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Install the Print Deploy client manually on computers

This page applies to:

Install the Print Deploy client for Windows/macOS

  1. Log into the web interface of the PaperCut NG/MF server as an admin.

  2. Click Enable Printing. The Print Deploy page is displayed. Then click on the Clients tab.

  3. Click on the icon of the client you wish to install. For the Windows, macOS clients specifically the Print Deploy client is downloaded with the server address in the filename, so the client knows which server to connect to for the print queue information. So do not rename the file.

    Screenshot showing the different buttons to download the Print Deploy client for different operating systems.
  4. Copy this installer to the user’s computer and run the file.

  5. Run through the installation wizard and click Finish.

    Depending on the method configured for Print Deploy to determine the user’s identity, users might be presented with a login screen to enter their PaperCut username and password.

Users will now be able to use the Print Deploy client to choose printers to install (depending if the Admin has set this up) and have other printers automatically installed for them.

Install the Print Deploy client for Linux

  1. Log into the web interface of the PaperCut NG/MF server as an admin.

  2. Click Enable Printing. The Print Deploy page is displayed. Then click on the Clients tab.

  3. Click the appropriate Linux.deb or Linux.rpm button. The Print Deploy client is downloaded with the server address in the filename, so the client knows which server to connect to for the print queue information. So do not rename the file.

    Screenshot showing the different buttons to download the Print Deploy client for different operating systems.
  4. Copy this installer to the user’s computer and run the file.

  5. Run the .deb or .rpm installer with sudo in your preferred terminal / command line program.

    .rpm based distributions: sudo yum localinstall <client-installer>\[<hostname>\].rpm

    .deb based distributions: sudo dpkg -i <client-installer>\[<hostname>\].deb

    More about installation parameters available here

    Depending on the method configured for Print Deploy to determine the user’s identity, users might be presented with a login screen to enter their PaperCut username and password.

(Optional) Customize the user login popup

Depending on the method you’ve chosen to determine the user’s identity , users might be presented with a one-off user login popup for authentication. For details on how to customize the branding and text on the popup, go to Customize the Print Deploy user login popup branding and text .
