
Automatically route jobs to other printers


Last updated June 13, 2024

I’ve got certain types of jobs that should really only be processed by one particular printer in my system- can I do something to automate this?

Yes! As long as you’re on version 10.1 or newer, this is supported via the Advanced Scripting feature! Even if you’re not a coding-wiz you can still access this ability through some of our pre-existing script recipes.

Some things to consider

  • The driver of the queue you’re rerouting from needs to be compatible with the machine that you’re re-routing to. If you experience issues with print jobs that have been rerouted, try tinkering with the drivers.
  • If the printers just will not cooperate with common drivers, you may want to consider a notification and cancellation script to notify the user that they need to manually send the job to the proper queue.

Adding a script to a printer

  1. Navigate to the printer menu that you want to route jobs away from (NOT the printer you’re re-routing to)

  2. Click on the scripting tab.

  3. Click Enable Print Script

  4. Click Import Recipe

  5. Select the best recipe for your needs and modify as necessary (change printer names and environmental-specifics for your organization)

Re-routing script recipes (Select one in PaperCut):

This topic is closely related to find me printing - a standard feature in PaperCut that you can read about here.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can build your own script using our Print Scripting API Reference.

Categories: Reference Articles , Scripting and APIs

Keywords: print redirection , re-print , rollover , direct
