computers
You need to create separate JumpCloud commands to deploy the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive edge node and print client to your users’ computers.
1. Create the Command and deploy the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive edge node
Go to PaperCut Hive Admin console > Manage > Edge Mesh and click Add edge nodes.
PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive admin interface - Add an edge node
Select Manually deploy edge nodes.
Click Download for Windows to download the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive computer app (papercut-pocket.exe or papercut-hive.exe). Copy the downloaded file to your preferred cloud storage provider. (In this example we are using DropBox.)
Under Step 2, click the Copy button to copy the command line, and then paste it into a text editor. You’ll need the /systemkey value later.
Log in to JumpCloud and under Device Management navigate to Commands.
Add a new Command by clicking on the plus icon and selecting Command.
In the Name field type PaperCut Pocket edge node Install v2.0 or PaperCut Hive edge node Install v2.0
Select Windows for Type and check the Windows Powershell checkbox.
Paste the following script into the Command field.
#JumpCloud Command Script to install PaperCut Hive edge node v2.0
$folder = 'C:\Program files\PaperCut Hive'
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Folder)) {
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://your-cloud-storage-location/papercut-hive.exe", "C:\TEMP\papercut-hive.exe")
start-process -FilePath "C:Temp\papercut-hive.exe" -ArgumentList '/VERYSILENT /systemKey="xxxxxxxxxxx"'
else { }
Replace the
value in the script with the/systemkey
value you noted down in Step 4.Edit the DownloadFile URL to the URL of where you have made the papercut-pocket.exe or papercut-hive.exe availale.
For initial testing set the Launch Event to Run Manually. Once fully tested and you are comfortable you can change the Launch Event to run on a scheduled basis.
JumpCloud - PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive edge node Command
Click on Devices to select your test computer that you wish to deploy PaperCut Hive edge node to. Best practice is to test the deployment to a test computer end to end before pushing out to a greater number of computers.
JumpCloud - PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive edge node Command
Click Save to save the Command.
Locate the PaperCut Pocket edge node Install v2.0 or PaperCut Hive edge node Install v2.0 Command from the list on the Commands page you are now on, and click the Run Now button for this command to execute it.
The PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive edge node is then deployed to your test computer(s).
2. Create the Command and Deploy PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive print client
For the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive print client, you need to copy the installation command syntax from the InTune Add-on instructions. This contains the /userkey
switch that signals the papercut-pocket.exe or papercut-hive.exe to create the user directories and processes.
From the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive Admin console, under Manage select Add-ons > All Add-ons > Desktop App Deployment with Microsoft Intune.
Click Learn More and Add. The Intune Add-on is now part of your “Added” Add-ons.
PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive - InTune Add-on
On the Intune Add-on, select Manage and Follow these instructions.
PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive - InTune Add-on
Select View set up process and scroll down to Install the user component.
Go to step 7, copy the Install command string, and paste it into a text editor.
PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive - print client /userkey
Go to JumpCloud, log in again, and under Device Management navigate to Commands.
Add a new command by clicking on the + icon and selecting Command.
In the Name field, type PaperCut Pocket print client Install V2.0 or PaperCut Hive print client Install V2.0.
Select Windows for Type and check the Windows Powershell checkbox.
Paste the following script in to the Command field ensuring that you replace:
value with the/userkey
value from the install command you saved in Step 5./region
value with the/region
value from the install command you saved in Step 5. (If there is no region value then you can ignore this step)./orgId
value with the/orgId
value from the install command you saved in Step 5.
#JumpCloud Command Script to install PaperCut Hive print client v2.0
$folder = '%localappdata%\Programs\PaperCut Hive'
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Folder)) {
# If PSModule RunAsUser is not installed, install it
if ( -not (get-installedModule "RunAsUser" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
install-module RunAsUser -force
$Command = {
C:\Temp\papercut-hive.exe /VERYSILENT /CURRENTUSER /userkey="xxxxxxxxxxx" /region="yy"/orgId="zzzzzzzz"
invoke-ascurrentuser -scriptblock $Command
For initial testing set the Launch Event to Run Manually you can change this to be scheduled later once you have finished your testing.
JumpCloud - PaperCut Pocket/PaperCut Hive print client Command
Click on Devices to select your test workstation that you wish to deploy the PaperCut Hive print client. Best practice is to test the deployment to a test computer end to end before pushing out to a greater number of computers.
JumpCloud - PaperCut/PaperCut Hive print client Command
Click on the Save button to save the command.
Locate the PaperCut Pocket print client Install V2.0 or PaperCut Hive print client Install V2.0 Command from the list on the Commands page you are now on, and click on the Run Now button for this command to execute it.
The PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive print client is then deployed to your test computer(s).
After both components are deployed, spot-check your test computer to ensure the following:
- In Task Manager, check the
is running.
The Windows PC requires this service to perform Edge Mesh activities such as receiving, replicating, or printing jobs if the PaperCut Cloud Service calls upon it. - In Task Manager, check that
is running.
This is the print client needed to link the end-user to PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive and submit jobs via the PaperCut Printer. This process must be running in memory. It provides the functions the user needs to print jobs via the PaperCut Printer.
If either of these are not running, please contact your PaperCut reseller and provide copies of the logs.
Locations of logs
- Edge node service and setup logs:
C:\Program Files\PaperCut Hive\data\logs
orC:\Program Files\PaperCut Pocket\data\logs
- User print client logs:
%AppData%\Local\Programs\PaperCut Hive\data\logs
or%AppData%\Local\Programs\PaperCut Pocket\data\logs
- User client set up logs:
%AppData%\Local\Programs\PaperCut Hive\data\logs
or%AppData%\Local\Programs\PaperCut Pocket\data\logs